39 research outputs found

    Real Time Enzyme Inhibition Assays Provide Insights into Differences in Binding of Neuraminidase Inhibitors to Wild Type and Mutant Influenza Viruses

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    The influenza neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors zanamivir, oseltamivir and peramivir were all designed based on the knowledge that the transition state analogue of the cleaved sialic acid, 2-deoxy,2,3-dehydro N-acetyl neuraminic acid (DANA) was a weak inhibitor of NA. While DANA bound rapidly to the NA, modifications leading to the improved potency of these new inhibitors also conferred a time dependent or slow binding phenotype. Many mutations in the NA leading to decreased susceptibility result in loss of slow binding, hence this is a phenotypic marker of many but not all resistant NAs. We present here a simplified approach to determine whether an inhibitor is fast or slow binding by extending the endpoint fluorescent enzyme inhibition assay to a real time assay and monitoring the changes in IC50s with time. We carried out two reactions, one with a 30 min preincubation with inhibitor and the second without. The enzymatic reaction was started via addition of substrate and IC50s were calculated after each 10 min interval up to 60 min. Results showed that without preincubation IC50s for the wild type viruses started high and although they decreased continuously over the 60 min reaction time the final IC50s remained higher than for pre-incubated samples. These results indicate a slow equilibrium of association and dissociation and are consistent with slow binding of the inhibitors. In contrast, for viruses with decreased susceptibility, preincubation had minimal effect on the IC50s, consistent with fast binding. Therefore this modified assay provides additional phenotypic information about the rate of inhibitor binding in addition to the IC50, and critically demonstrates the differential effect of incubation times on the IC50 and Ki values of wild type and mutant viruses for each of the inhibitors

    Reduced Sensitivity of Influenza A (H5N1) to Oseltamivir

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    We tested the neuraminidase drug sensitivity of clade 1 and clade 2 influenza A virus (H5N1). All viruses demonstrated similar sensitivity to zanamivir, but compared to the 2004 clade 1 viruses, the Cambodian 2005 viruses were 6-fold less sensitive and the Indonesian clade 2 viruses were up to 30-fold less sensitive to oseltamivir

    Structural and functional analysis of anti-influenza activity of 4-, 7-, 8- and 9-deoxygenated 2,3-difluoro-N-acetylneuraminic acid derivatives

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    Competitive inhibitors of the influenza neuraminidase (NA) were discovered almost 20 years ago, with zanamivir and oseltamivir licensed globally. These compounds are based on a transition state analogue of the sialic acid substrate. We recently showed that 5-N-(acetylamino)-2,3,5-trideoxy-2,3-difluoro-d-erythro-Ξ²-l-manno-2-nonulopyranosonic acid (DFSA) and its derivatives are also potent inhibitors of the influenza NA. They are mechanism based inhibitors, forming a covalent bond between the C2 of the sugar ring and Y406 in the NA active site, thus inactivating the enzyme. We have now synthesized a series of deoxygenated DFSA derivatives in order to understand the contribution of each hydroxyl in DFSA to binding and inhibition of the influenza NA. We have investigated their relative efficacy in enzyme assays in vitro, in cell culture, and by X-ray crystallography. We found loss of the 8- and 9-OH had the biggest impact on the affinity of binding and antiviral potency.</p

    The Interaction of Neuraminidase and Hemagglutinin Mutations in Influenza Virus in Resistance to 4-Guanidino-Neu5Ac2en

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    AbstractWe have previously described a 4-guanidino-Neu5Ac2en (zanamivir)-resistant neuraminidase (NA) variant G70C4-G, with an active site mutation Glu 119 to Gly. This variant has been found to also harbor a hemagglutinin (HA) mutation in the receptor binding site, Ser 186 to Phe. Examination of early passages of the G70C4-G virus revealed that this HA mutation had arisen by the first passage. From a subsequent passage two transient variants were isolated which had each acquired a different second HA mutation, Ser 165 to Asn and Lys 222 to Thr. Both were highly drug resistant and drug dependent and their ability to adsorb to and penetrate cells was decreased. Comparison of drug sensitivities between the variant, with the additional HA mutation at Ser 165, and viruses with either mutation alone revealed that these two HA mutations acted synergistically to increase resistance. To determine the contribution to resistance of each of the NA and HA mutations in G70C4-G, the NA mutation was separated from the HA mutation by reassorting. The NA mutation and the HA mutation each conferred low-level resistance to zanamivir, while the two mutations interacted synergistically in the double mutant to give higher resistancein vitro.Infectivity was not adversely affected in the double mutant and while there was a small decrease in sensitivity to zanamivir in the mouse model, there was no detectable resistance to zanamivir in the ferret model

    Influenza Virus Neuraminidase Structure and Functions

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    With the constant threat of emergence of a novel influenza virus pandemic, there must be continued evaluation of the molecular mechanisms that contribute to virulence. Although the influenza A virus surface glycoprotein neuraminidase (NA) has been studied mainly in the context of its role in viral release from cells, accumulating evidence suggests it plays an important, multifunctional role in virus infection and fitness. This review investigates the various structural features of NA, linking these with functional outcomes in viral replication. The contribution of evolving NA activity to viral attachment, entry and release of virions from infected cells, and maintenance of functional balance with the viral hemagglutinin are also discussed. Greater insight into the role of this important antiviral drug target is warranted

    A Generic System for the Expression and Purification of Soluble and Stable Influenza Neuraminidase

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    The influenza surface glycoprotein neuraminidase (NA) is essential for the efficient spread of the virus. Antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza (zanamivir) that inhibit NA enzyme activity have been shown to be effective in the treatment of influenza infections. The recent β€˜swine flu’ pandemic and world-wide emergence of Tamiflu-resistant seasonal human influenza A(H1N1) H274Y have highlighted the need for the ongoing development of new anti-virals, efficient production of vaccine proteins and novel diagnostic tools. Each of these goals could benefit from the production of large quantities of highly pure and stable NA. This publication describes a generic expression system for NAs in a baculovirus Expression Vector System (BEVS) that is capable of expressing milligram amounts of recombinant NA. To construct NAs with increased stability, the natural influenza NA stalk was replaced by two different artificial tetramerization domains that drive the formation of catalytically active NA homotetramers: GCN4-pLI from yeast or the Tetrabrachion tetramerization domain from Staphylothermus marinus. Both recombinant NAs are secreted as FLAG-tagged proteins to allow for rapid and simple purification. The Tetrabrachion-based NA showed good solubility, increased stability and biochemical properties closer to the original viral NA than the GCN4-pLI based construct. The expressed quantities and high quality of the purified recombinant NA suggest that this expression system is capable of producing recombinant NA for a broad range of applications including high-throughput drug screening, protein crystallisation, or vaccine development

    Taking down the FLAG! How Insect Cell Expression Challenges an Established Tag-System

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    In 1988 the preceding journal of Nature Biotechnology, Bio/Technology, reported a work by Hopp and co-workers about a new tag system for the identification and purification of recombinant proteins: the FLAG-tag. Beside the extensively used hexa-his tag system the FLAG-tag has gained broad popularity due to its small size, its high solubility, the presence of an internal Enterokinase cleavage site, and the commercial availability of high-affinity anti-FLAG antibodies. Surprisingly, considering the heavy use of FLAG in numerous laboratories world-wide, we identified in insect cells a post-translational modification (PTM) that abolishes the FLAG-anti-FLAG interaction rendering this tag system ineffectual for secreted proteins. The present publication shows that the tyrosine that is part of the crucial FLAG epitope DYK is highly susceptible to sulfation, a PTM catalysed by the enzyme family of Tyrosylprotein-Sulfo-transferases (TPSTs). We showed that this modification can result in less than 20% of secreted FLAG-tagged protein being accessible for purification questioning the universal applicability of this established tag system

    Meeting report: 4th ISIRV antiviral group conference: Novel antiviral therapies for influenza and other respiratory viruses

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    The International Society for Influenza and other Respiratory Virus Diseases (isirv) held its 4th Antiviral Group Conference at the University of Texas on 2e4 June, 2015. With emerging resistance to the drugs currently licensed for treatment and prophylaxis of influenza viruses, primarily the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu) and the M2 inhibitors amantadine and rimantadine, and the lack of effective interventions against other respiratory viruses, the 3-day programme focused on the discovery and development of inhibitors of several virus targets and key host cell factors involved in virus replication or mediating the inflammatory response. Virus targets included the influenza haemagglutinin, neuraminidase and M2 proteins, and both the respiratory syncytial virus and influenza polymerases and nucleoproteins. Therapies for rhinoviruses and MERS and SARS coronaviruses were also discussed. With the emerging development of monoclonal antibodies as therapeutics, the potential implications of antibody-dependent enhancement of disease were also addressed. Topics covered all aspects from structural and molecular biology to preclinical and clinical studies. The importance of suitable clinical trial endpoints and regulatory issues were also discussed from the perspectives of both industry and government. This meeting summary provides an overview, not only for the conference participants, but also for those interested in the current status of antivirals for respiratory viruses