134 research outputs found

    Domoic Acid Transfer to Milk: Evaluation of a Potential Route of Neonatal Exposure

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    Domoic acid (DA), produced by the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia, is a glutamate analog and a neurotoxin in humans. During diatom blooms, DA can contaminate filter-feeding organisms, such as shellfish, and can be transferred by ingestion to higher trophic levels. Several intoxication events involving both humans and various marine mammals have been attributed to DA. Affected organisms show neurological symptoms such as seizures, ataxia, headweaving, and stereotypic scratching, as well as prolonged deficits in memory and learning. Neonatal animals have been shown to be substantially more sensitive to DA than adults. However, it has not been demonstrated whether DA can be transferred to nursing young from DA-exposed mothers. This study demonstrates transfer of DA from spiked milk (0.3 and 1.0 mg/kg) to the plasma of nursing neonatal rats and an overall longer DA retention in milk than in plasma after 8 hr in exposed dams. DA was detectable in milk up to 24 hr after exposure (1.0 mg/kg) of the mothers, although the amount of DA transferred to milk after exposure was not sufficient to cause acute symptoms in neonates

    Changes in Phytoplankton and Bacterioplankton Biomass and Rate Processes in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, in Response to Reduction in River Discharge

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    Bacterioplankton abundance and chlorophyll concentration and the factors that control them (temperature, nutrient concentrations, and rates of growth, grazing, and export) were studied in Apalachicola Bay, FL, during two summers with contrasting river discharge. A reduction in river discharge from the summer of 2003 (S03) to the summer of 2004 (S04) led to a reduction in estuarine concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and rates of export, phytoplankton and bacterioplankton growth, and microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton and bacterioplankton. Bacterioplankton abundance and chlorophyll concentration during S03 were not significantly different from those during S04. Neither the growth rates and abundances of ciliates nor the egg production rates and abundances of Acartia tonsa were significantly affected by the reduction in rate processes of bacterioplankton or phytoplankton. The proposed diversion of freshwater from the Apalachicola River during summer months may lead to substantial changes in the rate processes of bacterioplankton and phytoplankton, but little change in the standing stocks of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton, ciliates, A. tonsa, or ciliate growth rates and A. tonsa egg production rates

    Intern Self-Care: An Exploratory Study Into Strategy Use and Effectiveness

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    In this exploratory study, 363 interns were surveyed to assess the frequency of use and effectiveness of self-care strategies used during the internship year. Among the most frequently used strategies were family and friend social support, active problem solving, and humor. The most effective strategies were family and friend social support, seeking pleasurable experiences, and humor. A strong positive relationship was found between total scores for Frequency and Effectiveness subscales, and women reported significantly more use and effectiveness of strategies. Recommendations and resources are provided for interns and internship sites that seek to further understand and encourage intern self-care

    “I Felt Like a Superhero”: The Experience of Responding to Drug Overdose Among Individuals Trained in Overdose Prevention

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    BACKGROUND: Overdose prevention programs (OPPs) train people who inject drugs and other community members to prevent, recognise and respond to opioid overdose. However, little is known about the experience of taking up the role of an overdose responder for the participants. METHODS: We present findings from qualitative interviews with 30 participants from two OPPs in Los Angeles, CA, USA from 2010 to 2011 who had responded to at least one overdose since being trained in overdose prevention and response. RESULTS: Being trained by an OPP and responding to overdoses had both positive and negative effects for trained responders . Positive effects include an increased sense of control and confidence, feelings of heroism and pride, and a recognition and appreciation of one\u27s expertise. Negative effects include a sense of burden, regret, fear, and anger, which sometimes led to cutting social ties, but might also be mitigated by the increased empowerment associated with the positive effects. CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that becoming an overdose responder can involve taking up a new social role that has positive effects, but also confers some stress that may require additional support. OPPs should provide flexible opportunities for social support to individuals making the transition to this new and critical social role. Equipping individuals with the skills, technology, and support they need to respond to drug overdose has the potential to confer both individual and community-wide benefits

    Correlates and Consequences of Opioid Misuse among High-Risk Young Adults

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    Background. Prescription opioids are the most frequently misused class of prescription drug among young adults aged 18-25, yet trajectories of opioid misuse and escalation are understudied. We sought to model opioid misuse patterns and relationships between opioid misuse, sociodemographic factors, and other substance uses. Methods. Participants were 575 young adults age 16-25 who had misused opioids in the last 90 days. Latent class analysis was performed with models based on years of misuse, recency of misuse, and alternate modes of administration within the past 12 months, 3 months, and 30 days. Results. Four latent classes emerged that were differentially associated with heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine use, tranquilizer misuse, daily opioid misuse, and opioid withdrawal. Alternate modes of administering opioids were associated with increased risk for these outcomes. Sociodemographic factors, homelessness, prescription history, and history of parental drug use were significantly associated with riskier opioid misuse trajectories. Conclusion. Young adults who reported more debilitating experiences as children and adolescents misused opioids longer and engaged in higher risk alternate modes of administering opioids. Data on decisions both to use and to alter a drug's form can be combined to describe patterns of misuse over time and predict important risk behaviors

    Activation loop dynamics are controlled by conformation-selective inhibitors of ERK2

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    Conformational selection by small molecules expands inhibitory possibilities for protein kinases. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase ERK2 have shown that activation by dual phosphorylation induces global motions involving exchange between two states, L and R. We show that ERK inhibitors Vertex-11e and SCH772984 exploit the small energetic difference between L and R to shift the equilibrium in opposing directions. An X-ray structure of active 2P-ERK2 complexed with AMP-PNP reveals a shift in the Gly-rich loop along with domain closure to position the nucleotide in a more catalytically productive conformation relative to inactive 0P-ERK2:ATP. X-ray structures of 2P-ERK2 complexed with Vertex-11e or GDC-0994 recapitulate this closure, which is blocked in a complex with a SCH772984 analog. Thus, the L→R shift in 2P-ERK2 is associated with movements needed to form a competent active site. Solution measurements by hydrogen-exchange mass spectrometry (HX-MS) reveal distinct binding interactions for Vertex-11e, GDC-0994, and AMP-PNP with active vs. inactive ERK2, where the extent of HX protection correlates with R state formation. Furthermore, Vertex-11e and SCH772984 show opposite effects on HX near the activation loop. Consequently, these inhibitors differentially affect MAP kinase phosphatase activity toward 2P-ERK2. We conclude that global motions in ERK2 reflect conformational changes at the active site that promote productive nucleotide binding and couple with changes at the activation loop to allow control of dephosphorylation by conformationally selective inhibitors

    Families\u27 healthcare experiences for children with inherited metabolic diseases: Protocol for a mixed methods cohort study

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    Introduction Children with inherited metabolic diseases (IMDs) often have complex and intensive healthcare needs and their families face challenges in receiving high-quality, family centred health services. Improvement in care requires complex interventions involving multiple components and stakeholders, customised to specific care contexts. This study aims to comprehensively understand the healthcare experiences of children with IMDs and their families across Canada. Methods and analysis A two-stage explanatory sequential mixed methods design will be used. Stage 1: quantitative data on healthcare networks and encounter experiences will be collected from 100 parent/guardians through a care map, 2 baseline questionnaires and 17 weekly diaries over 5-7 months. Care networks will be analysed using social network analysis. Relationships between demographic or clinical variables and ratings of healthcare experiences across a range of family centred care dimensions will be analysed using generalised linear regression. Other quantitative data related to family experiences and healthcare experiences will be summarised descriptively. Ongoing analysis of quantitative data and purposive, maximum variation sampling will inform sample selection for stage 2: a subset of stage 1 participants will participate in one-on-one videoconference interviews to elaborate on the quantitative data regarding care networks and healthcare experiences. Interview data will be analysed thematically. Qualitative and quantitative data will be merged during analysis to arrive at an enhanced understanding of care experiences. Quantitative and qualitative data will be combined and presented narratively using a weaving approach (jointly on a theme-by-theme basis) and visually in a side-by-side joint display. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol and procedures were approved by the Children\u27s Hospital of Eastern Ontario\u27s Research Ethics Board, the University of Ottawa Research Ethics Board and the research ethics boards of each participating study centre. Findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at scientific conferences

    Activation loop dynamics are controlled by conformation-selective inhibitors of ERK2

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    Conformational selection by small molecules expands inhibitory possibilities for protein kinases. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase ERK2 have shown that activation by dual phosphorylation induces global motions involving exchange between two states, L and R. We show that ERK inhibitors Vertex-11e and SCH772984 exploit the small energetic difference between L and R to shift the equilibrium in opposing directions. An X-ray structure of active 2P-ERK2 complexed with AMP-PNP reveals a shift in the Gly-rich loop along with domain closure to position the nucleotide in a more catalytically productive conformation relative to inactive 0P-ERK2:ATP. X-ray structures of 2P-ERK2 complexed with Vertex-11e or GDC-0994 recapitulate this closure, which is blocked in a complex with a SCH772984 analog. Thus, the L→R shift in 2P-ERK2 is associated with movements needed to form a competent active site. Solution measurements by hydrogen-exchange mass spectrometry (HX-MS) reveal distinct binding interactions for Vertex-11e, GDC-0994, and AMP-PNP with active vs. inactive ERK2, where the extent of HX protection correlates with R state formation. Furthermore, Vertex-11e and SCH772984 show opposite effects on HX near the activation loop. Consequently, these inhibitors differentially affect MAP kinase phosphatase activity toward 2P-ERK2. We conclude that global motions in ERK2 reflect conformational changes at the active site that promote productive nucleotide binding and couple with changes at the activation loop to allow control of dephosphorylation by conformationally selective inhibitors

    Outcomes in pediatric studies of medium-chain acyl-coA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency and phenylketonuria (PKU): a review.

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    BACKGROUND: Inherited metabolic diseases (IMDs) are a group of individually rare single-gene diseases. For many IMDs, there is a paucity of high-quality evidence that evaluates the effectiveness of clinical interventions. Clinical effectiveness trials of IMD interventions could be supported through the development of core outcome sets (COSs), a recommended minimum set of standardized, high-quality outcomes and associated outcome measurement instruments to be incorporated by all trials in an area of study. We began the process of establishing pediatric COSs for two IMDs, medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency and phenylketonuria (PKU), by reviewing published literature to describe outcomes reported by authors, identify heterogeneity in outcomes across studies, and assemble a candidate list of outcomes. METHODS: We used a comprehensive search strategy to identify primary studies and guidelines relevant to children with MCAD deficiency and PKU, extracting study characteristics and outcome information from eligible studies including outcome measurement instruments for select outcomes. Informed by an established framework and a previously published pediatric COS, outcomes were grouped into five, mutually-exclusive, a priori core areas: growth and development, life impact, pathophysiological manifestations, resource use, and death. RESULTS: For MCAD deficiency, we identified 83 outcomes from 52 articles. The most frequently represented core area was pathophysiological manifestations, with 33 outcomes reported in 29/52 articles (56%). Death was the most frequently reported outcome. One-third of outcomes were reported by a single study. The most diversely measured outcome was cognition and intelligence/IQ for which eight unique measurement instruments were reported among 14 articles. For PKU, we identified 97 outcomes from 343 articles. The most frequently represented core area was pathophysiological manifestations with 31 outcomes reported in 281/343 articles (82%). Phenylalanine concentration was the most frequently reported outcome. Sixteen percent of outcomes were reported by a single study. Similar to MCAD deficiency, the most diversely measured PKU outcome was cognition and intelligence/IQ with 39 different instruments reported among 82 articles. CONCLUSIONS: Heterogeneity of reported outcomes and outcome measurement instruments across published studies for both MCAD deficiency and PKU highlights the need for COSs for these diseases, to promote the use of meaningful outcomes and facilitate comparisons across studies

    Acute Arboviral Infections in Guinea, West Africa, 2006

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    Acute febrile illnesses comprise the majority of the human disease burden in sub-Saharan Africa. We hypothesized that arboviruses comprised a considerable proportion of undiagnosed febrile illnesses in Guinea and sought to determine the frequency of arboviral disease in two hospitals there. Using a standard case definition, 47 suspected cases were detected in approximately 4 months. Immunoglobulin M antibody capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and plaque-reduction neutralization assays revealed that 63% (30/47) of patients were infected with arboviruses, including 11 West Nile, 2 yellow fever, 1 dengue, 8 chikungunya, and 5 Tahyna infections. Except for yellow fever, these are the first reported cases of human disease from these viruses in Guinea and the first reported cases of symptomatic Tahyna infection in Africa. These results strongly suggest that arboviruses circulate and are common causes of disease in Guinea. Improving surveillance and laboratory capacity for arbovirus diagnoses will be integral to understanding the burden posed by these agents in the region