244 research outputs found

    Viabilidade do uso de câmeras inteligentes para policiamento preventivo e identificação de suspeitos no município de Balneário Arroio do Silva

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    TCC(especialização) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação aplicadas à Segurança Pública e Direitos HumanosO presente trabalho abordará a viabilidade do uso de câmeras inteligentes para policiamento preventivo e identificação de suspeitos. O objetivo é apresentar as tecnologias disponíveis, e procurar apontar sua viabilidade econômica e operacional em um município pequeno, tentar apontar se estas tecnologias poderiam contribuir para a diminuição de índices criminais, seja inibindo em muitas ocasiões (preventivamente) e ajudando as guarnições da Polícia Militar nas buscas, encontro e identificação dos autores no pós-crime. Na busca desses objetivos foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre segurança pública, câmeras, câmeras inteligentes, tecnologias disponíveis e Polícia Militar. Além do citado, uma pesquisa mercadológica ajudou a apurar os custos dos equipamentos. Com o resultado disso foi possível identificar e apresentar a viabilidade dessas ferramentas, quais locais seriam adequados para se iniciar sua aplicação, e quais os resultados que podem ser esperados.The present work will address the feasibility of the use of intelligent cameras for preventive policing and identification of suspects. The objective is to present the available technologies, and try to point out their economic and operational viability in a small municipality, to try to indicate if these technologies could contribute to the decrease of criminal indices, be inhibiting in many occasions (preventively) and helping the Military Police garrisons In the searches, meeting and identification of the authors in the post-crime. In the pursuit of these objectives, a bibliographic survey was carried out on public safety, cameras, intelligent cameras, available technologies and Military Police. In addition to the above, a market research helped to determine the costs of the equipment. As a result, it was possible to identify and present the feasibility of these tools, which sites would be suitable to start their application, and what results could be expected

    Slipped clip: report of two cases

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    Aneurysm rest occurs in 1 to 10% of operated patients and of these, 21.8% are due to slipped clips. D´Angelo and coworker (1998) found 1 to 10% of residual aneurysms. They suggest that if the residual aneurysm has less than 2 mm, angiographic control must be performed after 3-5 years of the surgical procedure; if between 2 and 4 mm, the angiographic control must be done in the first 6 months after surgery and then, anually. If it has more than 4mm a direct surgical approach is advised. We present the cases of two female patients submitted to microsurgical treatment of intracranial aneurysm, without any intra-operative abnormal event. The angiographic study further made showed displacement of the clip from its original position and aneurysm again. A review of the literature is also presented.A incidência de clipagem de aneurismas em que permanecem restos da dilatação varia, nas séries estudadas, de 1-10%. Deste percentual, 21,8% é devido à migração do clipe.D´Angelo e seus colaboradores (1998), encontraram 1 a 10% de aneurismas residuais. Sugerem que quando o resíduo for menor que 2 mm seja realizado estudo angiográfico entre 3-5 anos após o procedimento cirúrgico; se entre 2 e 4 mm, este estudo deve ser mais precoce, dentro dos primeiros 6 meses e depois anualmente; e, quando maior que 4 mm, a reabordagem. Apresentamos os casos de duas pacientes submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico de aneurismas intracranianos, com intra-operatório sem intercorrências e que, em exames ulteriores, evidenciaram migração do clipe de sua posição original. É apresentada, ainda, revisão da literatura.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Disciplina de NeurocirurgiaUNIFESP, EPM, Disciplina de NeurocirurgiaSciEL

    Mobile Application for Gas Prices and Locations Inquiry in Manaus Amazonas

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    The original features the prototype of an application that allows drivers to locate and compare fuel prices in the city of Manaus. Regarding the applied methodology approaches, this research is quantitative, field, survey and applied. It uses data and statistics from national surveys with population indices. It also brings data from an online questionnaire to measure drivers\u27 opinions and information about the context of Manaus in relation to the stations. After analysis, it is noted that the application that helps drivers is not only necessary in a city with more and more vehicles as well accepted by potential users

    Management in Production of Fish Farming Using Arduino

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    Monitoring of indicators in fish farming is an essential factor for profitable production, the more intense the production system is, the more important monitoring becomes. In the methodology, a bibliographic research was performed and an exploratory research was used to implement a prototype using arduino and monitoring sensors. The goal was to develop a system that assists the management of fish farms, ensuring the accuracy of monitored data, the quality of production and cost savings for the fish farmer. The project has a low implementation cost, provides more convenience in the management of fish ponds and contributes to the reduction of inputs during production, generating a greater profit for the fish farmer

    Intelligent Automation System in Asset Safety Using Household

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    This article describes the main stages of a project used in Home Automation (Home Automation), highlighting many general aspects about advantages and disadvantages of investing in this automation, costs and availability. The forms, propositions and compositions are also exposed for a Home Automation System to work in a pleasant way that can meet the needs and demand of a demanding emerging market. The illustrations in the course of the article proved to be not so simple to program. There is a need to find qualified professionals in the area of home automation for the complete fluidity of the project. A complete model is proposed where the main difficulties are highlighted and resolved

    5G Technology Analysis in Relation to Electromagnetic Waves

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    Electromagnetic waves are present in most of the main equipment used by humans. The advancement of 5G mobile network technology has been gaining ground in the telecommunications market and with it both positive and potentially negative consequences as it is used. Fundamental research has been conducted to gain knowledge and familiarity with 5G technology, how it works and its millimeter waves, which is a new range of the electromagnetic spectrum, which works with this new very high frequency and the first time used in technology. mobile network, as well as exploratory research through techniques such as bibliographic surveys in search of data such as frequency, related to 5G and the equipment transmitting electromagnetic waves, and conducting a comparative study to determine through the data collected from both , pointing out studies that present the evils that may cause the human being due to the use of high frequency. According to the results obtained on the 5G, the use of mobile network frequency presents no risks compared to other equipment that humans have been using. Therefore, despite the research results, it is still too early to point out possible damage over the years with the use of this technology, not ruling out possible consequences

    Oxidative and carbon fractions of microbial biomass of soils in sugarcane cultivation systems

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    A Cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) é uma cultura de grande importância no cenário brasileiro, o seu manejo influencia diretamente nos atributos do solo, independente do sistema de cultivo, seja ele convencional ou orgânico. O sistema, bem como o cultivo podem alterar as frações de carbono no solo, que pode ser avaliada e monitorada através do acumulo de carbono ou de suas frações contidas na matéria orgânica, uma vez que diversas funções e processos físicos, químicos e biológicos que acontecem no solo têm relação direta com a matéria orgânica. Objetivou-se com este trabalho verificar os teores do carbono orgânico total (COT), das frações oxidáveis e do carbono da biomassa microbiana presentes nos solos manejados com diferentes sistemas de cultivo em Goianésia. Avaliou-se os sistemas convencional e orgânico, com e sem aplicação de vinhaça em três idades de corte (2º, 4º e 6º cortes). O manejo do cultivo de cana-de-açúcar em sistema orgânico contribui para o incremento dos teores de carbono orgânico total do solo e o carbono da biomassa microbiana. O uso de vinhaça é uma prática que incrementa carbono orgânico nos solos sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar. A idade de corte não apresenta relação linear nos teores de carbono total e das frações analisadasSugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is a crop of great importance in the Brazilian scenario, its management directly influences the attributes of the soil, independent of the cultivation system, be it conventional or organic. The system as well as cultivation can alter the fractions of carbon in the soil, which can be evaluated and monitored through the accumulation of carbon or its fractions contained in organic matter, since various physical, chemical and biological functions and processes occur in the soil are directly related to organic matter. The objective of this work was to verify the levels of total organic carbon (TOC), oxidizable fractions and microbial biomass carbon present in soils managed with different cropping systems in Goianésia. It was evaluated the conventional and organic systems, with and without vinasse application in three cutting ages (2nd, 4th and 6th cuts). The management of sugarcane cultivation in the organic system contributes to the increase of the total organic carbon content of the soil and the carbon of the microbial biomass. The use of vinasse is a practice that increases organic carbon in soils under sugarcane cultivation. The cut age does not present a linear relationship in the total carbon contents and the fractions analyzed

    Comparative Analysis Between Native and Hybrid Mobile Applications

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    With the growth of technology in the mobile area, the app market has been bringing solutions to many problems and making life easier for many people, whether in the business, technology, administrative and many others. It is necessary to understand that to build an app, there are many technologies for different purposes, and developers need to know which one is best applied in every situation. Therefore, the objective of this research is to bring an analysis about the native and hybrid development, showing its main features and information regarding the usability and functionality of two existing applications, which were built within the standards of each tool, based on two features of ISO / IEC 25010: 2011 regarding Software Product Quality. An exploratory research was conducted to bring comparative data regarding applications, and based on the results obtained, it was observed that it is possible to develop similar applications in interface, quality and functionality, even if they are built with different technologies. As a result, native technology is often used to build more robust functionality-based applications that follow the interface standard of each platform, and hybrids are a lower-cost alternative, as well as fact that its source code is fully reusable for use on other platforms