169 research outputs found

    Gesprächsdolmetschen : Unterschiede zwischen professionellen und untrainierten Dolmetschern

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    Erschienen im Rahmen einer Sonderausgabe: "Baumgarten, Nicole/ Böttger, Claudia/Motz, Markus/Probst, Julia (eds.), Übersetzen, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Spracherwerb und Sprachvermittlung - das Leben mit mehreren Sprachen. Festschrift für Juliane House zum 60. Geburtstag

    Aspekte des Dolmetschverhaltens

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    In diesem Bericht wird menschliches Dolmetschverhalten untersucht, um daraus Hinweise für die Konstruktion eines tragbaren Dolmetschgerätes (VERBMOBIL) abzuleiten. Da der Dolmetschprozess jedoch bislang kaum erforscht ist, muss zunächst das Problemfeld eingegrenzt werden. Hauptsächlich aus Arbeiten zur monolingualen Sprachverarbeitung und -produktion wird exemplarisch abgeleitet, wie komplex die natürliche Situation des Gesprächsdolmetschens im Gegensatz zur relativ eingegrenzten Demonstratorsituation von VERBMOBIL ist

    Some Aspects of L2 Acquisition of German in Switzerland

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    Research has identified various factors that seem to support L2 acquisition in adults (e.g. duration of stay in an L2 country, amount and quality of input) and it is well known that adult learners can achieve very high competence in their L2s. However, in a multilingual environment or a diglossia situation where inconsistent input can be anticipated, the question arises as to whether L2 acquisition may be influenced by all the different languages that coexist in the same environment. This paper analyses L2 acquisition of Standard German in Switzerland, where different dialectal varieties of Swiss German exist in parallel to the standard variety. The objects of the analysis are interviews in Swiss Standard German in which participants were asked to describe their own language biographies.Im vorliegenden Artikel werden einige Aspekte des Erlernens von Deutsch als Zweitsprache (L2) in einer mehrsprachigen Gemeinschaft untersucht. Die Lerner mit Erstsprachen (L1) wie z. B. Italienisch, Französisch, Englisch oder Spanisch leben im deutschsprachigen Teil der Schweiz, wo neben dem Schweizer Standarddeutsch verschiedene dialektale Varietäten des Schweizerdeutschen gesprochen werden. In dieser Umgebung stellt sich die Frage, ob nur aus der L1 oder auch aus dem Schweizerdeutschen Strukturen in die L2 transferiert werden.Research has identified various factors that seem to support L2 acquisition in adults (e.g. duration of stay in an L2 country, amount and quality of input) and it is well known that adult learners can achieve very high competence in their L2s. However, in a multilingual environment or a diglossia situation where inconsistent input can be anticipated, the question arises as to whether L2 acquisition may be influenced by all the different languages that coexist in the same environment. This paper analyses L2 acquisition of Standard German in Switzerland, where different dialectal varieties of Swiss German exist in parallel to the standard variety. The objects of the analysis are interviews in Swiss Standard German in which participants were asked to describe their own language biographies

    The puzzle of translation skills : towards an Integration of e-learning and special concepts of computational linguistics into the training of future translators

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    The objective of this paper is to promote new methods in the computational training of translation students. We will show that the process of translation is more complex than often supposed but can be successfully supported by electronic tools. The acquisition of advanced skills in the combination of these fields is facilitated by the use of new teaching methods like e-learning and the introduction of special concepts in Computational Linguistics such as evaluation

    Languages in contact: The influence of language activation and competing language patterns on translation performance

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    The two pilot studies described in this article, both part of a larger on-going project investigating multilingualism in a translation context, deal with separation of languages in translation students. At the same time, they demonstrate how multilingualism research can be integrated into the translation classroom. Within the framework of Grosjean's model (1997, 1998, 2001), the first study tests the influence on translation performance of preferentially activating one of the languages for the translation version Spanish (L2) into German (L1). The second assesses the transfer of structures from the dominant language in translating from German (L1) into English (L2). Despite the relatively small database, various inferences can be made about multilingual language processing in trainee translators

    Barrieren abbauen, Sprache gestalten

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    Leichte Sprache ist ein zentrales Konzept der barrierefreien Kommunikation. Fachtexte, Informationsbroschüren und andere Texte aus dem täglichen Leben dabei werden in leicht verständliche Texte übersetzt. Die drei Beiträge der vorliegenden Publikation untersuchen verschiedene linguistische Aspekte der Leichten Sprache. Im Speziellen ordnen sie Leichte Sprache als einen Fall von intralingualer Translation ein. Sie untersuchen Komplexität von Leichter Sprache, die Vereinfachungsstrategien, die beim Verfassen von Texten in Leichter Sprache verwendet werden sowie die Strategien, die zur Explizierung in Leichte Sprache Texten verwendet werden.The concept of easy-to-read language is a central one in the area of barrier-free communication. Among other thing, it involves the translation of technical texts, information materials and other texts used in everyday situations into texts that are easy to read. The three contributions in this publication report on investigations of various aspects of easy-to-read language. In particular, they consider easy-to-read language as a special case of intralingual translation. They explore the complexity of easy-to-read language, the simplification strategies that are used in the production of easy-to-read texts, and the strategies that are used for explicitation in such texts

    The Puzzle of Translation Skills. Towards an Integration of E-Learning and Special Concepts of Computational Linguistics into the Training of Future Translators

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    The objective of this paper is to promote new methods in the computational training of translation students. We will show that the process of translation is more complex than often supposed but can be successfully supported by electronic tools. The acquisition of advanced skills in the combination of these fields is facilitated by the use of new teaching methods like e-learning and the introduction of special concepts in Computational Linguistics such as evaluation