7 research outputs found

    Status srpskih gradova u svjetlu pripreme nacionalne strategije decentralizacije

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    Decentralisation has been recognised as one of the key priorities of the 2014 Serbian Public Administration Reform Strategy. To that end, the Serbian Government has taken steps towards preparing a national decentralisation strategy. Serbia has a single-level and almost completely monotype structure of local government, in which towns have the same organisation of bodies, and almost identical competences as municipalities do, including some minimal exceptions for the Town of Belgrade, as the country’s capital. In the light of the ongoing discussions on decentralisation in general and, more specifically, on the reform of the local government system, the authors comment on some of the issues in the centre of that discussion, particularly those relating to the status of towns in general and the status of the capital, and provide proposals for possible overall reforms of the local government system. Consequently, these issues will be analysed from the perspective of the need to alter the current constitutional framework.U Strategiji reforme javne uprave u Republici Srbiji koja je usvojena početkom 2014. godine decentralizacija je identifikovana kao jedan od ključnih prioriteta. U tom smuslu, Vlada Srbije je u proteklom periodu preduzela određene korake ka pripremi nacionalne strategije decentralizacije. Srbija trenutno ima jednostepen i gotovo u potpunosti monotipski sistem lokalne samouprave u kom gradovi imaju istu strukturu organa i skoro identične nadležnosti kao opštine, sa minimalnim izuzecima u slučaju grada Beograda, kao glavnog grada. U svetlu tekuće debate o decentralizaciji uopšte i, konkretnije, o reformi sistema lokalne samouprave, autori analiziraju neke od važnijih pitanja koja se javljaju u okviru te debate, posebno ona koja se odnose na status gradova uopšte, kao i statusa glavnog grada, i daju predloge za moguću reformu u tom pogledu. Neka od tih pitanja uključuju: mogućnosti za proširenje nadležnosti gradova, a samim tim i kreiranje osnova za politipski sistem lokalne samouprave, organizaciju organa grada, posebno izvršnih organa, kao i najpogodniji način izbora gradonačelnika. Štaviše, autori istražuju mogućnosti za uspostavljanje drugog nivoa lokalne samouprave i položaj gradova u takvom sistemu. Predstavljena analiza zasnovana je na situacionoj analizi sadašnjeg sistema, odabranim uporednim primerima, kao i analizi istorijskog razvoja sistema lokalne samouprave u Srbiji u toku protekle dve decenije. Konačno, navedena pitanja analizirana su iz perspektive sadašnjeg ustavnog okvira, odnosno neophodnosti da se on izmeni sa ciljem definisanja optimalnog modela decentralizacije

    Primena modela HBV za hidrološku prognozu na slivu reke Jadar

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    The SMHI\HBV model is used for runoff modelling of the Jadar River basin, for the purpose of hydrological forecasting. The Jadar River is the largest Serbian tribu­tary of the Drina River with an area of 959 km2, and is subject to frequent flooding. The HBV model is a semi-distributed conceptual model, able to simulate runoff from snowmelt and rainfall. The paper presents basic concepts of the HBV model and the process of calibra­tion and verification for the basin of the Jadar River at station Lešnica. Model performance is evaluated using the observed runoff. Satisfactory results are achieved having in mind complex topography and small number of stations with available data for realistic spatial repre­sentation of meteorological variables.Model SMHI\HBV korišćen je za modeliranje oticaja na slivu reke Jadar radi ispitivanja mogućnosti njegovog korišćenja za prognozu poplavnih talasa. Reka Jadar je najveća pritoka reke Drine na teritoriji Srbije sa površinom od 959 km2, na kojoj postoje česti problemi sa velikim vodama i plavljenjem. Model HBV ima mogućnost modeliranja talasa prouzrokovanih naglim topljenjem snega, kao i intenzivnim kišama. Rad prikazuje osnovne postavke ovog modela, kao i proces kalibracije, verifikacije i ocene rezultata za sliv Jadra do stanice Lešnica. Postignuti su zadovoljavajući rezultati imajući u vidu kompleksnu topografiju sliva i mali broj stanica sa raspoloživim podacima za dobro predstavljanje prostorne neravnomernosti meteoroloških parametara

    Demokratija: od teorije do prakse

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    Koje se navike i kompetencije traže od građana u demokratskim društvima? Da li se demokratsko građanstvo znatno razlikuje od drugih oblika građanstva? Ako ljudi nisu prirodno naklonjeni demokratskim principima, kako oni mogu dovoljno da se razviju da bi demokratska društva preživela? Ovo su neka od pitanja koja su usmeravala rad na ovom tekstu. Cilj ovog teksta i kursa, Demokratija: od teorije do prakse, jeste da pomogne studentima na univerzitetu da unapređuju demokratske principe i prakse u našem društvu i da iskoriste prednosti koje ovaj sistem donosi zajednici i pojedincima

    Primena modela HBV za hidrološku prognozu na slivu reke Jadar

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    The SMHI\HBV model is used for runoff modelling of the Jadar River basin, for the purpose of hydrological forecasting. The Jadar River is the largest Serbian tribu­tary of the Drina River with an area of 959 km2, and is subject to frequent flooding. The HBV model is a semi-distributed conceptual model, able to simulate runoff from snowmelt and rainfall. The paper presents basic concepts of the HBV model and the process of calibra­tion and verification for the basin of the Jadar River at station Lešnica. Model performance is evaluated using the observed runoff. Satisfactory results are achieved having in mind complex topography and small number of stations with available data for realistic spatial repre­sentation of meteorological variables.Model SMHI\HBV korišćen je za modeliranje oticaja na slivu reke Jadar radi ispitivanja mogućnosti njegovog korišćenja za prognozu poplavnih talasa. Reka Jadar je najveća pritoka reke Drine na teritoriji Srbije sa površinom od 959 km2, na kojoj postoje česti problemi sa velikim vodama i plavljenjem. Model HBV ima mogućnost modeliranja talasa prouzrokovanih naglim topljenjem snega, kao i intenzivnim kišama. Rad prikazuje osnovne postavke ovog modela, kao i proces kalibracije, verifikacije i ocene rezultata za sliv Jadra do stanice Lešnica. Postignuti su zadovoljavajući rezultati imajući u vidu kompleksnu topografiju sliva i mali broj stanica sa raspoloživim podacima za dobro predstavljanje prostorne neravnomernosti meteoroloških parametara

    Form over Substance: Possibilities to Prove Electoral Irregularities under Serbian Law

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    The article analyses Serbian legislation and case law applicable to electoral disputes, in particular those relevant to the determination of facts in these disputes, and the potential influence of procedural rules on the efficiency of protection of constitutionally guaranteed electoral rights. Besides Serbian legislation and case law, the analysis leans on the relevant European standards, including the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. The results show that in practice, electoral commissions and courts use a limited circle of means of evidence and that the evidence submitted by complainants is not evaluated in the same way as the one coming from electoral boards. Although the application of general rules on administrative disputes is explicitly envisaged in electoral laws, the Administrative Court usually defers to the decisions and reasoning of electoral commissions, without supplementing the facts within court procedure, and relatively rarely or selectively decides in full jurisdiction. The author suggests amendments to the relevant legislation, aiming at a more explicit inclination towards the relevant procedural norms or, possibly, special regulation of evidencing in electoral legislation. In her view, a more explicit direction towards the application of the rules of general administrative procedure, in particular rules on evidencing, would lead to their more consistent application in practice

    Family policy and family support in Europe: International and European policy frameworks and standards

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    This Policy Brief presents key findings from a review of international and European policy and provision standards and frameworks related to family support and children's rights. It has been produced for policy audiences and is based on a report published by Working Group 2 (WG2) of the European Family Support Network (COST Action CA18123). EurofamNet aims to enhance the role of family support research, policy and practice in the promotion of children's rights and family welfare. Funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), EurofamNet is currently undertaking a four-year (2019-2023) programme of research and knowledge exchange activities. It pursues these aims by building collaborations between researchers, practitioners, policy makers, children and families, public and private agencies, and general society

    The conceptualisation and delivery of family policy and support in Europe: A review of international and European frameworks and standards

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    The European Family Support Network aims to promote children’s rights and family welfare through advancements in family support research, policy and practice. Under the auspices of EurofamNet and funded as a COST action scheme, the network is currently undertaking a four- year programme of research and knowledge exchange activities4. Advancing the workstream ‘the conceptualisation and delivery of family support in Europe5’, this report presents a review of international and European treaties and policies related to family and parenting support spearheaded by the United Nations (UN), Council of Europe (CoE) and European Union (EU). Overall, the review sought to: ● Outline the imperatives for developments in family and parenting support arising from international human rights instruments and campaigns, most prominently the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC, 1989). ● Chart the key phases and features of major legislation and policy frameworks related to children’s rights, family policy and family support developed by the CoE and EU. ● Appraise these international and European frameworks in respect of the standards, approaches and guidance they promote for national-level family and parenting support policies and provisions. Below we set out the aims and approach of our review in more detail. The first section clarifies our analytical focus and influences. It highlights how our review is primarily concerned to examine formal policy and provision approaches to, and frameworks for, family and parenting support. In general terms, it defines family and parenting support in these regards as referring to a range of state support measures that provide resources and guidance that seek to support family roles, members’ and groups (including those targeted at parents and parenting) (Daly, 2015; COFACE, 2019). Further, this section establishes the importance of considering the broader family policy context viewing family support as a major sub-field of family policy; and emphasises the importance of family support developments to the advancement of children’s rights and social justice. The second section introduces the significance of the supra-national European and international policy and practice context for national-level approaches to, and developments in, family and parenting support across European countries. The third section elaborates on the aims and objectives of our study, the research questions and the policy review approach adopted. The final section summarises the main content of the report