9 research outputs found

    Comparison of working length control consistency between hand K-files and Mtwo NiTi rotary system

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the consistency of working length control between hand instrumentation in comparison to engine driven Mtwo nickel-titanium rotary files. Material and Methods: Forty extracted maxillary molars were selected and divided onto two parallel groups. The working lengths of the mesiobuccal root canals were estimated. The teeth were fixed in a phantom head. The root canal preparation was carried out group 1 (n=20) with hand K-files, (VDW, Munich, Germany) and group 2 (n=20) with Mtwo instruments (VDW, Munich, Germany). Vestibulo-oral and mesio-distal directional x-ray images were taken before the preparation with #10 K-file, inserted into the mesiobuccal root canal to the working length, and after preparation with #25, #30 and #40 files. Working lenght changes were detected with measurements between the radiological apex and the instrument tips. Results: In the Mtwo group a difference in the working competency ( p <0.05) could be noticed only in the vestibulo- oral direction from #10 to #40 file. The hand instrument group showed a significant difference in working length competency for each larger file size ( p <0.05) (ANOVA). Regression analysis in the hand instrumentation group indicated a working length decrease with a mean of 0,2 mm after each consecutive file size ( p <0.01). Conclusions: The outcome of our trial indicated a high consistency in working length control for root canal preparation under simulated clinical condition using Mtwo rotary files. Mtwo NiTi rotary file did therefore proved to be more accurate in comparison to the conventional hand instrumentation

    Értékrendszer, életminőség, egészségi állapot = Value system, quality of life, health state

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    Projektünk célja az "egészség eredetének" kutatása egészség- és értékszociológiai eszközök integrálásával. Baranya megyei lakossági mintán egészségi kritériumok alapján validáltuk az Antonovsky-féle koherencia skálát (SOC), majd megvizsgáltuk ennek prediktívitását az általánosabb well-being mutatókra. Eredményeink a SOC-változó prediktiv erejét tanúsítják minden egészség-mutatóra, és a well-being (kognitív elégedettség, affektív boldogság) kritérium-adataival szembesítve. Attitűdinális és értékrendszeri tartalmait explorálva azt találtuk, hogy a SOC mélyebb rétegeiben a vállalkozói attitűdnek is részét képező személyes felelősségvállalási készség található, míg értékrendszeri magvában dominánsan az integratív Maitreyan, a proaktív Promethean és a kölcsönös social supportot ápoló Christian érvényesülnek. A három kulcsfogalom közötti interdependenciák elemzése megerősíti az "értékrendszer-életminőség-egészségi állapot" kauzálstruktúrális modell érvényességét. Elkészítettük és validáltuk a SOC-skála 6-itemes változatát, amelyet egy nemzetközi kutatásban hasznosítunk. Kidolgozott eljárásaink további alkalmazást nyertek a PTE fiatalok körében végzett "wellness" kutatásában. | Our project's aim is to research the 'origin of health' while integrating health- and value-sociological devices. On a population sample from county Baranya, we validated Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence (SOC) Scale based on health criteria, (self-evaluation of health status, vegetative symptoms of lability, chronic illnesses and the so-called EDEC scale developed from these). Then we examined their predictivity in the case of more general indicators of well-being. Our results testify to the predictive power of the SOC variable in every health-indicator. We could also register its strong prediction concerning the criteria of well-being (cognitive satisfaction, affective happiness scales). Exploring its attitude and value system contents in deeper SOC levels, we found present a readiness to take personal responsibility, which also forms part of the entrepreneurial attitude, whereas in its value system core, the integrative Maitreyan, the proactive Promethean and the Christian maintenance of mutual support predominate. The analysis of interdependence among the three key concepts affirms the validity of the 'value system-life quality-health status' causal-structural model. We completed and validated a six-item variation of the SOC scale, which we will utilize in an international research. Our imple-mented procedures gained a further application in a Pécs University research of 'wellness' among young people

    Chemomechanical preparation by hand instrumentation and by Mtwo engine-driven rotary files, an ex vivo study

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    Objective: To compare the disinfecting efficacy of the sodium hypochlorite irrigation by root canal preparation with stainless steel hand files, taper 0.02 and nickel-titanium Mtwo files with taper 0.04-0.06. Study design: 40 extracted human teeth were sterilized, and then inoculated with Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212). After 6 day incubation time the root canals were prepared by hand with K-files (n=20) and by engine-driven Mtwo files (VDW, Munich, Germany) (n=20). Irrigation was carried out with 2.5% NaOCl in both cases. Samples were taken and determined in colony forming units (CFU) from the root canals before and after the preparation with instruments #25 and #35. Results: Significant reduction in bacterial count was determined after filing at both groups. The number of bacteria kept on decreasing with the extension of apical preparation diameter. There was no significant difference between the preparation sizes in the bacterial counts after hand or engine-driven instrumentation at the same apical size. Statistical analysis was carried out with Mann-Whitney test, paired t-test and independent sample t-test. Conclusions: Significant reduction in CFU was achieved after the root canal preparation completed with 2.5% NaOCl irrigation, both with stainless steel hand or nickel-titanium rotary files. The root canal remained slightly infected after chemo mechanical preparation in both groups

    Magyar Tanítóképző 56 (1943) 5

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    Magyar Tanítóképző A Tanítóképző-intézeti Tanárok Országos Egyesületének folyóirata 56. évfolyam, 5. szám Budapest, 1943. máju

    Magyar Tanítóképző 50 (1937) 3

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    Magyar Tanítóképző A Tanítóképző-intézeti Tanárok Országos Egyesületének folyóirata 50. évfolyam, 3. szám Budapest, 1937. márciu

    Magyar Tanítóképző 53 (1940) 3

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    Magyar Tanítóképző A Tanítóképző-intézeti Tanárok Országos Egyesületének folyóirata 53. évfolyam, 3. szám Budapest, 1940. márciu

    Health Capital in the "Cis-Elbanian" vs. "Trans-Elbanian" Grand Regions Frame Disputes about Framing Ambiguities and Misframings = Gesundheitskapital in den Großregionen Zis-Elbe versus Trans-Elbe: Klärung des Interpretationssrahmens

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    The present study forms an operational variation of the task undertaken in the outlook paragraph of the authors’ earlier article to study with the help of the Sense of Coherence (SOC) as a group property, the health and general well-being of the Hungarian national community (in an international comparison). With Hungary being the only Eastern Central European (‘Trans-Elbanian’) country joining the EU-project with the title Corporate Culture and Regional Embeddednes (CURE), we Hungarians tried to help achieve this goal by making the following proposal to the researchers of the five Western-European (‘Cis-Elbanian’) countries partaking in the project: the drastically different Health Capital level of the Grand Regions situated on the two sides of the Elbe–Leitha boundary (‘centrum versus semi-periphery’) should be inserted as a control variable into the original research model of the project, which has propounded the hypothesis that the interaction between the organisational culture of the corporations operating in the sample region of the individual countries and the national culture of the respective regions has had an impact on the development of the region. We have presumed that this enormous difference between the Health Capital levels can bring to light the true underlying historical-social-economical impact factors which appear to be ‘cultural’ when approached for the first time. The leadership of the project allowed the Hungarian team to check, beyond the qualitative research design of the project, with the quantitative method of the research, the model variation enriched with a Health Capital variable. The conclusive results thus gained anticipate an affirmation of the results achieved in the original qualitative variation of the project design and may serve as an example for the whole research team to also implement an internationally exact investigation of the effect of the Health Capital as a control variable of the cultural impact in a possible follow up. The present study displays the first, pilot study results of this research undertaking, to be implemented in our country within the frame of the CURE project, and to be transferred into the international comparison if it proves successful. These preliminary results illustrate the interdependency of the cultural dimensions and the Health Capital apprehended in a salutogenic cross section. | Diese Studie bildet eine Durchführungsvariante der Aufgabe, die sich die Autoren im Ausblick ihres früheren Beitrags gestellt haben. Demgemäß sollte die Gesundheit und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden der ungarischen Nationalgemeinschaft mit Hilfe des Kohärenzgefühls (SOC), das als ein Gemeinschaftscharakteristikum aufgefasst wird, (im internationalen Vergleich) untersucht werden. Nachdem Ungarn als einziges mittel-europäisches („Trans-Elbe“) Land dem EU-Projekt CURE („Unternehmenskultur und regionale Einbettung“) beigetreten ist, haben wir den Forschern aus den teilnehmenden fünf west-europäischen (ZisElbe) Ländern vorgeschlagen, das drastisch unterschiedliche Niveau des Gesundheitskapitals in den Großregionen entlang der beiden Seiten der Trennungslinie Leith-Elbe („Zentrum vs. Halb-Periphärie“) als Kontrollvariable ins Forschungsmodell einzubeziehen, das nach der originellen Fassung aus der Interaktion der Unternehmenskultur und der regionalen (nationalen) Kultur in den jeweiligen Stichproberegionen der einzelnen Länder hypothetische Einflüsse auf die Entwicklung der jeweiligen Regionen abgeleitet hat. Diese „Zis- vs. Trans-Elbe“ Kontrollvariable könnte aus dem Hintergund der in erster Annäherung nur „kulturellen“ Einflüsse die wirklichen historisch-gesellschaftlich-wirtschaftlichen Wirkungsfaktoren hervorrufen. Die Projektleitung gab seine Zustimmung dazu, dass der ungarische Team – über das qualitative Untersuchungsvorhaben des Projekts hinaus – die durch die Variable des Gesundheitskapitals ergänzte Modellvariante mit der Quantitativmethode der im Beitrag erwähnten Forschung überprüft. Die auf diese Weise zu erzielenden, konklusiven Ergebnisse können die bei der originellen qualitativen Variante erzielten Ergebnisse bestätigen und ebenfalls als ein Muster dafür dienen, in einem möglichen Folgeprogramm auch im internationalen Verhältnis die Rolle des Gesundheitskapitals als einer Kontrollvariable des kulturellen Einflusses zu klären. In dieser Studie werden die ersten Ergebnisse des Forschungsunterfangens vorgelegt, das im Rahmen des CURE-Projekts in Ungarn durchgeführt wird, und im Falle seines Erfolgs auch in den internationalen Vergleich eingeführt werden soll. So werden mit den Korrelationen, die bei den Erhebungen errechnet wurden, die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den kulturellen Variablen und einem salutogenetischen Querschnitt des Gesundheitskapitals illustriert

    Is "Meaningfulness" a General Mediating Factor? : The Salutogenetic Revolution of Question-Setting in Health Science and Occupational Psychology = Inwiefern ist "Sinnhaftigkeit" ("meaningfulness") ein allgemeines Motiv? Ein Beitrag zur revolutionären salutogenetischen Fragestellung in Gesundheitswissenschaft und Beschäftigungspsychologie

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    According to our earlier researches – stating that on the one hand in the career competency of the examined subjects, out of the Core Job Dimensions present in the Hackman-Oldham Job Characteristic Model, only Meaningfulness (task significance) contributed significantly to inducing favourable Personal and Work Outcomes, and on the other hand, among the components of the Sense of Coherence, portrayed as a health and well-being factor in Antonovsky’s Salutogenic Model, it was Meaningfulness that had a preeminent role – we asked the question: to what extent can this positive effect of Meaningfulness be further generalized? That is, regarding women in Hungary who choose a healthcare career, whether Meaningfulness felt within their job motivates them with a significant enough force to be a counter-effective factor to job abandonment (especially frequent in Hungary), to persevere despite the difficult circumstances. From a methodical point of view, we completed a quasi-case study in the circle of 158 female students taking healthcare courses and 79 women working in healthcare for at least five years. As control groups we used the age- and sex-standardized random samples of non-healthcare students as well as workers. Here, Meaningfulness within the Sense of Coherence proved to be the significant factor for staying in the healthcare profession. Practical conclusion of the research: during the training in healthcare courses, an emphasis has to be laid upon developing the Sense of Meaningfulness in the person, by means of establishing life-career models, personal career design, and creating the chances of a healthier lifestyle