20 research outputs found

    The relationship between the carcass characteristics and meat composition of young Simmental beef cattle

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    The objective was to study the relationships between the carcass characteristics and meat composition of young Simmental beef, classified with regard to conformation and degree of fatness scores, and total lipid content, depending on gender. For this purpose, 90 animals (60 male and 30 female Simmental beef cattle) were analysed. The results of the study showed that gender affected carcass measurement scores and chemical composition of meat through its important effect on overall animal fatness. Referring to correlations, male carcass conformation score was negatively related to slaughter weight, total lipid content and fatness score. On the other hand, slaughter weight, hot and cold carcass weight, dressing percentage and carcass conformation was positively related to fatness score, all of them being significant. However, female carcass conformation score was positively related to slaughter weight, total lipid content and fatness score. Hot and cold carcass weights of female Simmental beef cattle were positively correlated to slaughter weight, total lipid content and carcass conformation score. Carcass conformation score and fatness score were affected by gender of young Simmental beef cattle

    Household food waste in Belgrade - sin and unconcern

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    The aim of this study was to examine the actual procedures with food in households and consumer attitudes about food waste. The survey was conducted in 83 households in Belgrade, Serbia. All participants were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. The results obtained show that awareness of food waste is at a satisfactory level, but the actual situation is that food is discarded in large quantities, even though people are aware of what a global problem this is. Large contradictions were observed among the respondents answers in this study. Respondents who stated that they never discard food, in further responses, declared they throw away significant amounts of food for various reasons (too long storage, overconsumption, improper preparation, etc.). We conclude that people are either unaware of how much food they discard, or they do not want to admit it to themselves. However, participants largely have a sense of guilt about discarding food. This indicates consumer awareness of food waste, and is an encouraging sign that further education could be effective in consumers taking into account their food waste habits, starting from procurement planning, through storage and preparation

    Novel paradigms linking salt and health

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    Although sodium is an essential nutrient, conclusive scientific evidence suggests the association between excessive salt intake and various negative health outcomes. One of the health consequences with the greatest public health impact is the increase in population blood pressure with a consequent increase of cardiovascular disease risk. There is ample evidence linking high salt intake with other health outcomes: stomach cancer, impaired renal function, osteoporosis, obesity, severity of asthma, but also with novel health risks established with advanced molecular and metagenomics technology: autoimmunity, immunity in various organs and systems. Some recent studies have reported that a high salt diet modulates the gut microbiome, interacting with both the hosts gastrointestinal tract environment and its genome and metabolism. The newest evidence indicates possible novel pathophysiological mechanisms of obesity, including high fasting ghrelin in healthy individuals consuming a high-salt diet, as well as endogenous fructose production and leptin resistance in mice. This revealing new evidence links high salt intake with obesity and consequently, with further metabolic complications. As a country with high prevalences of obesity and hypertension, and high salt intake, Serbia would greatly benefit from adopting and implementing a national sodium reduction program that minimize risks through education, regulation, and enforcement

    Effect of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging on microbiological properties of cold-smoked trout

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    Because of the importance of different packaging methods for the extension of fish shelf life, as a highly perishable food, the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging on the total Enterobacteriaceae and lactic acid bacteria counts of cold-smoked Salmon trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) stored at 3 degrees C during six weeks. Trout fillets were vacuumed packaged (VP) or packaged in one of two different modified atmospheres, with gas ratio of 50% CO2/50%N-2 (MAP1) and 90% CO2/10%N-2 (MAP2) and analysed on days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42. Both the total Enterobacteriaceae and total lactic acid bacteria counts increased in the trout fillets in all packaging types during storage. A significantly lower total Enterobacteriaceae count was determined in the MAP fish compared to the VP fish, with the weakest growth rate and lowest numbers attained in MAP2 fillets. The lactic acid bacteria count was higher in trout packaged in MAP compared to VP, with the highest number in the MAP with 90% CO2 (MAP2)

    Influence of different sources of fat on lipid index of muscle and fat tissue of pigs

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    Of the total meat production in Serbia, pork makes up more than one half. This meat is often associated with cardiovascular diseases due to its high contents of fat and saturated fatty acids. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various sources of fat in pig feeds on lipid indices of fat and muscle tissue of pigs from the point of view of consumer health needs. A total of 30 Yorkshire x Landrace crossbred pigs were divided into three experimental groups of 10 individuals and fed a complete finisher mixture for fattening pigs, with standard raw materials and chemical composition but with differing sources of fat. The results obtained show fat sources in pig feed significantly influenced the lipid indices, and the differences were more pronounced in fat than in muscle tissue of pigs

    Docking studies, cytotoxicity evaluation and interactions of binuclear copper(ii) complexes with s-isoalkyl derivatives of thiosalicylic acid with some relevant biomolecules

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    The numerous side effects of platinum based chemotherapy has led to the design of new therapeutics with platinum replaced by another transition metal. Here, we investigated the interactions of previously reported copper(II) complexes containing S-isoalkyl derivatives, the salicylic acid with guanosine-5′-monophosphate and calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) and their antitumor effects, in a colon carcinoma model. All three copper(II) complexes exhibited an affinity for binding to CT-DNA, but there was no indication of intercalation or the displacement of ethidium bromide. Molecular docking studies revealed a significant affinity of the complexes for binding to the minor groove of B-form DNA, which coincided with DNA elongation, and a higher affinity for binding to Z-form DNA, supporting the hypothesis that the complex binding to CT-DNA induces a local transition from B-form to Z-form DNA. These complexes show a moderate, but selective cytotoxic effect toward colon cancer cells in vitro. Binuclear complex of copper(II) with S-isoamyl derivative of thiosalicylic acid showed the highest cytotoxic effect, arrested tumor cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, and significantly reduced the expression of inflammatory molecules pro-IL-1β, TNF-α, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 in the tissue of primary heterotopic murine colon cancer, which was accompanied by a significantly reduced tumor growth and metastases in the lung and liver

    The influence of water molecule coordination to a metal ion on water hydrogen bonds

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    The geometry of hydrogen bonds in the crystal structures from the Cambridge Structural Database and calculated data show that water coordination to a metal ion has a remarkable influence on hydrogen bonds. The calculated energies of hydrogen bonds of coordinated water are much stronger, even if the aqua complex is neutral

    The influence of food selection on lipid indices of pork meat and fat tissue

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    У већини развијених земаља, висок унос меса доприноси већем уносу укупних масти, засићених масних киселина и холестерола у односу на препоручени дневни унос. Све чешће потрошачи се саветују да конзумирају немасно месо и производе са ниским садржајем масти. Маснокиселински профил одређених ткива директно одражава маснокиселински профил у исхрани животиња. Циљ овог истраживања био је да се утврди ефекат различитих извора масти у исхрани свиња на маснокиселински састав и липидне индексе масног у односу на мишићно ткиво свиња, са аспекта здравствених потреба потрошача. За оглед, који је трајао 46 дана, коришћено је 30 свиња мелеза Јоркшира x Ландраса, са почетном телесном масом од 60 кг. Свиње су подељене у три групе и храњене су стандардном смешом, с тим што су се групе разликовале једино у томе што је прва огледна група (О-I) имала у оброку зрно сунцокрета, друга огледна група (О-II) препарат семена лана, а трећа огледна група (О-III) сојин гриз. Израчунавањем атерогеног (АИ) и тромбогеног индекса (ТИ) који су у директној вези са маснокиселинским саставом ткива, разматран је значај за исхрану и здравље људи. Ови индекси указују на потенцијалну могућност настанка кардиоваскуларних болести код људи. Добијени резултати указују на то да су АИ и ТИ у месу (од 0,41 до 0,43 и од 1,08 до 1,10, појединачно) били знатно виши у односу на масно ткиво (од 0,33 до 0,39 и од 0,80 до 0,84, појединачно) испитиваних група свиња, а препоручују се што ниже вредности ових индекса. У циљу заштите конзумената од хиперхолестеролемије, фактора који узрокује атероскерозу код људи, израчунат је хипохолестеролемични/хиперхолестеролемични индекс (х/Х индекс). Вредности х/Х индекса биле су повољније у масном (од 2,91 до 3,36), него у мишићном ткиву (од 2,56 до 2,69) све три групе свиња. Израчунавањем липидних индекса можемо закључити да додавањем биљних уља у исхрани свиња можемо побољшати квалитет меса и масног ткива повећањем н-3 засићених масних киселина.In most developed countries, high meat intake contributes to a higher intake of total fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, compared to the recommended daily intake. Increasingly, consumers are advised to consume lean meat and lowfat products. The fatty acid profile of certain tissues directly reflects the fatty acid profile in animal nutrition. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various sources of fat in pig diet on fatty acid composition and lipid indices of fatty tissue in relation to the muscle tissue, in terms of the health needs of consumers. During 46 days of this experiment, 30 pigs of crossbreds Yorkshire x Landrace were used, with an initial body weight of 60 kg. The pigs were divided into three groups and fed with a standard mixture, except that the groups differed only in the fact that the first experimental group (E-I) had a sunflower seed in the meal, the second experimental group (E-II) was a preparation of linseed, and the third experimental group (E-III) soybean grits. The importance of human nutrition and health is considered by calculating the atherogenic (IA) and thrombogenic (IT) indices, which are directly related to the fatty acid composition of tissues. These indices indicate the potential effect on the promotion of cardiovascular diseases in humans. The results obtained indicate that the AI and TI of meat (from 0.41 to 0.43 and from 1.08 to 1.10, respectively) were significantly higher than in the fat tissue (from 0.33 to 0.39 and from 0.80 to 0.84, respectively) of examined pig groups. For these two indexes the lower values are recommended. In order to protect consumer from hypercholesterolaemia, a factor that causes atherosclerosis in humans, the h/H index (hypocholesterolemic / hypercholesterolemic index) was calculated. The values of h/H index, which must be as high as possible, were better in the fat (2.91 to 3.36) than in the muscle tissue (from 2.56 to 2.69) of all three groups of pigs. Calculating lipid indices can be concluded that the addition of oils in the pig diet can improve the quality of meat and fat tissue by increasing the n-3 saturated fatty acids.Zbornik kratkih sadržaj

    Water - past, present, future

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    Порекло воде на земљи од античких времена, па и данас, је предмет бројних инересовања, мислиоца и истраживача из различитих области науке, још увек није у потпуности разјашњено. Са друге стране, о распрострањености воде на земљи и њеним ресурсима, нарочито о води коју човек користи за пиће зна се много више. Распрострањеност воде и водни ресурси слатке воде су неравномерно распоређени на земљи, па отуда и сигурност (доступност) воде свим становницима света је неравномерна. Пораст броја становника и климатске промене (глобално загревање) прете све већој оскудици воде у појединим деловима света, нарочито оним најмногољуднијим. Вода се од давнина не користи само за пиће и одржавање личне хигијене. Она је и материјално добро са широком применом (наводњавање, енергетски извор, транспорт, лечење, туризам, рекреација). Један од највећих проблема, са којим се у епохи антропоцена суочава човечанство, је загађење животне средине и у њој посебно загађење вода. Ово захтева одговорност и бригу, како друштва, тако и сваког појединца према заштити животне средине, употреби и поступцима са водом