24 research outputs found

    Media pembelajaran

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    Pengembangan media video pembelajaran

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    Analisis gaya belajar dan gaya berpikir mahasiswa program diploma 2 PGAI-SD STAIN Palangka Raya

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    Penyampaian pesan adalah bagian pertama yang sangat menentukan proses komunikasi pembelajaran. Salah satu aspek yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam penyampaian pesan adalah karakteristik penerima pesan. Kenyataan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, karakteristik penerima pesan sering terabaikan, bahkan mungkin para guru, dosen atau instruktur jarang atau bahkan tidak pernah mengetahui gaya belajar dan gaya berpikir pebelajarnya, padahal gaya belajar dan gaya berpikir perlu dianalisis agar dapat menentukan strategi pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan pada kelas atau orang tertentu. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut maka penelitian yang dilaksanakan pada mahasiswa prodi D2 PGAI SD STAIN Palangka Raya ini mengkaji tentang belajar dan gaya berfikir mahasiswa serta cara-cara yang dapat dilakukan agar penyampaian pesan lebih efektif dan efesien

    Utilization of Whatsapp Group as a Communication Medium for Arabic Writing and Text Message Analysis

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    Research on WhatsApp Group as a communication medium in the learning process and the application of foreign language communication has been widely discussed by researchers. However, research on WhatsApp Group utilization as a written communication medium to learn Arabic together is still rarely studied. Therefore, this study focuses on describing the WhatsApp Group feature used to learn Arabic together in the Arabic Education Department (Pendidikan Bahasa Arab/PBA) lecturer group and analyzing the messages contained in it. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach. This study revealed several findings: the PBA lecturer group used WhatsApp for written communication using Arabic to be a medium for continuous training. Some of the topics discussed through written communication were classified into three types: first, remarks, prayers, and invitations; second, information on important academic and non-academic matters; and third, discussion about everyday life. As for the results of the analysis of the text messages written by the PBA lecturer group, it was found that the text messages written in the WhatsApp Group in terms of choosing vocabulary and sentence structure were generally correct, and there were only a few words and sentence structures that were less precise. Theoretical implications are also described in the results of this study


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    This article was compiled to describe the innovation of teachers in classroom management to increase the learning motivation of students of class VIII MTs Nurul Yaqin Kuala Kurun in the pandemic era. This article is motivated by a decrease in student learning motivation in the pandemic era. Because learning that was originally face-to-face is diverted by distance learning or online. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that teachers as classroom managers must make innovations that can increase students’ learning motivation during pandemic era: 1) Create active and fun learning, 2) Build good interpersonal relationships between teachers and students, 3) Hold quizzes, assessments and challenges that trigger the competitive nature of students. During this pandemic, teachers can innovate in the world of education, especially in managing classes that make students excited and motivated. Motivation is what students can follow and receive learning well

    Development of Video Media to Internalize Religious and Morals Values by Using Local Wisdom

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    Abstract—This research aimed to produce a decent and effective video media used in the development of religious and moral values for children in kindergarten with local wisdom approach. It was based on the view that religious and moral values need to embed early in a good and right way. The research design used Research and Development by developing video media contains religious and moral values development with of local wisdom approach to Banjar culture. Development procedure using ADDIE model. Learning media in the form of the developed video has been recommended feasible and effective use in the development of religious and moral values with the approach of local wisdom in Kindergarten

    Video-Based Moral Learning: An Internalization of values in Early Childhood

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    Moral education is a vital part of the educational process. Moral teaching cannot be completely conceptual and theoretical but must also be practical, so additional learning media is needed. This study aims to show the important value of learning media in teaching morals, especially with video media. Using the five stages of ADDIE's research design, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation, this research also intends to design a video learning moral value based on Banjar culture. The results show that this learning video is indeed very necessary and has proven to be effective in the moral learning process at the early childhood level. Video media can provide clear and practical illustrations of instilled moral values and students feel happy and enthusiastic. It is even more important that this learning video raises the local wisdom of Banjar culture as the basis for the values being taught

    The Evaluation Of Cipp Model in Learning Centers in Islamic Kindergarten Darussalam Palangka Raya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan evaluasi menggunakan model CIPP(Context, input, process, and product) dalam pembelajaran sentra di TK Islam Darussalam Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Menggunakan metode observasi partisipatif, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan data collection, data display, Conclusions Drawingverifying, data reduction . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan evaluasi model CIPP dalam pembelajaran sentra di TK Islam Darussalam Palangka Raya mengacu kepada kesiapan guru, kapasitas peserta didik, serta pertimbang masyarakat sehingga secara konteks lembaga memilih jenis model pembelajaran sentra untuk diterapkan. Tujuannya untuk menunjang strategi pendidikan yang ditentukan dan dikembangkan lembaga. Evaluasi masukan: melihat kesiapan lembaga dalam melaksanakan program pembelajaran sentra yang telah dirancang dan ketersediaan SDM, sarana dan prasarana serta dana yang dapat menunjang pelaksanaan program agar terlaksana sesuai dengan tujuan. Evaluasi proses: kesiapan lembaga dalam merancang perencanaan program pembelajaran sentra, mengukur keberhasilan dan melakukan umpan balik untuk perbaikan program selanjutnya. Evaluasi hasil: tahap pengambilan keputusan terhadap program pembelajaran sentra yang telah dilaksanakan untuk dilakukan modivikasi atau dilanjutkan pada periode berikutnya Abstract This study aims to describe the implementation of the evaluation using the CIPP model (Context, input, process, and product) in the learning center at Islamic Kindergarten Darussalam Palangka Raya. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Using participatory observation methods, in-depth interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis technique uses data collection, data display, Conclusions Drawing verifying, data reduction. The results showed that the implementation of the evaluation of the CIPP model in learning centers at Islamic Kindergarten Darussalam Palangka Raya refers to the readiness of teachers, student capacities, and community considerations so that in the context of the institution chooses the type of learning center model to be applied. The goal is to support the educational strategy determined and developed by the institution. Evaluation of inputs: see the readiness of the institution in implementing the learning center program that has been designed and the availability of human resources, facilities and infrastructure as well as funds that can support the implementation of the program so that it is carried out in accordance with the objectives. Process evaluation: the readiness of the institution in designing the central learning program planning, measuring success and providing feedback for further program improvement. Evaluation of results: the decision-making stage of the central learning program that has been implemented for modification or continued in the next period

    Media Tiruan Materi Sistem Pernapasan pada Manusia

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    Berdasarkan dari hasil wawancara yang dilakukan peneliti dengan guru M di kelas V (lima) bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran saat mengajar masih jarang digunakan di sekolah. Adapun media yang digunakan guru berupa gambar dan buku pelajaran. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan pengembangan media bagi guru sehingga membantu siswa memahami materi sistem pernapasan pada manusia dan pembelajaran lebih menarik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengembangkan media tiruan pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia kelas V (lima) di Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan model ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, dan evaluation). Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu angket analisis kebutuhan dan angket penilaian kelayakan media. Berdasarkan penilaian dari ahli media adalah 93,33% dengan hasil kualitas kelayakan pengembangan media tiruan berada dikategori “Sangat Layak”. Selanjutnya penilaian ahli materi adalah 78,57% dengan hasil kualitas pengembangan media tiruan berada dikategori “Layak”. Dengan demikian, pengembangan media tiruan sudah dikatakan layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran