92 research outputs found

    Characterization of Defect Structure in Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Ni Films

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    The microstructure of electrodeposited Ni films produced without and with organic additives (saccharin and formic acid) was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) line profile analysis and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Whereas the general effect of these additives on the microstructure (elimination of columnar growth as well as grain refinement) was reproduced, the pronounced intention of this study was to compare the results of various seldom-used high-performance structural characterization methods on identical electrodeposited specimens in order to reveal fine details of structural changes qualitatively not very common in this field. In the film deposited without additives, a columnar structure was observed showing similarities to the T-zone of structure zone models. Both formic acid and saccharin additives resulted in equiaxed grains with reduced size, as well as increased dislocation and twin fault densities in the nanocrystalline films. Moreover, the structure became homogeneous and free of texture within the total film thickness due to the additives. Saccharin yielded smaller grain size and larger defect density than formic acid. A detailed analysis of the grain size and twin boundary spacing distributions was carried out with the complementary application of TEM and XRD, by carefully distinguishing between the TEM and XRD grain sizes.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Az MHC I. sejtfelszíni szerveződése = Cell surface organization of MHC I.

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    A pályázat keretében tanulmányoztuk a T limfociták sejtfelszíni fehérjéinek eloszlását. Megállapítottuk, hogy a Kv1.3 K+ csatornák és a T sejt receptor integráns részét képző CD3 molekulák átfedő membrán doménekben helyezkednek el. Konfokális mikroszkópos eredményeinket áramlási citometriás energia transzfer mérésekkel is megerősítettük. Felismertük, hogy a CTL-target sejt kölcsönhatás során a Kv1.3 K+ csatornák az immunológiai szinapszisban feldúsulnak. Megalkottuk az IL-2/IL-15R rendszer dinamikus heterotetramer modelljét: a citokin kötődése az alegységek konformációjának/közelségének megváltoztatásával kialakítja a megfelelő nagy affinitású αβγc heterotrimert. Fluoreszcenciás festékek és arany nanorészecskék közti energia transzferen alapuló távolságmérő módszert dolgoztunk ki. Energia transzfer mérések hatékony végzésére számítógépes programokat hoztunk létre, melyek működését számos rendszeren teszteltük. | In the frame of the project we studied the distribution of cell surface proteins of T lymphocytes. We proved that the Kv1.3 K+ channels are located in the same membrane domains as the CD3 molecules which are part of the T cell receptor. Confocal microscopic data were in good agreement with those of the flow cytometric energy transfer measurements. We showed that the Kv1.3 K+ channels are expressed at higher concentrations in the immunological synapse during CTL-target cell interaction. We described the dynamic heterotetramer model of the IL-2/IL-15R system: the binding of the appropriate cytokine results in the formation of high-affinity αβγc heterotrimeric receptors. We introduced a novel energy transfer method for measuring distances on the cell surfaces using fluorescent dyes and nanoparticles. We elaborated computer programs for determining energy transfer efficiencies and tested them on several biological systems
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