241 research outputs found

    Effect of the Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma on the Optical Properties of CDS Thin Film

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    في بحثنا هذا تم دراسة تاثير بلازما حاجز العزل الكهربائي على الخواص البصرية لاغشية كبريتيد الكادميومCdS  المحضرة بطريقة التبخير الحراري. عرضت الاغشية المحضرة لفترات زمنية مختلفة للبلازما (0, 3, 5, 8) دقيقة . درس في كل تعريض تاثير البلازما على كل الامتصاصية A ومعامل الامتصاص α وفجوة الطاقة  ومعامل الخمود K وثابت العزل ε ومعامل الانكسار n. ظهر من خلال النتائج ان فجوة الطاقة تقل بزيادة زمن التعريض للبلازما بينما تزداد قيم كل من الامتصاصية ومعامل الامتصاص ومعامل الخمود وثابت العزل  ومعامل الانكسار مع زيادة زمن التعريض للبلازما.واظهرت النتائج تحسين لبعض الخصائص البصرية لاغشية CdS .Cadmium sulphide CdS films with 200 nm have been prepared by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrate at substrate room temperature under vacuum of 10-5mbar.In this paper, the effect of Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma on the optical properties of the CdS film. The prepared films were exposed to different time intervals (0, 3, 5, 8) min. For every sample, the Absorption A, absorption coefficient α , energy gap Eg ,extinction coefficient K and dielectric constant ε were studied. It is found that the energy gap were decreased with exposure time, and absorption , Absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient,  dielectric constant increased with time of exposure to the plasma. Our study considers the first investigation of the effect of cold atmospheric plasma on the optical properties of CdS film

    Carbon black production, analyzing and characterization

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    Carbon black (CB) plays a significant function in the development of the electrical and mechanical properties of high performance for a tough elastic polymeric substance such as rubber materials. Thus, CB is widely used to manufacture a massive number of products such as reinforcing and pigment phase in automobile tires due to its high ability to increase tire life by reducing the thermal damage. This material is also used in belts, hoses, and other non-tire rubber goods. Before use in valuable materials. CB should first be analyzed and characterized by different instruments to obtain its mechanical properties. A new thermal black process by using electrical heating system has been used in this work. Which will produce a new grade of the CB with the high surface area for use in tire manufacturing. This thesis demonstrates that the production of carbon black was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) measurements. These techniques have been used for the solid samples (powder). Additionally, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and gas chromatography (GC) have been utilized for gas samples --Abstract, page iii

    On Light Mapping and Certain Concepts by Using m_X N-Open Sets

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              قدمنا صيغه ضعيفة من الدوال  –واهنه بأستخدام المجموعة - المفتوحة والتي هي الدالة - الواهنة, وقدمنا مفاهيم جديدة الفضاءات غير المترابطة والغير مترابطة كليا ً, العلاقة بينهما قد درست. كذلك عرفنا صيغة جديدة من الدوال -غير المترابطة كليا ً و الدوال العكسيا ً -غير المترابطة كليا ً قد عرفت, أعطينا بعض الامثلة والحقائق.The aim of this paper is to present a weak form of -light functions by using -open set which is -light function, and to offer new concepts of disconnected spaces and totally disconnected spaces. The relation between them have been studied. Also, a new form of -totally disconnected and inversely -totally disconnected function have been defined, some examples and facts was submitted

    The Measurements of Natural Radioactivity, (Radon and Gamma concentrations), around the old fertilizer factory in Basrah/Iraq

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    Radon concentration, exhalation rate, annual effective dose, radium activity, thorium, uranium potassium and radium equivalent have been measured in the present investigation for soil in the area around the old fertilizer factory in southern of Basrah Governorate. The measurements based on CR39 track detector for passive method, RAD7 for active method and NaI(Tl) for gamma concentration measurements. Average values for radon concentration in soil were 112.04±10.76 Bq/m3 using passive technique and 104.56±6.05 Bq/m3 using RAD7. From the result of the passive technique, area and mass exhalation rates and the annual effective dose were calculated. Gamma ray spectroscopy for the soil samples were performed and found that the average concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were 50.89 Bq/kg, 21.74 Bq/kg and 640.4 Bq/kg respectively. Gamma ray hazard indices were calculated and found they are within the world average

    Treating High Salinity Produced Water Using Hybrid Membrane Processes: Electrocoagulation-Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration-Membrane Distillation-Crystallization

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    Produced water (PW) is considered the largest industrial wastewater stream in the world. PW generated from oil and gas operations generally contains a range of contaminants including high total dissolved solids, high total suspended solids, polar and nonpolar organic compounds, and low surface tension dissolved species. Treating PW is very challenging and applying only membrane-based technologies is not sufficient due to membrane fouling, which affects their long-term performance. Hence, integrated membrane processes are required to treat PW effectively. Hybrid membrane processes, which may result from combining a conventional process with a membrane separation, could be used to address the issues of fouling (and wetting), and maximize water recovery. In this dissertation, several hybrid membrane processes are reviewed and the effects of important parameters that determine the performance of these hybrid systems are discussed. While the highly impaired PW is often deep well injected, there is a great deal of interest in treating and recovering this water for beneficial uses. However, the need to use multiple unit operations is essential if these wastewaters are to be recovered. Electrocoagulation (EC) is considered a promising pretreatment technology. In this study, the use of aluminium electrodes for electrocoagulation as a pretreatment operation was investigated. The effects of electrode arrangement, applied current, reaction time, initial pH, and inter electrode distance on the quality of the treated water have been investigated. EC results showed good removal of turbidity (95%), total suspended solids, TSS (90%), and total organic carbon, TOC (70%) by carefully choosing the reaction conditions. Sedimentation was used to separate the treated water from the sludge. The quality of the feed PW can strongly affect the performance of the EC. In addition, a combined electrocoagulation – microfiltration – membrane distillation (EC-MF-MD) process had been used to treat PW. In this work, EC was followed by MF to pretreat the wastewater prior to MD. After EC, the TOC was reduced from 120 mg L-1 to 64 mg L-1. Tangential flow MF using a 0.1 micrometer pore size polyethersulfone membrane was used to separate the particulate matter after EC and to further reduce the TOC to 44 mg L-1. MD was used to desalinate the pretreated PW resulting in a high quality treated water (reducing the total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration from 245,300 mg L-1 to 56 mg L-1). Three membranes with very different surface morphology were tested here: commercially available polyvinylidene fluoride, electrospun poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) nanofibers and multiwalled carbon nanotube coated polytetrafluoroethylene. The surface properties of an ideal membrane that is resistant to wetting and provides high flux is likely to depend on the TDS and properties of the PW. The integrated electrocoagulation-ultrafiltration-membrane distillation and crystallization process (EC-UF-MDC) was also used to treat PW. The focus of this work was to determine the feasibility of this integrated process for increasing water recovery. The results of this work suggest that optimizing the various unit operations in this integrated process could be used to recover PW. Dissolved organic compounds are known to foul the hydrophobic membrane used in MD. In this study, a significant reduction in membrane fouling was obtained by EC pretreatment, which can lead to a long-term durability of MD system. In addition, the use of MDC can help mitigate the scale formation. Also, treating PW will preserve surface and groundwater, which form 80% of the water utilized in hydraulic fracturing, and reduce the amount of PW directly disposed in Class II disposal wells, which further address the main cause of earthquakes. Finally, the integrated EC-MF pilot-scale system will be used to pretreat and reuse PW. The EC reactor (37.5 L) was built based on experiences gained from working with a laboratory scale (1 L). The integrated process will be evaluated at Texas Tech University (TTU). The design and construction of the EC-MF system are discussed in this work. The pilot-scale system has a capacity of treating 3600 L/day PW. The system layout is also discussed in this study. The EC-MF process was designed based on 70% feed water recovery. Turbidity, TSS, and TOC analysis will be obtained for samples collected during the 5 days operation. The goal of this work is to achieve a reduction of 95, 90, and 70% for turbidity, TSS, and TOC, respectively, which is the pretreated PW quality needed to be further treated by TTU

    The Use of Mobile –Assisted Language Learning (MALL) by Iraqi EFL College Students' and their Attitudes Towards it

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    يعد  النقال وسيلة مساعدة في تعلم اللغة ,من المواضيع العصرية في التقنيات التربوية المستخدمة في تحسين التعلم والذي حصل على شعبية بين الطلبة بسبب توافر العديد من التقنيات النقالة المختلفة. وقد اسهم كثيرا لعملية التعلم والتدريس. ولم يعد الطلبة راضيين عن الطرق التقليدية في التدريس واظهروا ميولا للحصول على فوائد التكنولوجيا وبالأخص الوسائل النقالة. تهدف الدراسة الحالية الى التحقق من توجهات الطلبة الدارسين للغة الانكليزية كلغة أجنبية نحو الأدوات النقالة في عملية تعلم اللغة, إضافة إلى أنها تتحرى عن الاستعمال  الواقعي لتلك الأدوات. لذلك صيغت استبانتان, الأولى لمعرفة توجهات الطلبة, والثانية لمعرفة الاستعمال  الحقيقي للأدوات النقالة مساعدا في عملية تعلم اللغة.طبق  كلتا  الاستبانتين على عينة من 237 طالب وطالبة في قسم اللغة الانكليزية. أظهر تحليل نتائج الاستبانة الأولى توجهات الطلبة الايجابية نحو الأدوات النقالة. كما توصلت نتائج الاستبانة الثانية إلى أن الأدوات النقالة تستعمل بكثرة لأغراض تعلم اللغة من قبل الطلبة وتمثلت في الاستخدام  القواميس واستخدامها للبحث وجمع المعلومات. لذلك ينصح باستعمال النقال كمساعد  في عمليات التدريس والتعليم و وسيلة تدريس أو مصدر داعم والذي بدوره يحفز الطلبة ويشركهم بفعالية في عملية التعلم. تبعا لذلك, تعد نتائج الدراسة ملهمة للبحث  التجريبي والتطبيقي وبعمق في موضوع التعلم النقال .Mobile -assisted language learning (MALL) is regarded as a fashionable topic in the educational technology to enhance learning, which has gained popularity among students because of the availability of the  various mobile technologies . It contributes a lot to the teaching and learning process and students are no longer satisfied with the traditional way of teaching and show tendency to gain the advantages of  technology in classes especially mobile devices. The current study aims at investigating EFL students' attitudes towards the mobile devices in the language learning process. In addition, it explores their actual use of mobile devices as assisted tool for the learning  purposes.Two questionnaires have been constructed; first one for students attitudes towards  mobile assisted language learning. Second, a questionnaire of the use of mobile assisted language learning. Both questionnaires were administered to a sample of 237 students at the department of English. The results of the first questionnaire analysis have showed the students' positive attitudes towards mobile devices. And the second one revealed that mobile devices are excessively  used for language learning purposes by the students mostly as dictionaries , and for research and data collection. Thus, it is recommended to make use of MALL in the teaching and learning process as a teaching aid and a supplementary source which can motivate students as well as actively involve them in the learning process. Consequently, the results of this study could be regarded as an inspiration for investigating in deep mobile learning approach practically and experimentally

    Vacant Parking Places System Using WAP Technologies

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    The aim of this study is to produce an applicable mobile prototype to address the Vacant Parking Places System using WAP Technologies. The prototype provides complete information about the existence of parking system to the customer. The users requirements of mobile parking reservation application and parking services management are elaborated and determents. The study overcomes the limitation of parks in almost every major city in the world. Furthermore, Increase number of private car in the roads. The prototype is evaluated in the term of usability testing. The survey includes 30 respondent and the foundation was (strong; 74.78%), of the respondent found that the system is strong regarding the term of usability.During the project development phases, Unified Modeling Language will be used to module the design

    Implantation modified deep echo state neural networks and improve harmony clustering algorithm for optimal and energy efficient path in mobile sink

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    Wireless network sensors based on the mobile sink are regarded to be a common network and used in various fields in the last few years, they are thought to be easy to use, but contain the problem of energy loss and are affected by an energy hole problem, as it depends on batteries. This paper proposes a solution to this problem by using an innovative objective function for a consistent distributing of cluster heads, the enhanced harmony search based routing protocols based on energy equilibrated node clustering protocol. In order to route the data packet among the sink and cluster heads, an enhanced modified deep echo state neural network is suggested. The efficiency of a projected integrated clustering and routing protocol has been investigated at 500 nodes, and the 96 per cent success data for the proposed algorithm is given using the average energy consumption, send and receive packaged and optimum numbers of CH

    Four points bend fixture bone plate

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    Volume 2 Issue 5 (May 2014

    Treating High Salinity Produced Water Using Hybrid Membrane Processes: Electrocoagulation-Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration-Membrane Distillation-Crystallization

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    Produced water (PW) is considered the largest industrial wastewater stream in the world. PW generated from oil and gas operations generally contains a range of contaminants including high total dissolved solids, high total suspended solids, polar and nonpolar organic compounds, and low surface tension dissolved species. Treating PW is very challenging and applying only membrane-based technologies is not sufficient due to membrane fouling, which affects their long-term performance. Hence, integrated membrane processes are required to treat PW effectively. Hybrid membrane processes, which may result from combining a conventional process with a membrane separation, could be used to address the issues of fouling (and wetting), and maximize water recovery. In this dissertation, several hybrid membrane processes are reviewed and the effects of important parameters that determine the performance of these hybrid systems are discussed. While the highly impaired PW is often deep well injected, there is a great deal of interest in treating and recovering this water for beneficial uses. However, the need to use multiple unit operations is essential if these wastewaters are to be recovered. Electrocoagulation (EC) is considered a promising pretreatment technology. In this study, the use of aluminium electrodes for electrocoagulation as a pretreatment operation was investigated. The effects of electrode arrangement, applied current, reaction time, initial pH, and inter electrode distance on the quality of the treated water have been investigated. EC results showed good removal of turbidity (95%), total suspended solids, TSS (90%), and total organic carbon, TOC (70%) by carefully choosing the reaction conditions. Sedimentation was used to separate the treated water from the sludge. The quality of the feed PW can strongly affect the performance of the EC. In addition, a combined electrocoagulation – microfiltration – membrane distillation (EC-MF-MD) process had been used to treat PW. In this work, EC was followed by MF to pretreat the wastewater prior to MD. After EC, the TOC was reduced from 120 mg L-1 to 64 mg L-1. Tangential flow MF using a 0.1 micrometer pore size polyethersulfone membrane was used to separate the particulate matter after EC and to further reduce the TOC to 44 mg L-1. MD was used to desalinate the pretreated PW resulting in a high quality treated water (reducing the total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration from 245,300 mg L-1 to 56 mg L-1). Three membranes with very different surface morphology were tested here: commercially available polyvinylidene fluoride, electrospun poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) nanofibers and multiwalled carbon nanotube coated polytetrafluoroethylene. The surface properties of an ideal membrane that is resistant to wetting and provides high flux is likely to depend on the TDS and properties of the PW. The integrated electrocoagulation-ultrafiltration-membrane distillation and crystallization process (EC-UF-MDC) was also used to treat PW. The focus of this work was to determine the feasibility of this integrated process for increasing water recovery. The results of this work suggest that optimizing the various unit operations in this integrated process could be used to recover PW. Dissolved organic compounds are known to foul the hydrophobic membrane used in MD. In this study, a significant reduction in membrane fouling was obtained by EC pretreatment, which can lead to a long-term durability of MD system. In addition, the use of MDC can help mitigate the scale formation. Also, treating PW will preserve surface and groundwater, which form 80% of the water utilized in hydraulic fracturing, and reduce the amount of PW directly disposed in Class II disposal wells, which further address the main cause of earthquakes. Finally, the integrated EC-MF pilot-scale system will be used to pretreat and reuse PW. The EC reactor (37.5 L) was built based on experiences gained from working with a laboratory scale (1 L). The integrated process will be evaluated at Texas Tech University (TTU). The design and construction of the EC-MF system are discussed in this work. The pilot-scale system has a capacity of treating 3600 L/day PW. The system layout is also discussed in this study. The EC-MF process was designed based on 70% feed water recovery. Turbidity, TSS, and TOC analysis will be obtained for samples collected during the 5 days operation. The goal of this work is to achieve a reduction of 95, 90, and 70% for turbidity, TSS, and TOC, respectively, which is the pretreated PW quality needed to be further treated by TTU