9 research outputs found
Article examines Klaipėda city and its suburban areas territorial change, as well as population change during the year 2005–2013. During these decades, cities experienced major changes because of previously created city models. Because of this, on these days it is still important to predict city’s future development, expansion and metamorphosis. Today it is very important to predict and make future prognoses of city development in case to avoid spatial planning failure, rising from social and demographical economical problems. Even today cities are facing sub-urbanization which leads to city emptiness. Therefore, article’s main aim is Klaipėda city and its suburban zones together with population future analysis and development. According to received Klaipėda city, city suburban areas and population change results during these eight years, the most important thing was to create and understand future of the city, suburban areas and population development in this area till the nearest 2020 year.KEY WORDS: city, Klaipėda, suburb, population, settlements.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/tbb.v67i2.847
Development of population and settlements of Klaipėda city and suburban areas
Article examines Klaipėda city and its suburban areas territorial change, as well as population change during the year 2005–2013. During these decades, cities experienced major changes because of previously created city models. Because of this, on these days it is still important to predict city’s future development, expansion and metamorphosis. Today it is very important to predict and make future prognoses of city development in case to avoid spatial planning failure, rising from social and demographical economical problems. Even today cities are facing sub-urbanization which leads to city emptiness. Therefore, article’s main aim is Klaipėda city and its suburban zones together with population future analysis and development. According to received Klaipėda city, city suburban areas and population change results during these eight years, the most important thing was to create and understand future of the city, suburban areas and population development in this area till the nearest 2020 year
Change in the use of structural funds of European Union according to human resources development operational programme and the priorities in the municipalities of Lithuania
Lietuvai skiriama Europos Sąjungos parama neabejotinai daro teigiamą įtaką visos ekonomikos augimui, jos struktūrai. Tačiau dar svarbiau, kad lėšos patektų į skirtingus Lietuvos regionus ir būtų skirtos jų ekonomikos vystymui, sanglaudos skatinimui ir žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtrai. Vienas iš Europos Sąjungos regioninės politikos uždavinių yra žmogiškųjų išteklių vystymas. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama išanalizuoti Europos Sąjungos skiriamų lėšų panaudojimo kitimą Lietuvos savivaldybėse 2007–2013 m. finansavimo laikotarpiu. Lietuva yra viena iš greičiausiai ES lėšas panaudojančių valstybių visoje Europos Sąjungoje. Tačiau žmogiškųjų išteklių veiksmų programai numatyta gana nedidelė Europos Sąjungos lėšų dalis. Įgyvendinant šią veiksmų programą siekiama pritraukti ir išlaikyti žmones darbo rinkoje, skatinti aktyvesnį mokymąsi visą gyvenimą, plėtoti aukščiausios kvalifikacijos darbo jėgą ir tobulinti viešąjį administravimą. Lietuvos savivaldybėse nuo pat ES lėšų naudojimo pradžios jau buvo galima stebėti tam tikrus ES paramos įgyvendinimo struktūrinius dėsningumus. Įpusėjus 2007–2013 m. finansavimo laikotarpiui, pagal Žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtros veiksmų programą didesnė dalis lėšų teko didiesiems Lietuvos miestams. Be to, geografiniu požiūriu palankesnėse teritorijose esančios savivaldybės (apskričių centrai, didžiųjų miestų rajonai) ir miestai, kuriuose įsikūrusios stambios ir svarbios Lietuvos įmonės bei įstaigos, gavo santykinai didesnį ES finansavimą
Land cover change as a consequence of natural and human impact: SE Baltic Sea region example
International audienceMain task of this research is to make suggestions for further research on land cover change and to use land cover change analysis as indicator of micro-climate change in example of Lithuanian Baltic Sea coastal zone.Coastal zones are among those areas that have been subject to intense human pressure due to their natural resources. As a transitional zone, between land and sea, coastal zones hold some of the most valuable and productive habitats on earth. Huge amounts of energy circulate in these zones, which attracts all sort of human interest and activities (Rivis et al, 2016; Schlacher et al., 2014; Bicknell et al., Sperb et al., 2006). A large number of population lives near the coastal zone.Analysis on the land use and land cover change as a consequence on human livelihoods as well as on the environment is a matter of concern for sustainable development and management of natural resources. The Baltic Sea and coast is one of the most vital natural resources of Lithuania. Only a small part of the Baltic Sea coast belongs to Lithuania (~91 km.) and almost half of it belongs to the National park area and Natura 2000 or other prohibited area (State Cadastre of Protected Areas, 2014).Retrospective analysis of land cover dynamics and its driving force has been undertaken using satellite images of Landsat5 TM year 1989, Landsat5 TM year 2000 and Landsat8 TM year 2014 and 2016 with 30 m spatial resolution of Lithuanian Western part. Analysis of building’s geodatabase (year 1997 and 2016) applied on orthophoto of Lithuanian Western part was made in order to identify socio-economic change and its difference’s impact to nowadays land cover change. In detail statistical, mathematical analysis of ongoing processes have been made using national statistical data and in field trips of most areas of interest. Results showed that during research period landscapes in terms of agriculture, urbanization and human behavior had changed the most. Further research will be carried out in terms of micro-climate change evaluation
Žemaičių Naumiesčio seniūnijos kraštovaizdžio geografinė-retrospektyvinė analizė
National audienceResearch aim was to analyse seminatural and agrarian urban landscape components of Žemaičių Naumiestis ward as well as social demographic factors and their changes within the ward boundaries and time scale (from soviet time till recent years) in order to distinguish the common tendencies of these changes. The seminatural landscape components – forests, water bodies and their area as well as agrarian urban components (agricultural land use with arable land, pastures and meadows, builtup territories) and their changes in time and space were analysed of social demographic factors, population, density and settlement size were focused on. The statistical and historical document analysis methods as well as distance and GIS modelling were applied. Land cover mapping of the territorial and geographic changes were computed by remote sensing using Landsat series satellite images of the studied area around Žemaičių Naumiestis town (297km2) in 1988, 1998, 2005 and 2015 and ortographic photo data method in 1997 and 2013. Žemaičių Naumiestis as a town (the old name is Naumiestis, or Nowe Miasto in Polish) was mentioned in the historical documents from the 17th century. Only in the fourth decade of the 20th century it was named Žemaičių Naumiestis – as one of the territorial administrative units of western Lithuania. The first collective farm in the ward was founded in 1959, and in the last decade of soviet governance there were two sovhozes specialised in vegetable seed husbandry, milk and meat production, one educational farm, as well as one forestry .The greatest population and its density in the ward was documented in 1970 (4,744 and 49.2 inhabitants per km2), and the greatest population in Žemaičių Naumiestis town in 1985 (2,500). At the same time rural population and its density in the ward decreased. The distinguished spatial changes of rural population decrease were observed served in the south eastern part of the ward (decrease by 40–60 and >%), where the number of small villages prevailed. A few of them, like Dekintai, Užšustis and Klebonai, were almost empty. After restoration of independence in 1990, the land reform changed drastically the configuration of agricultural land plot cover: asa result of restitution of private land, at first the plots of agricultural land decreased in size, but increased in the number of owners, at the same time some plots became abundant, because their owners were too old to manage the farm. Nowadays increase in private farm area is going on. According to the latest Censuses of land in 2003 and 2010, the number of farms in Šilutė district and in Žemaičių Naumiestis ward started to decrease, however the total agricultural area even increased. Thus the farms became larger in area.The research based on different distant methods revealed that in the beginning of the 21st century there was reduction in agrarian components of landscape and urban (builtup) areas. Seminatural components (water bodies) have remained unchanged in the area, while the forest area slightly increased. The same tendencies of landscape component plot changes from the end of soviet era up to now have been observed both in the total Žemaičių Naumietis ward territory as well as in the studied Žemaičių Naumiestis ward parcel (297km2). The secondary agricultural land consolidation and stabilisation of agrarian landscape fragmentation is to be documented in the ward nowadays.Despite different changes in land use, decrease of villages and rural population, the landscape of Žemaičių Naumiestis has remained more agrarian as compared with Silute district, on the average. The agrarian activities became more diverse, the first ecological farm appeared in 2006, and they have increased in numbers since then. The forests are slightly increasing in the area, thus the situation with natural landscape components in the ward is improving. However, the necessity to strengthen the social economic cultural status of population life remains the task of high importance.Bučienė A., Gadal S., Galinienė J., Gailius V. Žemaičių Naumiesčio seniūnijos kraštovaizdžio geografinė-retrospektyvinė analizė. Geologija. Geografija. 2017. T. 3(1). ISSN 2351-7549. Tyrimui pasirinkta dabartinė Žemaičių Naumiesčio seniūnijos užima-ma teritorija ir jos kraštovaizdžio komponentai, apžvelgiamas pastarųjų 25-30 metų laikotarpis. Nagrinėjami santykinai natūralūs ir agrariniai-ur-banistiniai kraštovaizdžio komponentai, taip pat socialiniai-demografiniai kraštovaizdžio pokyčius lemiantys veiksniai bei jų kaita bėgant laikui ir erdvėje siekiant išskirti bendriausias kaitos tendencijas. Darbe naudoti statistinės, istorinių dokumentų analizės, nuotoliniai ir GIS modeliavimo metodai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad antroje sovietmečio pusėje tiriamoje te-ritorijoje vyravo agrarinis mažai urbanizuotas kraštovaizdis. XXI a. pra-džioje agrarinių ir urbanizuotų (užstatytų) teritorijų sumažėjo, santykinai natūralių žemėveikslių (vandenų) plotas liko nepakitęs arba šiek tiek padi-dėjo (miškų), tačiau sumažėjo kaimo gyventojų skaičius, o trims kaimams gresia išnykimas. Raktažodžiai: Žemaičių Naumiestis, kraštovaizdžio komponentai, kaitos analizė, nuotoliniai metodai, geografinis-retrospektyvinis požiūris ĮVADAS Mažų miestelių sąvoka įvairiose šalyse apibrėžiama gana skirtingai. Šiaurės šalių, pavyzdžiui, Švedijos, oficialioje statistikoje miestais ir miesteliais laiko mos tos gyvenamosios vietovės, kuriose įsikūrę iki 10 000 žmonių, o mažomis gyvenamosiomis vieto vėmis laikomos turinčios nuo 150 iki 199 gyven tojų, kai jų namai nutolę ne daugiau kaip 150 m vienas nuo kito (Tätorter