65 research outputs found

    Growth and Properties of Na2IrO3 Thin Films

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    The layered honeycomb lattice iridate Na2IrO3 is a novel candidate material for either a topological insulator or spin liquid. These states of matter are one possible starting point for the future realization of scalable quantum computation, but may also find application in magnetic memory or low-power electronic devices. This thesis reports on the pulsed laser deposition of high-quality heteroepitaxial (001)-oriented Na2IrO3 thin films with well-defined in-plane epitaxial relationship on 5-by-5 and 10-by-10 square millimeter single-crystalline sapphire, YAlO3 and zinc oxide substrates. Three-dimensional Mott variable range hopping is the dominant conduction mechanism between 40 and 300 K. Moreover, a signature of the proposed topological insulator phase is found in magnetoresistance by observation of the weak antilocalization effect that is associated with topological surafce states. Compared to single crystals, a smaller, 200-meV optical gap in Na2IrO3 thin films is found by Fourier-transform infrared transmission spectroscopy

    Pulsed Laser Deposition of Iridate and YBiO3 Thin Films

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Dünnfilmwachstum der ternären Oxide Na2IrO3, Li2IrO3, Y2Ir2O7 und YBiO3. All diesen oxidischen Materialien ist gemein, dass sie Verwirklichungen sogenannter Topologischer Isolatoren oder Spin-Flüssigkeiten sein könnten. Diese neuartigen Materiezustände versprechen eine zukünftige Anwendung in der Quantencomputation, in magnetischen Speichern und in elektrischen Geräten mit geringer Leistungsaufnahme. Die Herstellung der hier gezeigten Dünnfilme ist daher ein erster Schritt zur Umsetzung dieser Anwendungen in der Zukunft. Alle Dünnfilme werden mittels gepulster Laserplasmaabscheidung auf verschiedenen einkristallinen Substraten hergestellt. Die strukturellen, optischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften der Filme werden mittels etablierter experimenteller Verfahren wie Röntgenbeugung, spektroskopischer Ellipsometrie und elektrischenWiderstandsmessungen untersucht. Die strukturellen Eigenschaften von erstmalig in der Masterarbeit des Authors verwirklichten Na2IrO3-Dünnfilmen können durch Abscheidung einer ZnO-Zwischenschicht deutlich verbessert werden. Einkristalline Li2IrO3-Dünnfilme mit einer definierten Kristallausrichtung werden erstmalig hergestellt. Die Messung der dielektrischen Funktion gibt Einblick in elektronische Anregungen, die gut vergleichbar mit Li2IrO3-Einkristallen und verwandten Iridaten sind. Des Weiteren wird aus den Daten eine optische Energielücke von ungefähr 300 meV bestimmt. In Y2Ir2O7-Dünnfilmen wird eine mögliche (111)-Vorzugsorientierung in Wachstumsrichtung gefunden. Im Vergleich mit der chemischen Lösungsabscheidung zeigen die hier mittels gepulster Laserplasmaabscheidung hergestellten YBiO3-Dünnfilme eine definierte, biaxiale Kristallausrichtung in der Wachstumsebene bei einer deutlich höheren Schichtdicke. Über die gemessene dielektrische Funktion können eine direkte und indirekte Bandlücke bestimmt werden. Deren Größe gibt eine notwendige experimentelle Rückmeldung an theoretische Berechnungen der elektronischen Bandstruktur von YBiO3, welche zur Vorhersage der oben erwähnten, neuartigen Materiezuständen verwendet werden. Nach einer Einleitung und Motivation dieser Arbeit gibt das zweite Kapitel einen Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand der hier untersuchten Materialien. Die folgenden zwei Kapitel beschreiben die Probenherstellung und die verwendeten experimentellen Untersuchungsmethoden. Anschließend werden für jedes Material einzeln die experimentellen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit diskutiert. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Zusammenfassung und einem Ausblick.The present thesis reports on the thin film growth of ternary oxides Na2IrO3, Li2IrO3, Y2Ir2O7 and YBiO3. All of these oxides are candidate materials for the so-called topological insulator and spin liquid, respectively. These states of matter promise future application in quantum computation, and in magnetic memory and low-power electronic devices. The realization of the thin films presented here, thus represents a first step towards these future device applications. All thin films are prepared by means of pulsed laser deposition on various single-crystalline substrates. Their structural, optical and electronic properties are investigated with established experimental methods such as X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic ellipsometry and resistivity measurements. The structural properties of Na2IrO3 thin films, that were previously realized in the author’s M. Sc. thesis for the first time, are improved significantly by deposition of an intermediate ZnO layer. Single-crystalline Li2IrO3 thin films are grown for the first time and exhibit a defined crystal orientation. Measurement of the dielectric function gives insight into electronic excitations that compare well with single crystal samples and related iridates. From the data, an optical energy gap of about 300 meV is obtained. For Y2Ir2O7 thin films, a possible (111) out-of-plane preferential crystal orientation is obtained. Compared to chemical solution deposition, the pulsed laser-deposited YBiO3 thin films presented here exhibit a biaxial in-plane crystal orientation up to a significantly larger film thickness. From the measured dielectric function, a direct and indirect band gap energy is determined. Their magnitude provides necessary experimental feedback for theoretical calculations of the electronic structure of YBiO3, which are used in the prediction of the novel states of matter mentioned above. After the introduction and motivation of this thesis, the second chapter reviews the current state of the science of the studied thin film materials. The following two chapters introduce the sample preparation and the employed experimental methods, respectively. Subsequently, the experimental results of this thesis are discussed for each material individually. The thesis concludes with a summary and an outlook

    Fundamental absorption edges in heteroepitaxial YBiO3 thin films

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    The dielectric function of heteroepitaxial YBiO3 grown on a-Al2O3 single crystals via pulsed laser deposition is determined in the spectral range from 0.03 eV to 4.5 eV by a simultaneous modeling of the spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical transmission data of YBiO3 films of different thicknesses. The (111)-oriented YBiO3 films are nominally unstrained and crystallize in a defective fluorite-type structure with a Fm3⎯⎯m space group. From the calculated absorption spectrum, a direct electronic bandgap energy of 3.6(1) eV and the signature of an indirect electronic transition around 0.5 eV are obtained. These values provide necessary experimental feedback to previous conflicting electronic band structure calculations predicting either a topologically trivial or a non-trivial insulating ground state in YBiO3

    Electronic excitations and structure of Li2IrO3 thin films grown on ZrO2:Y (001) substrates

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    Thin films are a prerequisite for application of the emergent exotic ground states in iridates that result from the interplay of strong spin-orbit coupling and electronic correlations. We report on pulsed laser deposition of Li2IrO3 films on ZrO2:Y (001) single crystalline substrates. X-ray diffraction confirms preferential (001) and (10-1) out-of-plane crystalline orientations with well defined in-plane orientation. Resistivity between 35 and 300K is dominated by a three-dimensional variable range hopping mechanism. The dielectric function is determined by means of spectroscopic ellipsometry and, complemented by Fourier transform infrared transmission spectroscopy, reveals a small optical gap of ≈300 meV, a splitting of the 5d-t2g manifold, and several in-gap excitations attributed to phonons and possibly magnons

    Modeling the conductivity around the dimensionality-controlled metal-insulator transition in LaNiO3/LaAlO3 (100) superlattices

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    A dimensionality controlled metal insulator transition in epitaxial [LaNiO3 (d nm)/LaAlO3(2nm)]10 (100) superlattices (thereafter [d/2]10 SLs) is demonstrated for decreasing LaNiO3 single layer thickness from 4nm down to 1.2 nm. The [4/2]10 SL shows metallic behavior with positive resistivity temperature coefficient, while the [2/2]10 SL shows a metal-insulator transition with crossover from 3D to two-dimensional single-layer dimensionality. Strong localization appears for the [1.2/2]10 SL with the resistivity being dominated by two-dimensional variable range hopping with a localization length of about 0.035 nm

    Lattice parameters and Raman-active phonon modes of β-(AlxGa1−x)2O3

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    We present X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy investigations of a (100)-oriented (AlxGa1–x)2O3 thin film on MgO (100) and bulk-like ceramics in dependence on their composition. The thin film grown by pulsed laser deposition has a continuous lateral composition spread allowing to determine precisely the dependence of the phonon mode properties and lattice parameters on the chemical composition. For x<0.4, we observe the single-phase b-modification. Its lattice parameters and phonon energies depend linearly on the composition. We determined the slopes of these dependencies for the individual lattice parameters and for nine Raman lines, respectively. While the lattice parameters of the ceramics follow Vegard’s rule, deviations are observed for the thin film. This deviation has only a small effect on the phonon energies, which show a reasonably good agreement between thin film and ceramics

    Lattice parameters and Raman-active phonon modes of (InxGa1–x)2O3 for x < 0.4

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    We present X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy investigations of (InxGa1–x)2O3 thin films and bulk-like ceramics in dependence of their composition. The thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition have a continuous lateral composition spread allowing the determination of phonon mode properties and lattice parameters with high sensitivity to the composition from a single 2-in. wafer. In the regime of low indium concentration, the phonon energies depend linearly on the composition and show a good agreement between both sample types. We determined the slopes of these dependencies for eight different Raman modes. While the lattice parameters of the ceramics follow Vegard’s rule, deviations are observed for the thin films. Further, we found indications of the highpressure phase InGaO3 II in the thin films above a critical indium concentration, its value depending on the type of substrate
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