15 research outputs found

    Proizvodne osobine i kvalitet ploda novointrodukovanih sorti jagode

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    The paper presents results of the research into productive qualities and fruit quality of the ‘Clery, ‘Joly’ and ‘Dely’ strawberry cultivars, conducted during 2012 and 2013. The fruit mass and yield per crown were significantly higher in the ‘Joly’ cultivar. A significantly higher number of fruits per crown and higher yield per crown were recorded in the second year of harvest, whereas the fruit mass was significantly higher in the first year. The highest values of fruit quality parameters (RSM and total acidity) were recorded in the ‘Joly’ cultivar, whereas the highest values of the total sugars, pH and the RSM/total acidity ratio were recorded in the ‘Dely’ cultivar. A better chemical composition of the fruit of the examined cultivars was determined in 2012. In the overall result, the ‘Joly’ cultivar demonstrated the best productive qualities, whereas the ‘Dely’ cultivar was superior from the aspect of the fruit quality.U radu su prikazani rezultati dvogodišnjih proučavanja (2012−2013.) proizvodnih osobina i kvaliteta ploda jagode sorti ‘Clery’, ‘Joly’ i ‘Dely’. Vrednosti mase ploda i prinosa po bokoru bile su značajno veće kod sorte ‘Joly’. Značajno veći broj plodova po bokoru i prinos po bokoru zabeležen je u drugoj godini plodonošenja, dok je masa ploda bila značajno veća u prvoj godini. Najveće vrednosti parametara kvaliteta ploda (rastvorljiva suva materija i ukupna kiselost), zabeležene su kod sorte ‘Joly’, dok su najveće vrednosti sadržaja ukupnih šećera, pH i odnosa RSM/UK zabeležene kod sorte ‘Dely’. Hemisjki sastav ploda, svih proučavanih sorti, bio je izraženiji u 2012. godini. Ukupno posmatrano, najbolja proizvodna svojstva ispoljila je sorta ‘Joly’, dok je sa stanovišta kvaliteta ploda, superiornost pokazala sorta ‘Dely’


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    The influence of thin layer convective dehydration parameters on drying kinetics parameters, chemical composition, and color parameters of carrot slices were investigated, and corresponding mathematical models were developed. In the carrot slices, convective dehydration process hot air temperature and the sample slice thickness were varied, while measured, calculated, and modeled responses were: time of dehydration, effective moisture diffusivity, the energy of activation, proteins and cellulose contents, lightness, redness, and yellowness. The obtained results showed that varied convective dehydration process parameters statistically significantly affected all investigated responses except activation energy. The most efficient drying model with the minimum thickness (3 mm) and the maximum drying temperature (70 °C) had the shortest drying time (231 minutes). This model had the minimum resistance to mass transfer (the minimum effective moisture diffusivity, 2.04. 10–08 – 7.12. 10–08 [m2s–1]), and the average maximum energy of activation (31.31 kJ/mol). As far as the carrot slices’ chemical composition and color parameters were concerned, the model with the maximum thickness (9 mm) and the minimum drying temperature (35 °C) was the optimal one. This model had the longest dehydration time (934 minutes), the maximum resistance to the mass transfer (8.87. 10–08 [m2s–1]), the minimum total protein content (5.26 %), and the darkest color (49.70). The highest protein content (7.91%) was found for the samples subjected to the highest drying temperatures and the lowest carrot slice thickness. In contrast, the process of convective dehydration had led to the lighter, reddish, and yellowish carrot slices. All developed mathematical models were statistically significan

    Uticaj biohemijskog sastava ploda na senzoričku ocenu kvaliteta ploda novointrodukovanih sorti jagode

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    The paper presents the results of the study conducted into the impact made by biochemical composition on sensory appraisal of the fruits of the ʻClery’, ʻJoly’ and ʻDely’ strawberry cultivars in the period 2012–2013. In 2012 a significantly higher content of total sugars was recorded in ʻDely’ and ʻClery’ cultivars, compared to ʻJoly’ cultivar. In 2013, a significantly higher content of total and reduced sugars were determined in the ʻJoly’ and ʻDely’ cultivar compared to ‘Clery’. Within the scope of the two years of research, the highest contents of sucrose was recorded in the ‘Joly’ strawberry cultivar. In the first trial year, the highest content of total acids was recorded in the ‘Clery’ cultivar, whereas in the second trial year the highest total acids content was found in the ‘Joly’ cultivar. A high cumulative grade for the sensory quality of fruit was attained by the ‘Joly’ cultivar, whereas the lowest cumulative grade was given to the ʻClery’ cultivar in both trial years. Considering the best score for the biochemical composition and sensory quality of the fruit, the ‘Joly’ cultivar can be recommended for more intensive use in the production practice.U radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja uticaja biohemijskog sastava ploda na senzoričku ocenu kvaliteta ploda jagode sorti ʻClery’, ʻJoly’ i ʻDely’ u periodu 2012–2013. godina. Značajno viši sadržaj ukupnih šećera registrovan je kod sorti ʻDely’ i ʻClery’ u poređenju sa sortom ʻJoly’, u 2012. godini. U 2013. godini, značajno viši sadržaj ukupnih i invertnih šećera evidentiran je kod sorti ʻJoly’ i ʻDely’ u odnosu na sortu ‘Clery’. U dvogodišnjem periodu istraživanja, najveća vrednost sadržaja saharoze evidentirana je u plodu jagode sorte ʻJoly’. U prvoj godini istraživanja, najviši sadržaj ukupnih kiselina zabeležen je kod sorte ʻClery’, a u drugoj godini istraživanja kod sorte ʻJoly’. Visoke zbirne ocene za senzorički kvalitet ploda ostvarila je sorta ʻJoly’, a najniže zbirne ocene sorta ʻClery’, u obe godine istraživanja. Najbolje rezultate u pogledu biohemijskog sastava i senzoričkog kvaliteta ploda ostvarila je sorta ʻJoly’, pa se ova sorta može preporučiti za intenzivnije širenje u proizvodnoj praksi

    Influence of fertigation on generative potential and pomological properties of different apple cultivars

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    The paper presents an investigation into the influence of fertigation on generative potential parameters and pomological properties of apple fruits. The study was done in apple orchard of Fruit Research Institute Cacak (Serbia) over two-year period (2009–2011) on three cultivars (\u27Morens Jonagored\u27, \u27Gloster\u27 and \u27Granny Smith\u27). Fertigation included fertilizers NPK 16:8:32, NPK 12:0:43 and PGPR – inoculum of diazotrophic bacterium Klebsiella. Results of the study suggest that fertigation with 12:0:43 NPK fertilizer had the most pronounced effect on all generative potential parameters, except abundance of flowering (initial fruit set – 3.71; final fruit set – 3.31). Similarly, this fertilizer had the same effect on all yield parameters in the apple cultivars studied, i.e. yield per tree – 9.60 kg/tree, yield per unit land area – 24.40 t/ha, cumulative yield – 19.20 kg/tree, cumulative yield 48.00 t/ha and yield efficiency – 0.77 kg/cm2. Mineral fertilizer NPK 16:8:32 gave the highest abundance of flowering (4.51). In terms of pomological properties the applied fertilizers had a significant effect on fruit weight (239.05 g), soluble solids content (14.78%) and ripeness degree (4.75)

    Biološko-proizvodne osobine sorte jagode‘Leatitia’ na području Čačka

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    The paper presents results of the research of vegetative and generative potential, phenological properties and fruit quality of the promising strawberry cultivar ‘Leatitia’ in the 2016–2017 period. Significantly higher values of all tested parameters of vegetative, generative potential, productivity and fruit mass were determined in the second experimental year. High firmness values were determined in both years of the research, while significantly higher phenolics content and antioxidative capacity were registered in the fruits the second year after planting. Spread of the strawberry cultivar ‘Leatitia’ in production practices can be recommended primarily because of the late ripening, high productivity and very high quality of fruits.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja vegetativnog, generativnog potencijala, fenoloških osobina i kvaliteta ploda perspektivne sorte jagode ‘Leatitia’ u periodu 2016–2017. godine. U drugoj eksprimentalnoj godini, utvrđene su značajno više vrednosti svih ispitivanih parametara vegetativnog, generativnog potencijala, produktivnosti i mase ploda. Visoke vrednosti čvrstine ploda utvrđene su u obe godine istraživanja, dok su značajno veći fenolni sadržaj i antioksidativni kapacitet registrovani u plodovima jagode u drugoj godini nakon sadnje. Širenje sorte jagode ‘Leatitia’ u proizvodnjoj praksi može se preporučiti prevashodno zbog kasnog vremena zrenja, visoke rodnosti i veoma kvalitetnog ploda

    Nutritional attributes of wheat bread fortified with convectively dried chokeberry powder

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    Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa L.) has a positive effect on human health, and therefore it can be used as a beneficial component for food (e.g. wheat bread) fortification. Dried chokeberry powder (CP), obtained by convective drying at 50, 60, and 70°C, fortified bread samples by replacing wheat flour at levels of 1, 2.5, 5 and 10%. Bread samples fortified with chokeberry were characterized by a decrease in total starch and protein contents and an increase in total sugar, mineral (Mg, Ca, Cu), and fat components; unsaturated oleic acid was reduced, unlike unsaturated linoleic and linolenic acids. All developed mathematical models for starch, protein, fat, and minerals in bread supplemented with CP were characterized by statistically insignificant residual variances and high values of R2. Z-score analysis showed the optimal segment and total scores of bread fortified with CP. Chokeberries dried at a temperature of 60°C showed the best nutritional attributes. Wheat bread enriched with CP in the amount of 10% had the highest level of fortification.Publishe

    Clinical longevity of direct and indirect posterior resin composite restorations: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Objectives: To answer the PICO(S) question: Is there a difference in clinical longevity between direct and indirect resin composite restorations placed on permanent posterior teeth? Data: Randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) investigating direct and indirect resin composite restorations in posterior permanent teeth were considered. Sources: Several electronic databases were searched, with no language or date restrictions. The revised Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias (RoB-2) was used to analyze the studies; meta-analyses were run and the certainty of evidence was assessed by the GRADE tool. A subgroup meta-analysis was performed for resin composite restorations placed on posterior worn dentition. Study selection: Twenty-three articles were included in qualitative synthesis, while 8 studies were used for meta- analyses. According to the RoB-2 tool, 5 studies were ranked as “low risk”, 7 had “some concerns”, while 11 papers were rated as “high risk” of bias. There were no statistically significant differences in short-term (p = 0.27; RR=1.54, 95% CI [0.72, 3.33]), medium-term (p = 0.27; RR=1.87, 95% CI [0.61, 5.72]) and long-term longevity (p = 0.86; RR=0.95, 95% CI [0.57, 1.59]). The choice of restorative technique had no influence on short-term survival of resin composite restorations placed on worn dentition (p = 0.13; RR=0.46, 95% CI [0.17, 1.25]). The certainty of evidence was rated as “very low”. Conclusions: Direct and indirect resin composite restorations may show similar clinical longevity in posterior region, regardless of the observation period or substrate (wear-affected and non-affected dentition). The very low quality of evidence suggests that more long-term RCTs are needed to confirm our results

    Prirodna radioaktivnost uglja i letećeg pepela u termoelektrani 'Nikola Tesla B'

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    Serbian thermal power plants (TPPs) produce Siliceous fly ash from lignite in the quantity of approximately 6 million tons per year. The Potential. Market for the use of fly ash is operational, but for the time being, only Used by cement producers. Fly ash radioactivity could be one of the major points of concern When larger use of fly ash is planned, particularly in the Serbian construction industry. Radioactivity measurements have been conducted regularly from 1980. This paper presents the results of a ten-year fly ash radioactivity measurements at the Nikola Tesla B TPP located in Obrenovac. In addition, the paper compares the natural radionuclides coal content data combusted by the Nikola Tesla B TPP boilers coming from the Kolubara Basin and ash created during coal combustion. Fly ash created in the Nikola Tesla TPPs boilers is characterised by the increased concentration of the natural radionuclides content compared to coal. This is the so-called technologically enhanced natural radioactivity (Technologically Enhanced Occurring Radioactive Material - TENORM) of industrial waste, whereas the average specific activities: Th-232 in coal amount to 25.2 Bq/kg, and in fly ash and coal 84.2 Bq/kg and U-238 38.3 Bq/kg, respectively. Following the obtained natural radionuclides content results it may be concluded that the Nikola Tesla B TPP ash may be disposed into the environment. Ash may be used also in the construction industry (civil engineering). In building construction applications, ash share as the additive to other building materials depends from its physical and chemical characteristics, as well as from the radionuclides activity: Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40. Unlike the thermal power plants regularly (once a year) testing the specific natural radionuclides activity in the combusted coal and boiler fly ash, the Electric Power Industry of Serbia has not performed large-scale investigations of the natural radionuclides content in coal within the Kolubara Mining Basin. Natural radionuclides content in fly ash is compared to the combusted coal some 3-4 times higher and may present a limitation for applying ash in the construction industry. In view of the above, and considering the construction industry interests in using the Nikola Tesla B TPP ash, regular investigations of the natural radionuclides content in ash created in the thermal power plants should be carried out, together with the Kolubara Mining Basin coal combusted by the Nikola Tesla B TPP and other PE EPS thermal power plants. The current Kolubara Mining Basin coal characteristics investigation programme should be supplemented by the natural radionuclides content of the uranium (U-238 and Ra-226) and thorium series (Th-232) and potassium 40(K-40).U termoelektranama (TE) Javnog preduzeća 'Elektroprivreda Srbije' (JP EPS) koje u kotlovima sagorevaju lignit, kao nus produkat nastaje godišnje oko 6 miliona tona letećeg pepela. Potencijalno tržište za upotrebu letećeg pepela postoji, ali ga za sada koriste isključivo cementare. Radioaktivnost letećeg pepela može da predstavlja jedan od važnih razloga protiv njegove šire upotrebe u građevinskoj industriji Srbije. Merenje radioaktivnosti u termoelektranama redovno se sprovodi od 1990. godine. U radu su prikazani rezultati dvadesetogodišnjih merenja radioaktivnosti letećeg pepela u termoelektrani Nikola Tesla B (TENT B) u Obrenovcu. Uporedno su prikazani podaci o sadržaju prirodnih radionuklida u uglju koji se sagoreva u kotlovima TENT B poreklom iz kolubarskog basena i pepelu koji nastaje prilikom sagorevanja uglja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata o sadržaju prirodnih radionuklida zaključuje se da se pepeo iz termoelektrane Nikola Tesla B može odlagati u životnu sredinu. Pepeo se može koristiti i u građevinarstvu, u niskogradnji. Kod primene u visokoj gradnji udeo pepela kao dodataka drugim građevinskim materijalima zavisi kako od njegovih fizičkih i hemijskih karakteristika, tako i od specifične aktivnosti 226Ra, 232Th i 40K

    Effects of allergic diseases and age on the composition of serum IgG glycome in children

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    Acknowledgements Glycan analysis was partly supported by European Commission GlycoBioM (contract #259869), IBD-BIOM (contract #305479), HighGlycan (contract #278535), MIMOmics (contract #305280), HTP-GlycoMet (contract #324400) and IntegraLife (contract #315997) grants. The SEATON cohort was partly funded by the UK Medical Research Council (contract #80219) and Asthma UK (contract #00/011 and 02/017) grants.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Efekti hemijskog proređivanja cvetova višanja

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    The paper presents the results of chemical thinning of sour cherry flowers of the Šumadinka and the Čačanski rubin cultivars. The treatments were performed in the full flowering phase, using 0.0025% concentration of the LG-GER- ATS (ammonium thiosulphate). Following the application of the LG-GER-ATS, the number of set fruits was reduced by 9.8% and 8.0% for the Šumadinka and Čačanski rubin cultivars respectively, compared to trees receiving no treatment. The thinning of the flowers had an impact on the increase of the fruit mass by 19.1% and 10.9% in the Šumadinka and the Čačanski rubin cultivars respectively. Trees treated with LG-GER-ATS recorded a higher yield in both years of trial – the yield in Šumadinka cultivar was higher by 20.7% per tree, while the yield of the Čačanski rubin cultivar was higher by 17.1% per tree.U radu su prikazani rezultati hemijskog proređivanja cvetova višanja, sorti Šumadinke i Čačanski rubin. Tretiranja su obavljena u fazi punog cvetanja preparatom LG-GER- ATS (amonijum tiosulfat) u koncentraciji od 0,25%. Primenom preparata LG-GER-ATS smanjen je broj zametnutih plodova za 9,8% kod sorte Šumadinka i za 8,0% kod sorte Čačanski rubin u odnosu na netretirana stabla. Proređivanje cvetova uticalo je na povećanje mase plodova za 19,1% kod sorte Šumadinka i za 10,9% kod sorte Čačanski rubin, dok se sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija u plodovima nije bitnije razlikovao između ispitivanih tretmana. Stabla tretirana amonijum tiosulfatom ostvarila su veće prinosi u obe godine ispitivanja za 20,7% po stablu ili 26,5% po jedinici površine kod sorte Šumadinka i za 17,1% po stablu ili 19,6% po jedinici površine kod sorte Čačanski rubin