106 research outputs found

    Značaj finansijske pismenosti za poljoprivredna gazdinstva u Srbiji

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the level and the significance of farmers' financial knowledge or literacy, as well to propose measures for the improvement of financial skills in agricultural holdings. According to the paper's results, the level of farmers' financial knowledge is low; at the state level there hasn't been established satisfying financial education of farmers. It is necessary to establish continuous education programs in this field through agricultural extension services; at the state level, it is important to improve the coordination between different state bodies that conduct an educational program in agricultural sector, as well as the science research results and to make an educational material available to farmers. When considering the significance of financial literacy, it is usually analyzed from the perspective of adult people. However, recent studies indicate the importance of increasing financial literacy already at the level of youth or children. This theoretical concept is currently being accepted in the activities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. In this regard, the Ministry of Economy has decided to introduce entrepreneurship to primary school through numerous projects.Cilj rada je analiza značaja posedovanja finansijskih znanja, nivoa finansijskih znanja poljoprivrednika, kao i analiza sa predlogom mera za unapređenje finansijskih znanja na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima. Prema rezultatima rada nivo finansijskih znanja poljoprivrednika je nizak, a na državnom nivou nije uspostavljena zadovoljavajuća edukacija poljoprivrednika u ovoj oblasti. Neophodno je uspostaviti kontinuirane programe edukacije u ovoj oblasti preko poljoprivrednih stručnih službi; na državnom nivou neophodno je unaprediti koordinaciju različitih državnih organa koji sprovode program edukacije u poljoprivrednom sektoru, kao i rezultate nauke i edukacioni materijal učiniti dostupnim poljoprivrednicima. Kada se razmatra značaj finansijske pismenosti, ona se obično analizira iz perspektive odraslih ljudi. Međutim, nedavna istraživanja ukazuju na značaj povećanja finansijske pismenosti već na nivou mladih i dece. Ovaj teorijski koncept je trenutno prihvaćen u aktivnostima Vlade Republike Srbije. U tom smislu, Ministarstvo privrede je odlučilo da kroz brojne projekte otpočne promociju preduzetništva u osnovnim školama

    Business cycles synchronisation between the EU-15 and selected Eastern European Countries – The wavelet coherence approach

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    This paper strives to investigate the level of business cycles synchronisation between 8 Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) and the EU-15. We use wavelet coherence and phase difference methodology as a very suitable tool that observes simultaneously the strength of business cycles’ co-movement in the aspect of time as well as in the aspect of frequency. The results indicate that the business cycles of CEECs are generally synchronised with the EU-15 business cycles, whereas distinct differences existed before, during, and after the financial crisis (2008–2009) and during the European sovereign debt crisis (2010–2011). In other words, we demonstrate that very strong business cycles synchronisation occurred in almost all CEECs during crisis periods and at higher wavelet scales, while only moderate synchronisation is recorded in relatively tranquil periods at higher frequencies. The results suggest that smaller CEECs, but also larger countries such as the Czech Republic, Hungary, and to some extent Slovakia as well have a higher level of business cycles synchronisation with the EU-15, particularly in the crisis period at short-run as well as at long-run fluctuations. However, we do not find strong business cycles co-movement in cases of Poland and Latvia via HP and BP filters at higher frequencies during the crisis, which might indicate a higher resistance of these countries to external systemic shocks

    Identifikacija donora poželjnih alela za prinos ploda hibrida k 35 x k 12 plavog paradajza

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    The aim of this study was to identify an eggplant donor line which possess the largest frequency of favorable alleles that control fruit yield. Such donor line should be used to improve the elite eggplant hybride K35 x K12. The fruit yield of the elite hybrid, its parents and their hybrids with three potential donor lines (K36/1, K11 and K22/2) was examined in a diallel set by means of field trials. The trials were set in a randomized block design in three replications. After the fruit yield had been measured, the modified method of evaluation of relative loci value according to Dudley (1987) was applied. Ali inbred lines expressed positive values of the μG' parameter. The K11 inbred had the largest μG' value (2.38) and, also, the lowest frequency of unfavourable alleles on the loci class D (1.33). It was established that the K11 inbred line was more related to the K35 parental inbred line (7.81). Consequently, on the basis of the μD' values, improvement should be obtained by backcrossing the elite hybrid K35 x K11 to the donor inbred K11.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se izdvoje one inbred linije plavog paradajza koje poseduju najveću frekvenciju poželjnih alela za prinos ploda. Ovakve linije bi mogle da se iskoriste za unapređenje elitnog hibrida plavog paradajza K35 x K12. Prinos ploda ovog elitnog hibrida, njegovih roditeljskih linija i tri potencijalna donora poželjnih alela je bio utvrđen dialelnim ukrštanjem. Poljski ogledi su bili postavljeni po slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja. Radi identifikacije donora poželjnih alela, primenjen je modifikovan matematički model po Dudley-u (1987). Sve inbred linije su ispoljile pozitivne vrednosti parametra μG'. Linija K11 je imala najveću vrednost (μG' (2.38) i, takođe, najnižu frekvenciju nepoželjnih alela na klasi lokusa D (μD'= 1.33) a bila je i najbolji opšti kombinator (4.01"). Ova linija je bila srodnija roditeljskoj komponenti elitnog hibrida K35 (7.81). Na osnovu vrednosti parametra μD' poboljšanje prinosa ploda hibrida K35 x K12 bi trebalo postići unapređenjem roditeljske komponente K35. Pri tome, početnu populaciju za selekciju poboljšane linije K35, po našim rezultatima, treba zasnovati povratnim ukrštanjem elitnog hibrida K35 x K11 sa linijom K11 kao rekurentnim roditeljem i donorom poželjnih alela

    Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils by using urtica dioica

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    Soil pollution with heavy metals not only degrades soil fertility, but also negatively affects the human health and well-being through the food chain. In order to protect the soil, as well as other parts of the environment, special attention should be paid to the remediation techniques of soil contaminated with heavy metals. The majority of physical and chemical remediation techniques, despite of their high efficiency, are expensive, environmentally destructive, harmful to soil fertility and therefore not well accepted by the public. Therefore, the use of environmentally friendly and cost-effective biological remediation techniques is a more acceptable approach for the remediation of contaminated soil. Phytoremediation is an ecofriendly approach that using native plants for remediation of heavy metal polluted soil in a costeffective way. The aim of this paper is review of the most important results about of using plant stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) for removal of heavy metals from polluted soil

    Impact of retail market concentration on differences in retailers' productivity and business results

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    The aim of this paper is to define the degree of the Serbian retail market concentration and to determine the nature of the correlation between market concentration and retailers' business performances. The main task of the research is to indicate how changes in market share affect the development of the retail sector. Based on financial indicators in retail, realized turnover and profit per employee, the null research hypothesis was tested for proving a significant correlation between the size of market share of retail chains and their productivity and business results. The obtained results show the level of deviation in terms of the differences between the size of market share and productivity and the business result. There is also an obvious increase in the market share of large retail chains which has led to a decrease in the total number of small independent retailers, as well as a rise in market concentration levels. The obtained results, the conducted analyses and tests will point to the potential dangers of the concentration of the national market and define the criteria for achieving a higher degree of homogeneity. Suggestions and guidelines for future research are presented in the paper

    Significance of financial literacy for the agricultural holdings in Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the level and the significance of farmers' financial knowledge or literacy, as well to propose measures for the improvement of financial skills in agricultural holdings. According to the paper's results, the level of farmers' financial knowledge is low; at the state level there hasn't been established satisfying financial education of farmers. It is necessary to establish continuous education programs in this field through agricultural extension services; at the state level, it is important to improve the coordination between different state bodies that conduct an educational program in agricultural sector, as well as the science research results and to make an educational material available to farmers. When considering the significance of financial literacy, it is usually analyzed from the perspective of adult people. However, recent studies indicate the importance of increasing financial literacy already at the level of youth or children. This theoretical concept is currently being accepted in the activities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. In this regard, the Ministry of Economy has decided to introduce entrepreneurship to primary school through numerous projects

    Flora, conservation value and ecological potential of the cer boundary channel (Šabac, Serbia)

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    Channels can represent significant areas of plant diversity in urban ecosystems. The aim of this paper is to determine recent flora of aquatic macrophytes as well as determining the conservation values and ecological potential based on the macrophyte in one part of the Cer boundary channel. Field research conducted during the summer of 2020 of total lenghth of 5km upstream from the estuary. Macrophute data was collected according to the standard UKTAG LEAFPACS method. A total of 13 macrophyte species were recorded out of which three species are on the list of endangered and protected species. The ecological potential of the researched part of the channel flow was graded as good and better. Based on the results can conclude that the Cer boundary channel represents an optimal habitat for the development of aquatic vegetation and thus other hydrobionts, as well as for the development of other rare and endangered types of macrophytes. Results confirm the fact that artificial water bodies can play a significant role in biodiversity conservation in urban ecosystems

    Genetic variability of free energy in a function of drought tolerance in common bean accessions

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    Characterisation of bean genotypes, particularly local landraces is important for ongoing breeding programs, especially for drought tolerance. Susceptibility to drought is emphasized when bean is grown as a stubble crop and sown at the middle of summer. The aim of this study was to compare variability of ten bean genotypes to optimal (25 degrees C) and higher (30 degrees C) temperatures in combination with optimal (80%) and reduced (40%) field water capacity (FWC), from the point of growth (root and shoot length and fresh matter accumulation) and thermodynamic parameters of free energy (calculated parameter after drying at 60 degrees C, 105 degrees C and 130 degrees C) during the early seedlings stage. Significant and positive correlation between root length and fresh matter with free energy at symplast and chemically bound water occurred under temperature stress (i.e. 30 degrees C). Root growth and elongation were affected by drought stress, i.e. under a combination of high temperature (30 degrees C) and water deficit (40% FWC). Based on higher energy consumption, the ability of shoot to continue a growth in stressful conditions could be possible to achieve, as was confirm through significant and positive correlation between evaluated growth parameters in shoot and free energy of free water. It could be concluded that most of the examined dry bean accessions expressed some sensitivity to stress applied. Among genotypes tested, local landrace zecak expressed lesser susceptibility to stresses applied. Accession Maksa was more tolerant to changes at cytoplasmic level, while Medijana and Sataja 425 expressed root i.e. shoot stress tolerance. Those accessions could be considered as potentially drought tolerant genotypes