468 research outputs found

    A simple and controlled single electron transistor based on doping modulation in silicon nanowires

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    A simple and highly reproducible single electron transistor (SET) has been fabricated using gated silicon nanowires. The structure is a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor made on silicon-on-insulator thin films. The channel of the transistor is the Coulomb island at low temperature. Two silicon nitride spacers deposited on each side of the gate create a modulation of doping along the nanowire that creates tunnel barriers. Such barriers are fixed and controlled, like in metallic SETs. The period of the Coulomb oscillations is set by the gate capacitance of the transistor and therefore controlled by lithography. The source and drain capacitances have also been characterized. This design could be used to build more complex SET devices.Comment: to be published in Applied Physics Letter

    Shot noise measurements in NS junctions and the semiclassical theory

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    We present a new analysis of shot noise measurements in normal metal-superconductor (NS) junctions [X. Jehl et al., Nature 405, 50 (2000)], based on a recent semiclassical theory. The first calculations at zero temperature assuming quantum coherence predicted shot noise in NS contacts to be doubled with respect to normal contacts. The semiclassical approach gives the first opportunity to compare data and theory quantitatively at finite voltage and temperature. The doubling of shot noise is predicted up to the superconducting gap, as already observed, confirming that phase coherence is not necessary. An excellent agreement is also found above the gap where the noise follows the normal case.Comment: 2 pages, revtex, 2 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Correction of electrode modelling errors in multi-frequency EIT imaging

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    The differentiation of haemorrhagic from ischaemic stroke using electrical impedance tomography (EIT) requires measurements at multiple frequencies, since the general lack of healthy measurements on the same patient excludes time-difference imaging methods. It has previously been shown that the inaccurate modelling of electrodes constitutes one of the largest sources of image artefacts in non-linear multi-frequency EIT applications. To address this issue, we augmented the conductivity Jacobian matrix with a Jacobian matrix with respect to electrode movement. Using this new algorithm, simulated ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes in a realistic head model were reconstructed for varying degrees of electrode position errors. The simultaneous recovery of conductivity spectra and electrode positions removed most artefacts caused by inaccurately modelled electrodes. Reconstructions were stable for electrode position errors of up to 1.5 mm standard deviation along both surface dimensions. We conclude that this method can be used for electrode model correction in multi-frequency EIT

    Are patient specific meshes required for EIT head imaging?

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    Head imaging with electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is usually done with time-differential measurements, to reduce time-invariant modelling errors. Previous research suggested that more accurate head models improved image quality, but no thorough analysis has been done on the required accuracy. We propose a novel pipeline for creation of precise head meshes from magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography scans, which was applied to four different heads. Voltages were simulated on all four heads for perturbations of different magnitude, haemorrhage and ischaemia, in five different positions and for three levels of instrumentation noise. Statistical analysis showed that reconstructions on the correct mesh were on average 25% better than on the other meshes. However, the stroke detection rates were not improved. We conclude that a generic head mesh is sufficient for monitoring patients for secondary strokes following head trauma

    Positive cross-correlations induced by ferromagnetic contacts

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    Due to the Fermionic nature of carriers, correlations between electric currents flowing through two different contacts attached to a conductor present a negative sign. Possibility for positive cross-correlations has been demonstrated in hybrid normal/superconductor structures under certain conditions. In this paper we show that positive cross-correlations can be induced, if not already present, in such structures by employing ferromagnetic leads with magnetizations aligned anti-parallel to each other. We consider three-terminal hybrid structures and calculate the mean-square correlations of current fluctuations as a function of the bias voltage at finite temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; accepted version by PRB, figures replace

    Design and cryogenic operation of a hybrid quantum-CMOS circuit

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    Silicon-On-Insulator nanowire transistors of very small dimensions exhibit quantum effects like Coulomb blockade or single-dopant transport at low temperature. The same process also yields excellent field-effect transistors (FETs) for larger dimensions, allowing to design integrated circuits. Using the same process, we have co-integrated a FET-based ring oscillator circuit operating at cryogenic temperature which generates a radio-frequency (RF) signal on the gate of a nanoscale device showing Coulomb oscillations. We observe rectification of the RF signal, in good agreement with modeling

    Hanbury Brown Twiss effects in channel mixing normal-superconducting systems

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    An investigation of the role of the proximity effect in current cross correlations in multiterminal, channel-mixing, normal-superconducting systems is presented. The proposed experiment is an electrical analog of the optical Hanbury Brown Twiss intensity cross correlation experiment. A chaotic quantum dot is connected via quantum point contacts to two normal and one superconducting reservoir. For dominating coupling of the dot to the superconducting reservoir, a magnetic flux of the order of a flux quantum in the dot suppresses the proximity effect and reverses the sign of the cross correlations, from positive to negative. In the opposite limit, for a dominating coupling to the normal reservoirs, the proximity effect is weak and the cross correlation are positive for a nonideal contact between the dot and the superconducting reservoir. We show that in this limit the correlations can be explained with particle counting arguments.Comment: Invited talk at LT2

    Thermionic charge transport in CMOS nano-transistors

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    We report on DC and microwave electrical transport measurements in silicon-on-insulator CMOS nano-transistors at low and room temperature. At low source-drain voltage, the DC current and RF response show signs of conductance quantization. We attribute this to Coulomb blockade resulting from barriers formed at the spacer-gate interfaces. We show that at high bias transport occurs thermionically over the highest barrier: Transconductance traces obtained from microwave scattering-parameter measurements at liquid helium and room temperature is accurately fitted by a thermionic model. From the fits we deduce the ratio of gate capacitance and quantum capacitance, as well as the electron temperature