111 research outputs found

    Wanda Nowakowska. Bibliografia

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    Publikacja dofinansowana przez Fundację Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz Katedrę Historii Sztuk

    Zachowania komunikacyjne dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym z uszkodzonym słuchem oraz słyszących urodzonych w rodzinach słyszących

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    The purpose of the article is to show the differences in the level of communication of preschool children with profound and severe hearing impairment and children in the hearing norm. All the studied groups of children come from hearing families. Based on the research, the level of language skills of children with profound and severe hearing impairment was determined and compared to the level obtained by hearing children, thus determining the degree of speech development (normative, delayed or disturbed) of the children in the study group. The obtained results confirmed the existence of quantitative and qualitative differences between the children belonging to the studied groups. The analysis of individual subcategories showed the existence of an interesting relationship. An important role is played by the “mode match,” which is a community of language experiences between a hearing-impaired child and their hearing mother, not the level of verbal functioning of children per se.Celem artykułu jest ukazanie różnic w poziomie komunikacji dzieci przedszkolnych z głęboką i znaczną wadą słuchu oraz porównanie ich poziomu z poziomem dzieci w normie słuchowej. Wszystkie wyodrębnione grupy pochodzą z rodzin słyszących. Na podstawie badań ustalono poziom umiejętności językowych dzieci z głęboką i znaczną wadą słuchu i porównano go z poziomem osiągniętym przez dzieci słyszące, co umożliwiło określenie stopnia rozwoju mowy (normatywny, opóźniony czy zaburzony u dzieci z grupy badanej). Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły istnienie różnic ilościowo-jakościowych pomiędzy dziećmi należącymi do badanych grup. Analiza poszczególnych podkategorii wykazała ciekawą zależność: ważniejszą rolę odgrywa „dopasowanie językowe” (mode match), czyli wspólnota doświadczeń językowych pomiędzy dzieckiem niedosłyszącym a jego słyszącą matką, niżpoziom funkcjonowania werbalnego dzieci per se

    Słowo wstępne

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    Publikacja dofinansowana przez Fundację Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz Katedrę Historii Sztuk

    Francis Bacon (1909–1992): Fotografia e pittura, da Londra a Dublino

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    Francis Bacon painted pictures based mostly on photographs published in encyclopaedias, popular magazines, the tabloid press, posters and packaging. He was interested in reproductions of paintings by great masters. He used photographs by Muybridge. Photographs, treated by Bacon as tools, were later “worked on” by the artist, becoming the canvas for his paintings. The scenes he chose – often drastic, depicting rape and violence – were painted into his canvases, creating a deformed image of the world that “emerged” from the horrors of both world wars. He painted portraits based on his photographs of friends. These were usually people with whom the artist was emotionally connected. He painted self-portraits base on a series of photographs taken in automatic photography, from which he selected several to form the basis of his paintings. Real things and persons should exist in the fictional space assigned to them. By destroying literalism in painting, Bacon wanted to find the similarity desired in painting as its principal, so to rediscover realism. When painting a portrait, he tried to capture the appearance of the figure. After Francis Bacon’s death, his London studio (7, Reece Mews), restored by conservators, was “repeated” in the space of the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin. It contains about 7,500 objects, among them numerous photographs which had been torn up by the artist, photographs of his lovers and friends, black and white reproductions. The Bacon ‘archive’ collected in Dublin is now a silent hint of the creative process of the artist, who despite numerous studies devoted to him and recorded conversations, still remains one of the most inscrutable artists of the 20th century.Francis Bacon dipinse immagini basate principalmente su fotografie pubblicate in enciclopedie, riviste popolari, tabloid, poster e imballaggi. Era interessato alle riproduzioni di dipinti di grandi maestri. Ha usato fotografie di Muybridge. Le fotografie, trattate da Bacon come strumenti, sono state successivamente “lavorate” dall’artista, diventando la tela per i suoi dipinti. Le scene da lui scelte – spesso drastiche, raffiguranti stupri e violenze – sono state dipinte nelle sue tele, creando un’immagine deformata del mondo che “emerse” dagli orrori di entrambe le guerre mondiali. Dipinse ritratti basati sulle sue fotografie di amici. Di solito erano persone aa cui l’artista era emotivamente legato. Dipinse autoritratti sulla base di una serie di fotografie scattate in fotografia automatica, scegliendone diverse per formare la base dei suoi dipinti. Le cose e le persone reali dovrebbero esistere nello spazio fittizio loro assegnato. Distruggendo il letteralismo in pittura, Bacon volle ritrovare la somiglianza voluta nella pittura come suo fondamento, così da ritrovare il realismo. Quando dipingeva un ritratto, cercava di catturare l’apparenza della figura. Dopo la morte di Francis Bacon il suo studio londinese (7, Reece Mews), restaurato dai conservatori, “è ripetuto” negli spazi della Hugh Lane Gallery di Dublino. Contiene circa 7.500 oggetti, tra i quali numerosi – strappati dall’artista fotografie dei suoi amanti e amici, riproduzioni in bianco e nero. L’”archivio” Bacon raccolto a Dublino è ora un accenno silenzioso al processo creativo dell’artista, che nonostante i numerosi studi a lui dedicati e le conversazioni registrate, rimane ancora uno degli artisti più imperscrutabili del XX secolo

    The theory of Taylorism and the „smallest flats” in the period between the World War One and the World War Two in Poland

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    The article focuses on selected aspects of the Taylorism theory used in housing construction in the 1920s and 1930s, it is between the World Wars in Poland, and their implementation in the context of the concept of housing for everyone. The idea, which was transferred from the United States to Europe after the First World War, became popular in modernist circle over time. Taylor’s views found fertile ground among Europe’s leading architects and urban planners (of which Ozenfant, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius, Stanisław and Barbara Brukalski, Szymon i Helena Syrkusowie, Józef Szanajca played a special role). They were implemented through the realization of such ideas, as „machine cities”, „machine houses/dwellings”, „smallest flats”, etc. as places of education of modern man. In view of the acute housing shortage in Europe after World War One and the much more difficult situation in Poland, it was essential to cover the housing shortage in the largest cities. The housing problem in Poland became a state issue. Large-scale efforts have been made to build affordable houses and apartments. Thus, according to Taylor’s theories, so-called functional – economic dwellings (so-called gallery houses) were designed, the uniform and inexpensive flats. Architecture and art – according to the apologists of Taylorism – in the twenty years between the World Wars, as well as social tasks were to politicize of the collaborating artists, architects and urban planners. The so called functional architecture was seen as conductive to the organization of everyday life and the education of its users, who were increasingly subject to state policy. The aesthetics of mechanical repetition, standardization, rhythm an economy propagated in Europe were reflected in industrial productivity and the increase in industrial production, leading to utopian notions of building a total order. The ideas of Taylorism, who invoked the purity of the unadorned form, hygiene and usefulness, efficiency, economization, etc., and tried to appropriate all areas of human existence, now appear as an ideology that forces the acceptance of the „minimum requirement” in order to realize the demands of the modernists, whose projects have strengthened attitudes towards the totalitarianization of life.Artykuł koncentruje się na wybranych aspektach teorii tayloryzmu wykorzystywanych w budownictwie mieszkaniowym w latach 20. i 30. XX wieku, to jest w okresie międzywojennym w Polsce, oraz ich realizacji w kontekście koncepcji mieszkań dla każdego. Idea ta, przeniesiona ze Stanów Zjednoczonych do Europy po I wojnie światowej, z czasem stała się popularna w środowisku modernistycznym. Poglądy Taylora znalazły podatny grunt wśród czołowych europejskich architektów i urbanistów (szczególną rolę odegrali Ozenfant, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius, Stanisław i Barbara Brukalscy, Szymon i Helena Syrkusowie, Józef Szanajca). Wdrażano je poprzez realizację takich idei, jak „miasta maszyny”, „domy/mieszkania maszyny”, „najmniejsze mieszkania”, itp. jako miejsca edukacji nowoczesnego człowieka. Wobec dotkliwego niedoboru mieszkań w Europie po I wojnie światowej i znacznie trudniejszej sytuacji w Polsce, niezbędne było pokrycie braków mieszkaniowych w największych miastach. Problem mieszkaniowy w Polsce stał się sprawą państwową. Na dużą skalę podjęto działania zmierzające do budowy niedrogich domów i mieszkań. I tak, zgodnie z teoriami Taylora, zaprojektowano tzw. mieszkania funkcjonalne – ekonomiczne (tzw. domy galeriowe), jednolite i niedrogie. Architektura i sztuka – zdaniem apologetów tayloryzmu – w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, podobnie jak zadania społeczne, miały upolitycznić współpracujących ze sobą artystów, architektów i urbanistów. Tak zwana architektura funkcjonalna była postrzegana jako sprzyjająca organizacji życia codziennego i edukacji jej użytkowników, którzy w coraz większym stopniu podlegali polityce państwa. Propagowana w Europie estetyka mechanicznej powtarzalności, standaryzacji, znajdowała odzwierciedlenie w wydajności przemysłu i wzroście produkcji przemysłowej, prowadząc do utopijnych wyobrażeń o budowaniu totalnego porządku. Idee tayloryzmu, który powoływał się na czystość nieupiększonej formy, higienę i użyteczność, wydajność, ekonomizację itp. i próbował zawłaszczyć wszystkie dziedziny ludzkiej egzystencji, jawią się teraz jako ideologia wymuszająca akceptację „minimum wymagań” w celu realizacji postulatów modernistów, których projekty wzmocniły postawy totalitaryzacji życia

    Problem przestępczości elektronicznej

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    The article introduce a genesis and a specificity of electronic crimes, whete its speci­ficity results among all from the fact, that the place where they are committed, is not always the same "place" in a common sense. U sing the Internet, as a places of the committing an offence, is particularly dangerous due to the very high number of potential victims and problems with low detectability of crimes and its offender. The global network is reducing the effectiveness of mechanisms of the identification. The cyberspace is deprived of all physical attributes of someoneśfpresence, so as: fingerprints, voice, im age. The aim of the article is showing the range and the scale of electronic crime in the world, as well as its effects

    Seniorzy na granicy wykluczenia społecznego – metody zapobiegania wykluczeniu cyfrowemu

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    Seniors on the border of social exclusion – methods of digital exclusion preventionThe ongoing demographic change in the near future will determine the shape of social policy not only Polish but also the Member States of the European Union, whose greatest asset is the knowledge, skills, entrepreneurship, creativity and talents of the residents. Cultural institutions, mainly the library trying to keep up with these changes, they must extend their statutory activities and expand the educational offer directed to the local community, especially senior citizens by offering them customized access to knowledge and information. The article presents a general analysis of the situation and describes innovative integrated activities realized by the Regional Public Library in Krakow in cooperation with the Polish-German Association in Krakow since 2007 as part of the programme “School of the @ctive Senior – S@S”

    Multiple complications of the induction phase chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) despite of high efficiency often leads to many different complications, what bring consequences like therapy failure, death, breaks in chemotherapy, elongate hospitalization. We reported case old 6-year-old girl treated with ALL, who experienced many, severe complications of chemotherapy during the induction phase of treatment

    Angular and Temperature Tuning of Emission from Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VECSELs)

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    In this paper we demonstrate how the tuning of the VECSEL heterostructure can be precisely determined. Since the VECSEL active region is embodied in a microcavity, the photoluminescence signal collected from the chip surface is modified by the resonance of this cavity. The angle resolved photoluminescence measurements combined with the temperature tuning of the structure allowed us to precisely determine VECSEL emission features. The investigated structure consists of GaAs cavity with six InGaAs quantum wells and is designed for lasing at 980 nm. Introduction Vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs