618 research outputs found

    Dynamic phase transition in the conversion of B-DNA to Z-DNA

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    The long time dynamics of the conformational transition from B-DNA to Z-DNA is shown to undergo a dynamic phase transition. We obtained the dynamic phase diagram for the stability of the front separating B and Z. The instability in this front results in two split fronts moving with different velocities. Hence, depending on the system parameters a denatured state may develop dynamically eventhough it is thermodynamically forbidden. This resolves the current controversies on the transition mechanism of the B-DNA to Z-DNA.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. New version with correction of typos, new references, minor modifications in Fig 2, 3. To appear in EP

    TYPE II DNA: when the interfacial energy becomes negative

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    An important step in transcription of a DNA base sequence to a protein is the initiation from the exact starting point, called promoter region. We propose a physical mechanism for identification of the promoter region, which relies on a new classification of DNAs into two types, Type-I and Type-II, like superconductors, depending on the sign of the energy of the interface separating the zipped and the unzipped phases. This is determined by the energies of helical ordering and stretching over two independent length scales. The negative interfacial energy in Type II DNA leads to domains of helically ordered state separated by defect regions, or blobs, enclosed by the interfaces. The defect blobs, pinned by non-coding promoter regions, would be physically distinct from all other types of bubbles. We also show that the order of the melting transition under a force is different for Type I and Type II.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Eq.(4) corrected in 4th versio

    Stemflow Variability in Tropical Lowland Forest Landscape Transformation System: Case Study at Jambi Province, Indonesia

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    Land cover change may cause change on the hydrological function of an area, particularly on the distribution of rainfall that reach land surface. This study describes the characteristic of stemflow occurred within 4 ecosystems in Jambi, namely logged forest, jungle rubber, rubber plantation, and oil palm plantation. The main objective of the study was to measure the variability of stemflow in those 4 ecosystems. The main data used were rainfall and stemflow data that were directly measured for 5 months. The derived regression equation model showed that stemflow increase with rainfall depth. It was shown that values of stemflow amongs plantation types was varied indicated by the difference of its regression coefficients, as well as variations of the rainfall at the same transformation type. The percentage of stemflow to rainfall was ranging from 0.04–0.21% for rubber, 0.10–0.38% for jungle rubber, 0.28–0.54% for forest, and 0.84–3.07% for oil palm. The oil palm provided the highest stemflow volume compared to other land cover type. The uniqueness of oil palm canopy may cause the drainage of water from the canopy to the main stem that indicated by highest stemflow funneling ratio value. Rainfall significantly affected the amount of stemflow compared with the characteristics of the plant

    Aktivitas Promosi dalam Launching Produk Layanan Wisata Baru Buana Muda Pesona Tour Semarang Bidang Pekerjaan Program Manager

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    Backpacking merupakan salah pilihan dalam melakukan kegiatan wisata. Prinsip utama backpacking adalah kemandirian sehingga tidak bepergian bersama kelompok tur yang ditawarkan oleh agen perjalanan. Backpacker menekankan melakukan kegiatan wisata dengan cara dan biaya yang murah. Setiap pilihan tentu saja memiliki konsekuensi. Kegiatan wisata dengan menjadi seorang backpacker juga punya kekurangan. Karena liburan dilakukan secara mandiri maka resiko menjadi korban kejahatan, tersesat at au pun menjadi sasaran penipuan di tempat baru yang dikunjungipun semakin besar. Jika terjadi permasalahan dalam perjalanan maka backpackerharus menyelesaikan masalah secara mandiri. Selain itu, backpacker juga harus mempersiapkan dana cadangan kalau sewaktu-waktu muncul biaya yang diluar prediksi karena kondisi di lapangan seringkali berbeda dari infor masi yang didapatkan sebelumnya sehingga murah belum tentu menyenangkan.Pada bulan Januari 2014, Pesona Tour ingin melakukan pengembangan USAha. Mereka akan meluncurkan layanan wisata baru bernama Buana Muda. Buana Muda mengangkat konsep wisata yaitu Destination Management Company dan budgettravelling sehingga anak muda tetap dapat merasakan perjalanan wisata murah sesuai dengan daya beli yang mereka miliki tanpa harus repot mempersiapkan segala kebutuhan wisata dan tidak perlu merasa khawatir dengan munculnya biaya tambahan karena semua biaya telah dihitung di awal.Aktivitas promosi yang dilakukan menggunakan event marketing sebagai fondasi utama dan didukung oleh alat promosi lain seperti periklanan, marketing public relation,publisitas, point of purchase material, E communication dan relationship marketing. Event Marketing berbentuk kontes fotografi yang berjudul Buana Muda “Feel The New Experience” bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan dan menarik minat khalayak sasaran di semarang mengenai layanan wisata baru Buana Muda. Setelah aktivitas promosi dilakukan selama satu bulan terjadi kenaikan awaraness sebesar 39% dan minat sebesar 32%. Selain itu berhasil dibentuk komunitas buana muda guna menjaga keberlangsungan pesan komunikasi pemasaran


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    From the user perspective, reducing the amount of video distortion is crucial. Popular link-quality-based routing metrics don't take into account dependence over the links of the path consequently, they are able to cause video flows to converge onto a couple of pathways and, thus, cause high video distortion. Traditional routing metrics created for wireless systems are application-agnostic. Within this paper, we think about a wireless network in which the application flows contain video traffic. Particularly, the various amounts of encoding make reference to, either information encoded individually, within the situation of I-frames, or encoding in accordance with the data encoded within other frames, out of the box the situation for P- and B-frames. We discover via simulations and test bed experiments our protocol is efficient in lessening video distortion and minimizing the consumer experience degradation. To take into account the evolution from the video frame loss process, we construct an analytical framework to, first, understand and, second, measure the impact from the wireless network on video distortion. Because of the complexity from the optimization problem, an inherited-formula-based heuristic approach can be used to compute the routes. Our approach differs not just in route we model video distortion, but additionally on the truth that we concentrate on LC that is popular in programs today.  The framework enables us to formulate a routing insurance policy for minimizing distortion, according to which we design a protocol for routing video traffic

    Deteksi Kondisi Ketahanan Pangan Beras Menggunakan Pemodelan Spasial Kerentanan Pangan

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    In 2005 and 2009, BKP and WFP has provided food security conditions in Indonesia on Food Insecurity Map which were developed using food availability, food accessibility, food absorption and food vulnerability. There are 100 out of 265 districts in Indonesia or about 37,7%, which fall into the vulnerable to very vulnerable categories, where 11 districts were found in Java. The main objective of this research is to develope a spatial model of the rice production vulnerability (KPB) based on Remote Sensing and GIS technologies for estimating the food insecurity condition. Several criteria used to obtain food vulnerability information are percentage level of green vegetation (PV), rainfall anomaly (ACH), land degradation due to erosion (Deg), and paddy harvest failure due to drought and flood in paddy field (BK). Dynamic spatial information on the greenness level of land cover can be obtained from multitemporal EVI (Enhanced vegetation Index) of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data. Spatial information of paddy harvest failure caused by drought and flood was estimated by using vegetation index, land surface temperature, rainfall and moisture parameters with advance image processing of multitemporal EVI MODIS data. The GIS technology were used to perform spatial modelling based on weighted overlay index (multicriteria analysis). The method for computing weight of factors in the vulnerability model was AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The spatial model of production vulnerability (KPB) developed in this study is as follows: KPB = 0,102 PV + 0,179 Deg + 0,276 ACH + 0,443 BK. In this study, level of production vulnerability can be categorized into six classes, i.e.: (1) invulnerable; (2) very low vulnerability; (3) low vulnerability; (4) moderately vulnerable; (5) highly vulnerable; and (6) extremely vulnerable. The result of spatial modelling then was used to evaluate progress production vulnerability condition at several sub-districts in Indramayu Regency. According to the investigation results of WFP in 2005, this area fall into moderately vulnerable category. Only few sub-districts that fall into highly and extremely vulnerable during the period of May ~ August 2008, namely: Kandanghaur, Losarang, part of Lohbener, and Arahan


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    Crystalline Ceramic Lanthanum Zirconium Yttrium barium Calcium Copper oxide(L0.1ZY0.9BCCO)  was prepared by a high-energy ball milling process through mechanically assisted synthesis at a high temperature to acquire the desired homogeneity and phase formation. Inorder to study the optical properties like reflectivity, absorptivity, refractive index, the UV-VIS analysis of the above nonstochiometric sample was carried out. The dispersion of refractive index was analyzed by the Wemple-DiDomenico single-oscillator model.The band gap energy of the sample was elucidated from the Tauc plot. The refractive index n was calculated and  the results obtained are plotted  with the wavelength.Â

    Periodontal Status amongst Substance Abusers in Indian Population

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    Background. In India there have been limited number of studies on periodontal status among drug addicts, and thus this study aims to assess the Oral hygiene and periodontal status in substance abusers and compare it with non-substance abusers. Methods. A comparative study was conducted to assess the periodontal status in substance abusers. Non-substance abusers were procured from the general population of Bangalore. From the control group 250 non-substance abusers were age and sex matched with the study population of substance abusers. The oral hygiene and periodontal condition of all subjects was assessed using Oral hygiene index- simplified (OHI-S), Russell's periodontal indices and Gingival bleeding index. Results. The mean of OHI-S and Periodontal Index (Russell's Index) scores were higher (2.70 and 3.68, resp.) in substance abusers than the control group (2.45 and 2.59, resp.). The mean Gingival bleeding score was lower (9.69) in substance abusers than the control group (22.7) and found to be statistically significant. A positive correlation found between OHI-S and Russell's periodontal index whereas negative correlation was found between OHI-S and Gingival bleeding in substance abusers. Conclusions. Though the oral hygiene was fair, more periodontal destruction and less of gingival bleeding were observed in substance abusers as compared to control group