277 research outputs found

    Magnon topology and thermal Hall effect in trimerized triangular lattice antiferromagnet

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    The non-trivial magnon band topology and its consequent responses have been extensively studied in two-dimensional magnetisms. However, the triangular lattice antiferromagnet (TLAF), the best-known frustrated two-dimensional magnet, has received less attention than the closely related Kagome system, because of the spin-chirality cancellation in the umbrella ground state of the undistorted TLAF. In this work, we study the band topology and the thermal Hall effect (THE) of the TLAF with (anti-)trimerization distortion under the external perpendicular magnetic field using the linearized spin wave theory. We show that the spin-chirality cancellation is removed in such case, giving rise to the non-trivial magnon band topology and the finite THE. Moreover, the magnon bands exhibit band topology transitions tuned by the magnetic field. We demonstrate that such transitions are accompanied by the logarithmic divergence of the first derivative of the thermal Hall conductivity. Finally, we examine the above consequences by calculating the THE in the hexagonal manganite YMnO3_3, well known to have anti-trimerization.Comment: 6 + 7 pages, 3 + 5 figures, 0 + 1 table; Journal reference adde

    Size Dependence of Metal-Insulator Transition in Stoichiometric Fe3O4 Nanocrystals

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    Magnetite (Fe3O4) is one of the most actively studied materials with a famous metal-insulator transition (MIT), so-called the Verwey transition at around 123 K. Despite the recent progress in synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4 nanocrystals (NCs), it is still an open question how the Verwey transition changes on a nanometer scale. We herein report the systematic studies on size dependence of the Verwey transition of stoichiometric Fe3O4 NCs. We have successfully synthesized stoichiometric and uniform-sized Fe3O4 NCs with sizes ranging from 5 to 100 nm. These stoichiometric Fe3O4 NCs show the Verwey transition when they are characterized by conductance, magnetization, cryo-XRD, and heat capacity measurements. The Verwey transition is weakly size-dependent and becomes suppressed in NCs smaller than 20 nm before disappearing completely for less than 6 nm, which is a clear, yet highly interesting indication of a size effect of this well-known phenomena. Our current work will shed new light on this ages-old problem of Verwey transition.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, Nano Letters (accepted

    Robustness of the intrinsic anomalous Hall effect in Fe3GeTe2 to a uniaxial strain

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    Fe3GeTe2 (FGT), a ferromagnetic van der Waals topological nodal line semimetal, has recently been studied. Using first-principles calculations and symmetry analysis, we investigate the effect of a uniaxial tensile strain on the nodal line and the resultant intrinsic anomalous Hall effect (AHE). Our results reveal their robustness to the in-plane strain. Moreover, the intrinsic AHE remains robust even for artificial adjustment of the atomic positions introduced to break the crystalline symmetries of FGT. When the spin-orbit coupling is absent, the nodal line degeneracy remains intact as long as the inversion symmetry or the two-fold screw symmetry is maintained, which reveal that the nodal line may emerge much more easily than previously predicted. This strong robustness is surprising and disagrees with the previous experimental report [Y. Wang et al., Adv. Mater. 32, 2004533 (2020)], which reports that a uniaxial strain of less than 1 % of the in-plane lattice constant can double the anomalous Hall resistance. This discrepancy implies that the present understanding of the AHE in FGT is incomplete. The possible origins of this discrepancy are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Suppression of magnetic ordering in XXZ-type antiferromagnetic monolayer NiPS3

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    How a certain ground state of complex physical systems emerges, especially in two-dimensional materials, is a fundamental question in condensed-matter physics. A particularly interesting case is systems belonging to the class of XY Hamiltonian where the magnetic order parameter of conventional nature is unstable in two-dimensional materials leading to a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. Here, we report how the XXZ-type antiferromagnetic order of a magnetic van der Waals material, NiPS3, behaves upon reducing the thickness and ultimately becomes unstable in the monolayer limit. Our experimental data are consistent with the findings based on renormalization group theory that at low temperatures a two-dimensional XXZ system behaves like a two-dimensional XY one, which cannot have a long-range order at finite temperatures. This work provides experimental examination of the XY magnetism in the atomically thin limit and opens new opportunities of exploiting these fundamental theorems of magnetism using magnetic van der Waals materials.Comment: 57 pages, 24 figures (including Supplementary Information