309 research outputs found

    Mode 1 delamination growth in adhesively bonded joints under static and fatigue loads

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    The objective of this investigation was to characterize the pure mode 1 delamination growth in metal to metal adhesively bonded joints under static and fatigue loading conditions, using FM 73 adhesive. Double cantilever beam specimens (DCB) were used for pure mode 1 tests. Aluminum 2024-T3 adherends were bonded with FM 73 adhesive. Delamination was introduced during fabrication by inserting a Teflon film between the two adherends. The mode 1 strain energy release rate G sub I sub c was obtained directly from static DCB tests conducted in accordance with the ASTM designation D1876-12. Constant amplitude fatigue tests on DCB specimens were conducted to determine the relationship between delamination growth rate da/dN and strain energy release rate G sub I sub c for a pure mode 1 delamination growth. It is found that the debond propagation rate in adhesive joints using FM 73 is more sensitive to errors in design load than is typical crack growth rate in metallic structures

    Crystallization Kinetics of Cocoa Fat Systems: Experiments and Modeling

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    Isothermal crystallization kinetics of unseeded and seeded cocoa butter and milk chocolate is experimentally investigated under quiescent conditions at different temperatures in terms of the temporal increase in the solid fat content. The theoretical equations of Avrami based on one-, two- and three-dimensional crystal growth are tested with the experimental data. The equation for one-dimensional crystal growth represents well the kinetics of unseeded cocoa butter crystallization of form α and β′. This is also true for cocoa butter crystal seeded milk chocolate. The sterical hindrance due to high solids content in chocolate restricts crystallization to lineal growth. In contrast, the equation for two-dimensional crystal growth fits best the seeded cocoa butter crystallization kinetics. However, a transition from three- to one-dimensional growth kinetics seems to occur. Published data on crystallization of a single component involving spherulite crystals are represented well by Avrami's three-dimensional theoretical equation. The theoretical equations enable the determination of the fundamental crystallization parameters such as the probability of nucleation and the number density of nuclei based on the measured crystal growth rate. This is not possible with Avrami's approximate equation although it fits the experimental data well. The crystallization can be reasonably well defined for single component systems. However, there is no model which fits the multicomponent crystallization processes as observed in fat system

    Rank Set Sampling in Improving the Estimates of Simple Regression Model

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    <p>In this paper Rank set sampling (RSS) is introduced with a view of increasing the efficiency of estimates of Simple regression model. Regression model is considered with respect to samples taken from sampling techniques like Simple random sampling (SRS), Systematic sampling (SYS) and Rank set sampling (RSS). It is found that R<sup>2</sup> and Adj R<sup>2 </sup>obtained from regression model based on Rank set sample is higher than rest of two sampling schemes. Similarly Root mean square error, p-values, coefficient of variation are much lower in Rank set based regression model, also under validation technique (Jackknifing) there is consistency in the measure of R<sup>2</sup>, Adj R<sup>2</sup> and RMSE in case of RSS as compared to SRS and SYS. Results are supported with an empirical study involving a real data set generated of <em>Pinus Wallichiana</em> taken from block Langate of district Kupwara. </p

    Cytological studies of Brassicaceae Burn. (Cruciferae Juss.) from western Himalayas

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    Цитологические исследования проведены на 12 видах семейства Brassicaceae Burn. из популяций различных географических зон Западных Гималаев. Определены хромосомные числа для Barbaraea intermedia (n = 16), Cardamine loxostemonoides (n = 8), Nasturtium officinale (n = 8), Sisymbrium orientale (n = 14) и добавлены к известным сведениям об этих видах. Хромосомные числа семи видов, Barbaraea intermedia (n = 8), B. vulgaris (n = 8), Capsella bursa-pastoris (n = 8), Descuriania sophia (n = 10), Rorippa islandica (n = 8), Sisymbrium strictum (n = 7) и Thlaspi alpestre (n = 7), были определены впервые в Индии. Течение мейоза в популяциях семи видов (Barbaraea intermedia, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Coronopus didymus, Descuriania sophia, Nasturtium officinale, Sisymbrium orientale и S. strictum) изменяется от нормального до аномального, в то время как в популяциях Barbaraea vulgaris и Sisymbrium irio наблюдается аномальный ход мейоза. Мейотические аномалии проявляются в виде цитомиксиса, слипшихся хромосом, дезориентированных бивалентов, межбивалентных соединений, формировании отставших хромосом и мостов, что в целом приводит к нарушениям микроспорогенеза. Гетерогенные по размеру фертильные пыльцевые зерна и сниженный репродукционный потенциал наблюдались во всех мейотически аномальных популяціях. В то же время ход мейоза во всех популяциях Cardamine loxostemonoides, Rorippa islandica и Thalspi alpestre был нормальным и сопровождался высокой фертильностью пыльцы.Цитологічні дослідження проведені на 12 видах родини Brassicaceae Burn. з популяцій різних географічних зон Західних Гімалаїв. Визначені хромосомні числа для Barbaraea intermedia (n = 16), Cardamine loxostemonoides (n = 8), Nasturtium officinale (n = 8), Sisymbrium orientale (n = 14) і додані до відомостей про ці види. Хромосомні числа семи видів, Barbaraea intermedia (n = 8), B. vulgaris (n = 8), Capsella bursa-pastoris (n = 8), Descuriania sophia (n = 10), Rorippa islandica (n = 8), Sisymbrium strictum (n= 7) та Thlaspi alpestre (n = 7), були визначені вперше в Індії. Проходження мейозу в популяціях семи видів (Barbaraea intermedia, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Coronopus didymus, Descuriania sophia, Nasturtium officinale, Sisymbrium orientale і S. strictum) змінюється від нормального до аномального, тоді як в популяціях Barbaraea vulgaris і Sisymbrium irio спостерігається аномальний хід мейозу. Мейотичні аномалії проявляються у вигляді цитоміксису, злиплих хромосом, дезорієнтованих бівалентів, міжбівалентних сполук, формуванні відсталих хромосом і мостів, що в цілому призводить до порушень мікроспорогенезу. Гетерогенні за розміром фертильні пилкові зерна та знижений репродукційний потенціал спостерігалися в усіх мейотично аномальних популяціях. В той же час хід мейозу в усіх популяціях Cardamine loxostemonoides, Rorippa islandica і Thalspi alpestre був нормальним і супроводжувався високою фертильністю пилку.Cytological studies have been carried out on 12 species of Brassicaceae Burn. on population basis from different geographical areas of Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh in the Western Himalayas. Variable chromosome reports for Barbaraea intermedia (n = 16), Cardamine loxostemonoides (n = 8), Nasturtium officinale (n = 8), Sisymbrium orientale (n = 14) on world-wide basis have been added to the previous reports of these species. The chromosome numbers in seven species as Barbaraea intermedia (n = 8), B. vulgaris (n = 8), Capsella bursa-pastoris (n = 8), Descuriania sophia (n = 10), Rorippa islandica (n = 8), Sisymbrium strictum (n = 7) and Thlaspi alpestre (n = 7) have been worked out for the first time from India. The meiotic course in the populations of seven species such as Barbaraea intermedia, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Coronopus didymus, Descuriania sophia, Nasturtium officinale, Sisymbrium orientale and S. strictum varies from normal to abnormal while all the populations of two species Barbaraea vulgaris and Sisymbrium irio show abnormal meiotic course. Meiotic abnormalities are in the form of cytomixis, chromosomal stickiness, unoriented bivalents, inter-bivalent connections, formation of laggards and bridges, all resulting into abnormal microsporogenesis. Heterogenous sized fertile pollen grains and reduced reproductive potentialities have invariably been observed in all the meiotically abnormal populations. However, the meiotic course in all the populations of Cardamine loxostemonoides, Rorippa islandica and Thalspi alpestre is found to be normal with high pollen fertility

    Editorial. "Horses for courses" Response

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    The Science Behind the Springs: Using Biomechanics and Finite Element Modeling to Predict Outcomes in Spring-Assisted Sagittal Synostosis Surgery

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    Spring-assisted surgery for the correction of scaphocephaly has gained popularity over the past 2 decades. Our unit utilizes standardized torsional springs with a central helix for spring-assisted surgery. This design allows a high degree of accuracy and reproducibility of the force vectors and force distance curves. In this manuscript, we expand on the biomechanical testing and properties of these springs. Standardization of design has enabled us to study the springs on bench and in vivo and a comprehensive repository of calvarial remodeling and spring dynamics has been acquired and analyzed. Finite element modeling is a technique utilized to predict the outcomes of spring-assisted surgery. We have found this to be a useful tool, in planning our surgical strategy and improving outcomes. This technique has also contributed significantly to the process of informed consent preoperatively. In this article, we expand on our spring design and dynamics as well as the finite element modeling used to predict and improve outcomes. In our unit, this practice has led to a significant improvement in patient outcomes and parental satisfaction and we hope to make our techniques available to a wider audience

    Enhancing Fatigue Performance of Sandwich Composites with Nanophased Core

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    We report fatigue performance of sandwich composites with nanophased core under shear load. Nanophased core was made from polyurethane foam dispersed with carbon nanofiber (CNF). CNFs were dispersed into part-A of liquid polyurethane through a sonication process and the loading of nanoparticles was 1.0 wt%. After dispersion, part-A was mixed with part-B, cast into a mold, and allowed to cure. Nanophased foam was then used to fabricate sandwich composites. Static shear tests revealed that strength and modulus of nanophased foams were 33% and 19% higher than those of unreinforced (neat) foams. Next, shear fatigue tests were conducted at a frequency of 3 Hz and stress ratio (R) of 0.1. S-N curves were generated and fatigue performances were compared. Number of cycles to failure for nanophased sandwich was significantly higher than that of the neat ones. For example, at 57% of ultimate shear strength, nanophased sandwich would survive 400,000 cycles more than its neat counterpart. SEM micrographs indicated stronger cell structures with nanophased foams. These stronger cells strengthened the sub-interface zones underneath the actual core-skin interface. High toughness of the sub-interface layer delayed initiation of fatigue cracks and thereby increased the fatigue life of nanophased sandwich composites

    Computational modelling of patient specific spring assisted lambdoid craniosynostosis correction

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    Lambdoid craniosynostosis (LC) is a rare non-syndromic craniosynostosis characterised by fusion of the lambdoid sutures at the back of the head. Surgical correction including the spring assisted cranioplasty is the only option to correct the asymmetry at the skull in LC. However, the aesthetic outcome from spring assisted cranioplasty may remain suboptimal. The aim of this study is to develop a parametric finite element (FE) model of the LC skulls that could be used in the future to optimise spring surgery. The skull geometries from three different LC patients who underwent spring correction were reconstructed from the pre-operative computed tomography (CT) in Simpleware ScanIP. Initially, the skull growth between the pre-operative CT imaging and surgical intervention was simulated using MSC Marc. The osteotomies and spring implantation were performed to simulate the skull expansion due to the spring forces and skull growth between surgery and post-operative CT imaging in MSC Marc. Surface deviation between the FE models and post-operative skull models reconstructed from CT images changed between ± 5 mm over the skull geometries. Replicating spring assisted cranioplasty in LC patients allow to tune the parameters for surgical planning, which may help to improve outcomes in LC surgeries in the future