1,629 research outputs found

    Does the Investor Investigate? Antecedents of Investment Decision

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    This article explores the antecedents of behavioral and emotional factors: heuristic, prospect, herding, pleasure, arousal, and dominance towards Investment Decision. The study also emphasizes the influence of socio-demographic in making a Ponzi scheme investment. All these empirical phenomena are discussed by explicating a conceptual framework - “JAIKO Investment Decision Model”. The conceptual model is tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) as the primary statistical technique. The survey yielded 294 completed and valid questionnaires. Furthermore, this study explores the role of behavioral and emotional factors in the investment decision. The empirical results incorporate versatile insights of behavioral and emotional parameters to explain investment decision towards the Ponzi schemes. Implications for investors and policy makers are also addressed in this article, and suggestions made for future research. Keywords: Behavioral & emotional factors, Investment decision, Ponzi schem

    Assessment of Defects and Microstructures for Evaluating Damage in Pressure Retaining Components

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    Reliable, safe and economical operation of pressure retaining components in various industrial plants depends on the importance given to quality assurance during fabrication and heat treatment of components and in-service performance assessment . Such an approach helps towards improved productivity, prevents unanticipated down time of plants, catastrophes etc. These objectives are satisfactorily met by adopting appropriate non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) procedures. We discuss in this paper our experience on development and application of a variety of NDT&E techniques for assessment of defects and microstructures in various pressure retaining components of industrial plants

    Nondestructive Evaluation of Microstructure and Stresses in Steels

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    The paper presents an overview of the nondestructive methodologies developed at the author's laboratory for characterization of microstructural features in various steels such as ferritic, austenitic stainless and manag-ing steels. The emphasis is given on the judicious sel-ection of a single non destructive evaluation non dest-ructive evaluation (NDE) technique/parameter or multi-technique/ mult-parameteric approach for comprehensive characterization of microstructural/substructural changes occuring in steels, based on the indepth understanding of the materials response to the specific form of energy imparted during NDE

    Implementation of solar PV system unified ZSI-based dynamic voltage restorer with U-SOGI control scheme for power quality improvement

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    The main challenge in today\u27s power system is to supply continuous, reliable power and satisfy the high demand. The incorporation of renewable energy sources into the utility grid system can be accomplished. However, the renewable sources are intermittent in nature and the loads work dynamically and cause imbalances to the system voltage within an immediate time. Intermittent renewable sources affect the voltage of the power grid system. Photovoltaic (PV) power generation with Z-source inverter (ZSI)-based dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is used to avoid that. For step-up low DC voltage to required AC voltage for the compensation of the voltage disturbance, ZSI with the energy storage impedance network is used. DC-DC converters connect the PV cell and the battery storage to the impedance source network. This article also incorporates an upgraded second-order generalized integrator (U-SOGI) control system for the generation of reference voltage signals. The U-SOGI control reference voltage generation approach greatly improves system performance and decreases the harmonic voltage. The voltage-related problems in the system connected to the utility grid are mitigated with DVR. In different load and source conditions, the PV generation with DVR performance is verified by the digital simulation and experimental prototype

    Dual-frequency Eddy Current Non-destructive Detection of Fatigue Cracks in Compressor Discs of Aero Engines

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    Eddy current non-destructive testing is used to inspect the critical aircraft components. The shortcomings of the inspection method identified, based on a few accidents, necessitatethe development of high sensitive and reliable testing procedures for inspecting the critical safety related aircraft components. This paper discusses a dual-frequency eddy current testingprocedure developed for inspection of compressor discs of aero engines for detecting fatigue cracks with high sensitivity and reliability. This procedure is capable of detecting fatigue crackssmaller than 2 mm in comparison to 4 mm cracks that can be detected with the currently practiced eddy current testing procedure

    Magnetic Barkhausen emission analysis for assessment of microstructures and damage

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    Application of magnetic Barkhausen emission (MBE) analysis for assessment of microstructures and damage in various materials including carbon steel, Cr-Mo ferritic steels, 17-4 PH steel and metastable austenitic stainless steel. Thermally-induced microstructural changes in Cr-Mo steels have been correlated with MBE, based on a two-stage magnetisation process model. The MBE parameters have also been used to characterise different stages of tensile deformation and to assess tensile strength. Charpy impact energy, quality of induction hardening process, progress of carburisation in reformer tubes and fatigue damage

    Analysis of prescription pattern of antihypertensives in various stages of chronic kidney disease

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    Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an emerging health problem and is one of the major causes of mortality. Hypertension is closely linked with CKD and both these conditions cause severe cardiovascular events. Hence blood pressure control is pertinent in all stages of CKD. This plays a major role in preventing its progression to end stage kidney disease and death. The objectives of the study were to analyse the class, dosing schedule of antihypertensive prescribed in Chronic Kidney Disease and the incidence of monotherapy and combination therapy.Methods: This study designed as a cross sectional study was conducted in Nephrology department of a tertiary care center and antihypertensive prescription pattern of 364 CKD patients was analyzed. Demographic details, the co-morbid factors and the details of drugs received by each patient were recorded from their outpatient/ inpatient charts. Data collected were entered in MS excel sheet and descriptive analysis done using SPSS software.Results: Calcium Channel Blocker (CCB) was the most commonly prescribed antihypertensive (70.6%) in all stages and the most common CCB was Cilnidipine (54%) with the dosing schedule of 20mg twice daily (56.4%). Incidence of combination therapy was 71.7% and CCB+AA (Alpha agonist) was the commonest combination prescribed in all stages except stage 1.Conclusions: CCBSs were widely prescribed as antihypertensive in CKD irrespective of the stages. Cilnidpine was the routinely prescribed CCB and seemed to be well tolerated by the patients. The protocol followed in this tertiary care center was in accordance with the standard guidelines by Kidney Disease Improving Global outcomes 2012

    Failure Analysis of A 304 SS Girdling Loop of the Boiler in a 500 MW Thermal Power Plant

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    There were many cases of girdling loop failures in the reheater section of the 500 MW boilers of athermal power station after being in service relatively for a short period of a few months. Within seven months of synchron-ization, the bottom 'U'portion of the front reheater girdling loop of the boiler of 500 MW thermal power plant had developed a leak. The plant was restarted alter replacing the failed protion of the type 304 stain-less steel 'U' tube. Failure occurred again within seven months of operation. Similar failures followed in the other units of the station

    Rehabilitation Outcome in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury at Thoracic and Lumbar Region.

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    INTRODUCTION : SCI is one of the most severe of all disabling conditions. It commonly affects the young adult males, in their peak of the life. It causes emotional, social, financial, and physical disturbances to him and society disregards him as a non-productive person. Earlier the life expectancy and outcome of persons with SCI continued to be poor for centuries. It was considered as an ailment not to be treated. With the advances in the medicine, specialized centers were developed for care of persons with SCI and to improve the quality and longevity of their life. Guttmann in England, and Munro in United States were the pioneers in their respective countries. Outcome measurement scales like FIM, Asia Motor score, were designed to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment provided to the SCI patients. The present concept is now shifted to comprehensive rehabilitation of the spinal cord injured patient and the ultimate goal is to integrate him into the society as functionally useful, productive person. The quality of life, environment barriers and family support are all playing a dominant role in determining the final outcome. Presently, there is limited study in Indian subcontinent particularly in spinal cord injury rehabilitation. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : The aim of this study is to find out the efficacy of the comprehensive rehabilitation on the final outcome of the SCI patient. Secondary, to study the demography statistics, mode of injury, commonly adopted Acute care management, social and environment barrier etc. and there role in final outcome. The primary of the study is to understand the role of comprehensive rehabilitation on the functional outcome of the traumatic paraplegia patients at thoracic and lumbar Region. The factors considered are the degree of neurological injury, age and effect of rehabilitation, social and vocational factors. The secondary objectives are to study the demographic patterns like age, sex, cause etc. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Government Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, is a main Catering Institute for the disabled persons not only from northern part of Tamilnadu, also from Pondicherry, border areas of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Even from southern part of Tamilnadu patients are referred here for management. About 50 consecutive patients of spinal admitted in this Institute at Chennai-83 were included in the study. Setting: Teritary Care Centre, Government Institute of Rehabilitation Medicines, Chennai-83 under Madras Medical College and Research Institute. Period of Study: Two years, from February 2009 to January 2011. Criteria For Study: 1. Only pure traumatic cases of SCI were included in the study. 2. All patients at the time of admission have a definite neurological injury. 3. Age above 11 years and below 50 years were included. 4. Only the thoracic and thoracolumbar level injuries were included. 5. Patients within 18 months of injury were included. Exclusion Criteria: 1. Age less 11 years and above 50 years were excluded. 2.. Spinal cord injuries above D6 were excluded. 3. Non-traumatic causes of SCI tumours, osteoporosis, pathological fracture dislocations etc., were excluded. 4. Patients with mental retardation or other debilitating diseases were excluded. 5. Associated severe injuries of brain, chest, abdomen were excluded. 6. Post injury period of 18 months was excluded. 7. Patients treated with other system of medicines were excluded. Patients satisfying these criteria were included in the study and all patients were assessed according to the proforma. RESULTS : The number of spinal cord injury patient taken up consecutively for the study is 50. The youngest is 14 years and oldest is 45 years, and the mean age of the patient in this study is 25 years 64% of the patients were in the age groups (6-30 years). Among the 50 patients in the study 44 were males and 6 females. Males: 88% Females: 12% Spinal cord injury secondary to falls constitute 92% (54 cases) SCI following road traffic accident were only 8% (5 cases). Among the SCI following falls (46 cases), 73.91% sustained injury due to a fall from height while in 26.08% it is due to fall of a heavy object on the back. Among all the patients in the study, only one patients was transported ideally in an Ambulance from the site of injury, 36% patients (18 patients) were actually carried manually to the Hospital. Rest of the patient used different other modes of transport like car, van bullock cart. 64% patients (32 cases) sustained SCI in rural and semi urban areas while 36% (18 cases) were from urban areas. Even among the urban areas 77% cases (14 cases) due to falls. CONCLUSION : 1. The spinal cord injury has a high male dominance with an average age of 28 years. 2. Fall from a height constitute a major cause of spinal cord injury. The lack of awareness of first aid management of the spinal cord injured patient and transportation method has worsened the degree of injury. 3. Early surgical decompression and stabilization at tertiary care hospitals is needed to further improve the Rehabilitation outcome of the SCI patients as there is advanced surgical treatment is available in most of our centers. 4. The incidence of complications can be reduced minimum by Rehabilitation. 5. Functional improvement is significant in all patient despite majority of patients had complete spinal cord injury. 6. Education has an important role in outcome of the spinal cord injury patients. 7. Loss of vocation, unable to adapt to newer vocation and subsequent financial loss burdens the SCI patient and vocational evaluation and counseling is important in SCI Rehabilitation. 8. Environmental barriers at home and family support play an important role and this needs counseling in aspects of social security and environmental modifications. 9. Integrated services of DRC, VRC, NGO and tertiary care hospitals will enhance quality of life for SCI patients. 10. Comprehensive Rehabilitation centers integrated with community based Rehabilitation will further improve the quality of life in the long run, and will integrate SCI patients as productive members of the society