20 research outputs found

    Over-expression of a zeatin O-glucosylation gene in maize leads to growth retardation and tasselseed formation

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    To study the effects of cytokinin O-glucosylation in monocots, maize (Zea mays L.) transformants harbouring the ZOG1 gene (encoding a zeatin O-glucosyltransferase from Phaseolus lunatus L.) under the control of the constitutive ubiquitin (Ubi) promoter were generated. The roots and leaves of the transformants had greatly increased levels of zeatin-O-glucoside. The vegetative characteristics of hemizygous and homozygous Ubi:ZOG1 plants resembled those of cytokinin-deficient plants, including shorter stature, thinner stems, narrower leaves, smaller meristems, and increased root mass and branching. Transformant leaves had a higher chlorophyll content and increased levels of active cytokinins compared with those of non-transformed sibs. The Ubi:ZOG1 plants exhibited delayed senescence when grown in the spring/summer. While hemizygous transformants had reduced tassels with fewer spikelets and normal viable pollen, homozygotes had very small tassels and feminized tassel florets, resembling tasselseed phenotypes. Such modifications of the reproductive phase were unexpected and demonstrate a link between cytokinins and sex-specific floral development in monocots

    Starch Grain Distribution in Taproots of Defoliated Medicago sativa

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    The invention discloses a novel heat shock protein with high homology to chloroplast elongation factor EF-Tu. Also disclosed is a transgenic method for enhancing tolerance to heat and drought in female reproductive organs. It involves the temporal and spatial expression of novel heat shock EF-Tu in a plant organ or plant tissue. The invention also includes expression constructs, and methods for the production of crop plants with heritable phenotypes which are useful in breeding programs designed to increase heat and drought tolerance


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    The invention discloses a novel heat shock protein with high homology to chloroplast elongation factor EF-Tu. Also disclosed is a transgenic method for enhancing tolerance to heat and drought in female reproductive organs. It involves the temporal and spatial expression of novel heat shock EF-Tu in a plant organ or plant tissue. The invention also includes expression constructs, and methods for the production of crop plants with heritable phenotypes which are useful in breeding programs designed to increase heat and drought tolerance

    Cytokinin Oxidase Gene Expression in Maize Is Localized to the Vasculature, and Is Induced by Cytokinins, Abscisic Acid, and Abiotic Stress

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    Cytokinins are hormones that play an essential role in plant growth and development. The irreversible degradation of cytokinins, catalyzed by cytokinin oxidase, is an important mechanism by which plants modulate their cytokinin levels. Cytokinin oxidase has been well characterized biochemically, but its regulation at the molecular level is not well understood. We isolated a cytokinin oxidase open reading frame from maize (Zea mays), called Ckx1, and we used it as a probe in northern and in situ hybridization experiments. We found that the gene is expressed in a developmental manner in the kernel, which correlates with cytokinin levels and cytokinin oxidase activity. In situ hybridization with Ckx1 and transgenic expression of a transcriptional fusion of the Ckx1 promoter to the Escherichia coli β-glucuronidase reporter gene revealed that the gene is expressed in the vascular bundles of kernels, seedling roots, and coleoptiles. We show that Ckx1 gene expression is inducible in various organs by synthetic and natural cytokinins. Ckx1 is also induced by abscisic acid, which may control cytokinin oxidase expression in the kernel under abiotic stress. We hypothesize that under non-stress conditions, cytokinin oxidase in maize plays a role in controlling growth and development via regulation of cytokinin levels transiting in the xylem. In addition, we suggest that under environmental stress conditions, cytokinin oxidase gene induction by abscisic acid results in aberrant degradation of cytokinins therefore impairing normal development

    Over-expression of the photoperiod response regulator ZmCCT10 modifies plant architecture, flowering time and inflorescence morphology in maize.

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    Maize originated as a tropical plant that required short days to transition from vegetative to reproductive development. ZmCCT10 [CO, CONSTANS, CO-LIKE and TIMING OF CAB1 (CCT) transcription factor family] is a regulator of photoperiod response and was identified as a major QTL controlling photoperiod sensitivity in maize. We modulated expression of ZmCCT10 in transgenic maize using two constitutive promoters with different expression levels. Transgenic plants over expressing ZmCCT10 with either promoter were delayed in their transition from vegetative to reproductive development but were not affected in their switch from juvenile-to-adult vegetative growth. Strikingly, transgenic plants containing the stronger expressing construct had a prolonged period of vegetative growth accompanied with dramatic modifications to plant architecture that impacted both vegetative and reproductive traits. These plants did not produce ears, but tassels were heavily branched. In more than half of the transgenic plants, tassels were converted into a branched leafy structure resembling phyllody, often composed of vegetative plantlets. Analysis of expression modules controlling the floral transition and meristem identity linked these networks to photoperiod dependent regulation, whereas phase change modules appeared to be photoperiod independent. Results from this study clarified the influence of the photoperiod pathway on vegetative and reproductive development and allowed for the fine-tuning of the maize flowering time model