70 research outputs found

    Neutrino Physics with JUNO

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), a 20 kton multi-purposeunderground liquid scintillator detector, was proposed with the determinationof the neutrino mass hierarchy as a primary physics goal. It is also capable ofobserving neutrinos from terrestrial and extra-terrestrial sources, includingsupernova burst neutrinos, diffuse supernova neutrino background, geoneutrinos,atmospheric neutrinos, solar neutrinos, as well as exotic searches such asnucleon decays, dark matter, sterile neutrinos, etc. We present the physicsmotivations and the anticipated performance of the JUNO detector for variousproposed measurements. By detecting reactor antineutrinos from two power plantsat 53-km distance, JUNO will determine the neutrino mass hierarchy at a 3-4sigma significance with six years of running. The measurement of antineutrinospectrum will also lead to the precise determination of three out of the sixoscillation parameters to an accuracy of better than 1\%. Neutrino burst from atypical core-collapse supernova at 10 kpc would lead to ~5000inverse-beta-decay events and ~2000 all-flavor neutrino-proton elasticscattering events in JUNO. Detection of DSNB would provide valuable informationon the cosmic star-formation rate and the average core-collapsed neutrinoenergy spectrum. Geo-neutrinos can be detected in JUNO with a rate of ~400events per year, significantly improving the statistics of existing geoneutrinosamples. The JUNO detector is sensitive to several exotic searches, e.g. protondecay via the pK++νˉp\to K^++\bar\nu decay channel. The JUNO detector will providea unique facility to address many outstanding crucial questions in particle andastrophysics. It holds the great potential for further advancing our quest tounderstanding the fundamental properties of neutrinos, one of the buildingblocks of our Universe

    不同毛豆(Glycine max(L)Merr.)栽培種對鎘吸收能力之研究

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    近年來,農產品鎘濃度對人體健康的威脅,一直受到關注。毛豆是國人重要食用蔬菜之一,本研究的目的在探討毛豆栽培種對鎘的吸收能力。採用台灣21個毛豆栽培種進行田間及水耕栽培種植試驗,田間試驗毛豆種於有輕度鎘汙染的農田,水耕栽培試驗在養液添加1.11 mg-Cd L-1鎘濃度中種植,採收時植體分成根部、莖部、葉部、豆莢、豆子等各部位進行養份及重金屬分析;分別採集根圈土壤也採集分別進行有效性養份與重金屬分析,分別採集植體進行鎘及各種成份分析,結果顯示21個栽培種資料庫中鮮豆鎘濃度與土壤有效性鎘濃度沒有相關性,但是栽培種的鮮豆鎘濃度與BCF(生物濃縮因子)有極顯著相關性GWCd=0.0320 + 0.8397 BCF, R2=0.7504 (p<0.0001),鮮豆鎘濃度栽培種編號C18、C09、C11、C13、C14低於限量標準0.1 mg kg-1,與21個栽培種資料庫中BCF上升排序中最低的五個栽培種編號是相同的。結果也顯示,鮮豆鎘濃度與鮮莢鎘濃度相關性有極極顯著水準(p<0.0001);具有高鎘吸收能力的栽培種前五名為編號C06、C19、C10、C15、C16,與鮮豆最高的鎘濃度栽培種編號C06、C19、C10、C04、C16有一些不同,在豆子、豆莢、葉、莖、根等各部位的乾、鮮重鎘濃度在土壤試驗和水耕栽培試驗結果完全不相關,這樣顯示水耕栽培結果無法應用在土壤栽培系統。在水耕栽培系統中栽培種編號C08、C10、C13、C14、C20沒有豆莢產生。而在土壤栽培中鮮豆鎘濃度最低的栽培種只有編號C09、C11、C18水耕栽培系統中有豆子可以採收,只有在水耕栽培中鮮豆鎘濃度第五低的栽培種C11。在土壤栽培中鮮豆鎘濃度最高的栽培種只有編號C10沒有豆子產出,其他四個栽培種都有,而在最高的鮮豆鎘濃度下栽培種編號C19、C4在水耕栽培下有豆子產出。鮮豆低鎘濃度的栽培種種皮顏色主要為淡黃色、淡綠或褐綠色,高鎘吸收能力的栽培種種皮顏色主要為褐色、黑色等深色系的種皮的毛豆栽培種。微衛星分析進行各栽培種親屬關係分群,結果顯示各分群均有高或低鎘吸收能力的栽培種存在。本研究結果顯示,未來監測高風險農地毛豆栽培種的安全性可以提早在豆莢就進行採樣檢測,以縮短監測時程。此外,低鎘吸收的毛豆栽培種可用於雜交育種,育出之低鎘吸收毛豆品種可用於種植在高風險農地,而高鎘吸收的毛豆栽培種可應用於植生復育。In recent years, the threat of cadmium (Cd) in agricultural products to the health of human has been highly concerned. Vegetable soybean is one among important edible vegetables in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to investigate the cadmium absorption ability of vegetable soybean. One field and one hydroponic experiment were conducted with 21 cultivars found in Taiwan. The field experiment was conducted in a light Cd polluted soil and the hydroponic experiment was conducted in nutrient solutions containing mg-Cd L-1. During harvest, the plant was separated in root, stem, leaf, pod, and grain parts for plant nutrient and heavy metals analysis, soils around plants were also collected separately for available nutrient and heavy metal analysis. Results, from the soil cultivation, showed that the Cd concentration in fresh grains (GWCd) had no relationship with the available concentration of Cd in soils among the 21 cultivars' data pool, but had highly relationship with BCF (bio-concentration factor) of these cultivars with GWCd=0.0320 + 0.8397 BCF, R2=0.7504 (p<0.0001). The GWCd concentration of cultivars C18,C 9,C11,C13, and C14 were lower than the limit at 0.1 mg kg-1, which were the same ascending BCF order of these cultivars which were the lowest five cultivars in the 21 cultivar pool. Result also indicated the GWCd concentration was highly highly correlated (P<0.0001) with the concentration of fresh pod (PWCd). The highest five BCF cultivars were C06, C19, C10, C15, and C16, which had some different from the highest GWCd cultivars C06, C19, C10, C04, and C16. The relationships of the concentration of Cd in grain, pod, leaf, stem, and root in dry and in fresh of vegetable soybean between soil and hydroponic cultivation were all not correlated. This indicates that the hydroponic cultivation results can not apply to the soil cultivation system. In the hydroponic system, cultivars C08, C10, C13, C14, and C20 had no pod produced. The lowest five cultivars of GWCd in soil cultivation only cultivars C09, C11, and C18 had grain harvested in the hydroponic system, and only the cultivar C11 on the fifth lowest GWCd. The highest five cultivars of GWCd in soil cultivation only cultivar 10 had no grain produced, the other four cultivars, only cultivar C19 and C04 were among the highest five GWCd produced in hydroponic system. The seed coat color of these cultivars with a lower cadmium absorption ability is yellow or green, but that of these cultivars with a higher cadmium uptake ability is brown or black. The dendrogram generated from the 13 microsatellite loci resulted in several clades, suggesting that the same clade included both cultivars with low and high cadmium absorption abilities. This study suggests that the cadmium concentrations of pods may be used to predict those of beans for risk management purpose. The cultivars with a lower cadmium absorption ability can be grown in fields with a high cadmium concentration and used for breeding green soybeans with a lower cadmium uptake ability. Moreover, the cultivars with a higher cadmium absorption ability may be used for phytoremediation.目錄 摘要 i Abstract iii 目錄 v 表次 vii 圖次 ix 附錄次 x 第一章、緒論 1 前言 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 3 第二節、研究目的 5 第三節、研究流程 5 第四節、論文架構 6 第二章、文獻探討 7 第一節、鎘的來源與相關用途相關研究 7 第二節、土壤中的鎘相關研究 8 第三節、鎘的污染相關研究 11 第四節、植物對鎘的吸收累積能力之比較相關研究 14 第五節、土壤性質與鎘的生物有效性相關研究 16 第六節、降低作物對鎘的吸收相關研究 19 第七節、生物濃縮因子解釋名詞 21 第三章、材料與方法 22 第一節、研究材料 22 第二節、研究方法 23 一、田間栽培試驗 23 二、水耕栽培試驗 27 三、樣品處理與分析 28 四、數據計算及分析 29 五、21種毛豆栽培種基因檢測分析 29 第四章、結果與討論 30 第一節、田間栽培試驗結果 30 第二節、水耕栽培試驗結果 48 第三節、田間栽培與水耕栽培毛豆鎘濃度間相關性 59 第四節、21種毛豆基因檢測分析結果 60 第五章、結論 64 第一節、結論 64 第二節、研究應用 65 參考文獻 66 附錄 73 表次 表1、台灣地區近十年毛豆生產種植面積、收穫面積、產量統計表 4 表2、鎘的來源與相關用途相關研究整理表 7 表3、土壤中的鎘相關研究整理表 8 表4、鎘的污染相關研究整理表 11 表5、植物對鎘的吸收累積能力之比較相關研究整理表 14 表6、土壤性質與鎘的生物有效性相關研究整理表 16 表7、降低作物對鎘的吸收相關研究整理表 19 表8、供試21種毛豆栽培種編號、種子性狀表及種子來源表 22 表9、21個不同毛豆品種田間栽培試驗土壤分析平均資料統計表 30 表10、表10、21個不同毛豆栽培種田間栽培試驗平均BCF比較表 31 表11、21個毛豆栽培種與衛生福利部蔬果重金屬限量標準比較表 32 表12、21個毛豆栽培種各部位鮮重平均鎘含量比較表 35 表13、21個毛豆栽培種各部位鮮重平均鎘含量百分比分析比較表 37 表14、乾豆鎘濃度(GD)和土壤及毛豆其它部位鎘濃度的相關性(n=63) 39 表15、乾豆鎘濃度(GD)和土壤及毛豆其它部位鎘濃度的相關性(n=56不含26,28,29,30,32,52) 40 表16、鮮豆鎘濃度(GW)和土壤及毛豆其它部位鎘濃度的相關性(n=63) 41 表17、鮮豆鎘濃度(GW)和土壤及毛豆其它部位鎘濃度的相關性(n=56不含26,28,29,30,32,52) 42 表18、土壤及毛豆其它部位鎘濃度的相關性(n=59不含28,29,30,58) 43 表19、土壤及毛豆其它部位鎘濃度的相關性(n=63) 44 表20、毛豆鎘濃度(GWCd)和土壤性質的相關性(n=63) 45 表21、毛豆鎘濃度(GWCd)和豆子(GD)成分濃度的相關性(n=63) 46 表22、毛豆鎘濃度(GDCd)和豆子(GD)成分濃度的相關性(n=63) 47 表23、16種毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗豆子鮮重平均鎘濃度 48 表24、17種毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗豆莢鮮重平均鎘濃度 50 表25、21種毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗葉片鮮重平均鎘濃度 52 表26、21種毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗莖部鮮重平均鎘濃度 54 表27、21種毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗根部鮮重平均鎘濃度 56 表28、毛豆不同部位間土耕和水耕鎘濃度相關性 59 表29、水耕毛豆植體各部位間鎘乾重濃度的相關性,GD樣品數16,其餘21 59 圖次 圖1、台灣地區近十年毛豆生產收穫面積、產量統計圖 4 圖2、研究流程圖 6 圖3、試驗田區土壤鎘濃度分布圖 23 圖4、21毛豆栽培種田間試驗定植分配圖 24 圖5、21毛豆栽培種田間試驗定植分配照片(一) 25 圖6、21毛豆栽培種田間試驗定植分配照片(二) 26 圖7、21個不同毛豆栽培種平均BCF值 32 圖8、21個毛豆栽培種各部位鮮重平均鎘含量比較圖 36 圖9、21個毛豆栽培種各部位鮮重平均鎘含量百分比分析比較圖 38 圖10、16個不同毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗豆子鮮重平均鎘濃度圖 49 圖11、17個不同毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗豆莢鮮重平均鎘濃度圖 51 圖12、21個不同毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗葉片鮮重平均鎘濃度圖 53 圖13、21個不同毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗莖部鮮重平均鎘濃度圖 55 圖14、21個不同毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗根部鮮重鎘平均濃度圖 57 圖15、21種毛豆栽培種基因親屬關係樹狀圖(一) 60 圖16、21種毛豆栽培種基因親屬關係樹狀圖(二) 61 圖17、22種毛豆栽培基因親屬關係分布圖(PCA) 62 圖18、21種毛豆栽培基因調整後親屬關係樹狀圖 63 附錄次 附圖1、供試21種毛豆栽培種種子照片圖 74 附圖2、21毛豆栽培種P、Ca、OM、BCF、鮮豆、鮮莢Cd含量多變量分析 84 附圖3、水耕栽培系統毛豆栽培種鎘毒害症狀照片(一) 85 附圖4、水耕栽培系統毛豆栽培種鎘毒害症狀照片(二) 86 附圖5、水耕栽培系統毛豆栽培種鎘毒害症狀照片(三) 87 附圖6、水耕栽培系統毛豆栽培種鎘毒害症狀照片(四) 88 附表1、21種毛豆栽培基因檢測分析結果統計表 75 附表2、21種毛豆栽培基因親屬關係統計表 76 附表3、蔬果植物類重金屬鎘限量標準 77 附表4、21個不同毛豆品種田間栽培試驗土壤分析資料統計表 78 附表5、21個不同毛豆栽培種田間栽培試驗植體濕乾重分析統計表 80 附表6、21個不同毛豆栽培種水耕栽培試驗植體濕乾重分析統計表 8

    Type 2 diabetes: an independent risk factor for tuberculosis: a nationwide population-based study.

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    OBJECTIVE: Tuberculosis continues to be a major global health problem. We wanted to investigate whether Type 2 diabetes was a risk factor for tuberculosis in an Asian population. METHODS: From Taiwan's National Health Insurance Research Database, we collected data from 31,237 female patients with type 2 diabetes and 92,642 female controls and 32,493 male patients with type 2 diabetes and 96,977 male controls. Cox proportional hazard regression was performed to evaluate independent risk factors for tuberculosis in all patients and to identify risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes. RESULTS: During the study period, both female (standardized incidence ratio (SIR): 1.40, p<0.01) and male (SIR: 1.48, p<0.01) patients with type 2 diabetes were found to have a significantly higher rate of incident tuberculosis than the control group. Type 2 diabetes (HR:1.31, 1.23-1.39, p<0.001) was significantly associated with tuberculosis after adjusting sex, age, bronchiectasis, asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of tuberculosis compared to control subjects after adjusting for confounding factors. The current diabetes epidemic may lead to a resurgence of tuberculosis in endemic regions. Therefore, preventive measures, including addressing the possibility that type 2 diabetes increase the individual's susceptibility for incident TB, should be taken to further reduce the incidence of tuberculosis

    The age-adjusted standardized incidence ratio of incident tuberculosis among male diabetic patients stratified by age.

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    <p>Those who had a diagnosis of bronchiectasis, TB_attacher, COPD, or asthma were excluded.</p><p>#: the incidence is estimated by per 1000-person-year.</p><p>&: The mean month of follow-up was estimated from those with onset of TB.</p

    The age-adjusted standardized incidence ratio of incident tuberculosis among female diabetic patients stratified by age.

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    <p>Those who had a diagnosis of bronchiectasis, TB_attacher, COPD, or asthma were excluded.</p><p>#: the incidence was estimated by per 1000-person-year.</p><p>&: The mean month of follow-up was estimated from those with onset of TB.</p

    The frequency distributions among gender in patients with type 2 diabetes and control groups stratified by age.

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    <p>The frequency distributions among gender in patients with type 2 diabetes and control groups stratified by age.</p