49 research outputs found

    Finding the Ghost in the Machine. A Janus perspective

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    The Challenges of Small Shop Development: A Case Study

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    Small companies dominate the landscape of systems and software development companies. With a few exceptions, very few studies have investigated the development and managerial processes and practices of these companies, their customer relationship, and their overall position and role in the software supplier and procurer relationships.A recent in-depth study reveals a number of challenges facing a small shop software development company -- e.g. owner and employees having insufficient formal training in software engineering and information systems development, lack of consistent and systematic practices, little time to reflect upon practices and learn new technologies and techniques, barriers for access to the (end)users, a need for short cycle development in order to mantain a steady income, and a sometimes fragile or problematic relationship with customers and clients who are often much bigger and stronger than the small development shop.Several of these problems have been shown to be persistent in Software Engineering and Information Systems Development across time as well as types of companies and settings. We do, however, believe that there is a need to investigate how these problems play out in the context of small shop development. The study will build on the action research of which focused on introducing a learning and reflection model into a small development shop. In the present study, we will analyze that case further


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    The ascension and use of agile and lightweight software development methods have challenged extant software design and development paradigms; this is especially notable in the case of small-team and small-shop software development. In this dissertation, a Reflective-Agile Learning Method and Methodology (RALMM) for small-shop software development, is proposed to enhance communication and learning in the use of agile methods. The purpose of the inquiry in this dissertation pertains to: the nature of the professional practice of small team software development; the implications of the epistemology of Reflective Practice has for the professional practice of small-team software development; and whether the introduction of Reflective Practice to an extant agile methodology improves process, productivity and professional confidence for a small development team. This dissertation uses Dialogical Action Research (MĂ„rtensson and Lee 2004), or Dialogical AR, a qualitative and interpretive research approach, to iteratively develop and refine the Reflective-Agile Learning Model and Method (RALMM). The proposed model and method also considers Hazzan and Tomayko’s (2002, 2004, and 2005) synthesis of Schön’s (1983, 1987) Reflective Practice and Extreme Programming (XP). RALMM is shaped by Argyris and Schön’s theories of practice (1974) and Organizational Learning (1978, 1996) and Schön’s ancillary work on generative metaphor (1979) and frames (Schön et al. 1994). The RALMM artifact was developed in a Dialogical AR Partnership using Lee’s (2007) framework for synthesizing design science and action research. The development and use of RALMM facilitated theorizing on the role of Reflective Practice in the successful use of agile methods. To assist in interpretation and analysis, the data collected during Dialogical AR cycles are analyzed using Strauss and Corbin’s (1998) Grounded Theory as a mode of analysis to guide in the coding and analysis of qualitative evidence from the research. As a result of this research, RALMM improved the practitioners’ processes and productivity. Furthermore, RALMM helped to establish, formalize and reinforce a team learning system for the continued development of the practitioners’ professional repertoire. Additionally, the iterative development of RALMM provides a basis for theorizing on Reflective Practice as an epistemology, paradigm, metaphor and frame of reference for the professional practice of small-shop software development

    The Impact Of Platform On Global Video Game Sales

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    This paper examines video game sales by platform in the global market from a period spanning 2006 through 2011.  As the home video game industry has rapidly matured and become established as a forefront facet of interactive entertainment in the home, we seek to determine what aspects of the video game market have the greatest impact on sales.  This question is particularly poignant, as the maturation of the video game industry has witnessed efforts at both vertical integration and horizontal expansion on the part of the top game publishers and developers in hopes of solidly grounding the industry.  This study employs a Kruskal-Wallis test to compare eight different gaming platforms.  The results indicate Nintendo’s Wii was the top selling global platform; Nintendo DS was the second tier; Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3, and the personal computer (PC) are in the third tier; the fourth tier consists of Sony PlayStation 2 and Sony PSP; and the retired sixth generation Nintendo GameCube is the lowest sales tier

    Invited Paper: Subsumption of Information Systems Education towards a Discipline of Design

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    Disruptive innovations continue to reshape channels of learning. The Information Systems discipline may be among the least immune to these disruptions. As such, students have greater access to the acquisition of the computing skills and knowledge that are commonly presumed to suffice entry-level employment positions sought after by graduates of Information Systems programs. Further, these same technologies disrupting education are shaping the organizational and business environment such that it is fair to reflect on the disposition and complexion of the discipline as a whole and surmise whether this past will predict the future. Moreover, businesses and organizations are finding that the supply chain of workers needed to harness these disruptive technologies flows neither exclusively, nor even optimally, through academia. Upon reflection of this disruptive circumstance of skills and knowledge development, we consider subsuming the IS discipline into the broader auspice of design buttressed equally by emphases on technical excellence, business acumen, and leadership. We explore principles for a design-focused philosophy for Information Systems education that assumes that while higher education programs may have lost the lead in technology skills development focused on entry-level employment, we may reassert our role in computing education through the embrace of design at the philosophical, epistemological, and pedagogical levels

    Measuring Privacy Concern and the Right to Be Forgotten

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    The ‘right to be forgotten’ (RTBF) is an emerging concept that refers to an individual’s ability to have data collected about themselves permanently deleted or “destroyed”—the final stage of the information life cycle. However, we do not yet understand where RTBF fits into existing theory and models of privacy concerns. This is due, at least in part, to the lack of validated instruments to assess RTBF. Therefore, following the methodology detailed by MacKenzie et al. [1], this paper develops scales to measure individuals’ concerns about the RTBF. We validate the scale and show that the RTBF represents a separate dimension of privacy concerns that is not reflected in existing privacy concerns instruments

    In Search of a Cure for a Psychosis in Information Systems Design: Co-created Design and Metaphorical Appreciation

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    We postulate that a disconnect between stakeholders and designers, often rooted in an understandable preoccupation with technical rationality, limits how design research is conceptualized in the design science research community. We posit co-creation as a way to overcome this limitation that engages reflective design practice fostering a shared understanding of value among the designers/developers, users, analysts and others. Thus, co-creation is an essential ingredient for design satisfaction in many design endeavors. We proffer a theoretical foundation for envisioning design success as an artefact that realizes co-created conceptual metaphors compositing the objective and subjective qualities shaping the stakeholders’ appreciative systems. This paper positions and advocates for a critical perspective on designer transcendence where design choices and actions are centered on a shared, but evolving, composite understanding of value and quality - satisfaction. Successful co-creative design emancipates users from concern for unnecessary technically rational aspects of artefact design. Further we propose a framework, grounded in semiotics, to hone and revitalize designer transcendence with a design emphasis on efficient and ideally frictionless interfaces - conceptual metaphors - to reduce asymmetry among stakeholder concerns