18 research outputs found

    Insights into the structure-function relationships of dimeric C3d fragments

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    Cleavage of C3 to C3a and C3b plays a central role in the generation of complement-mediated defences. Although the thioester-mediated surface deposition of C3b has been well-studied, fluid phase dimers of C3 fragments remain largely unexplored. Here we show C3 cleavage results in the spontaneous formation of C3b dimers and present the first X-ray crystal structure of a disulphide-linked human C3d dimer. Binding studies reveal these dimers are capable of crosslinking complement receptor 2 and preliminary cell-based analyses suggest they could modulate B cell activation to influence tolerogenic pathways. Altogether, insights into the physiologically-relevant functions of C3d(g) dimers gained from our findings will pave the way to enhancing our understanding surrounding the importance of complement in the fluid phase and could inform the design of novel therapies for immune system disorders in the future

    Physiochemical Changes to TTCF Ensilication Investigated Using Time-Resolved SAXS

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    Successful eradication or control of prevailing infectious diseases is linked to vaccine efficacy, stability, and distribution. The majority of protein-based vaccines are transported at fridge (2–8 °C) temperatures, cold chain, to retain potency. However, this has been shown to be problematic. Proteins are inherently susceptible to thermal fluctuations, occurring during transportation, causing them to denature. This leads to ineffective vaccines and an increase in vaccine-preventable diseases, especially in low-income countries. Our research utilises silica to preserve vaccines at room temperature, removing the need for cold chain logistics. The methodology is based upon sol–gel chemistry in which soluble silica is employed to encapsulate and ensilicate vaccine proteins. This yields a protein-loaded silica nanoparticle powder which is stored at room temperature and subsequently released using a fast chemical process. We have previously shown that tetanus toxin C fragment (TTCF) ensilication is a diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA)-based process using time-resolved small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). Here, we present our expanded investigation on the modularity of this system to further the understanding of ensilication via time-resolved SAXS. Our results show that variations in the ensilication process could prove useful in the transition from batch to in-flow manufacturing of ensilicated nanoparticles