96 research outputs found

    Domestic Violence Law Reforms: Reactions from the Trenches

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    In recent years, feminists have worked hard to pressure society and the criminal justice system into taking domestic violence seriously. These efforts have resulted in more government funding and increased services to victims. In addition, there have also been legal and policy reforms which have affected the way cases are handled in the criminal justice system. This article reports on research on the reactions to those reforms by those most directly affected by them, the victims themselves and those who provide services to them

    Repair of endogenous DNA base lesions modulate lifespan in mice

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    The accumulation of DNA damage is thought to contribute to the physiological decay associated with the aging process. Here, we report the results of a large-scale study examining longevity in various mouse models defective in the repair of DNA alkylation damage, or defective in the DNA damage response. We find that the repair of spontaneous DNA damage by alkyladenine DNA glycosylase (Aag/Mpg)-initiated base excision repair and O[superscript 6]-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (Mgmt)-mediated direct reversal contributes to maximum life span in the laboratory mouse. We also uncovered important genetic interactions between Aag, which excises a wide variety of damaged DNA bases, and the DNA damage sensor and signaling protein, Atm. We show that Atm plays a role in mediating survival in the face of both spontaneous and induced DNA damage, and that Aag deficiency not only promotes overall survival, but also alters the tumor spectrum in Atm[superscript −/−] mice. Further, the reversal of spontaneous alkylation damage by Mgmt interacts with the DNA mismatch repair pathway to modulate survival and tumor spectrum. Since these aging studies were performed without treatment with DNA damaging agents, our results indicate that the DNA damage that is generated endogenously accumulates with age, and that DNA alkylation repair proteins play a role in influencing longevity.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-CA075576)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-ES022872)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-CA149261)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P30-ES002109

    Prdx1 inhibits tumorigenesis via regulating PTEN/AKT activity

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    It is widely accepted that reactive oxygen species (ROS) promote tumorigenesis. However, the exact mechanisms are still unclear. As mice lacking the peroxidase peroxiredoxin1 (Prdx1) produce more cellular ROS and die prematurely of cancer, they offer an ideal model system to study ROS-induced tumorigenesis. Prdx1 ablation increased the susceptibility to Ras-induced breast cancer. We, therefore, investigated the role of Prdx1 in regulating oncogenic Ras effector pathways. We found Akt hyperactive in fibroblasts and mammary epithelial cells lacking Prdx1. Investigating the nature of such elevated Akt activation established a novel role for Prdx1 as a safeguard for the lipid phosphatase activity of PTEN, which is essential for its tumour suppressive function. We found binding of the peroxidase Prdx1 to PTEN essential for protecting PTEN from oxidation-induced inactivation. Along those lines, Prdx1 tumour suppression of Ras- or ErbB-2-induced transformation was mediated mainly via PTEN

    Inflammation and Disintegration of Intestinal Villi in an Experimental Model for Vibrio parahaemolyticus-Induced Diarrhea

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a leading cause of seafood-borne gastroenteritis in many parts of the world, but there is limited knowledge of the pathogenesis of V. parahaemolyticus-induced diarrhea. The absence of an oral infection-based small animal model to study V. parahaemolyticus intestinal colonization and disease has constrained analyses of the course of infection and the factors that mediate it. Here, we demonstrate that infant rabbits oro-gastrically inoculated with V. parahaemolyticus develop severe diarrhea and enteritis, the main clinical and pathologic manifestations of disease in infected individuals. The pathogen principally colonizes the distal small intestine, and this colonization is dependent upon type III secretion system 2. The distal small intestine is also the major site of V. parahaemolyticus-induced tissue damage, reduced epithelial barrier function, and inflammation, suggesting that disease in this region of the gastrointestinal tract accounts for most of the diarrhea that accompanies V. parahaemolyticus infection. Infection appears to proceed through a characteristic sequence of steps that includes remarkable elongation of microvilli and the formation of V. parahaemolyticus-filled cavities within the epithelial surface, and culminates in villus disruption. Both depletion of epithelial cell cytoplasm and epithelial cell extrusion contribute to formation of the cavities in the epithelial surface. V. parahaemolyticus also induces proliferation of epithelial cells and recruitment of inflammatory cells, both of which occur before wide-spread damage to the epithelium is evident. Collectively, our findings suggest that V. parahaemolyticus damages the host intestine and elicits disease via previously undescribed processes and mechanisms

    An inflammatory checkpoint regulates recruitment of graft-versus-host reactive T cells to peripheral tissues

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    Transfer of T cells to freshly irradiated allogeneic recipients leads to their rapid recruitment to nonlymphoid tissues, where they induce graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). In contrast, when donor T cells are transferred to established mixed chimeras (MCs), GVHD is not induced despite a robust graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction that eliminates normal and malignant host hematopoietic cells. We demonstrate here that donor GVH-reactive T cells transferred to MCs or freshly irradiated mice undergo similar expansion and activation, with similar up-regulation of homing molecules required for entry to nonlymphoid tissues. Using dynamic two-photon in vivo microscopy, we show that these activated T cells do not enter GVHD target tissues in established MCs, contrary to the dogma that activated T cells inevitably traffic to nonlymphoid tissues. Instead, we show that the presence of inflammation within a nonlymphoid tissue is a prerequisite for the trafficking of activated T cells to that site. Our studies help to explain the paradox whereby GVH-reactive T cells can mediate graft-versus-leukemia responses without inducing GVHD in established MCs

    Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) Is Required for Normal Development of Skin and Thymus

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    The tumor suppressor gene Apc (adenomatous polyposis coli) is a member of the Wnt signaling pathway that is involved in development and tumorigenesis. Heterozygous knockout mice for Apc have a tumor predisposition phenotype and homozygosity leads to embryonic lethality. To understand the role of Apc in development we generated a floxed allele. These mice were mated with a strain carrying Cre recombinase under the control of the human Keratin 14 (K14) promoter, which is active in basal cells of epidermis and other stratified epithelia. Mice homozygous for the floxed allele that also carry the K14-cre transgene were viable but had stunted growth and died before weaning. Histological and immunochemical examinations revealed that K14-cre–mediated Apc loss resulted in aberrant growth in many ectodermally derived squamous epithelia, including hair follicles, teeth, and oral and corneal epithelia. In addition, squamous metaplasia was observed in various epithelial-derived tissues, including the thymus. The aberrant growth of hair follicles and other appendages as well as the thymic abnormalities in K14-cre; Apc(CKO/CKO) mice suggest the Apc gene is crucial in embryonic cells to specify epithelial cell fates in organs that require epithelial–mesenchymal interactions for their development

    HIV policy: the path forward--a joint position paper of the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American College of Physicians.

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    Executive Summary The American College of Physicians (ACP) and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) have jointly published 3 policy statements on AIDS, the first in 1986 [1], the second in 1988 [2], and the third in 1994 [3]. In 2001, the IDSA created the HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA), and this updated policy paper is a collaboration between the ACP and the HIVMA of the IDSA. Since the last statement, many new developments call for the need to reexamine and update our policies relating to HIV infection. First, there have been major advances in treatment for HIV infection that have transformed HIV/AIDS from a terminal illness to a chronic disease for many of those who have access to potent therapies and expert medical care [4]. Second, there has been a profound expansion and intensification of the global HIV pandemic, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, coupled with significant US leadership and resources aimed at providing prevention and care services to affected populations in developing countries. Third, the concerns that were prevalent in the mid-1990s regarding the possibility of HIV transmission in health care settings have ultimately proven to be unfounded as the result of the adoption of universal precautions in those settings. In this article, we emphasize the public health and clinical imperatives for earlier identification of persons with HIV infection; the urgent need to expand access to state-of-the-art HIV care and treatment for infected individuals; the need for access to comprehensive prevention and education for those living with and those at risk for HIV infection; and the need for stronger national leadership to respond to the HIV epidemic in the United States and in the developing world. In December 2008, the ACP and HIVMA released a guidance statement on screening for HIV infection in health care settings that recommended that clinicians adopt routine screening for HIV infection and encourage patients to be tested. Also included in the guidance statement is a recommendation that clinicians determine the need for additional screening on an individual basis

    Oncogenic Deregulation of EZH2 as an Opportunity for Targeted Therapy in Lung Cancer

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    As a master regulator of chromatin function, the lysine methyltransferase EZH2 orchestrates transcriptional silencing of developmental gene networks. Overexpression of EZH2 is commonly observed in human epithelial cancers, such as non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), yet definitive demonstration of malignant transformation by deregulated EZH2 remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate the causal role of EZH2 overexpression in NSCLC with new genetically-engineered mouse models of lung adenocarcinoma. Deregulated EZH2 silences normal developmental pathways leading to epigenetic transformation independent from canonical growth factor pathway activation. As such, tumors feature a transcriptional program distinct from KRAS- and EGFR-mutant mouse lung cancers, but shared with human lung adenocarcinomas exhibiting high EZH2 expression. To target EZH2-dependent cancers, we developed a novel and potent EZH2 inhibitor JQEZ5 that promoted the regression of EZH2-driven tumors in vivo, confirming oncogenic addiction to EZH2 in established tumors and providing the rationale for epigenetic therapy in a subset of lung cancer

    Aag DNA Glycosylase Promotes Alkylation-Induced Tissue Damage Mediated by Parp1

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    Alkylating agents comprise a major class of front-line cancer chemotherapeutic compounds, and while these agents effectively kill tumor cells, they also damage healthy tissues. Although base excision repair (BER) is essential in repairing DNA alkylation damage, under certain conditions, initiation of BER can be detrimental. Here we illustrate that the alkyladenine DNA glycosylase (AAG) mediates alkylation-induced tissue damage and whole-animal lethality following exposure to alkylating agents. Aag-dependent tissue damage, as observed in cerebellar granule cells, splenocytes, thymocytes, bone marrow cells, pancreatic β-cells, and retinal photoreceptor cells, was detected in wild-type mice, exacerbated in Aag transgenic mice, and completely suppressed in Aag−/− mice. Additional genetic experiments dissected the effects of modulating both BER and Parp1 on alkylation sensitivity in mice and determined that Aag acts upstream of Parp1 in alkylation-induced tissue damage; in fact, cytotoxicity in WT and Aag transgenic mice was abrogated in the absence of Parp1. These results provide in vivo evidence that Aag-initiated BER may play a critical role in determining the side-effects of alkylating agent chemotherapies and that Parp1 plays a crucial role in Aag-mediated tissue damage.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-CA075576)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-CA055042)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-CA149261)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant P30-ES00002)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant P30-ES02109)National Center for Research Resources (U.S.) (grant number M01RR-01066)National Center for Research Resources (U.S.) (grant number UL1 RR025758, Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center