4,348 research outputs found

    Using Household Panel Data to Understand the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty

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    This paper discusses how household panel surveys can be informative about the intergenerational transmission of poverty. We consider issues both of data and of the statistical methods that may be applied to those data. Although the data focus is on panel surveys from developed countries, we also briefly consider data availability in developing countries. We set out a list of survey data requirements for intergenerational analysis, and then discuss how the main household panel surveys in developed countries meet the criteria. In order to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of household panel surveys, the section also compares them with other types of longitudinal studies. Next, we review the estimation methods that have been used to examine the intergenerational transmission of poverty when using household panel surveys. Finally, we provide three examples of household panel surveys in developing countries (Indonesia, Malaysia and Mexico) that meet the data requirements for analysis of the intergenerational transmission of poverty.Demographic change, Consumption structure, Consumption of the elderly

    The Intergeneratinal Transmission of Poverty in Industrialized Countries

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    This paper reviews research about the intergenerational transmission of poverty in industrialized countries. In order to make our survey manageable, we restrict attention to studies that consider the relationship between parental poverty (or 'income') during childhood and later-life outcomes; we do not explicitly consider the impact of other family background variables such as parental education. The general message is that growing up poor has a deleterious impact on later-life chances, and that this impact is not wholly explained by other factors that are themselves correlated with childhood poverty. At the same time, the studies also show that one should be cautious about drawing more specific conclusions. For example, the degree of intergenerational persistence appears to vary depending on the definition of the outcome variable, and different estimation methods provide a range of estimates. In addition, most of re-search about intergenerational links has been undertaken using US data, and it is not clear that any specific conclusions should carry over to another country with very different social norms and institutions including e.g. differences in labour market regulation, and in systems of edu-cation and social security benefits. However we conclude that, broadly speaking, the analyti-cal framework that has been used for high-income countries can also be applied to low-income countries.Poverty, intergenerational transmission, mobility, family background, income, industrialized countries

    The Effect of Lone Motherhood on the Smoking Behaviour of Young Adults

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    We provide evidence that living with an unmarried mother during childhood raises smoking propensities for young adults in Germany.smoking, lone parent, childhood family structure, divorce, unobserved heterogeneity

    The Effect of Lone Motherhood on the Smoking Behaviour of Young Adults

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    We provide evidence that living with an unmarried mother during childhood raises smoking propensities for young adults in Germany.smoking, lone parent, childhood family structure, divorce, unobserved heterogeneity

    Lidar measurements of thermal structure

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    Rayleigh backscatter observations at 532 nm and 355 nm of relative atmospheric density above Aberystwyth on a total of 93 nights between Dec. 1982 and Feb. 1985 were used to derive the height variation of temperature in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere. Preliminary results for height up to about 25 km were also obtained from observations of Raman backscattering from nitrogen molecules. Comparisons were carried out for stratospheric heights with satellite borne measurements; good agreement was found between equivalent black body temperatures derived from the lidar observations and those obtained from nadir measurements in three channels of the stratosphere sounder units on NOAA satellites; the lidar based atmospheric temperatures have shown general agreement with but a greater degree of structure than the limb sounding measurements obtained using the SAMS experiment on the NOAA-7 satellite. In summer, stratospheric and mesospheric temperatures showed a smooth height variation similar to that of the CIRA model atmosphere. In contrast, the winter data showed a great variability with height, and marked temperature changes both from night to night and within a given night

    Peculiar Velocities of Galaxy Clusters

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    We investigate the peculiar velocities predicted for galaxy clusters by theories in the cold dark matter family. A widely used hypothesis identifies rich clusters with high peaks of a suitably smoothed version of the linear density fluctuation field. Their peculiar velocities are then obtained by extrapolating the similarly smoothed linear peculiar velocities at the positions of these peaks. We test these ideas using large high resolution N-body simulations carried out within the Virgo supercomputing consortium. We find that at early times the barycentre of the material which ends up in a rich cluster is generally very close to a high peak of the initial density field. Furthermore the mean peculiar velocity of this material agrees well with the linear value at the peak. The late-time growth of peculiar velocities is, however, systematically underestimated by linear theory. At the time clusters are identified we find their rms peculiar velocity to be about 40% larger than predicted. Nonlinear effects are particularly important in superclusters. These systematics must be borne in mind when using cluster peculiar velocities to estimate the parameter combination σ8Ω0.6\sigma_8\Omega^{0.6}.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; submitted to MNRA

    Scheidungskinder rauchen mehr

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    Die massiven Gesundheitsschäden, die Rauchen verursacht, sind allseits bekannt. Die Gründe, warum Menschen zu Rauchern werden, sind hingegen nicht so offenkundig. Der vorliegende Bericht untersucht den Zusammenhang von Familienform und Rauchverhalten von jungen Menschen in Deutschland auf Basis der Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP). Eines der zentralen Ergebnisse: Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene aus Alleinerzieher-Haushalten haben ein deutlich höheres Risiko, Raucher zu werden sowie früher mit dem Rauchen anzufangen als solche aus sogenannten traditionellen Familien. Auch die Intensität des Tabakkonsums hängt von der Familienform ab - Personen, die in Alleinerzieher-Haushalten aufwachsen, rauchen im Durchschnitt mehr Zigaretten pro Tag. Besonders wichtig ist dabei, wie die Alleinerziehung zustande kam und in welchem Alter sie einsetzte: Eine Scheidung der Eltern erhöht das Risiko zu rauchen am stärksten, wohingegen das Aufwachsen mit einer alleinerziehenden Mutter oder der Tod des Vaters während der Kindheit keine statistisch signifikante Rolle spielen.Smoking, Lone parent, Childhood family structure, Divorce

    Sparse panicle1 is required for inflorescence development in Setaria viridis and maize.

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    Setaria viridis is a rapid-life-cycle model panicoid grass. To identify genes that may contribute to inflorescence architecture and thus have the potential to influence grain yield in related crops such as maize, we conducted an N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) mutagenesis of S. viridis and screened for visible inflorescence mutant phenotypes. Of the approximately 2,700 M2 families screened, we identified four recessive sparse panicle mutants (spp1-spp4) characterized by reduced and uneven branching of the inflorescence. To identify the gene underlying the sparse panicle1 (spp1) phenotype, we performed bulked segregant analysis and deep sequencing to fine map it to an approximately 1 Mb interval. Within this interval, we identified disruptive mutations in two genes. Complementation tests between spp1 and spp3 revealed they were allelic, and deep sequencing of spp3 identified an independent disruptive mutation in SvAUX1 (AUXIN1), one of the two genes in the ∼1 Mb interval and the only gene disruption shared between spp1 and spp3. SvAUX1 was found to affect both inflorescence development and root gravitropism in S. viridis. A search for orthologous mutant alleles in maize confirmed a very similar role of ZmAUX1 in maize, which highlights the utility of S. viridis in accelerating functional genomic studies in maize

    Einfluss der Familienform auf den Schulerfolg von Kindern nicht nachweisbar

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    Die Bedeutung von nicht traditionellen Familienformen, d. h. von Familien, in denen nicht beide leibliche Eltern ihre Kinder gemeinsam großziehen, wird immer wieder kontrovers diskutiert. In der Öffentlichkeit wird häufi g vermutet, dass Kindern Nachteile erwachsen, wenn sie nicht in traditionellen Elternhäusern aufwachsen. Gegenwärtig ist sogar in der Diskussion, dass Kinder Alleinerziehender und in Patchworkfamilien nicht genügend soziales Verhalten lernen würden und deshalb der gesellschaftliche Zusammenhalt insgesamt gefährdet sei. Zur Objektivierung der Debatte werden in diesem Bericht Befunde zum Zusammenhang zwischen Familientyp und dem frühen Lebensweg von Kindern und Jugendlichen vorgelegt. Die Ergebnisse wurden im Rahmen eines vom DIW Berlin zusammen mit dem Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) der University of Essex durchgeführten Forschungsprojektes erarbeitet, das von der Deutsch-Britischen Stiftung für das Studium der Industriegesellschaft fi nanziert wurde. Auf Basis der Daten des vom DIW Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit Infratest Sozialforschung erhobenen Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) kann für Kinder, die in Deutschland von 1966 bis 1986 geboren wurden, methodisch zuverlässig gezeigt werden, dass es keinen statistisch eindeutig nachweisbaren Einfl uss des Familientyps auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit gibt, das Abitur oder einen höheren Bildungsabschluss zu erlangen. Auch lässt sich statistisch kein konsistenter Einfl uss auf das Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiko in der Jugend nachweisen. Die für das lebenslange Gesundheitsrisiko bedeutsame Frage, ob Jugendliche rauchen, lässt sich allerdings empirisch beantworten: Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, die in nicht traditionellen Elternhäusern aufgewachsen sind, haben eine - je nach Untersuchungsgruppe - etwa 10 bis 20 % höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit zu rauchen. Die genaueren Ursachen hierfür werden derzeit näher untersucht.
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