11 research outputs found

    Tipologi Dan Morfologi Arsitektur Suku Banjar Di Kal-Sel

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui tipologi dan morfologi arsitektur daerah Suku Banjar di Kalimantan Selatan sehingga ketidakjelasan tipe arsitektur Banjar yang ada saat ini dapat dipecahkan secara ilmiah.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah rumah tradisional yang berumur rata-rata lebih dari 50 tahun. Sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel bertujuan (purposive sample) dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode bola salju (snow ball sampling). Analisis data, dimulai dengan menelaah seluruh data, reduksi data, menyusun data-data dalam satuan-satuan, mengkategorisasikan, dan memeriksa keabsahan data. Tahap analisis dilanjutkan dengan tahap penafsiran data. Bagian analisis yang terpenting adalah mengkategorisasikan yang didasarkan pada metode analisis komparatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Tipomorfologi arsitektur suku Banjar dapat dijelaskan berdasar beragam tema yang mempengaruhi perkembangan arsitektur Suku Banjar, yaitu; berdasar kesamaan yang menjadi ciri khas (geometrik), berdasar pengaruh kebudayaan suku, berdasar pengaruh kepercayaan dan agama, berdasar tata ruang, berdasar struktur dan konstruksi, berdasar lokasi, dan berdasar ornamen/ ragam hias.Keberadaan masing-masing tema yang mempengaruhi pembentukan tipo- morfologi Suku Banjar di atas saling berhubungan erat antar satu dengan yang lainnya sehingga tidak bisa dilepaskan dalam pembentukan pemahaman

    Habitat segregation in the Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica): not only a matter of sex

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    Habitat segregation in the Pyrenean chamois ([i]Rupicapra pyrenaica[/i]): not only a matter of sex. 2nd Congress on Rupicapr

    Year-round sexual segregation in the Pyrenean chamois, a nearly monomorphic polygynous herbivore

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    International audienceAdult females and males live apart outside the mating period in many social vertebrates, but the causes of this phenomenon remain a matter of debate. Current prevailing hypotheses predict no sexual segregation outside the early period of maternal care in nearly monomorphic species such as the Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica). We examined sexual segregation in a population of the species, using data collected over 143 consecutive months on groups’ location and composition, and extending statistical procedures introduced by Conradt (1998b) and Bonenfant et al. (2007). In addition, we analysed the social interactions recorded between group members. As expected, habitat segregation was low throughout the year, with a maximum during the early lactation period. However, social and spatial segregation was consistently high, contradicting the predictions of the current prevailing hypotheses, while suggesting social causes were predominant. The scarcity of social interactions outside the mating season makes unlikely the hypothesis that males segregate to improve their reproductive success. We rather suspect that higher social affinities within than between the two sexes are at work. However, this hypothesis alone is probably insufficient to account for spatial segregation. Our results should revive the debate regarding the causes of sexual segregation

    Résultats préliminaires sur l'organisation spatiale de femelles d'isard dans une population du Parc National des Pyrénées.

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    SĂ©rie InvestigaciĂłn, n° 46. RĂ©Ă©ditĂ© en 2006 (1ÂȘ)National audienc

    Additional file 1: of Infectious keratoconjunctivitis in wild Caprinae: merging field observations and molecular analyses sheds light on factors shaping outbreak dynamics

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    Spatial distribution and estimated densities of wild mountain ungulates in the two study regions in 2010. Densities are expressed in animals/km2 and base on direct animal counts. A: French Alps; B: French Pyrenees (source: ONCFS [44]). (TIF 23772 kb

    Additional file 3: of Infectious keratoconjunctivitis in wild Caprinae: merging field observations and molecular analyses sheds light on factors shaping outbreak dynamics

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    List of the detected strains. The accession number in GenBank, the animals from which the strains come from, and details about samples, signs of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC), date of sampling and geographic origin of the animals are indicated for each strain. (DOCX 17 kb

    Passages du siĂšcle

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    La cinquiĂšme livraison du Portique propose une thĂ©matique qui ne sĂ©duira pas d’abord par son originalitĂ© : « le XXe siĂšcle ». Cependant, Ă  l’heure des bilans, des panoramiques, des grandes fresques en tous genres (mais plutĂŽt du genre « jugement dernier ») sous lesquelles on croule, il nous a paru intĂ©ressant de nous adresser Ă  des auteurs dont nous savions qu’ils allaient tirer de l’inextricable pelote quelques fils qui n’appartiendraient qu’à eux. L’exercice que nous leur suggĂ©rions consistait Ă  choisir « quelque chose » du XXe siĂšcle : Ă©vĂ©nement, objet, pensĂ©e, problĂšme, invention, crĂ©ation, etc., pour se livrer ensuite Ă  un libre commentaire. Cette imprĂ©cision Ă©tait voulue, car nous n’avions prĂ©tention ni Ă  l’analyse ni Ă  la synthĂšse. Nous voulions apprĂ©hender ce siĂšcle par diffĂ©rents cĂŽtĂ©s et non, d’abord, le comprendre. L’idĂ©e Ă©tait celle d’une pĂȘche au hasard des intĂ©rĂȘts propres Ă  chacun de nos collaborateurs. Et puis, le calendrier Ă©tant ce qu’il est, il nous a fallu nous arrĂȘter Ă  ce recueil que voici, mais qui Ă©tait en droit indĂ©fini, sinon infini