13 research outputs found

    Identification of novel candidate targets for suppressing ovarian cancer progression through IL-33/ST2 axis components using the system biology approach

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    Background: Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) of ovarian cancer (OvC) are the most prevalent element of the tumor microenvironment (TM). By promoting angiogenesis, immunological suppression, and invasion, CAFs speed up the growth of tumors by changing the extracellular matrix’s structure and composition and/or initiating the epithelial cells (EPT). IL-33/ST2 signaling has drawn a lot of attention since it acts as a pro-tumor alarmin and encourages spread by altering TM.Methods: Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) of the OvC tumor microenvironment were found in the GEO database, qRT-PCR, western blotting, and immunohistochemistry, and their presence and changes in healthy and tumor tissue content were examined. Primary cultures of healthy fibroblasts and CAFs obtained from healthy and tumor tissues retrieved from OvC samples were used for in vitro and in vivo investigations. Cultured primary human CAFs were utilized to investigate the regulation and the IL-33/ST2 axis role in the inflammation reactions.Results: Although ST2 and IL-33 expression was detected in both epithelial (EPT) and fibroblast cells of ovarian cancer, they are more abundant in CAFs. Lipopolysaccharides, serum amyloid A1, and IL-1ÎČ, the inflammatory mediators, could all induce IL-33 expression through NF-ÎșB activation in human CAFs. In turn, via the ST2 receptor, IL-33 affected the production of IL-6, IL-1ÎČ, and PTGS2 in human CAFs via the MAPKs-NF-ÎșB pathway.Conclusion: Our findings suggest that IL-33/ST2 is affected by the interaction of CAFs and epithelial cells inside the tumor microenvironment. Activation of this axis leads to increased expression of inflammatory factors in tumor CAFs and EPT cells. Therefore, targeting the IL-33/ST2 axis could have potential value in the prevention of OvC progression

    Phage cocktail to control the exponential growth of normal flora in processed sputum specimens grown overnight in liquid medium for rapid TB diagnosis

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    The mechanical pressure exerted during centrifugation and the chemical pressure experienced when sputum specimens are processed, leave the tubercle bacilli in the sputum unsuitable for rapid detection especially in phage based assays. Thus, growing Mycobacterium tuberculosis in broth, at least overnight, is mandatory for allowing the tubercle bacilli to recoup. During this time the surviving colonizing flora grow faster and overgrow tubercle bacilli interfering with TB diagnosis. In the present study normal flora surviving the action of 4% NaOH was isolated and characterized. Phages capable of killing 14 different species representing this normal flora were isolated from soil and sewage samples and characterized. A novel and bio-friendly approach to treat sputum samples with a cocktail of three phages capable of killing most of the 14 representative organisms and not infecting mycobacteria is explored to control the overgrowth of colonizing bacteria in broth culture. While 26 of the 100 sputum samples processed by modified Petroff's procedure showed growth of colonizing flora on blood agar, all of them when grown in broth overnight showed mixed, confluent growth. The addition of phagebiotics controlled them all, showing a significant reduction in colony forming units but resulting in few discrete colonies in 54 samples. Isolation of phages capable of controlling these surviving organisms and including them in the phagebiotics mixture should lead to the control of colonizing bacteria effectively

    Progressing nanotechnology to improve targeted cancer treatment: overcoming hurdles in its clinical implementation

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    The use of nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize the detection and treatment of cancer. Developments in protein engineering and materials science have led to the emergence of new nanoscale targeting techniques, which offer renewed hope for cancer patients. While several nanocarriers for medicinal purposes have been approved for human trials, only a few have been authorized for clinical use in targeting cancer cells. In this review, we analyze some of the authorized formulations and discuss the challenges of translating findings from the lab to the clinic. This study highlights the various nanocarriers and compounds that can be used for selective tumor targeting and the inherent difficulties in cancer therapy. Nanotechnology provides a promising platform for improving cancer detection and treatment in the future, but further research is needed to overcome the current limitations in clinical translation

    Recurrence of tuberculosis among newly diagnosed sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients treated under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme, India: A multi-centric prospective study

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    <div><p>Introduction</p><p>There is lack of information on the proportion of new smear—positive pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients treated with a 6-month thrice-weekly regimen under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) who develop recurrent TB after successful treatment outcome.</p><p>Objective</p><p>To estimate TB recurrence among newly diagnosed PTB patients who have successfully completed treatment and to document endogenous reactivation or re-infection. Risk factors for unfavourable outcomes to treatment and TB recurrence were determined.</p><p>Methodology</p><p>Adult (aged ≄ 18 yrs) new smear positive PTB patients initiated on treatment under RNTCP were enrolled from sites in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Delhi, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Kerala. Those declared “treatment success” at the end of treatment were followed up with 2 sputum examinations each at 3, 6 and 12 months after treatment completion. MIRU-VNTR genotyping was done to identify endogenous re-activation or exogenous re-infection at TB recurrence. TB recurrence was expressed as rate per 100 person-years (with 95% confidence interval [95%CI]). Regression models were used to identify the risk factors for unfavourable response to treatment and TB recurrence.</p><p>Results</p><p>Of the1577 new smear positive PTB patients enrolled, 1565 were analysed. The overall cure rate was 77% (1207/1565) and treatment success was 77% (1210 /1565). The cure rate varied from 65% to 86%. There were 158 of 1210 patients who had TB recurrence after treatment success. The pooled TB recurrence estimate was 10.9% [95%CI: 0.2–21.6] and TB recurrence rate per 100 person–years was 12.7 [95% CI: 0.4–25]. TB recurrence per 100 person–years varied from 5.4 to 30.5. Endogenous reactivation was observed in 56 (93%) of 60 patients for whom genotyping was done. Male gender was associated with TB recurrence.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>A substantial proportion of new smear positive PTB patients successfully treated with 6 –month thrice-weekly regimen have TB recurrence under program settings.</p></div