7 research outputs found

    Model for selecting the optimal locations for small hydropower plants

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    У овој докторској дисертацији дат је предлог модела за избор оптималног положаја мини хидроелектрана на основу техничких, економских и еколошких критеријума. Време писања дисертације дешава се у тренутку када се Р. Србија али и земље чланице ЕУ све више окрећу производњи електричне енергије из обновљивих извора енергије. Основни недостатак приликом планирања изградње мини хидроелектрана је одређивање њиховог оптималног положаја. Поред тога што је предложен начин за избор оптималног положаја, развијен је и рачунарски програм чија је основна сврха брзо одређивање оптималног положаја за изградњу мини хидроелектрана на основу претходно наведених критеријума.U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji dat je predlog modela za izbor optimalnog položaja mini hidroelektrana na osnovu tehničkih, ekonomskih i ekoloških kriterijuma. Vreme pisanja disertacije dešava se u trenutku kada se R. Srbija ali i zemlje članice EU sve više okreću proizvodnji električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije. Osnovni nedostatak prilikom planiranja izgradnje mini hidroelektrana je određivanje njihovog optimalnog položaja. Pored toga što je predložen način za izbor optimalnog položaja, razvijen je i računarski program čija je osnovna svrha brzo određivanje optimalnog položaja za izgradnju mini hidroelektrana na osnovu prethodno navedenih kriterijuma.In this Ph.D dissertation the model for selecting the optimal locations for small hydropower plants based on technical, economic and ecological criteria was proposed. Its timing is not coincidental, as it appears at the moment when both the Republic of Serbia and the EU Member States are making a strong shift towards the production of electric power from renewable energy sources. The main shortcoming in planning the construction of small hydropower power plants is the model for determining their optimal location. Along with proposing a model for selecting the optimal location, the paper offers a software tool developed during the research, the basic purpose of which is to quickly determine the optimal locations for the construction of small hydro power plants based on the above-mentioned criteria

    Model for selecting the optimal locations for small hydropower plants

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    У овој докторској дисертацији дат је предлог модела за избор оптималног положаја мини хидроелектрана на основу техничких, економских и еколошких критеријума. Време писања дисертације дешава се у тренутку када се Р. Србија али и земље чланице ЕУ све више окрећу производњи електричне енергије из обновљивих извора енергије. Основни недостатак приликом планирања изградње мини хидроелектрана је одређивање њиховог оптималног положаја. Поред тога што је предложен начин за избор оптималног положаја, развијен је и рачунарски програм чија је основна сврха брзо одређивање оптималног положаја за изградњу мини хидроелектрана на основу претходно наведених критеријума.U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji dat je predlog modela za izbor optimalnog položaja mini hidroelektrana na osnovu tehničkih, ekonomskih i ekoloških kriterijuma. Vreme pisanja disertacije dešava se u trenutku kada se R. Srbija ali i zemlje članice EU sve više okreću proizvodnji električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije. Osnovni nedostatak prilikom planiranja izgradnje mini hidroelektrana je određivanje njihovog optimalnog položaja. Pored toga što je predložen način za izbor optimalnog položaja, razvijen je i računarski program čija je osnovna svrha brzo određivanje optimalnog položaja za izgradnju mini hidroelektrana na osnovu prethodno navedenih kriterijuma.In this Ph.D dissertation the model for selecting the optimal locations for small hydropower plants based on technical, economic and ecological criteria was proposed. Its timing is not coincidental, as it appears at the moment when both the Republic of Serbia and the EU Member States are making a strong shift towards the production of electric power from renewable energy sources. The main shortcoming in planning the construction of small hydropower power plants is the model for determining their optimal location. Along with proposing a model for selecting the optimal location, the paper offers a software tool developed during the research, the basic purpose of which is to quickly determine the optimal locations for the construction of small hydro power plants based on the above-mentioned criteria

    River Floodplain 1D/2D Hydraulic Modelling Combined with Recent LiDAR DTM Technology

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    The study presents problem of floods management for lowland rivers and provides solution for such complex task. The paper aims to elaborate a methodology for flood management model on large lowland rivers using precision digital terrain models (DTM) and combined 1D/2D unsteady flow model. The river Danube on the territory of Serbia was used with its tributaries for the development of the model. The length of the hydraulic model is 715 km and the achieved accuracy of the model, by comparing the calculated and observed levels on 10 water stations, is below 10 cm. Combined 1D/2D HEC-RAS model is adjusted by making use of the resulting high-resolution input. The ability of the combined 1D/2D model, based mainly on the high-accuracy input data, provides an accurate estimate of flood wave propagation. The result of this paper is a defined methodology providing sufficient accuracy to the hydraulic model of flood wave propagation in case of large lowland rivers, requiring acceptable short calculation time. Also, the methodology to specify relevant flood stage (design flood) which is used to determine levee crest elevation is developed in this paper

    A Methodology Proposal for Selecting the Optimal Location for Small Hydropower Plants

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    The hydropower potential in the Republic of Serbia, as the most important renewable energy source, has been estimated at around 17000 GW·h per year, where approximately 2000 GW·h could be obtained from small hydropower plants (SHP). Small hydropower plants in Serbia currently produce 150 GW·h. Accordingly, the share of the electricity production from small hydropower plants in the total electricity production in Serbia is too small. The paper presents a model for the selection of optimal locations for small hydropower plants, which includes an ecological criterion, along with technical and economic criteria. The ecological criterion is eliminatory, i.e. those parts of the watercourse that border on or pass through protected natural assets are not taken into account when considering potential optimal locations for SHPs. All technical and economic criteria are included in the calculation of the weighted arithmetic mean with the aim of determining the optimal position for the construction of small hydropower plants. The model is implemented in the SHPOP software and its application is demonstrated on five watercourses in Southeastern Serbia

    The Influence of Temperature Changes on Concrete Pavement

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    The paper deals with the influence of temperature changes on concrete pavement. Due to differences in temperature on the upper and the lower surface of a concrete slab, the bending stress is created, resulting in concrete slab deformation. During the process of heating, the difference in temperature between the upper and the lower surface of pavement is created as a result of heat conduction. The upper surface has a tendency to expand (tense), whereas the lower one does not alter its dimensions, which results in generating the bending stress. Concrete pavement is most commonly placed in zones with extremely heavy traffic load as well as at bus stops. The analysis was carried out at bus stops in the city of Novi Sad for three different types of slab thickness. The thickness of slabs was 20, 22 and 24 cm. The testing was conducted in the longitudinal and transverse direction of the concrete pavement, both in the middle and on the edge of a slab. During the analysis of results, a conclusion was drawn that the concrete slabs were of different dimensions and thickness, and that they were placed on different subgrade reactions. The maximum values of stress were recorded in the middle of a concrete slab, in slabs whose thickness amounted to 24 cm, while the minimum stresses were identified in slabs which were 20 cm thick. The paper presents the stresses of concrete slabs, caused by changes in temperature, which depend on the subgrade reaction and dimensions of concrete slabs

    Mountain Road-Culvert Maintenance Algorithm

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    The objective of this research was to determine the probability of road overtopping occurrence for a road culvert caused by surface runoff from the upstream catchment. A hydrological–hydraulic model was used for the development of an algorithm for road culvert maintenance based on the overtopping occurrence probability (CMOOP algorithm) for small mountain catchments. The hydrological model defines the regression dependence between the runoff hydrograph peak values and the probability of occurrences, whereas the hydraulic model calculates the culvert flow capacity by including in the calculation the level of sediment that culvert is filled with. The relationship between occurrences of overtopping and peak runoff value was defined using the runoff hydrograph transformation model in the accumulation on the upstream side of the road. In addition to the calculation of overtopping occurrence probability for the existing culvert condition, the CMOOP algorithm was used to analyze the impact of rehabilitation and reconstruction works from the perspective of legally based safety criterion for road overtopping occurrence probability (SCROOP). The CMOOP algorithm was appled to 67 concrete culverts located in a mountain road section in the Republic of Serbia. The results show that the application of rehabilitation works on selected culverts will increase the percentage of culverts that satisfy SCROOP from 49.25% to 89.55%, which confirms that the accumulated stone sediment is the main reason for the SCROOP unfulfillment

    Mountain road-culvert maintenance algorithm

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The objective of this research was to determine the probability of road overtopping occurrence for a road culvert caused by surface runoff from the upstream catchment. A hydrological- hydraulic model was used for the development of an algorithm for road culvert maintenance based on the overtopping occurrence probability (CMOOP algorithm) for small mountain catchments. The hydrological model defines the regression dependence between the runoff hydrograph peak values and the probability of occurrences, whereas the hydraulic model calculates the culvert flow capacity by including in the calculation the level of sediment that culvert is filled with. The relationship between occurrences of overtopping and peak runoff value was defined using the runoff hydrograph transformation model in the accumulation on the upstream side of the road. In addition to the calculation of overtopping occurrence probability for the existing culvert condition, the CMOOP algorithm was used to analyze the impact of rehabilitation and reconstruction works from the perspective of legally based safety criterion for road overtopping occurrence probability (SCROOP). The CMOOP algorithm was appled to 67 concrete culverts located in a mountain road section in the Republic of Serbia. The results show that the application of rehabilitation works on selected culverts will increase the percentage of culverts that satisfy SCROOP from 49.25% to 89.55%, which confirms that the accumulated stone sediment is the main reason for the SCROOP unfulfillment