3 research outputs found

    Rezultati post mortem analize koncentracije alkohola u krvi u Srbiji tokom 2011 godine

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    The prevalence of alcohol in blood samples from medicolegal autopsies performed in the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Belgrade, in 2011, was studied. In total, 293 blood samples were analyzed for alcohol by headspace gas chromatography. The blood alcohol concentrations were evaluated according to sex, age, and cause of death. The blood alcohol concentrations were . 0.5 g/L in 23.9% of the cases; in suicides 22.4%, accidents 34.4% and homicides 25.0%. The largest proportion of high BACs were found in the sample from subjects killed in traffic accidents. These findings confirm that alcohol use is an important factor in many fatal accidents, suicides and cases of violent death.U ovom radu su razmatrani rezultati post mortem koncentracije alkohola (BAC) u 293 uzorka krvi dobijena na osnovu sudsko-medicinskih autopsija sprovedenih na Institutu za sudsku medicinu u Beogradu tokom 2011. godine. Gasna hromatografija sa headspace tehnikom (HS GH) se koristi kao rutinska i referentna metoda za određivanje alkohola. Podaci su analizirani prema godiÅ”tu i polu žrtve u trenutku smrti i prema uzroku smrti. Od ukupnog broja žrtava, svaka treća žrtva je bila pod uticajem alkohola u momentu smrti. BAC je bila - 0.5 g/L u 23.9% slučajeva, i to 22.4% kod samoubistava, 34.4% kod nesrećnih slučajeva i 25.0% u slučajevima ubistava. Najveći procenat visokih vrednosti BAC utvrđen je u uzorcima subjekata nastradalih u saobraćajnim nesrećama. Kod žrtava saobraćajnih nesreća, od 42 slučaja pozitivnih na alkohol, 26 žrtava ima koncentracija alkohola u krvi veću od 2 g/L. 90% žrtava pozitivno testiranih na alkohola su muÅ”karci.Analiza pokazuje da je alkohol visok faktor rizika kod mnogih fatalnih nesreća, samoubistava i slučajeva nasilne smrti. Podaci izneti u ovom radu svakako bi trebalo da pomognu u razumevanju uloge alkohola u momentu smrti ali i da skrenu pažnju celom druÅ”tvu u borbi protiv alkoholizma

    Prevalence of post-mortem blood alcohol concentration among deaths in Serbia during 2011

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    The prevalence of alcohol in blood samples from medicolegal autopsies performed in the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Belgrade, in 2011, was studied. In total, 293 blood samples were analyzed for alcohol by headspace gas chromatography. The blood alcohol concentrations were evaluated according to sex, age, and cause of death. The blood alcohol concentrations were . 0.5 g/L in 23.9% of the cases; in suicides 22.4%, accidents 34.4% and homicides 25.0%. The largest proportion of high BACs were found in the sample from subjects killed in traffic accidents. These findings confirm that alcohol use is an important factor in many fatal accidents, suicides and cases of violent death

    Structure of efficiency factor at XIII, XIV, XV, and XVI World Championship in basketball

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    Applying the method of main components by Hotelling and the method of rotation of the main components, i.e. Varimax rotations by Keiser, the latent structure of basketball efficiency was established. It was based on the fourteen manifest indicators of efficiency. Our findings refer to the sample comprised of the game-winning teams at the World Championships: in Greece, 62 basketball teams; the USA, 62 basketball teams; Japan, 80 basketball teams; and Turkey, 80 basketball teams. Factorization was performed on the entire sample of all game-winning teams, that is 284, as well as on the single game winners at the championships in Greece, USA, Japan, and Turkey. There was the total of four factor analyses and within each of them five to seven latent dimensions, i.e. factors based on the fourteen manifest efficiency parameters were extracted. Katell method of landslide indicates a clear elbow between the third and fourth component. These first three latent dimensions in all four factor analysis exhibit the stability of factors and high saturation on the side of the manifest variables. The factors have been defined as: general offensive efficiency factor, three-points shot factor and free throw factor. Having the variables that account for the total number of attempted and made shots dominant within the structure of these factors, it can be concluded that general latent structure of basketball efficiency is indeed explained by means of shot efficiency. These findings confirm both empirical and theoretical speculations of basketball experts, i.e. the overall basketball efficiency is primarily dependent on the shot efficiency, what seems entirely logical