31 research outputs found

    Development partner support to the health sector at the local level in Morogoro region, Tanzania

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    Background: The Tanzanian health sector receives large amounts of funding from multiple international development partners to support a broad range of population-health interventions. However, little is known about the partners’ level of commitment to sustain funding, and the implications of uncertainties created by these funding mechanisms.  This study had the following objectives: 1) To present a theoretical model for assessing funding commitments by health development partners in a specified region; 2) to describe development partner funding commitments against this framework, using a case study example of Morogoro Region, Tanzania; and 3) to discuss policy considerations using this framework for district, regional and national level.Methods: Qualitative case study methodology was used to assess funding commitments of health-related development partners in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. Using qualitative data, collected as part of an evaluation of maternal and child health programs in Morogoro Region, key informants from all development partners were interviewed and thematic analysis was conducted for the assessment. Results: Our findings show that decisions made on where to commit and direct funds were based on recipient government and development partner priorities. These decisions were based on government directives, such as the need to provide health services to vulnerable populations; the need to contribute towards alleviation of disease burden and development partner interests, including humanitarian concerns. Poor coordination of partner organizations and their funding priorities may undermine benefits to target populations. This weakness poses a major challenge on development partner investments in health, leading to duplication of efforts and resulting in stagnant disease burden levels.Conclusion: Effective coordination mechanisms between all stakeholders at each level should be advocated to provide a forum to discuss interests and priorities, so as to harmonize them and facilitate the implementation of development partner funded activities in the recipient countries

    Quality of sick child care delivered by Health Surveillance Assistants in Malawi

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    Objective To assess the quality of care provided by Health Surveillance Assistants (HSAs)—a cadre of community-based health workers—as part of a national scale-up of community case management of childhood illness (CCM) in Malawi. Methods Trained research teams visited a random sample of HSAs (n = 131) trained in CCM and provided with initial essential drug stocks in six districts, and observed the provision of sick child care. Trained clinicians conducted ‘gold-standard' reassessments of the child. Members of the survey team also interviewed caregivers and HSAs and inspected drug stocks and patient registers. Findings HSAs provided correct treatment with antimalarials to 79% of the 241 children presenting with uncomplicated fever, with oral rehydration salts to 69% of the 93 children presenting with uncomplicated diarrhoea and with antibiotics to 52% of 58 children presenting with suspected pneumonia (cough with fast breathing). About one in five children (18%) presented with danger signs. HSAs correctly assessed 37% of children for four danger signs by conducting a physical exam, and correctly referred 55% of children with danger signs. Conclusion Malawi's CCM programme is a promising strategy for increasing coverage of sick child treatment, although there is much room for improvement, especially in the correct assessment and treatment of suspected pneumonia and the identification and referral of sick children with danger signs. However, HSAs provided sick child care at levels of quality similar to those provided in first-level health facilities in Malawi, and quality should improve if the Ministry of Health and partners act on the results of this assessmen

    Program assessment of efforts to improve the quality of postpartum counselling in health centers in Morogoro region, Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND: The postpartum period represents a critical window where many maternal and child deaths occur. We assess the quality of postpartum care (PPC) as well as efforts to improve service delivery through additional training and supervision in Health Centers (HCs) in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. METHODS: Program implementers purposively selected nine program HCs for assessment with another nine HCs in the region remaining as comparison sites in a non-randomized program evaluation. PPC quality was assessed by examining structural inputs; provider and client profiles; processes (PNC counselling) and outcomes (patient knowledge) through direct observations of equipment, supplies and infrastructure (n = 18) and PPC counselling (n = 45); client exit interviews (n = 41); a provider survey (n = 62); and in-depth provider interviews (n = 10). RESULTS: While physical infrastructure, equipment and supplies were comparable across study sites (with water and electricity limitations), program areas had better availability of drugs and commodities. Overall, provider availability was also similar across study sites, with 63% of HCs following staffing norms, 17% of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) providers absent and 14% of those providing PPC being unqualified to do so. In the program area, a median of 4 of 10 RCH providers received training. Despite training and supervisory inputs to program area HCs, provider and client knowledge of PPC was low and the content of PPC counseling provided limited to 3 of 80 PPC messages in over half the consultations observed. Among women attending PPC, 29 (71%) had delivered in a health facility and sought care a median of 13 days after delivery. Barriers to PPC care seeking included perceptions that PPC was of limited benefit to women and was primarily about child health, geographic distance, gaps in the continuity of care, and harsh facility treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Program training and supervision activities had a modest effect on the quality of PPC. To achieve broader transformation in PPC quality, client perceptions about the value of PPC need to be changed; the content of recommended PPC messages reviewed along with the location for PPC services; gaps in the availability of human resources addressed; and increased provider-client contact encouraged

    Early skin-to-skin contact for healthy full-term infants after vaginal and caesarean delivery : A qualitative study on clinician perspectives

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    Aims and objectives: This study aims to provide insight into key factors from a clinician's perspective that influence uninterrupted early skin-to-skin contact after vaginal and caesarean delivery of healthy full-term infants. Background: Early skin-to-skin contact of healthy full-term infants ideally begins immediately after birth and continues for the first hour or the first breastfeed as recommended by the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. However, adoption of early skin-to-skin contact is low in many settings and the barriers that hinder its universal use are not well understood. Design: An exploratory qualitative research design using semi-structured interviews. Methods: Eleven clinicians were interviewed, including five registered nurses and one medical doctor from the obstetrics and gynaecology unit as well as four registered nurses and one medical doctor from the neonatal intensive care unit. Core topics that were discussed included perceptions on early skin-to-skin contact and facilitating factors and barriers to early skin-to-skin contact after vaginal and caesarean delivery. Interview sessions were recorded, transcribed and analysed using a thematic analysis approach. A coding framework was developed from which subthemes emerged. The overall themes were adopted from Lee et al.'s thematic framework to categorise factors into institutional, familial-level and implementation factors. Findings: Critical institutional factors included inadequate staffing and education of clinicians on early skin-to-skin contact. On a familial level, parental education and motivation were identified as important factors. Barriers to implementation included the absence of a clinical algorithm and unclear definitions for eligible mothers and infants. Conclusions: Various facilitating factors and barriers to early skin-to-skin contact of healthy full-term infants born via vaginal and caesarean delivery were identified. Relevance to clinical practice: Addressing these factors can help to provide a better understanding of clinician perspectives on early skin-to-skin contact and help guide its implementation as standard of care for healthy full-term infants

    Early skin-to-skin contact for healthy full-term infants after vaginal and caesarean delivery : A qualitative study on clinician perspectives

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    Aims and objectives: This study aims to provide insight into key factors from a clinician's perspective that influence uninterrupted early skin-to-skin contact after vaginal and caesarean delivery of healthy full-term infants. Background: Early skin-to-skin contact of healthy full-term infants ideally begins immediately after birth and continues for the first hour or the first breastfeed as recommended by the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. However, adoption of early skin-to-skin contact is low in many settings and the barriers that hinder its universal use are not well understood. Design: An exploratory qualitative research design using semi-structured interviews. Methods: Eleven clinicians were interviewed, including five registered nurses and one medical doctor from the obstetrics and gynaecology unit as well as four registered nurses and one medical doctor from the neonatal intensive care unit. Core topics that were discussed included perceptions on early skin-to-skin contact and facilitating factors and barriers to early skin-to-skin contact after vaginal and caesarean delivery. Interview sessions were recorded, transcribed and analysed using a thematic analysis approach. A coding framework was developed from which subthemes emerged. The overall themes were adopted from Lee et al.'s thematic framework to categorise factors into institutional, familial-level and implementation factors. Findings: Critical institutional factors included inadequate staffing and education of clinicians on early skin-to-skin contact. On a familial level, parental education and motivation were identified as important factors. Barriers to implementation included the absence of a clinical algorithm and unclear definitions for eligible mothers and infants. Conclusions: Various facilitating factors and barriers to early skin-to-skin contact of healthy full-term infants born via vaginal and caesarean delivery were identified. Relevance to clinical practice: Addressing these factors can help to provide a better understanding of clinician perspectives on early skin-to-skin contact and help guide its implementation as standard of care for healthy full-term infants

    Health workers\u27 and managers\u27 perceptions of the integrated community case management program for childhood illness in Malawi: The importance of expanding access to child health services

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    Community case management (CCM) is a promising task-shifting strategy for expanding treatment of childhood illness that is increasingly adopted by low-income countries. Its success depends in part on how the strategy is perceived by those responsible for its implementation. This study uses qualitative methods to explore health workers\u27 and managers\u27 perceptions about CCM provided by health surveillance assistants (HSAs) during the program\u27s first year in Malawi. Managers and HSAs agreed that CCM contributed beneficially by expanding access to the underserved and reducing caseloads at health facilities. Managers differed among themselves in their endorsements of CCM, most offered constrained endorsement, and a few had stronger justifications for CCM. In addition, HSAs uniformly wanted continued expansion of their clinical role, while managers preferred to view CCM as a limited mandate. The HSAs also reported motivating factors and frustrations related to system constraints and community pressures related to CCM. The impact of CCM on motivation and workload of HSAs is noted and deserves further attention. Copyright © 2012 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene