74 research outputs found


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    This paper analyzes the effect of programmed biology teaching on the development of motivational processes in students in the field of physiological programming content of the subject Human anatomy and physiology. The study sample consisted of 60 graduate students grouped into one experimental and one control group. For the experimental group, the physiological courses (Teaching Area: Nervous System) were carried out using programmed instruction, which was performed using computer and programmed materials containing the concept maps. The control group at the same facility implemented the classical-lecturing teaching. After elaborating on the teaching material, a survey was conducted for students of the experimental group. The survey results show a great interest by students in the programmed model of teaching and reported high motivation for adopting physiological programming content using such a didactic model. U ovom radu analizira se primjena programirane nastave biologije na razvoj motivacijskih procesa kod studenata u području fizioloških programskih sadržaja nastavnog predmeta Anatomija i fiziologija čovjeka. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 60 studenata diplomskih akademskih studija, koji su bili grupirani u jednu eksperimentalnu i jednu kontrolnu skupinu. Eksperimentalna skupina je realizirala fiziološke nastavne sadržaje (Nastavno oblaspodručje: Živčani sustav) primjenom programirane nastave, koja je izvođena uz pomoć kompjutora i programiranih materijala, koji su sadržavali i izradu mapa pojmova. Kontrolna skupina je iste sadržaje realizirala klasičnom predavačkom nastavom. Nakon ovakve obrade nastavnog gradiva provedena je anketa za studente eksperimentalne skupine. Rezultati ankete pokazuju veliku zainteresiranost studenata za programirani model nastave i ističu iznimnu motiviranost za usvajanje fizioloških programskih sadržaja primjenom ovog didaktičkog modela

    Odnos između prihvaćanja i razumijevanja teorije evolucije različitih skupina nastavnika

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    In this paper a comparison is made among various groups of Serbian teachers (kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, biologists, physicists, chemists) in terms of the following factors: acceptance and the understanding of evolution theory. In order to accomplish the tasks of this paper, the specific questionnaire model with parallel groups of teachers was applied (involving 341 teachers). The aim was to identify and measure differences in those factors among these large groups of teachers. The results show that biology teachers performed better on accepting and understanding the evolution theory in comparison with other groups of teachers. Also, we determined that there is a positive correlation between the acceptance and understanding the evolution theory for all groups of teachers. The findings indicate a necessity to enhance the evolution teaching contents in the Serbian system of education for groups of teachers who participated in this investigation. Modern teaching processes, at all levels of education, should involve adequate didactically prepared evolution teaching contents and courses.U radu je napravljena usporedba različitih skupina nastavnika iz Srbije (odgajatelji, učitelji, nastavnici biologije, fizike i kemije) u pogledu prihvaćanja i razumijevanje teorije evolucije.Primijenjen je model posebnog upitnika s paralelnim skupinama nastavnika (ukupno 341 nastavnik). Cilj je bio utvrditi i izmjeriti razlike. Rezultati pokazuju da nastavnici biologije pokazuju bolje rezultate u prihvaćanju i razumijevanju teorije evolucije u odnosu na druge skupine nastavnika. Utvrdili smo da postoji pozitivna korelacija između prihvaćanja i razumijevanja teorije evolucije za sve skupine nastavnika.Rezultati pokazuju nužnost poboljšanja nastavnog sadržaja evolucije u obrazovnom sustavu Srbije za skupine nastavnika koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju. Moderna nastava na svim razinama obrazovanja treba uključiti odgovarajuće didaktičkie pripremljene nastavne sadržaje i tečajeve o teoriji evolucije

    Primena mulitipnih inokulata u održivoj proizvodnji pšenice

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    The experiments were carried out three alternative varieties of wheat Tr. aestivum ssp. compactumima, Triticum spelt and Triticum durum three years of research with the application of organic fertilizers and microbial inoculum in order to maintain the biological value of the land. In the study determined the most important microbiological parameters changes in soil (total number of microbes and Azotobacter) and grain yield. At the end, it was concluded that wheat variety Tr.aestivum ssp. compactum has the best association with the rhizosphere population, and that the variety Triticum spelta has the highest grain yields under different agroecological conditions.U istraživanjima su korišćene tri alternativne sorte pšenice Tr. aestivum ssp. compactumima, Triticum spelta, i Triticum durum u tri godine istraživanja sa primenom organskog đubriva i mikrobiološkog inokulata u cilju održavanja biogenosti zemljišta. U toku istraživanja određivani su najznačajniji mikrobiološki parametri promena u zemljištu (ukupan broj mikroba i brojnost azotobaktera), kao i visina prinosa gajenih biljaka. Na kraju rada zaključeno je da sorta Tr.aestivum ssp. compactumima ima najbolju asocijaciju sa rizosfernom populacijom, a da sorta Triticum spelta ostvaruje najveće prinose u različitim agroekološkim uslovima


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    Glass as a material in architecture and civil engineering represents a challenge, and it is often a material of choice for designers, used both for the  the building interior elements as well as for cladding of building. The paper has addressed specifically the glazed curtain wall façades and the earthquake-induced issues related to them. A review of the standing standards and practice in this field are provided. The paper presents some of contemporary solutions for damage mitigation of glazed building envelopes caused by earthquakes, such as: solutions with clearances between glass and its frame, earthquake-isolated curtain wall system, modified geometry of glass corners and friction damping connectors


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    Sempervivum tectorum has a similar effect as aloe vera, which is known in the treatment of various skin diseases. This herb is considered one of the safest remedies for a wide range of skin diseases. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it also serves as an excellent first aid for burns, stings and bites, because it provides quick relief and calming. Freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the houseplant is used in the treatment of nervous disorders, epilepsy and restless dreams. The leaves are edible and can be used as an addition to salads or stews. They are not particularly tasty, but as they are rich in water, they can be put in a juicer together with other fruits or vegetables and become a refreshing drink. It is used in folk herbal medicine and as a medicine. The aim of this study was to determine the moisture content, total extracted substances, extract density, vitamin C, organic acids and proteins in house extracts.Publishe


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    Oregano is used in the production of specific aromatic cheeses, meat products and dough dishes, for the production of medicinal preparations, fragrant soaps, colognes and perfumes. Special interest in oregano in recent years is related to the results of a study of its biological activities, which indicate a wide range of antibacterial, fungicidal, antiviral and antioxidant properties. The subject of this paper is the examination of extracts of plant species of oregano (Origanum vulgare), with the aim of determining the method that is most popular for extracting this plant species and which gives the best yields of extracts. The content of extracted substances in each extract, the content of vitamin C as well as the content of organic acids were determined.Publishe

    Monitoring alergenog polena u Čačku tokom 2015.godine

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    This paper presents a report of allergenic pollen monitoring obtained by an analysis of measurements including the types and numbers of pollen grains in air sampled, and pollination period for each allergenic plant in the Town of Čačak. The degree of allergenicity was highest for ambrosia, followed by birch and grass pollen. Pollination period was longest in grasses (about 160 days), followed by nettles (somewhat over 140 days) and plantains (about 130 days), as opposed to less than 100 days in all other species and families. In Čačak, during 2015, a total of 1728 pollen grains of ambrosia were measured, with a maxium daily concentration of 375 grains per m3 air on 2 September 2015. During pollen emission from trees, birch had 2309 pollen grains during its pollination, with 531 grains per m3 of air on 16 April 2015, which was an approximately 9-fold increase relative to limit values.Rad je prikaz monitoringa alergogenog polena dobijen analizom rezultata merenja gde su određene vrste i broj polenovih zrna u vazduhu kao i dužina polinacije za svaku alergenu biljku na teritoriji grada Čačka. Najveći stepen alergenosti pokazuje ambrozija, zatim breza i trave. Po dužini polinacije izdvajaju se trave (oko 160 dana), zatim slede koprive (nešto iznad 140 dana), bokvice (oko 130 dana), dok su sve ostale vrste i porodice polinirajuće manje od 100 dana. U Čačku je u toku 2015. godine izmereno ukupno 1728 polenovih zrna ambrozije sa maksimalnom dnevnom koncentracijom od 375 zrna po m³ vazduha 02.09.2015.godine. Tokom emitovanja polena drveća breza je imala ukupno 2309 polenovih zrna u toku svoje polinacije sa 531 zrna po m³ vazduha 16.04.2015. što je oko 9 puta više od granične vrednosti

    von Willebrand Factor and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Acute Coronary Syndromes

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    Considering the role of von Willebrand factor (vWf) in hemostasis, and the role of oxidative stress in the development of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerotic disease, the aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between vWf, parameters of oxidative stress and different types of acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Levels of vWf activity (vWfAct), vWf antigen (vWfAg), nitric oxide (estimated through nitrites–NO2 −), superoxide anion radical (O2 −), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), index of lipid peroxidation (estimated through thiobarbituric acid reactive substances–TBARS), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity of 115 patients were compared with those of 40 healthy controls. ACS patients had significantly higher vWfAct and vWfAg levels, as well as TBARS levels, while their levels of NO2 −, H2O2, SOD and CAT activities were lower than controls'. vWfAg showed high specificity and sensitivity as a test to reveal healthy or diseased subjects. Multivariant logistic regression marked only vWfAg and TBARS as parameters that were under independent effect of ACS type. The results of our study support the implementation of vWf in clinical rutine and into therapeutic targets, and suggest that ACS patients are in need of antioxidant supplementation to improve their impaired antioxidant defence