261 research outputs found

    Capturing flow transformation processes across an uneven seabed in coarse-grained sediment gravity flow deposits

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    The upper part of the Jurassic stratigraphy of the Los Molles Formation corresponds to deepwater succession deposited with a regional marine transgression during the early postrift stage of the Neuquén Basin. The present study conducted in the location of Chacay Melehue (Argentina) is used to document the interactions between coarse-grained sediment gravity flows and the depositional relief of a seismic-scale mass transport complex (MTC), with metre-scale mounds and decametric protruding clasts, as an analogue for similar configurations in subsurface systems. The 60 m thick succession is exposed along a 6.5 km long oblique downdip longitudinal profile. Exposure quality permits walking out of individual beds. A total of 16 stratigraphic sections (1560 m thick) spaced between 500 m and 100 m, were logged at 1:50 and 1:25 scale. The basal datum of the studied interval is the top of a MTC and the top marker bed is an extensive sandstone bed. Two units studied correspond to very coarse to fine-grained medium-bedded sandstones with abundant pebble-sized clasts (Unit1) and three thick plurimetric distinct beds of poorly-sorted, granular to medium-grained mud-rich sandstone matrix supporting polygenic gravels (Unit2). Distinct thick extensive beds in both units are intercalated with heterolithic successions of thin to medium-bedded very coarse- to coarse-grained or fine-grained sandstones, siltstones and mudstones. The sandstone beds in Unit 1 abruptly pinchout in the proximal part of study area. They are associated with evidence of erosion, sediment bypass and transformation of subaqueous sand-bearing flows. Stratigraphically, sandstone packages in the Unit 2 are increasingly more laterally extensive upwards in the succession. Thickness variations in these beds are related to compensational stacking. The research will inform studies in the architecture of deep-water successions above an uneven seabed inherited from the top of a MTC. The detailed analysis of exhumed examples that record depositional changes in the structure of the flow can lead to the development of predictive stratigraphic models which incorporate details and complexities observed in outcrop and can be applied for the evaluation of the quality of subsurface reservoirs.Fil: Privat, Aurélia. University of Leeds; Reino UnidoFil: Hodgson, David. University of Leeds; Reino UnidoFil: Peakall, Jeffrey. University of Leeds; Reino UnidoFil: Jackson, Christopher A. L.. University of Leeds; Reino UnidoFil: Schwarz, Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; Argentina2016 AAPG/SEG International Convention and ExhibitionBarcelonaEspañaAmerican Association of Petroleum GeologistsSociety of Exploration Geophysicist

    On rapid interstellar scintillation of quasars: PKS 1257-326 revisited

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    The line of sight towards the compact, radio loud quasar PKS 1257-326 passesthrough a patch of scattering plasma in the local Galactic ISM that causes large and rapid,intra-hour variations in the received flux density at centimetre wavelengths. This rapid interstellarscintillation (SS) has been occurring for at least 15 years, implying that the scattering“screen” is at least 100 AU in physical extent. Through observations of the ISS we have measuredmicroarcsecond-scale “core shifts” in PKS 1257-326, corresponding to changing opacityduring an intrinsic outburst. Recent analysis of VLA data of a sample of 128 quasars found 6sources scintillating with a characteristic time-scale of < 2 hours, suggesting that nearby scatteringscreens in the ISM may have a covering fraction of a few percent. That is an importantconsideration for proposed surveys of the transient and variable radio sk

    Ejection of Double knots from the radio core of PKS 1510--089 during the strong gamma-ray flares in 2015

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    PKS 1510--089 is a bright and active γ\gamma-ray source that showed strong and complex γ\gamma-ray flares in mid-2015 during which the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov telescopes detected variable very high energy (VHE; photon energies >>100 GeV) emission. We present long-term multi-frequency radio, optical, and γ\gamma-ray light curves of PKS 1510--089 from 2013 to 2018, and results of an analysis of the jet kinematics and linear polarization using 43 GHz Very Long Baseline Array data observed between late 2015 and mid-2017. We find that a strong radio flare trails the γ\gamma-ray flares in 2015, showing an optically thick spectrum at the beginning and becoming optically thin over time. Two laterally separated knots of emission are observed to emerge from the radio core nearly simultaneously during the γ\gamma-ray flares. We detect an edge-brightened linear polarization near the core in the active jet state in 2016, similar to the quiescent jet state in 2008--2013. These observations indicate that the γ\gamma-ray flares may originate from compression of the knots by a standing shock in the core and the jet might consist of multiple complex layers showing time-dependent behavior, rather than of a simple structure of a fast jet spine and a slow jet sheath.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, To appear in Ap

    3 mm GMVA Observations of Total and Polarized Emission from Blazar and Radio Galaxy Core Regions

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    We present total and linearly polarized 3 mm Global mm-VLBI Array images of a sample of blazars and radio galaxies from the VLBA-BU-BLAZAR 7 mm monitoring program designed to probe the innermost regions of active galactic nuclei (AGN) jets and locate the sites of gamma-ray emission observed by the Fermi-LAT. The lower opacity at 3 mm and improved angular resolution, on the order of 50 microarcseconds, allow us to distinguish features in the jet not visible in the 7 mm VLBA data. We also compare two different methods used for the calibration of instrumental polarisation and we analyze the resulting images for some of the sources in the sample.Comment: Polarised Emission from Astrophysical Jets, June 12-16, 2017, Ierapetra, Greec

    Capella: A Space-only High-frequency Radio VLBI Network Formed by a Constellation of Small Satellites

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    Very long baseline radio interferometry (VLBI) with ground-based observatories is limited by the size of Earth, the geographic distribution of antennas, and the transparency of the atmosphere. In this whitepaper, we present Capella, a tentative design of a space-only VLBI system. Using four small (<500 kg) satellites on two orthogonal polar low-Earth orbits, and single-band heterodyne receivers operating at frequencies around 690 GHz, the interferometer is able to achieve angular resolutions of approximately 7 microarcsec. Within a total observing time of three days, a near-complete uv plane coverage can be reached, with a 1-sigma point source sensitivity as good as about 6~mJy for an instantaneous bandwidth of 1 GHz. The required downlink data rates of >10 Gbps can be reached through near-infrared laser communication; depending on the actual downlink speed, one or multiple ground communication stations are necessary. We note that all key technologies required for the Capella system are already available, some of them off-the-shelf. Data can be correlated using dedicated versions of existing Fourier transform (FX) software correlators; dedicated routines will be needed to handle the effects of orbital motion, including relativistic corrections. With the specifications assumed in this whitepaper, Capella will be able to address a range of science cases, including: photon rings around supermassive black holes; the acceleration and collimation zones of plasma jets emitted from the vicinity of supermassive black holes; the chemical composition of accretion flows into active galactic nuclei through observations of molecular absorption lines; mapping supermassive binary black holes; the magnetic activity of stars; and nova eruptions of symbiotic binary stars - and, like any substantially new observing technique, has the potential for unexpected discoveries.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Whitepaper version 1.0. Living document, will be updated when necessar