33 research outputs found

    Compliance and approach to voluntary HIV testing in a high-risk region for HIV transmission in Europe

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    Background: The Kosovo province is being considered as a high-risk region for the spread of HIV. Objective: To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with HIV testing in a sample of university students from the Serbian northern Kosovo province. Material and Methods: A questionnaire examining socio-demographic characteristics, HIV–related knowledge, attitudes towards people living with HIV (PLHIV) and HIV testing was used in data collection. A total of 1,017 students from the University of Priština temporarily seated in Kosovska Mitrovica completed the questionnaire. Results: Only 5.4% of students have previously been tested for HIV, even though the majority (70.9%) had a positive approach to HIV testing. Factors associated with having been tested for HIV were being male and younger, having interest in HIV testing and having previous contact with PLHIV. Being more knowledgeable about HIV and having stronger positive attitude towards PLHIV, being older, receiving information about HIV through friends and special educational programs, using condom at last sexual intercourse, having positive opinion on gays/lesbians and previous contact with PLHIV were associated with positive approach to HIV testing. Conclusion: Having a positive approach to HIV testing does not suggest that students would take the HIV test. However, students who have low HIV-related knowledge, negative approach or lack of interest in HIV testing (believing that there is no need to take it) would likely never take the HIV test. Increasing HIV-related knowledge, acceptance of PLHIV and access to testing facilities should be public health priorities to raise HIV testing rates. Keywords: HIV testing; attitude; knowledge; University students

    Reproductive outcomes of IVF after comprehensive endometriosis treatment: a prospective cohort study

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    Objectives: To evaluate the impact of pharmacological and surgical endometriosis treatment on IVF reproductive outcomes in patients with primary infertility.Material and methods: The study, conducted over a five year period, included 73 patients with endometriosis associated primary infertility subjected to 77 cycles. Group I included patients treated for endometriosis before the IVF (subgroups A: surgical and pharmacological treatment and B: only surgical treatment). Group II included patients immediately subjected to IVF. Assessed outcomes were pregnancy rate (PR) per started cycle, fertilization rate (FR), implantation rate (IR) and live birth rate (LBR).Results: Group IA included 25 patients, Group IB 21 and Group II 27 patients. FR and IR showed no significant differences between groups. PR was significantly higher in the Group I than Group II (49% vs 25%, p = 0.030). PR per started cycle was the highest in the Group IA and the lowest in the Group II (p = 0.040). LBR was significantly higher in whole Group I (p = 0.043) and subgroup IA (p = 0.020) than Group II. Group IA and IB did not differ regarding examined outcomes. Regression analysis showed that endometriosis pretreatment method can impact both achieving pregnancy (p = 0.036) and having a live born child (p = 0.008) after IVF. The combined surgical and pharmacological endometriosis treatment, shorter infertility duration, lower EFI score, using long protocol with FSH+HMG gonadotropins increase the probability of successful IVF.Conclusions: A combined surgical and pharmacological endometriosis treatment had a positive impact on IVF reproductive outcomes, both on pregnancy and on live birth rates

    Histopathological diagnoses of adnexal masses: which parameters are relevant in preoperative assessment?

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to assess which clinical, laboratory and ultrasound characteristics of adnexal masses might predict the histopathological nature of the disease. Materials and Methods: The study involved all women treated at the Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinical Centre of Serbia for adnexal tumors between July 1, 2010 and December 31, 2011. On admission, detailed anamnestic and laboratory data were obtained, expert ultrasound scan performed and RMI was calculated for all patients. Data were related to histopathological findings and statistically analyzed. Results: The study included 540 women out of which 85 had malignant (seven diagnoses), 435 benign (seven diagnoses) and 20 borderline tumors. All types of malignant and borderline tumors were more frequent in postmenopausal women (p=0.000). Only papillary adenocarcinoma significantly more often produced early metastases (p=0.000). Ascites is a common finding in Krukenberg tumors, granulose cell tumors and papillary adenocarcinomas. There were significant differences between tumor diagnoses regarding the levels of Ca 125 and CEA, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and risk of malignancy index (RMI) (p0.05). Conclusions: In the light of our results, patient age, menopausal status, blood levels of Ca 125, CEA and ESR, as well as calculated RMI, can predict the nature of adnexal masses. Unfortunately, none of the examined parameters can accurately determine the exact histopathological diagnosis of the adnexal tumor

    Predictive Value of Basal Serum Progesterone for Successful IVF in Endometriosis Patients: The Need for a Personalized Approach

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    The data regarding the role of progesterone (P4) in reproductive events of endometriosis patients are limited. This prospective study aimed to examine the predictive value of basal P4 serum levels for successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) in patients with primary infertility and endometriosis. The study included 73 patients divided according to endometriosis treatment (surgery vs. control-no treatment). The general data, basal hormonal status, and pregnancy rates were determined for every patient. Clinical pregnancy was achieved in 40.3% of patients, and more often in patients treated for endometriosis before IVF. The regression analysis showed that higher basal P4 serum levels were associated with achieving pregnancy through IVF. When regression was adjusted for the patient and IVF characteristics, higher basal P4 serum levels were associated with pregnancy achievement in both groups of women, along with the basal serum levels of FSH, LH, and AMH; EFI score; and stimulation protocol. The ROC analysis showed that the basal P4 serum level for successful IVF should be ≥0.7ng/mL. The basal P4 serum level cut-off for IVF success in endometriosis patients was determined for the first time. Constructed models for IVF success prediction emphasize the importance of determining the basal P4 serum levels for the personalized treatment of endometriosis-related infertility

    Rola nacięcia krocza w profilaktyce uszkodzeń podczas porodów pochwowych – wyniki z dwóch ośrodków europejskich

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    Objectives: There is an ongoing debate regarding the routine versus restrictive use of episiotomy. The study aim was to investigate if episiotomy during vaginal deliveries can reduce both, the number and severity of genital lacerations. Material and methods: The study included all women who gave vaginal birth at AOU. “G. Martino” Messina (n=382) and the Clinic for Ob/Gyn Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade (n=4221) during 2011. Lacerations during birth were recorded and divided according to location and severity. Women with lacerations were subdivided into two groups: with or without medio-lateral episiotomy. We assessed potential risk factors for laceration: maternal age, parity, use of labor stimulants and epidural analgesia, participation in antenatal classes, fetal presentation, neonatal birth weight, and duration of the second stage of labor. Results: Older women had higher grade perineum or combined lacerations. Children with higher birth weight in occipito-posterior presentation caused higher grade lacerations. Performance of episiotomy was connected with fewer perineum and labial lacerations. There were no differences in laceration grade between patients with and without episiotomy. Assessed parameters proved to be good discriminating factors between lacerations sites. According to logistic regression, laceration site was the most important risk factor for laceration grade. Combined lacerations had the highest grade. Conclusions: Episiotomy can significantly reduce the number of genital lacerations, but it does not influence laceration grade. Advanced maternal age, higher parity, occipito-posterior presentation and fetal macrosomia can cause lacerations during vaginal birth. Therefore, we suggest analysis of maternal and fetal factors to prevent widespread genital lacerations.Cel: Trwa debata w prawie właściwego stosowania nacięcia krocza: regularne kontra ograniczone. Celem badania była ocena czy nacięcie krocza podczas porodu pochwowego może zredukować zarówno liczbę jak i ciężkość uszkodzeń krocza. Materiał i metoda: Do badania włączono wszystkie kobiety, które w 2011 roku urodziły drogą pochwową w ośrodku w AOU „G.Martino” Messina (n=382) i w Klinice Położniczo-Ginekologicznej w Serbii, w Belgradzie (n=4221). Uszkodzenia krocza podczas porodu zostały podzielone względem lokalizacji i ciężkości. Kobiety z uszkodzeniami podzielono na dwie podgrupy: z nacięciem i bez nacięcia pośrodkowo-bocznego krocza. Oceniono możliwe czynniki ryzyka uszkodzeń krocza: wiek matki, rodność, użycie stymulacji porodu, znieczulenie zewnątrzoponowe, uczestnictwo w szkole rodzenia, położenie płodu, masa urodzeniowa noworodka, czas trwania drugiej fazy porodu. Wyniki: Starsze kobiety miały wyższy stopień uszkodzenia krocza i bardziej złożone pęknięcia. Urodzenie dziecka z większą masą urodzeniową w ułożeniu potylicowym-tylnym powodowało wyższy stopień pęknięć krocza. Nacięcie krocza wiązało się z mniejszą ilością pęknięć krocza i warg sromowych. Nie zanotowano różnic w stopniu uszkodzenia krocza pomiędzy pacjentkami z i bez nacięcia krocza. Oceniane czynniki są przydatne w różnicowaniu miejsca uszkodzenia. Na podstawie regresji logistycznej, miejsce pęknięcia było najważniejszym czynnikiem ryzyka stopnia uszkodzenia krocza. Złożone uszkodzenia miały najwyższy stopień. Wnioski: Nacięcie krocza istotnie zmniejszało liczbę uszkodzeń krocza, lecz nie wpływało na ich stopień. Zaawansowany wiek matki, wyższa rodność, ułożenie potylicowe-tylne i makrosomia płodu mogą powodować pęknięcia krocza w trakcie porodu. Sugerujemy analizę matczynych i płodowych czynników ryzyka celem zapobiegania szerokim uszkodzeniom krocza w trakcie porodu

    Health-related quality of life in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

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    Introduction The need for assessing the quality of life in chronic rhinosinusitis is emphasized by the medical, social and economic importance of this pathological condition. Questionnaires have been employed in majority of studies while there are no available data that Q method has been used for quality of life research in chronic rhinosinusitis up to the present. Objective The aim of this study was to identify, group and analyze subjective perception of the impact of the disease on health-related quality of life in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Methods The study involved 36 consecutive patients of both sexes, older than 10 years of age, diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis in the tertiary health clinic in three successive weeks. They were selected for medicamentous treatment. Health-related quality of life was assessed by Q method. Through 34 representative statements, which were sorted by the examinees related to subjective priorities, 10 key quality of life domains were examined. The data were processed by factor analysis employing specialized software package PQMethod. Results Analyzing individual opinions of the examinees, five different opinion-types (factors) on the impact of chronic rhinosinusitis on quality of life were demonstrated. They were marked numerically and descriptively according to dominant characteristics of the group: Factor 1 - stable group (47.2% of individuals), Factor 2 - symptomatic group (11.1% of individuals), Factor 3 - mental group (5.6% of individuals), Factor 4 - physical group (11.1% of individuals) and Factor 5 - optimistic group (25.0% of individuals). Each group was systematically analyzed. Conclusion Majority of patients with chronic rhinosinusits (72.2%) were found to be satisfied with the quality of life, while just a small number (5.6%) heavily bore the illness which especially jeopardised their mental health. This study demonstrates the strength of Q method in analyzing and categorizing subjectivity and offers quality practical information which enables a more comprehensive approach and more adequate intervention in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

    Severe Hemoperitoneum due to Ovarian Bleeding after Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval with Surgical Management: A Retrospective Analysis and Comprehensive Review of the Literature

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    Background and Objectives: Severe hemoperitoneum of ovarian bleeding origin is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication of transvaginal oocyte retrieval (TVOR) procedure. The study aimed to present a case series of surgically managed patients from our clinic with hemoperitoneum caused by ovarian bleeding after TVOR, as well as to perform a comprehensive literature review in order to summarize and analyze all published cases with this condition and their management. Materials and Methods: The data of 2939 patients, who underwent TVOR procedures for IVF/ICSI (in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection) in our clinic between 2010 and 2021 were reviewed. Moreover, a systemic literature search was performed. Main outcome measures from the pooled analysis were incidence and risk factors, type of surgery, intraoperative finding and intervention leading to hemostasis. Results: In our Clinic 4 (0.136%), cases of hemoperitoneum due to ovarian bleeding were surgically managed. Moreover, 39 cases from 18 studies reported in the literature were identified. No risk factors besides lean women with PCOS were identified. In the pooled analysis, the bleeding symptoms appeared in 58.1% of patients within eight hours after TVOR and cumulatively in 81.4% cases during the 24 h after TVOR. The average time from TVOR to surgery was 27.19 ± 53.25 h. Hemostasis was mostly established using electrocoagulation, although few cases of ovariectomy were also reported. Embryo transfer at 60% of cases was postponed and embryos cryopreserved. Conclusions: Severe hemoperitoneum due to ovarian bleeding after TVOR is a rare event that should be treated by techniques of minimally invasive surgery whenever possible. Protocols should be developed to enable optimal management strategies for infertility patients. Embryos obtained should be cryopreserved