16 research outputs found

    Using a state cancer registry to recruit young breast cancer survivors and high-risk relatives: protocol of a randomized trial testing the efficacy of a targeted versus a tailored intervention to increase breast cancer screening

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    Abstract Background The Michigan Prevention Research Center, the University of Michigan Schools of Nursing, Public Health, and Medicine, and the Michigan Department of Community Health propose a multidisciplinary academic-clinical practice three-year project to increase breast cancer screening among young breast cancer survivors and their cancer-free female relatives at greatest risk for breast cancer. Methods/design The study has three specific aims: 1) Identify and survey 3,000 young breast cancer survivors (diagnosed at 20–45 years old) regarding their breast cancer screening utilization. 2) Identify and survey survivors’ high-risk relatives regarding their breast cancer screening utilization. 3) Test two versions (Targeted vs. Enhanced Tailored) of an intervention to increase breast cancer screening among survivors and relatives. Following approval by human subjects review boards, 3,000 young breast cancer survivors will be identified through the Michigan Cancer Registry and mailed an invitation letter and a baseline survey. The baseline survey will obtain information on the survivors’: a) current breast cancer screening status and use of genetic counseling; b) perceived barriers and facilitators to screening; c) family health history. Based on the family history information provided by survivors, we will identify up to two high-risk relatives per survivor. Young breast cancer survivors will be mailed consent forms and baseline surveys to distribute to their selected high-risk relatives. Relatives’ baseline survey will obtain information on their: a) current breast cancer screening status and use of genetic counseling; and b) perceived barriers and facilitators to screening. Young breast cancer survivors and high-risk relatives will be randomized as a family unit to receive two versions of an intervention aiming to increase breast cancer screening and use of cancer genetic services. A follow-up survey will be mailed 9 months after the intervention to survivors and high-risk relatives to evaluate the efficacy of each intervention version on: a) use of breast cancer screening and genetic counseling; b) perceived barriers and facilitators to screening; c) self-efficacy in utilizing cancer genetic and screening services; d) family support related to screening; e) knowledge of breast cancer genetics; and f) satisfaction with the intervention. Discussion The study will enhance efforts of the state of Michigan surrounding cancer prevention, control, and public health genomics. Trial registration NCT01612338http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112835/1/12885_2012_Article_3739.pd

    Using a state cancer registry to recruit young breast cancer survivors and high-risk relatives: protocol of a randomized trial testing the efficacy of a targeted versus a tailored intervention to increast breast cancer screening

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    BACKGROUND: The Michigan Prevention Research Center, the University of Michigan Schools of Nursing, Public Health, and Medicine, and the Michigan Department of Community Health propose a multidisciplinary academic-clinical practice three-year project to increase breast cancer screening among young breast cancer survivors and their cancer-free female relatives at greatest risk for breast cancer. METHODS/DESIGN: The study has three specific aims: 1) Identify and survey 3,000 young breast cancer survivors (diagnosed at 20-45 years old) regarding their breast cancer screening utilization. 2) Identify and survey survivors' high-risk relatives regarding their breast cancer screening utilization. 3) Test two versions (Targeted vs. Enhanced Tailored) of an intervention to increase breast cancer screening among survivors and relatives. Following approval by human subjects review boards, 3,000 young breast cancer survivors will be identified through the Michigan Cancer Registry and mailed an invitation letter and a baseline survey. The baseline survey will obtain information on the survivors': a) current breast cancer screening status and use of genetic counseling; b) perceived barriers and facilitators to screening; c) family health history. Based on the family history information provided by survivors, we will identify up to two high-risk relatives per survivor. Young breast cancer survivors will be mailed consent forms and baseline surveys to distribute to their selected high-risk relatives. Relatives' baseline survey will obtain information on their: a) current breast cancer screening status and use of genetic counseling; and b) perceived barriers and facilitators to screening. Young breast cancer survivors and high-risk relatives will be randomized as a family unit to receive two versions of an intervention aiming to increase breast cancer screening and use of cancer genetic services. A follow-up survey will be mailed 9 months after the intervention to survivors and high-risk relatives to evaluate the efficacy of each intervention version on: a) use of breast cancer screening and genetic counseling; b) perceived barriers and facilitators to screening; c) self-efficacy in utilizing cancer genetic and screening services; d) family support related to screening; e) knowledge of breast cancer genetics; and f) satisfaction with the intervention. DISCUSSION: The study will enhance efforts of the state of Michigan surrounding cancer prevention, control, and public health genomics

    Efficient polymer passivation of ligand-stripped nanocrystal surfaces

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    Water-dispersible, polymer-wrapped nanocrystals are highly sought after for use in biol. and chem., from nanomedicine to catalysis. The hydrophobicity of their native ligand shell, however, is a significant barrier to their aq. transfer as single particles. Ligand exchange with hydrophilic small mols. or, alternatively, wrapping over native ligands with amphiphilic polymers is widely employed for aq. transfer; however, purifn. can be quite cumbersome. We report here a general two-step method whereby reactive stripping of native ligands is first carried out using trialkyloxonium salts to reveal a bare nanocrystal surface. This is followed by chem. directed immobilization of a hydrophilic polymer coating. Polyacrylic acids, with side-chain grafts or functional end groups, were found to be extremely versatile in this regard. The resulting polymer-wrapped nanocrystal dispersions retained much of the compact size of their bare nanocrystal precursors, highlighting the unique role of monomer side-chain functionality to serve as effective, conformal ligation motifs. As such, they are well poised for applications where tailored chem. functionality at the nanocrystal's periphery or improved access to their surfaces is desirable. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem, 2012

    Socioeconomic status, energy cost, and nutrient content of supermarket food purchases

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    BACKGROUND: The relative affordability of energy-dense versus nutrient-rich foods may promote socioeconomic disparities in dietary quality and obesity. Although supermarkets are the largest food source in the American diet, the associations between SES and the cost and nutrient content of freely chosen food purchases have not been described. PURPOSE: To investigate relationships of SES with the energy cost (/1000kcal)andnutrientcontentoffreelychosensupermarketpurchases.METHODS:Supermarketshoppers(n=69)wererecruitedataPhoenixAZsupermarketin2009.Theenergycostandnutrientcontentofparticipants2˘7purchaseswerecalculatedfromphotographsoffoodpackagingandnutritionlabelsusingdietaryanalysissoftware.Datawereanalyzedin20102011.RESULTS:TwoSESindicators,educationandhouseholdincomeasapercentageofthefederalpovertyguideline(FPG),wereassociatedwiththeenergycostofpurchasedfoods.Adjustingforcovariates,theamountspenton1000kcaloffoodwas/1000 kcal) and nutrient content of freely chosen supermarket purchases. METHODS: Supermarket shoppers (n=69) were recruited at a Phoenix AZ supermarket in 2009. The energy cost and nutrient content of participants\u27 purchases were calculated from photographs of food packaging and nutrition labels using dietary analysis software. Data were analyzed in 2010-2011. RESULTS: Two SES indicators, education and household income as a percentage of the federal poverty guideline (FPG), were associated with the energy cost of purchased foods. Adjusting for covariates, the amount spent on 1000 kcal of food was 0.26 greater for every multiple of the FPG, and those with a baccalaureate or postbaccalaureate degree spent an additional $1.05 for every 1000 kcal of food compared to those with no college education. Lower energy cost was associated with higher total fat and less protein, dietary fiber, and vegetables per 1000 kcal purchased. CONCLUSIONS: Low-SES supermarket shoppers purchase calories in inexpensive forms that are higher in fat and less nutrient-rich. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Optimizing Fertility Treatment With Nutrition Guidance: Exploring Barriers and Facilitators to Healthful Nutrition Among Female Cancer Survivors With Fertility Challenges

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    Introduction: Young women diagnosed with cancer are at an increased risk for infertility compared to women without a cancer diagnosis. Consuming a healthful diet comprised of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and unsaturated fats has been found to improve both fertility and cancer survivorship. Given this reason, dietary interventions tailored to support female cancer survivors with fertility challenges are of immense importance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore barriers and facilitators to healthful nutrition among female cancer survivors with fertility challenges, to inform the development of dietary interventions for this population. Methods: Using a formative research design, interview, survey, and dietary intake data were collected from 20 female cancer survivors of reproductive age. Participant-check focus group discussions were conducted to validate findings. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Transcripts were coded and analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. Quantitative data were analyzed using means, standard deviations, ranges, frequencies, and percentages. Results: The average age of respondents was 31.47 ± 3.5 years and the average BMI was 24.78 ± 4.1 kg/m 2 . All participants were college educated, 45% identified as White, 50% as Black, and 10% as Hispanic or Latinx. Cancer diagnoses included breast, thyroid, ovarian, leukemia, and gastrointestinal cancers. The following themes were identified: (1) Lack of nutrition-related resources and detailed guidance, (2) Work-life balance, (3) Perceived rigidity of dietary guidance, (4) Treatment-related fatigue, (5) Having trust in healthcare providers, (6) Higher motivation to change nutrition behavior, and (7) Recognizing the additional benefits of nutrition. Conclusion: These findings indicate a sought-after yet unmet need for post-cancer treatment fertility nutrition recommendations. Interventions should be tailored to women’s needs and focus on improving their self-efficacy to make healthful dietary choices

    Quantifying engineered nanomaterial toxicity: comparison of common cytotoxicity and gene expression measurements

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    Abstract Background When evaluating the toxicity of engineered nanomaterials (ENMS) it is important to use multiple bioassays based on different mechanisms of action. In this regard we evaluated the use of gene expression and common cytotoxicity measurements using as test materials, two selected nanoparticles with known differences in toxicity, 5 nm mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA)-capped InP and CdSe quantum dots (QDs). We tested the effects of these QDs at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 160 µg/mL on cultured normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells using four common cytotoxicity assays: the dichlorofluorescein assay for reactive oxygen species (ROS), the lactate dehydrogenase assay for membrane viability (LDH), the mitochondrial dehydrogenase assay for mitochondrial function, and the Comet assay for DNA strand breaks. Results The cytotoxicity assays showed similar trends when exposed to nanoparticles for 24 h at 80 µg/mL with a threefold increase in ROS with exposure to CdSe QDs compared to an insignificant change in ROS levels after exposure to InP QDs, a twofold increase in the LDH necrosis assay in NHBE cells with exposure to CdSe QDs compared to a 50% decrease for InP QDs, a 60% decrease in the mitochondrial function assay upon exposure to CdSe QDs compared to a minimal increase in the case of InP and significant DNA strand breaks after exposure to CdSe QDs compared to no significant DNA strand breaks with InP. High-throughput quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) data for cells exposed for 6 h at a concentration of 80 µg/mL were consistent with the cytotoxicity assays showing major differences in DNA damage, DNA repair and mitochondrial function gene regulatory responses to the CdSe and InP QDs. The BRCA2, CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CDK1, SFN and VEGFA genes were observed to be upregulated specifically from increased CdSe exposure and suggests their possible utility as biomarkers for toxicity. Conclusions This study can serve as a model for comparing traditional cytotoxicity assays and gene expression measurements and to determine candidate biomarkers for assessing the biocompatibility of ENMs