338 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional Migration of Neurites Is Mediated by Adhesion Site Density and Affinity

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    Three-dimensional neurite outgrowth rates within fibrin matrices that contained variable amounts of RGD peptides were shown to depend on adhesion site density and affinity. Bi-domain peptides with a factor XIIIa substrate in one domain and a RGD sequence in the other domain were covalently incorporated into fibrin gels during coagulation through the action of the transglutaminase factor XIIIa, and the RGD-dependent effect on neurite outgrowth was quantified, employing chick dorsal root ganglia cultured two- and three-dimensionally within the modified fibrin. Two separate bi-domain peptides were synthesized, one with a lower binding affinity linear RGD domain and another with a higher binding affinity cyclic RGD domain. Both peptides were cross-linked into fibrin gels at concentrations up to 8.2 mol of peptide/mol of fibrinogen, and their effect on neurite outgrowth was measured. Both two- and three-dimensional neurite outgrowth demonstrated a bi-phasic dependence on RGD concentration for both the linear and cyclic peptide, with intermediate adhesion site densities yielding maximal neurite extension and higher densities inhibiting outgrowth. The adhesion site density that yielded maximal outgrowth depended strongly on adhesion site affinity in both two and three dimensions, with lower densities of the higher affinity ligand being required (0.8-1.7 mol/mol for the linear peptide versus 0.2 mol/mol for the cyclic peptide yielding maximum neurite outgrowth rates in three-dimensional cultures)

    Materials engineering for immunomodulation

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    The engineering of materials that can modulate the immune system is an emerging field that is developing alongside immunology. For therapeutic ends such as vaccine development, materials are now being engineered to deliver antigens through specific intracellular pathways, allowing better control of the way in which antigens are presented to one of the key types of immune cell, T cells. Materials are also being designed as adjuvants, to mimic specific 'danger' signals in order to manipulate the resultant cytokine environment, which influences how antigens are interpreted by T cells. In addition to offering the potential for medical advances, immunomodulatory materials can form well-defined model systems, helping to provide new insight into basic immunobiology

    Tenascin C Promiscuously Binds Growth Factors via Its Fifth Fibronectin Type III-Like Domain

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    Tenascin C (TNC) is an extracellular matrix protein that is upregulated during development as well as tissue remodeling. TNC is comprised of multiple independent folding domains, including 15 fibronectin type III-like (TNCIII) domains. The fifth TNCIII domain (TNCIII5) has previously been shown to bind heparin. Our group has shown that the heparin-binding fibronectin type III domains of fibronectin (FNIII), specifically FNIII12-14, possess affinity towards a large number of growth factors. Here, we show that TNCIII5 binds growth factors promiscuously and with high affinity. We produced recombinant fragments of TNC representing the first five TNCIII repeats (TNCIII1-5), as well as subdomains, including TNCIII5, to study interactions with various growth factors. Multiple growth factors of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) family, the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family, the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily, the insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGF-BPs), and neurotrophins were found to bind with high affinity to this region of TNC, specifically to TNCIII5. Surface plasmon resonance was performed to analyze the kinetics of binding of TNCIII1-5 with TGF-beta 1, PDGF-BB, NT-3, and FGF-2. The promiscuous yet high affinity of TNC for a wide array of growth factors, mediated mainly by TNCIII5, may play a role in multiple physiological and pathological processes involving TNC

    Fibrin gel as a three dimensional matrix in cardiovascular tissue engineering

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    Objective: In tissue engineering, three-dimensional biodegradable scaffolds are generally used as a basic structure for cell anchorage, cell proliferation and cell differentiation. The currently used biodegradable scaffolds in cardiovascular tissue engineering are potentially immunogenic, they show toxic degradation and inflammatory reactions. The aim of this study is to establish a new three-dimensional cell culture system within cells achieve uniform distribution and quick tissue development and with no toxic degradation or inflammatory reactions. Methods: Human aortic tissue is harvested from the ascending aorta in the operation room and worked up to pure human myofibroblasts cultures. These human myofibroblasts cultures are suspended in fibrinogen solution and seeded into 6-well culture plates for cell development for 4 weeks and supplemented with different concentrations of aprotinin. Hydroxyproline assay and histological studies were performed to evaluate the tissue development in these fibrin gel structures. Results: The light microscopy and the transmission electron microscopy studies for tissue development based on the three-dimensional fibrin gel structures showed homogenous cell growth and confluent collagen production. No toxic degradation or inflammatory reactions could be detected. Furthermore, fibrin gel myofibroblasts structures dissolved within 2 days in medium without aprotinin, but medium supplemented with higher concentration of aprotinin retained the three-dimensional structure and had a higher collagen content (P≪0.005) and a better tissue development. Conclusions: A three-dimensional fibrin gel structure can serve as a useful scaffold for tissue engineering with controlled degradation, excellent seeding effects and good tissue developmen
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