6,183 research outputs found

    Residential child care qualifications audit 2007

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    In recent years there has been a drive to develop a fully qualified residential child care sector in Scotland. In 2003 the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) announced the baseline qualifications for residential child care staff and set down a target for attaining it. This qualifications framework was subsequently reviewed and expanded in 2004. The Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care (SIRCC), commissioned by the Scottish Executive, has previously undertaken two inquiries into the qualification levels of the residential child care workforce in Scotland. The first Qualifications Audit (Frondigoun, Maclean, Hosie & Kendrick, 2002) was undertaken before the SSSC’s initial qualification framework was known and the second (Hunter, Hosie, Davidson & Kendrick, 2004) was based on it. The previous qualifications audit (Hunter et al., 2004) reported that 18% of residential child care staff were fully qualified in accordance with the SSSC’s qualification criteria (SSSC, 2004). The report forecast that the number of fully qualified staff would rise to 29.1% if all qualifications being undertaken were achieved. The purpose of this current audit is to determine whether levels of qualified staff have risen and to identify qualification trends throughout the residential child care sector in Scotland

    Overgeneral past and future thinking in dysphoria: the role of emotional cues and cueing methodology

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    Overgeneral memory, where individuals exhibit difficulties in retrieving specific episodes from autobiographical memory, has been consistently linked with emotional disorders. However, the majority of this literature has relied upon a single methodology, in which participants respond to emotional cue words with explicit instructions to retrieve/simulate specific events. Through use of sentence completion tasks the current studies explored whether overgenerality represents a habitual pattern of thinking that extends to how individuals naturally consider their personal past and future life story. In both studies, when compared with controls, dysphoric individuals evidenced overgeneral thinking style with respect to their personal past. However, overgeneral future thinking was only evident when the sentence stems included emotional words. These findings highlight the importance of investigating the overgenerality phenomenon using a variety of cueing techniques and results are discussed with reference to the previous literature exploring overgenerality and cognitive models of depression

    The Amish Settlement in Honduras, 1968-1978: A (Half) Failed Attempt to Develop an Amish Understanding of Mission

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    For their several-hundred years of successfully maintaining Amish settlements in North America, for what reason would a group of families—largely from Nappanee, IN, and Aylmer, ON—want to start a settlement in Honduras? This account traces the genesis of this Latin American settlement to the mid-century restlessness among Old Order Amish for religious and moral reform. The account especially follows families from Daviess County, IN, who, after failed settlement attempts in Michigan and Ohio, helped found Aylmer, ON, a successful revisionist Amish settlement. From there, Peter Stoll, one of the Aylmer founders, desired to move to Honduras for two reasons: (1) to provide an Old Order-style mission to people in a developing country, and (2) to escape the social and political changes of North America weighing on the Amish church. An Old Order idea of mission like Stoll's is to match the specific, nuanced practices of one's church with specific needs of another people, then move among the people and live out an alternative. Such a model reinforces the church's distinct practices. This contrasts with evangelical mission, which prioritizes saving souls over all else, including cumbersome "cultural" practices. Peter Stoll's clan was joined by estranged families from Nappanee. These eventually pushed for an evangelical outlook on mission and a lowering of Amish church requirements, solidifying among Peter's children a commitment to Old Order ideas—after years of grappling with the instability of reforming it—and a commitment to the Aylmer settlement, to which they returned

    The Pro-Soviet Message in Words and Images: Dyson Carter and Canadian “Friends” of the USSR

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    Dyson Carter, Sovietophile and member of the Communist Party of Canada, spent most of his career promoting the USSR to North Americans. He served as President of the Canadian-Soviet Friendship Society (CSFS) from 1949 to 1960, edited the CSFS newsletter News-Facts about the USSR from 1950 to 1956, and published the popular pro-Soviet magazine Northern Neighbors from 1956 until 1989. His work was supported from Moscow by the All-Union Society for Friendship with Foreign Countries (VOKS), and his writing had wide appeal on the Canadian left. Based on recently released archival material from Russia and Canada, as well as oral history, this story of propaganda and persuasion in Cold War Canada offers a new perspective on the history of the Canadian left.Dyson Carter, soviétophile et membre du Parti communiste du Canada, a passé la majorité de sa carrière à promouvoir l’URSS auprès des Nord-Américains. Il a été président de la Canadian-Soviet Friendship Society (CSFS) de 1949 à 1960, et éditeur du bulletin de la CSFS, News-Facts about the USSR, de 1950 à 1956. Il a publié également le populaire magazine pro-soviet Northern Neighbors de 1956 à 1989. Son travail était appuyé à Moscou par la All-Union Society for Friendship with Foreign Countries (VOKS), et ses écrits ont plu grandement à la gauche canadienne. Fondée sur des documents d’archives de Russie et du Canada publiés récemment, ainsi que sur des témoignages oraux, cette histoire de la propagande et de la persuasion au Canada au cours de la guerre froide offre une nouvelle perspective de l’histoire de la gauche canadienne

    Did the Devil Make Them Do It? The Effects of Religion and Religiosity in Public Goods and Trust Games

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    We test whether religious affiliation and participation in religious services are associated with behavior in public goods and trust games. Overall, religious affiliation is unrelated to individual behavior. However, we find some weak evidence that among subjects attending religious services, increased participation is associated with behavior in both public goods and trust games.Public goods, experiments, religion, and trust

    The Amish Settlement in Honduras, 1968-1978: A (Half) Failed Attempt to Develop an Amish Understanding of Mission

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    For their several-hundred years of successfully maintaining Amish settlements in North America, for what reason would a group of families—largely from Nappanee, IN, and Aylmer, ON—want to start a settlement in Honduras? This account traces the genesis of this Latin American settlement to the mid-century restlessness among Old Order Amish for religious and moral reform. The account especially follows families from Daviess County, IN, who, after failed settlement attempts in Michigan and Ohio, helped found Aylmer, ON, a successful revisionist Amish settlement. From there, Peter Stoll, one of the Aylmer founders, desired to move to Honduras for two reasons: (1) to provide an Old Order-style mission to people in a developing country, and (2) to escape the social and political changes of North America weighing on the Amish church. An Old Order idea of mission like Stoll’s is to match the specific, nuanced practices of one’s church with specific needs of another people, then move among the people and live out an alternative. Such a model reinforces the church’s distinct practices. This contrasts with evangelical mission, which prioritizes saving souls over all else, including cumbersome “cultural” practices. Peter Stoll’s clan was joined by estranged families from Nappanee. These eventually pushed for an evangelical outlook on mission and a lowering of Amish church requirements, solidifying among Peter’s children a commitment to Old Order ideas—after years of grappling with the instability of reforming it—and a commitment to the Aylmer settlement, to which they returned

    Conservative Mennonite Storybooks and the Construction of Evangelical Separatism

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    Group-produced literature is representative of and reinforces group behaviors, norms, and beliefs. This study focuses on the missionary theme in literature from three Conservative Mennonite publishers, identifying two major constructs of what we term evangelical separatism. First, Rod & Staff depicts evangelism as establishing stable, integrating church communities in places where none exist, making their offering accessible to any who would care to join while also withholding assessment of outsiders. Second, Christian Light Publications and TGS present missions in a more aggressive, individualized mode, whereby the outside is viewed as a land of darkness and the missionary, in embodying Christ’s incarnation, bring light to that place. The focus of evangelism is conversion to Christianity, with the church as a social system peripheral to the action. Separatism is maintained by staking claim to authentic Christianity against inferior outside offerings. This latter plotline has birthed the new missionary adventure genre, which both entertains readers through secular adventure techniques while emphasizig a sacred end mission. The classic Anabaptist suffering theme is present in both types of stories, though transformed to include social / personal sacrifices and patience needed to engage in mission work

    Do Liberals Play Nice? The Effects of Party and Political Ideology in Public Goods and Trust Games

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    We test the conventional wisdom that political ideology is associated with generosity or compassion by comparing the behavior of experimental subjects in public goods or trust games. We find that self-described liberals and those identifying more closely with the Democrat party are just as likely to free-ride as conservatives or Republican-leaners; likewise, political ideology is unrelated to observed trusting behavior or trustworthiness in a bilateral trust game.Political Party, Free Rider

    A Recognition/Appreciation Intervention to Decrease Stress and Burnout in Nursing Faculty

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    Nursing faculty are at risk of stress and burnout that could lead to negative personal and system-level repercussions. A recognition and appreciation program was implemented at one public, four-year university to determine if it would decrease stress and burnout experienced by nursing faculty. The program utilized no- and low- cost strategies, including virtual events and sharing of faculty activities and achievements. Stress and burnout were measured before and after implementation of the program using the Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educator Survey (MBI), respectively. Improvements in mean scores on 31 of 36 measures of stress and burnout occurred between the pre- and post- program surveys. Due to challenges with pairing pre- and post- program surveys, a paired samples t-test was run with both five pairs and sixteen pairs. The test with five pairs found a statistically significant decrease in one PSS-10 question about feeling that difficulties were mounting and could not be overcome. The paired samples t-test with 16 pairs found statistically significant changes in one PSS-10 question about inability to control important things, two MBI questions, and the Emotional Exhaustion subscale of the MBI. This project supports that no- and low-cost strategies can be effective in addressing nursing faculty stress and burnout. While continuation of the program is recommended, further research is needed to demonstrate if the program caused the decrease in nursing faculty stress and burnout and to determine if additional interventions can be combined with the program for further impact
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