17 research outputs found

    Ziegel für Vindonissa : die römischen Legionsziegeleien von Hunzenschwil-Rupperswil

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    Die vorliegende Untersuchung gibt einen vertieften Einblick in die Funktionsweise und Organisation der 14 km flussaufwärts von Vindonissa gelegenen tonverarbeitenden Betriebe. – Errichtung des Ziegeleistandorts mit dem Ausbau des Legionslagers durch die 21. Legion um die Mitte des 1. Jh. n. Chr. – «Industrielle» Produktion von Baukeramik auf einem grossflächigen Areal mit eigener Wasserversorgung, mehreren Hallenbauten, Schlämmbecken und Brennöfen – Übernahme und Reorganisation des Geländes durch die 11. Legion im letzten Viertel des 1. Jh. n. Chr. – Kombinierte Herstellung von Bau- und Gefässkeramik mit einem breiten Spektrum an Spezialformen für Hypokaust- und Thermenanlagen – Auflassung des Ziegeleiareals mit dem Abzug der 11. Legion im Jahr 101 n. Ch

    Vor den Toren von Vindonissa. Wohnen und Arbeiten in einem Handwerkerquartier in den canabae des Legionslagers (Windisch Zivilsiedlung West 2006 – 2008)

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    Erstmals erlaubt die Teilauswertung einer grossflächigen Ausgrabung einen vertieften Einblick in Entwicklung und Struktur der canabae legionis von Vindonissa. Im Westen des Lagers wurde um 30/40 n. Chr. ein römisches Gräberfeld aufgehoben, das Gelände wird neu parzelliert und zügig überbaut. Ein Grossbrand um 70 n. Chr zerstört das gesamte Quartier. Die Gebäude werden kurz nach 106 n. Chr. verlassen – annähernd gleichzeitig mit der Ankunft der XI. Legion in ihrem neuen Lager in Durostorum. Die Bewohner sind Handwerker – etwa Schmiede und Gerber. Sie dürften vorwiegend für das Lager produziert haben. Die von Legionsstandorten sonst bekannte Siedlungsdualität mit canabae legionis und vicus scheint für Vindonissa nicht zu existieren – die Zivilsiedlung ist insgesamt als canabae anzusprechen

    Elasticity, strength, and refractive index of argon at high pressures

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    High-pressure Brillouin spectroscopy of polycrystalline argon, measured using two scattering angles (180° and 70°), determines the isotropic elastic moduli, shear strength, equation of state, and refractive index of face-centered-cubic argon from 1.3 to 30 GPa at room temperature. The index of refraction n=1.33-1.67 over this pressure range. An Eulerian finite-strain analysis (Birch-Murnaghan equation of state) yields an isothermal bulk modulus and pressure derivative KT =15.1 (±1.1) GPa and K′T =5.4 (±0.3) at 2 GPa. The resulting equation of state agrees well with previous x-ray diffraction measurements, illustrating the suitability of high-pressure Brillouin scattering for characterizing the elasticity and strength of polycrystalline materials.5 page(s

    Elasticity, strength, and refractive index of argon at high pressures

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    High-pressure Brillouin spectroscopy of polycrystalline argon, measured using two scattering angles (180° and 70°), determines the isotropic elastic moduli, shear strength, equation of state, and refractive index of face-centered-cubic argon from 1.3 to 30 GPa at room temperature. The index of refraction n=1.33-1.67 over this pressure range. An Eulerian finite-strain analysis (Birch-Murnaghan equation of state) yields an isothermal bulk modulus and pressure derivative KT =15.1 (±1.1) GPa and K′T =5.4 (±0.3) at 2 GPa. The resulting equation of state agrees well with previous x-ray diffraction measurements, illustrating the suitability of high-pressure Brillouin scattering for characterizing the elasticity and strength of polycrystalline materials.5 page(s

    Determination of the variation of the fluorescence line positions of ruby, strontium tetraborate, alexandrite, and samarium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet with pressure and temperature

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    The pressure and temperature dependent fluorescence line-shift of strontium tetraborate has been measured concurrently with x-ray diffraction from the pressure standards sodium chloride or gold. Temperature was found to have a small effect on the fluorescence line-shift under pressure. We found a maximum pressure uncertainty of ±1.8 GPa at 25 GPa (7.2%) and 857 K when making no temperature correction. The fluorescence line-shifts for ruby, Alexandrite, and samarium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet were also determined, using our strontium tetraborate calibration to determine pressure and a thermocouple to measure temperature. Fluorescence measurements were extended up to 800 K for ruby and Alexandrite. Temperature was found to have a small effect on the fluorescence line-shift of samarium-doped yittrium aluminum garnet. We found a maximum uncertainty of ±2.7 GPa at 25 GPa (11.1%) and 857 K when no temperature correction was applied. We determined equations relating to the fluorescence line position from these data, which include a cross derivative term to account for the combined effect of pressure and temperature. We present a method to independently determine pressure and/or temperature from combined fluorescence line-shift measurements of a pair of optical sensors.8 page(s

    The Resistive-heating characterization of laser heating system and LaB₆ characterization of X-ray diffraction of beamline 12.2.2 at advanced light source

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    X-ray diffraction from LaB₆ standards document a precision of 478 ppm in lattice-parameter determinations for beamline 12.2.2 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory′s Advanced Light Source, a facility for characterizing materials at high pressures and temperatures using laser- and resistance-heated diamond cells. Melting of Ni, Mo, Pt and W, resistively heated at 1 atm pressure in Ar, provides a validation of the beamline spectroradiometric system that is used to determine sample temperatures. The known melting temperatures, which range from 1665 to 3860 K for these metals, are all reproduced to within ±80 K.4 page(s