4,976 research outputs found

    Coherency Conditions In Simultaneous Linear Equation Models With Endogenous Switching Regimes

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    In modeling disequilibrium macroeconomic systems which one would want to subject to econometric estimation one typically faces the problem of whether the structural model can determine a unique equilibrium. The problem inherits a special form because the regimes in which the equilibria can lie are each linear. By placing restrictions on the parameters that insure the uniqueness of such a solution for each value of the exogenous and random variables, we can improve the estimation procedure. This paper provides necessary and sufficient conditions for uniqueness -- or "coherency." These conditions are applied to a variety of models that have been prominent in the literature on econometrics with 'switching regimes' such as those of self-selectivity (Maddala), simultaneous equation tobit and probit (Amemiya, Schmidt) and multi-market macroeconomic disequilibrium (Gourieroux, Laffont and Nonfort).

    Homogenenized interface model describing defects periodically distributed on a surface

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    Titre du résumé français joint : Modèle d'interface homogénéisée décrivant des défauts périodiquement répartis sur une surfaceNational audienceWe undertake the homogenization of a three-dimensional elastic medium, which contains heterogeneities localized on a surface. These can be either reinforcements, like steel reinforcements in concrete, or defects, like microcracks periodically distributed. We propose a simple model describing the effective behaviour of these heterogeneities. This model, formulated in an energetic framework, com- bines an elastic interface behaviour with that of a membrane. Its interest is discussed through several applications.See http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/59/28/84/ANNEX/r_O1H9ABAW.pd

    Отражение национальных обычаев и традиций в творчестве Гусейна Джавида (на основе трагедии «Мать»)

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    В произведениях художественной литературы обычаи и традиции также находят свое отражение. Мы обратились к пьесе Гусейна Джавида «Мать». Перечислим встречающиеся в данной пьесе обычаи: святость гостя, сообщение доброй вести (мюжде), противостояние кровной мести, верность данному слову и т.д. В статье проводится сравнительный анализ обычаев и традиций, чтобы установить, основываются ли они на национально-генетических или религиозных корнях. Отметим, что при определении национального или религиозного происхождения, давности этих обычаев и традиций мы будем обращались к эпосу «Китаби Деде Коркут» и священной книге «Корану». «Под национальными традициями мы имеем ввиду характерные для того или иного народа и не связанные с религией, уходящие корнями вглубь веков и связанные с последующим национально-общественным развитием традиции». Здесь приводится определение национальной традиции, однако отмечается, что она по происхождению не связана с религией. Если какая-либо традиция приведена в соответствие с исламом или же религия внесла какой-либо обычай или традицию в жизнеустройство какого-то народа, и эта традиция живет веками, ее также можно причислить к национальным традициям. Джавид в своих произведениях на высоком уровне отразил обычаи и традиции нашего народа. Это является лишним показателем, характеризующим моральный облик и мировоззрение драматурга.У художній літературі опис традицій ми зустрічаємо в творах наших поетів та письменників. Безпосередньо у творчості драматурга Джавіда ми звернулися до драми «Мати». Перерахуємо звичаї яки зустрічаються у п'єсі: святість гостей, принести добру звістку, виступати проти кровної помсти, дати слово і пр. В даному творі ми провели порівняльний аналіз на підставі зразків для того, щоб традиції є національно-генетичними або релігійними. Відзначимо, що аналізуючи старовину цих традицій, національність або ж релігійність ми звернулися до епосу «Кітаби-деде- Горгуд» та священної книзі «Коран». «Коли говоримо національна традиція маємо на увазі традиції тієї чи іншої нації, що не мають ніякого відношення за походженням до релігії, пов'язані з ісламськими обрядами з шахськими древніми періодами і наступним національно-суспільним розвитком. Якщо яка- небудь наша традиція утворилася з ісламом або дала нації релігію, звичай і традицію та ця традиція підтримувалася нацією століттями, то її ми можемо охарактеризувати як національну традицію.We meet the description of the traditions in the fiction tradition in the works of the poets and writers. In particular, we used “Mother”tragedy of playwright Javid. Let’s enumerating customs which we meet in the plays: guest’s holiness, giving glad tidings, being opposite to the blood cause, promising and so on. We comporatively analysis based on the samples for knowing that the traditions which used in here either nationalgenetic or religious. It should be noted that, while we analyzing these traditions antiquity, whether national or religious, we used “Dede Korkut” and the holy book “Quran”. when we say national traditions we mean the traditions which belong to this or any other nation, origin that don’t related with religion. Here given the definition of the national tradition, but added that, origin has nothing to do with religion. If some of our customs combined with the Islam, or religion brought custom to the nation, and this custom used for many centuries by this nation, it can be considered as national traditions. Using of the customs and traditions of our people in a high level in his works by Javid is the main feature which characterized writer’s spiritual face and psychology

    The TheLMA project: a thermal lattice Boltzmann solver for the GPU

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    International audienceIn this paper, we consider the implementation of a thermal flow solver based on the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for graphics processing units (GPUs). We first describe the hybrid thermal LBM model implemented, and give a concise review of the CUDA technology. The specific issues that arise with LBM on GPUs are outlined. We propose an approach for efficient handling of the thermal part. Performance is close to optimum and is significantly better than the one of comparable CPU solvers. We validate our code by simulating the differentially heated cubic cavity (DHC). The computed results for steady flow patterns are in good agreement with previously published ones. Finally, we use our solver to study the phenomenology of transitional flows in the DHC

    Synchronization and Redundancy: Implications for Robustness of Neural Learning and Decision Making

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    Learning and decision making in the brain are key processes critical to survival, and yet are processes implemented by non-ideal biological building blocks which can impose significant error. We explore quantitatively how the brain might cope with this inherent source of error by taking advantage of two ubiquitous mechanisms, redundancy and synchronization. In particular we consider a neural process whose goal is to learn a decision function by implementing a nonlinear gradient dynamics. The dynamics, however, are assumed to be corrupted by perturbations modeling the error which might be incurred due to limitations of the biology, intrinsic neuronal noise, and imperfect measurements. We show that error, and the associated uncertainty surrounding a learned solution, can be controlled in large part by trading off synchronization strength among multiple redundant neural systems against the noise amplitude. The impact of the coupling between such redundant systems is quantified by the spectrum of the network Laplacian, and we discuss the role of network topology in synchronization and in reducing the effect of noise. A range of situations in which the mechanisms we model arise in brain science are discussed, and we draw attention to experimental evidence suggesting that cortical circuits capable of implementing the computations of interest here can be found on several scales. Finally, simulations comparing theoretical bounds to the relevant empirical quantities show that the theoretical estimates we derive can be tight.Comment: Preprint, accepted for publication in Neural Computatio

    Sartre's Postcartesian Ontology: On Negation and Existence

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    This article maintains that Jean-Paul Sartre’s early masterwork, Being and Nothingness, is primarily concerned with developing an original approach to the being of consciousness. Sartre’s ontology resituates the Cartesian cogito in a complete system that provides a new understanding of negation and a dynamic interpretation of human existence. The article examines the role of consciousness, temporality and the relationship between self and others in the light of Sartre’s arguments against “classical” rationalism. The conclusion suggests that Sartre’s departure from modern foundationalism has “postmodern” implications that emerge in the areas of ontology, existential analytics and the ethics of human freedom

    Solving the vehicle routing problem with lunch break arising in the furniture delivery industry

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    In this paper we solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Lunch Break (VRPLB) which arises when drivers must take pauses during their shift, for example, for lunch breaks. Driver breaks have already been considered in long haul transportation when drivers must rest during their travel, but the underlying optimization problem remains difficult and few contributions can be found for less than truckload and last mile distribution contexts. This problem, which appears in the furniture delivery industry, includes rich features such as time windows and heterogeneous vehicles. In this paper we evaluate the performance of a new mathematical formulation for the VRPLB and of a fast and high performing heuristic. The mixed integer linear programming formulation has the disadvantage of roughly doubling the number of nodes, and thus significantly increasing the size of the distance matrix and the number of variables. Consequently, standard branch-and-bound algorithms are only capable of solving small-sized instances. In order to tackle large instances provided by an industrial partner, we propose a fast multi-start randomized local search heuristic tailored for the VRPLB, which is shown to be very efficient. Through a series of computational experiments, we show that solving the VRPLB without explicitly considering the pauses during the optimization process can lead to a number of infeasibilities. These results demonstrate the importance of integrating drivers pauses in the resolution process

    Flux et crues singulières d'un petit cours d'eau andin ou les effets pervers de l'urbanisation

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    Sur un petit bassin de haute montagne (4000 m), situé dans les Andes à proximité de La Paz, la canalisation des "rios" en vue de gagner des terrains urbanisables, n'a guère modifié, en termes de bilan annuel, les régimes hydrologiques mais a eu des conséquences inattendues sur leur comportement en crue. Au delà d'un certain débit, bien inférieur au débit maximum décennal, apparaissent des vagues, parfois plus hautes que le canal, qui déferlent à près de 10 m/s, endommageant sur leur passage ponts et parois de l'ouvrage, et provoquant d'importants débordements en zone urbaine. Plus en amont, dans le lit naturel, l'écoulement demeure stable. Plusieurs hypothèses sont avancées pour expliquer ce phénomène. (Résumé d'auteur