12 research outputs found

    Modeled Future Kelp Parameters With Climate Change. A Canadian Healthy Oceans Network Ecosystem Function Project, EF-11

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    Modeled relative change (%) in kelp biomass, production, erosion, dislodgement, and mortality with simulated increases in temperature and significant wave height that are expected to occur in the next 10, 20, and 30 years. Also shown are modeled changes in kelp blade grazing (as proportion of blade grazed) by Lacuna vincta, and kelp blade coverage by Membranipora membranacea. Data are from simulations where temp and SWH are increased independently, and in combination. Simulations were also run with and without a sea urchin grazing front

    Modeled Kelp Parameters with Simulated Destructive Grazing by Sea Urchins. A Canadian Healthy Oceans Network Ecosystem Function Project, EF-11

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    Modeled mean, maximum, and minimum kelp biomass, production, kelp blade erosion, dislodgement, mortality, and total detrital production during the transition from a kelp bed to an urchin barren over 34 years. This transition is caused by the progression of a simulated sea urchin grazing front

    Appendix F. Fit of the Gaussian distribution to daily displacement distance measured for Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis.

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    Fit of the Gaussian distribution to daily displacement distance measured for Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis

    Appendix C. Initial conditions of Model 1 (for Oreaster reticulatus) and Model 2 (for Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis).

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    Initial conditions of Model 1 (for Oreaster reticulatus) and Model 2 (for Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)

    Appendix D. Simulations of Model 1 (for Oreaster reticulatus) and Model 2 (for Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) with different gradients in food distribution.

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    Simulations of Model 1 (for Oreaster reticulatus) and Model 2 (for Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) with different gradients in food distribution

    Modeled Historical Kelp Data. A Canadian Healthy Oceans Network Ecosystem Function Project, EF-11

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    Modeled mean and max yearly values of kelp biomass, production, blade erosion, dislodgement, mortality, and total detrital production based on recorded temperature (meanT, maxT) from 1976-2009. Also modeled were mean and max proportion of blade area grazed by Lacuna vincta (meanL, maxL), and blade coverage by Membranipora membranacea (meanM, maxM