29 research outputs found

    VUV frequency combs from below-threshold harmonics

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    Recent demonstrations of high-harmonic generation (HHG) at very high repetition frequencies (~100 MHz) may allow for the revolutionary transfer of frequency combs to the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV). This advance necessitates unifying optical frequency comb technology with strong-field atomic physics. While strong-field studies of HHG have often focused on above-threshold harmonic generation (photon energy above the ionization potential), for VUV frequency combs an understanding of below-threshold harmonic orders and their generation process is crucial. Here we present a new and quantitative study of the harmonics 7-13 generated below and near the ionization threshold in xenon gas. We show multiple generation pathways for these harmonics that are manifested as on-axis interference in the harmonic yield. This discovery provides a new understanding of the strong-field, below-threshold dynamics under the influence of an atomic potential and allows us to quantitatively assess the achievable coherence of a VUV frequency comb generated through below threshold harmonics. We find that under reasonable experimental conditions temporal coherence is maintained. As evidence we present the first explicit VUV frequency comb structure beyond the 3rd harmonic.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Niche-specific profiling reveals transcriptional adaptations required for the cytosolic lifestyle of <i>Salmonella enterica</i>

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    AbstractSalmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is a zoonotic pathogen that causes diarrheal disease in humans and animals. During salmonellosis, S. Typhimurium colonizes epithelial cells lining the gastrointestinal tract. S. Typhimurium has an unusual lifestyle in epithelial cells that begins within an endocytic-derived Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV), followed by escape into the cytosol, epithelial cell lysis and bacterial release. The cytosol is a more permissive environment than the SCV and supports rapid bacterial growth. The physicochemical conditions encountered by S. Typhimurium within the cytosol, and the bacterial genes required for cytosolic colonization, remain unknown. Here we have exploited the parallel colonization strategies of S. Typhimurium in epithelial cells to decipher the two niche-specific bacterial virulence programs. By combining a population-based RNA-seq approach with single-cell microscopic analysis, we identified bacterial genes/sRNAs with cytosol-specific or vacuole-specific expression signatures. Using these genes/sRNAs as environmental biosensors, we defined that Salmonella is exposed to iron and manganese deprivation and oxidative stress in the cytosol and zinc and magnesium deprivation in the SCV. Furthermore, iron availability was critical for optimal S. Typhimurium replication in the cytosol, as well as entC, fepB, soxS and sitA-mntH. Virulence genes that are typically associated with extracellular bacteria, namely Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 (SPI1) and SPI4, had a cytosolic-specific expression profile. Our study reveals that the cytosolic and vacuolar S. Typhimurium virulence gene programs are unique to, and tailored for, residence within distinct intracellular compartments. Therefore, this archetypical vacuole-adapted pathogen requires extensive transcriptional reprogramming to successfully colonize the mammalian cytosol.Author SummaryIntracellular pathogens reside either within a membrane-bound vacuole or are free-living in the cytosol and their virulence programs are tailored towards survival within a particular intracellular compartment. Some bacterial pathogens (such as Salmonella enterica) can successfully colonize both intracellular niches, but how they do so is unclear. Here we have exploited the parallel intracellular lifestyles of S. enterica in epithelial cells to identify the niche-specific bacterial expression profiles and environmental cues encountered by S. enterica. We have also discovered bacterial genes that are required for colonization of the cytosol, but not the vacuole. Our results advance our understanding of pathogen-adaptation to alternative replication niches and highlight an emerging concept in the field of bacteria-host cell interactions.</jats:sec

    Neutrophils Are Resistant to Yersinia YopJ/P-Induced Apoptosis and Are Protected from ROS-Mediated Cell Death by the Type III Secretion System

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    The human innate immune system relies on the coordinated activity of macrophages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils or PMNs) for defense against bacterial pathogens. Yersinia spp. subvert the innate immune response to cause disease in humans. In particular, the Yersinia outer protein YopJ (Y. pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis) and YopP (Y. enterocolitica) rapidly induce apoptosis in murine macrophages and dendritic cells. However, the effects of Yersinia Yop J/P on neutrophil fate are not clearly defined.In this study, we utilized wild-type and mutant strains of Yersinia to test the contribution of YopJ and YopP on induction of apoptosis in human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDM) and neutrophils. Whereas YopJ and YopP similarly induced apoptosis in HMDMs, interaction of human neutrophils with virulence plasmid-containing Yersinia did not result in PMN caspase activation, release of LDH, or loss of membrane integrity greater than PMN controls. In contrast, interaction of human PMNs with the virulence plasmid-deficient Y. pestis strain KIM6 resulted in increased surface exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) and cell death. PMN reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was inhibited in a virulence plasmid-dependent but YopJ/YopP-independent manner. Following phagocytic interaction with Y. pestis strain KIM6, inhibition of PMN ROS production with diphenyleneiodonium chloride resulted in a reduction of PMN cell death similar to that induced by the virulence plasmid-containing strain Y. pestis KIM5.Our findings showed that Yersinia YopJ and/or YopP did not induce pronounced apoptosis in human neutrophils. Furthermore, robust PMN ROS production in response to virulence plasmid-deficient Yersinia was associated with increased PMN cell death, suggesting that Yersinia inhibition of PMN ROS production plays a role in evasion of the human innate immune response in part by limiting PMN apoptosis

    Yersinia pestis Type III Secretion System-Dependent Inhibition of Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Function▿

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    Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs, or neutrophils) are the primary innate host defense against invading bacterial pathogens. Neutrophils are rapidly recruited to sites of infection and ingest microorganisms through a process known as phagocytosis. Following phagocytosis by human PMNs, microorganisms are killed by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and microbicidal products contained within granules. Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, is capable of rapid replication and dissemination from sites of infection in the host. Although Y. pestis survives in macrophages, the bacterial fate following interaction with human PMNs is less clear. The ability of Y. pestis to inhibit phagocytosis by human PMNs was assessed by differential fluorescence microscopy and was shown to be dependent on expression of the type III secretion system (TTSS). Previous studies have demonstrated that TTSS expression in enteropathogenic Yersinia spp. also inhibits the respiratory burst in PMNs and macrophages, and we show here that human PMN ROS production is similarly repressed by Y. pestis. However, exclusion of uningested TTSS-expressing Y. pestis with gentamicin revealed that intracellular bacteria are eliminated by human PMNs, similar to bacteria lacking the TTSS. In summary, our results suggest that the Y. pestis TTSS contributes to extracellular survival following interactions with human PMNs and that the intracellular fate is independent of TTSS inhibition of neutrophil ROS production

    Postreplication Roles of the Brucella VirB Type IV Secretion System Uncovered via Conditional Expression of the VirB11 ATPase

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    Brucella abortus, the bacterial agent of the worldwide zoonosis brucellosis, primarily infects host phagocytes, where it undergoes an intracellular cycle within a dedicated membrane-bound vacuole, the Brucella-containing vacuole (BCV). Initially of endosomal origin (eBCV), BCVs are remodeled into replication-permissive organelles (rBCV) derived from the host endoplasmic reticulum, a process that requires modulation of host secretory functions via delivery of effector proteins by the Brucella VirB type IV secretion system (T4SS). Following replication, rBCVs are converted into autophagic vacuoles (aBCVs) that facilitate bacterial egress and subsequent infections, arguing that the bacterium sequentially manipulates multiple cellular pathways to complete its cycle. The VirB T4SS is essential for rBCV biogenesis, as VirB-deficient mutants are stalled in eBCVs and cannot mediate rBCV biogenesis. This has precluded analysis of whether the VirB apparatus also drives subsequent stages of the Brucella intracellular cycle. To address this issue, we have generated a B. abortus strain in which VirB T4SS function is conditionally controlled via anhydrotetracycline (ATc)-dependent complementation of a deletion of the virB11 gene encoding the VirB11 ATPase. We show in murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) that early VirB production is essential for optimal rBCV biogenesis and bacterial replication. Transient expression of virB11 prior to infection was sufficient to mediate normal rBCV biogenesis and bacterial replication but led to T4SS inactivation and decreased aBCV formation and bacterial release, indicating that these postreplication stages are also T4SS dependent. Hence, our findings support the hypothesis of additional, postreplication roles of type IV secretion in the Brucella intracellular cycle

    Current Directions in SES Disparities Research: Socio-emotional and Physiological Mechanisms

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    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Association between Socioeconomic Status and Psychological Stress in the United States

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    Meta-analysis assessing the magnitude of the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and psychological stress. All methods and analyses were pre-registered with PROSPERO