194 research outputs found

    Ageing, depression, anxiety, social support and the diurnal rhythm and awakening response of salivary cortisol

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    The present study compared the cortisol awakening response and diurnal rhythm in 24 young healthy students and 48 community-dwelling older adults. The associations with diurnal cortisol and depression, anxiety and social support were also examined in relation to age. Salivary cortisol was measured over the course of one day: immediately upon awakening, 30 min later, and then 3 h, 6 h, 9 h and 12 h post-awakening. Participants completed a questionnaire measuring symptoms of anxiety and depression and social support was assessed. Older adults exhibited a significantly reduced awakening response, overall cortisol levels, area under the curve (AUC) and diurnal slopes than younger adults, resulting in a flatter diurnal rhythm. Younger adults with higher depression scores had significantly higher overall cortisol and higher levels upon awakening and 30 min post-awakening. In the younger adults, anxiety and depression correlated positively with AUC and the cortisol awakening response (CAR). Older adults with lower social support had a reduced AUC where younger adults with lower social support displayed a larger AUC. These findings suggest that the diurnal rhythm and awakening response of salivary cortisol are significantly reduced in older adults and the associations between anxiety, depression and social support and diurnal cortisol vary with age.\ud \u

    The utility of saliva for the assessment of anti-pneumococcal antibodies: investigation of saliva as a marker of antibody status in serum

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    Context: Salivary antibodies may act as non-invasive marker of systemic immunity enabling assessment of vaccination and protection against bacterial infections. Objective: To assess if levels of anti-pneumococcal (Pn) antibodies in saliva reflect concentrations in serum and determine whether saliva can accurately identify protective concentrations in serum. Methods: IgG, IgA and IgM antibody levels in paired saliva and serum samples were measured against 12 Pn polysaccharide antigens in 72 healthy adults. Results: Antibody levels in saliva correlated positively with serum across immunoglobulin classes, most strongly for IgA. Individuals who had protective antibody levels in serum demonstrated significantly higher IgG and IgA salivary antibody concentrations/secretion rates. Salivary IgG and IgA Pn antibodies were able to distinguish between those with/without protective levels in serum for the majority of serotypes. Salivary IgM antibodies were not able to differentiate protective status. Median IgG and IgA Pn salivary parameters were able to identify individuals who had protective levels in serum on ≥8/12 serotypes with moderate accuracy: median IgA secretion rates provided the best sensitivity (73%) and specificity (71%). Conclusions: These findings suggest that IgG and IgA Pn specific antibodies in saliva may be useful surrogate markers of antibody status in serum

    Serum free light chains are reduced in endurance trained older adults: Evidence that exercise training may reduce basal inflammation in older adults

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    Traditionally, free light chains (FLCs) are used as key serum biomarkers in the diagnosis and monitoring of plasma cell malignancies, but polyclonal FLCs can also be used as an accurate real-time indicator of immune-activation and inflammation. The primary aim of the present study was to assess the effects of exercise training status on serum FLCs in older adults, and secondly, to examine if training status moderated serum FLC responses to acute exercise. Kappa and lambda serum FLC levels were measured in 45 healthy older adults (aged ≥ 60 years) who were either sedentary, physically active or endurance trained. FLCs were measured at baseline and in response to an acute bout of submaximal exercise. The endurance trained group had significantly lower levels of kappa and lambda serum FLCs compared with physically active or sedentary elderly adults; these effects were independent of age, BMI and renal function. There was no significant difference in whole immunoglobulins between groups. Exercise training status had no effect on serum FLC responses to acute exercise, which were marginal. In conclusion, endurance training was associated with lower FLC levels compared with less physically active individuals. These findings suggest that long-term endurance training may be beneficial in reducing basal inflammation in older adults as well as elevated FLCs present in inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, often associated with ageing. FLCs may serve as a useful biomarker for monitoring the efficacy of exercise intervention studies in healthy and clinical populations

    Intensified training increases salivary free light chains in trained cyclists:Indication that training volume increases oral inflammation

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    Periods of short-term intensified training (IT) are often used by athletes during training cycles over the season and undergoing phases of increased physical stress may impact upon the immune system. This study investigated the effects of a period of IT on free light chains (FLCs) in saliva - an emerging immune biomarker of oral inflammation - and matched serum samples in well-trained athletes. It also examined if IT influences basal FLC levels and FLC flux during acute exercise. Highly trained male cyclists (n = 10) underwent a 9-day period of IT; before and after IT participants performed a 1 h time trial (TT) on a cycle ergometer, with blood and saliva samples collected pre- and post-exercise. FLCs were assessed in serum and saliva, and IgG, IgA, IgM and creatinine were also measured in serum. Weekly training volume increased by 143% (95% CI 114–172%), p &lt; 0.001, during IT compared with pre-trial baseline training. Following IT, the cyclists demonstrated higher salivary FLC levels. Both salivary lambda FLC concentrations (p &lt; 0.05, η2 = 0.384) and secretion rates, and kappa FLC concentrations and secretion rates increased after IT. Salivary FLCs concentration and secretion rates decreased in response to the TT following IT (p &lt; 0.05, η2 = 0.387–0.428), but not in response to the TT prior to IT. No significant effects of IT on serum FLCs were observed. There were no significant changes in serum FLCs in response to the TT, before or after the IT period, nor did IT impact upon other serological responses to the TT. In conclusion, IT increased basal salivary FLC parameters and amplified decreases in salivary FLCs in response to acute exercise. Increases in salivary FLC concentration likely reflects alterations to oral inflammation during times of heavy training, and we show for the first time that FLCs may have utility as a marker of exercise stress and oral health status.</p

    A Pilot Program For The Recruitment and Education of Navy Veterans Based on System-Level Technical Expertise and Leadership Maturation Developed During Service

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    The project, Stern2STEM, aims to advance STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education through the preparation of student veterans to pursue baccalaureate STEM degrees and support the re-employment of these veterans into the Department of Defense (DoD) and the wider defense support industry. The program builds on the training that veterans have received in highly skilled technical areas, both in the classroom and “on-the-job”, to develop system level expertise in their respective technical disciplines. Key components of the program include: (1) establishing a mechanism for outreach and recruitment; (2) providing leveling, tutoring, mentoring, and support for students; (3) teaching and learning through proven pedagogical practices and through sound academic advising; (4) partnering with the DoD community to facilitate student career placement in the DoD STEM workforce; (5) providing workforce development for DoD STEM professionals. This paper will discuss the academic challenges that student veterans face while in higher education and the current STEM pipelines as students move through their college to professional careers. The early impact of academic tutoring, professional advising, mentorship, career placement, and recruitment of current service members into STEM disciplines through involvement with Stern2STEM will be discussed. Through Stern2STEM’s systematic interventions, the project has the potential to have a significant impact on the broader STEM education community as many of the principles, lessons learned, and tools developed will prove valuable for institutions which have a large population of student veterans

    Overview of Game and Content Design for a Mobile Game that Will Prepare Students in Calculus and Physics Prerequisites to the Engineering Curriculum

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    As part of a research project which assists veterans as they exit the military, complete engineering degrees, and enter the workforce as engineering professionals, a range of serious games for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education is under development. The current focus of this development is CAPTIVATE, a serious game to assist student veterans in mastering the calculus and physics skills that are necessary prerequisites to the main engineering curriculum. Building on the development and lessons learned from MAVEN, a game developed previously to help student veterans master precalculus skills, the design and initial implementation for CAPTIVATE involves careful consideration regarding game and instructional design. Many of the positive aspects from the design of MAVEN will be implemented in CAPTIVATE. First, the overall framework developed for MAVEN will be reused in CAPTIVATE. This modular framework involves both a model and process that combine game, instructional, and software design in a way that supports adaptability throughout the design and development cycle. Additionally by embedding concepts in game play similar to well-known board games such as Battleship, computer games such as Minesweeper, and console or mobile games such as Guitar Hero, students will use their calculus and physics skills to complete tasks in a familiar environment. In addition, the game itself will consist of a series of sub-games each focusing on a topic that students traditionally struggle to understand. Furthermore, students will be offered access to learning resources and assessed regularly as they progress through the game. CAPTIVATE will also overcome some shortcomings from the previous development. While MAVEN was developed for desktop deployment, CAPTIVATE is targeted for deployment on a variety of mobile device including Apple and Android phones and tablets to engage students in interactive games that support their endeavor to build a solid foundation in mathematics and science topics. Additionally by creating games that are short and easily accessible, students will be able to engage with the material at a time and place convenient for them. The development of CAPTIVATE supports student veterans as they transition from the military to engineering degree programs and helps to accelerate them through their STEM prerequisite courses

    Salivary free light chains as a new biomarker to measure psychological stress: the impact of a university exam period on salivary immunoglobulins, cortisol, DHEA and symptoms of infection:the impact of a university exam period on salivary immunoglobulins, cortisol, DHEA and symptoms of infection

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    Introduction: Measurement of immunoglobulin free light chains (FLCs) in saliva can serve as a non-invasive biomarker in health and behavioural research. FLCs have been explored in relation to physiological stress but FLC responses to psychological stress and their relationship with infections remain unknown. This study aimed to investigate the impact of exam period stress on salivary FLCs alongside other established biomarkers of stress and whether FLCs relate to symptoms of infection. Methods: 58 healthy adults studying at university completed saliva samples and questionnaires in a period without exams (baseline), and again prior to the start of an exam period. Saliva samples were assessed for FLCs, IgA, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Measures of life events stress, perceived stress, anxiety and depression were completed. Students also reported incidence and severity of symptoms of infection and rated general well-being at baseline, prior to, during and after the exam period. Exercise, sleep and alcohol consumption were also assessed at both timepoints. Results: FLCs secretion rates were significantly lower at the exam period compared to baseline (p &lt;.01), with reductions of 26% and 25% for κ FLC and λ FLC, respectively. In agreement, salivary IgA secretion rate was lower at exams (non-significant trend, p =.07). Cortisol concentration significantly increased at exams (p &lt;.05) while DHEA did not change, leading to an increase in the cortisol:DHEA ratio (p =.06). Depression (p &lt;.05) and anxiety increased from baseline to exams and life stress reported in the build up to the exam period was higher compared with baseline (p &lt;.001). Well-being significantly decreased from baseline to exams (p &lt;.01). The proportion of participants reporting infection symptoms (70%) was unchanged between baseline and prior to exams. No significant relationships were found between FLCs or other saliva parameters and infection symptoms, well-being or stress/psychological measures. Changes in saliva parameters between timepoints were independent of health behaviours. Conclusions: Salivary FLCs are responsive to life events stress and corroborate with IgA. This preliminary study highlights the potential utility of FLCs as a new salivary biomarker in stress research.</p

    Analytical validation of new ELISAs for the quantitation of polyclonal free light chains and comparison to existing assays for healthy and patient samples

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    Background: Polyclonal FLCs can be used as a biomarker of inflammation and immune activation in a range of diseases. This study evaluated the performance of new FLC ELISAs (Seralite FLC ELISA) for the quantitation of polyclonal κ and λ FLC, including comparisons to existing assays. Methods: Technical performance was assessed for the ELISA and reference ranges were generated using healthy donor serum (N = 91). Patients with a range of conditions associated with polyclonal FLC dysregulation (N = 164) were measured across platforms. Results: The ELISAs generated references ranges of: 8.72–23.0 mg/L κ FLC, and 8.52–25.24 mg/L for λ FLC. ELISAs demonstrated linearity across the calibration range and intra-assay (≤ 8.7%) and inter-assay (≤ 12.3%) imprecision was low. The limit of detection was 0.63 mg/L for κ and 0.57 mg/L for λ FLC. Minimal cross-reactivity was observed for interference agents, alternate FLC and whole immunoglobulin (median change ≤3.6 mg/L). Assays showed good batch-to-batch consistency. For patient samples, methods generated different κ and λ FLC concentrations and differences were seen between methods for the number of patients classified as below, with and above references ranges for κ and λ FLC. There was no significant difference in the FLC sum between the different techniques. Conclusions: The ELISAs displayed good analytical and technical performance. The quantification of individual κ and λ FLC appears inherently different between platforms. These differences are attenuated if using the FLC sum, which was similar between methods and provided agreement in relation to patients having normal or elevated FLCs.</p

    Chronic IL9 and IL-13 Exposure Leads to an Altered Differentiation of Ciliated Cells in a Well-Differentiated Paediatric Bronchial Epithelial Cell Model

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    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterised by airways remodelling. In mouse models IL-9 and IL-13 have been implicated in airways remodelling including mucus hypersecretion and goblet cell hyperplasia. Their role, especially that of IL-9, has been much less studied in authentic human ex vivo models of the bronchial epithelium from normal and asthmatic children. We assessed the effects of IL-9, IL-13 and an IL-9/IL-13 combination, during differentiation of bronchial epithelial cells from normal (n = 6) and asthmatic (n = 8) children. Cultures were analysed for morphological markers and factors associated with altered differentiation (MUC5AC, SPDEF and MMP-7). IL-9, IL-9/IL-13 combination and IL-13 stimulated bronchial epithelial cells from normal children had fewer ciliated cells [14.8% (SD 8.9), p = 0.048, 12.4 (SD 6.1), p = 0.016 and 7.3% (SD 6.6), p = 0.031] respectively compared with unstimulated [(21.4% (SD 9.6)]. IL-9 stimulation had no effect on goblet cell number in either group whereas IL-9/IL-13 combination and IL-13 significantly increased goblet cell number [24.8% (SD 8.8), p = 0.02), 32.9% (SD 8.6), p = 0.007] compared with unstimulated normal bronchial cells [(18.6% (SD 6.2)]. All stimulations increased MUC5AC mRNA in bronchial epithelial cells from normal children and increased MUC5AC mucin secretion. MMP-7 localisation was dysregulated in normal bronchial epithelium stimulated with Th2 cytokines which resembled the unstimulated bronchial epithelium of asthmatic children. All stimulations resulted in a significant reduction in transepithelial electrical resistance values over time suggesting a role in altered tight junction formation. We conclude that IL-9 does not increase goblet cell numbers in bronchial epithelial cell cultures from normal or asthmatic children. IL-9 and IL-13 alone and in combination, reduce ciliated cell numbers and transepithelial electrical resistance during differentiation of normal epithelium, which clinically could inhibit mucociliary clearance and drive an altered repair mechanism. This suggests an alternative role for IL-9 in airways remodelling and reaffirms IL-9 as a potential therapeutic target