69 research outputs found

    Fighting Zoom Fatigue: Keeping the Zoombies at Bay

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    The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused much disruption in early 2020 to educational processes around the world. Traditional classroom experiences transitioned to emergency remote ones, and, with little guidance or preparation, time many educators simply moved their lessons to an online video format using video conferencing systems. The methods that effective online teaching requires differ from the methods that traditional lecture formats require, and, as such, students often found themselves fighting online video meeting fatigue. To combat online meeting fatigue, we tested and employed several strategies that we discuss in this paper. We found activity switching, online small groups, and asynchronous lectures particularly effective techniques

    Protecting the Mental Health of Small-to-Medium Enterprise Owners: A Randomized Control Trial Evaluating a Self-Administered Versus Telephone Supported Intervention

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    OBJECTIVE: Small-medium enterprises (SMEs) are under-represented in occupational health research. Owner/managers face mental ill-health risks/exacerbating factors including financial stress and long working hours. This study assessed the effectiveness of a workplace mental health and wellbeing intervention specifically for SME owner/managers. METHODS: Two hundred ninety seven owner/managers of SMEs were recruited and invited to complete a baseline survey assessing their mental health and wellbeing and were then randomly allocated to one of three intervention groups: (1) self-administered, (2) self-administered plus telephone, or (3) an active control condition. After a four-month intervention period they were followed up with a second survey. RESULTS: Intention to treat analyses showed a significant decrease in psychological distress for both the active control and the telephone facilitated intervention groups, with the telephone group demonstrating a greater ratio of change. CONCLUSION: The provision of telephone support for self-administered interventions in this context appears warranted

    Promoting mental health in small-medium enterprises: An evaluation of the "Business in Mind" program

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Workplace mental health promotion (WMHP) aims to prevent and effectively manage the social and economic costs of common mental illnesses such as depression. The mental health of managers and employees within small-medium enterprises (SMEs) is a neglected sector in occupational health research and practice, despite the fact that this sector is the most common work setting in most economies. The availability and propensity of SME staff to attend face-to-face training/therapy or workshop style interventions often seen in corporate or public sector work settings is a widely recognised problem. The 'Business in Mind' program employs a DVD mode of delivery that is convenient for SME managers, particularly those operating in regional and remote areas where internet delivery may not be optimal. The objective of the intervention program is to improve the mental health of SME managers, and examine whether employees of managers' whose mental health improves, report positive change in their psychosocial work environment. The mechanisms via which we aim to improve managers' mental health are through the development of their psychological capital (a higher order construct comprised of hope, self efficacy, resilience and optimism) and their skills and capacities for coping with work stress.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The effectiveness of two versions of the program (self administered and telephone facilitated) will be assessed using a randomised trial with an active control condition (psychoeducation only). We aim to recruit a minimum of 249 managers and a sample of their employees. This design allows for 83 managers per group, as power analyses showed that this number would allow for attrition of 20% and still enable detection of an effect size of 0.5. The intervention will be implemented over a three month period and postal surveys will assess managers and employees in each group at baseline, intervention completion, and at 6 month follow up. The intervention groups (managers only) will also be assessed at 12 and 24 month follow-up to examine maintenance of effects. Primary outcomes are managers' levels of psychological capital (hope, resilience, self-efficacy and optimism), coping strategies, anxiety and depression symptoms, self-reported health, job satisfaction and job tension. Secondary outcomes are participating managers subordinates' perceptions of manager support, relational justice, emotional climate and job tension. In order to provide an economic evaluation of the intervention, both employees and manager rates of absenteeism and presenteeism will also be assessed.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The intervention being trialled is expected to improve both primary and secondary outcomes. If proven efficacious, the intervention could be disseminated to reach a much larger proportion of the business community.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current controlled trials ISRCTN 62853520</p

    A review of consumer preferences of and interactions with electric vehicle charging infrastructure

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    This paper presents a literature review of studies that investigate infrastructure needs to support the market introduction of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). It focuses on literature relating to consumer preferences for charging infrastructure, and how consumers interact with and use this infrastructure. This includes studies that use questionnaire surveys, interviews, modelling, GPS data from vehicles, and data from electric vehicle charging equipment. These studies indicate that the most important location for PEV charging is at home, followed by work, and then public locations. Studies have found that more effort is needed to ensure consumers have easy access to PEV charging and that charging at home, work, or public locations should not be free of cost. Research indicates that PEV charging will not impact electricity grids on the short term, however charging may need to be managed when the vehicles are deployed in greater numbers. In some areas of study the literature is not sufficiently mature to draw any conclusions from. More research is especially needed to determine how much infrastructure is needed to support the roll out of PEVs. This paper ends with policy implications and suggests avenues of future research

    A qualitative study of professional and client perspectives on information flows and decision aid use

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This paper explores the meanings given by a diverse range of stakeholders to a decision aid aimed at helping carers of people in early to moderate stages of dementia (PWD) to select community based respite services. Decision aids aim to empower clients to share decision making with health professionals. However, the match between health professionals' perspectives on decision support needs and their clients' perspective is an important and often unstudied aspect of decision aid use.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A secondary analysis was undertaken of qualitative data collected as part of a larger study. The data included twelve interviews with carers of people with dementia, three interviews with expert advisors, and three focus groups with health professionals. A theoretical analysis was conducted, drawing on theories of 'positioning' and professional identity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Health professionals are seen to hold varying attitudes and beliefs about carers' decision support needs, and these appeared to be grounded in the professional identity of each group. These attitudes and beliefs shaped their attitudes towards decision aids, the information they believed should be offered to dementia carers, and the timing of its offering. Some groups understood carers as needing to be protected from realistic information and consequently saw a need to filter information to carer clients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Health professionals' beliefs may cause them to restrict information flows, which can limit carers' ability to make decisions, and limit health services' ability to improve partnering and shared decision making. In an era where information is freely available to those with the resources to access it, we question whether health professionals should filter information.</p
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