3,167 research outputs found

    Multilingual clients’ experience of psychotherapy

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    The present study focuses on the experiences of 182 multilingual clients who had been exposed to various therapeutic approaches in various countries. An on-line questionnaire was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The analysis of feedback from clients with multilingual therapists showed that clients use or initiate significantly more code-switching (CS) than their therapists, and that it typically occurs when the emotional tone is raised. Gender was unrelated to CS frequency. CS is used strategically when discussing episodes of trauma and shame, creating proximity or distance. CS allows clients to express themselves more fully to the therapist, adding depth and nuance to the therapy. The therapist’s multilingualism promotes empathy and clients’ own multilingualism constitutes an important aspect of their sense of self. Multilingual clients benefit from a therapeutic environment where multilingualism is appreciated, and where they can use CS

    Psychotherapy across languages: beliefs, attitudes and practices of monolingual and multilingual therapists with their multilingual patients

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    The present study investigates beliefs, attitudes and practices of 101 monolingual and multilingual therapists in their interactions with multilingual patients. We adopted a mixed-method approach, using an on-line questionnaire with 27 closed questions which were analysed quantitatively and informed questions in interviews with one monolingual and two multilingual therapists. A principal component analysis yielded a four-factor solution accounting for 41% of the variance. The first dimension, which explained 17% of variance, reflects therapists’ attunement towards their bilingual patients (i.e., attunement versus collusion). Further analysis showed that the 18 monolingual therapists differed significantly from their 83 bi- or multilingual peers on this dimension. The follow up interviews confirmed this result. Recommendations based on these findings are made for psychotherapy training and supervision to attend to a range of issues including: the psychological and therapeutic functions of multi/bilingualism; practice in making formulations in different languages; the creative therapeutic potential of the language gap

    A cross-disciplinary and multi-method approach of multilingualism in psychotherapy

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    In this chapter Jean-Marc and Beverley will share their experiences of working with mixed methods in an under-researched area. As we shall see, her interest in larger sampling groups introduced her to some of the advantages of quantitative research. Together with Jean-Marc, who expands on the methods in detail in this chapter, Beverley was able to research multilingual therapy from several angles

    DVFS governor for HPC: Higher, Faster, Greener

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    International audienceIn High Performance Computing, being respectful of the environment is usually secondary compared to performance: The faster, the better. As Exascale computing is in the spotlight, electric power concerns arise as current exascale projects might need too much power to even boot. A recent incentive (Exascale at maximum 20MW) shows that reality is catching up with HPC center designers. Beyond classical works on hardware infrastructure or at the middleware level, we do believe that system-level solutions have great potential for energy reduction. Moreover energy-reduction has often been neglected by the HPC community that focus mainly on raw computing performance. In the literature, energy savings is achieved mainly by two means: Either processor load is the only metric taken into account to reduce processors frequency and to ensure no impact on raw performances, Or processor frequency is managed only at task level outside the critical path. In this article we show that designing and implementing a DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) mechanism based on instantaneous system values (here network activity) can save up to 25% of energy consumption while reducing marginally performance. In several cases, reducing energy consumption also leads to an increase in performances because of the thermal budget of recent processors. This work is validated with real experiments on a Linux cluster using the NAS Parallel Benchmark (NPB)

    Energy aware clouds scheduling using anti-load balancing algorithm : EACAB

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    International audienceCloud computing is a highly scalable and cost-effective infrastructure for running HPC, enterprise and Web applications. However rapid growth of the demand for computational power by scientific, business and web- applications has led to the creation of large-scale data centers consuming enormous amounts of electrical power. Hence, energy-efficient solutions are required to minimize their energy consumption. The objective of our approach is to reduce data center’s total energy consumption by controlling cloud applications’ overall resource usage while guarantying service level agreement. This article presents Energy aware clouds scheduling using anti-load balancing algorithm (EACAB). The proposed algorithm works by associating a credit value with each node. The credit of a node depends on its affinity to its jobs, its current workload and its communication behavior. Energy savings are achieved by continuous consolidation of VMs according to current utilization of resources, virtual network topologies established between VMs and thermal state of computing nodes. The experiment results show that the cloud application energy consumption and energy efficiency is being improved effectively

    Structural features of pyrocarbon atomistic models constructed from transmission electron microscopy images

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    International audienceWe report on atomistic models of laminar pyrocarbons constructed using a combination of 2D high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) lattice fringe image analysis, 3D image synthesis and atomistic simulated annealing. In a first step, the effectiveness of the method and the convergence of the models with respect to the quench rate are checked on small systems. Then, the nanostructural features of large fully carbonaceous atomistic models obtained from the HRTEM images of a rough laminar pyrocarbon, asprepared and after partial graphitization, are discussed. Both models show a very pronounced sp2 character (≄ 97%), essentially made of hexagonal rings (≄ 88%) and pentagonal and heptagonal rings in similar amounts (≈ 6%). The latter mostly form pentagon-heptagon pairs or networks of line defects between misoriented hexagonal domains. Numerous pairs of screw dislocations, connecting different graphene domains, are also observed while edge dislocations with unsaturated carbon atoms are almost absent. The models are validated with respect to experimental pair distribution functions, showing excellent agreement

    Energy-efficient and thermal-aware resource management for heterogeneous datacenters

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    International audienceWe propose in this paper to study the energy-, thermal- and performance-aware resource management in heterogeneous datacenters. Witnessing the continuous development of heterogeneity in datacenters, we are confronted with their different behaviors in terms of performance, power consumption and thermal dissipation: indeed, heterogeneity at server level lies both in the computing infrastructure (computing power, electrical power consumption) and in the heat removal systems (different enclosure, fans, thermal sinks). Also the physical locations of the servers become important with heterogeneity since some servers can (over)heat others. While many studies address independently these parameters (most of the time performance and power or energy), we show in this paper the necessity to tackle all these aspects for an optimal resource management of the computing resources. This leads to improved energy usage in a heterogeneous datacenter including the cooling of the computer rooms. We build our approach on the concept of heat distribution matrix to handle the mutual influence of the servers, in heterogeneous environments, which is novel in this context. We propose a heuristic to solve the server placement problem and we design a generic greedy framework for the online scheduling problem. We derive several single-objective heuristics (for performance, energy, cooling) and a novel fuzzy-based priority mechanism to handle their tradeoffs. Finally, we show results using extensive simulations fed with actual measurements on heterogeneous servers

    Non-parametric synthesis of laminar volumetric texture

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    International audienceThe goal of this paper is to evaluate several extensions of Wei and Levoy's algorithm for the synthesis of laminar volumetric textures constrained only by a single 2D sample. Hence, we shall also review in a unified form the improved algorithm proposed by Kopf et al. and the particular histogram matching approach of Chen and Wang. Developing a genuine quantitative study we are able to compare the performances of these algorithms that we have applied to the synthesis of volumetric structures of dense carbons. The 2D samples are lattice fringe images obtained by high resolution transmission electronic microscopy (HRTEM)
