4,053 research outputs found

    Burney’s Burney: Leroy Edgar Burney (1906-1998)

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    This is the first file in a series of two constituting the Jay essay. The first file contains the essay; the second contains the essay's bibliography.Dr. Stephen Jay M.D. documents the career of public health pioneer Leroy Edgar Burney in a 2002-2003 Indianapolis Literary Club essay. Indiana native Burney launched public health campaigns that educated communities on venereal diseases and smoking cessation. Offices held by Burney include Commissioner of the Indiana State Board of Health and U.S. Surgeon General

    Age-Related Gene Expression Differences in Monocytes from Human Neonates, Young Adults, and Older Adults.

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    A variety of age-related differences in the innate and adaptive immune systems have been proposed to contribute to the increased susceptibility to infection of human neonates and older adults. The emergence of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) provides an opportunity to obtain an unbiased, comprehensive, and quantitative view of gene expression differences in defined cell types from different age groups. An examination of ex vivo human monocyte responses to lipopolysaccharide stimulation or Listeria monocytogenes infection by RNA-seq revealed extensive similarities between neonates, young adults, and older adults, with an unexpectedly small number of genes exhibiting statistically significant age-dependent differences. By examining the differentially induced genes in the context of transcription factor binding motifs and RNA-seq data sets from mutant mouse strains, a previously described deficiency in interferon response factor-3 activity could be implicated in most of the differences between newborns and young adults. Contrary to these observations, older adults exhibited elevated expression of inflammatory genes at baseline, yet the responses following stimulation correlated more closely with those observed in younger adults. Notably, major differences in the expression of constitutively expressed genes were not observed, suggesting that the age-related differences are driven by environmental influences rather than cell-autonomous differences in monocyte development

    Assessment of efforts to reduce nonresponse bias: 1996 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

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    Im Vorfeld der neuen Welle des SIPP 1996 tauchten Bedenken in Hinblick auf eine zunehmende Tendenz zur Antwortverweigerung in den Panelwellen der Jahre 1991 bis 1993 auf. Gleichzeitig wurde die Existenz eines Bias in den SIPP-Zeitreihenschätzungen zu Armut bekannt. Das US Census Bureau hat viel Zeit und Geld darauf verwandt, den Anteil der Antwortverweigerung zu reduzieren und die hierauf beruhende Fehlgewichtung zu korrigieren. Die Verfasser geben einen Überblick über diese Maßnahmen und diskutieren deren Wirksamkeit mit Blick auf das erste Jahr der Panelwelle 1996. Sie setzen sich mit dem Einsatz finanzieller Anreize, der Durchführung von Untersuchungen zur Antwortverweigerung sowie Veränderungen in der Durchführung der Feldforschung auseinander. (ICEÜbers)"Concern over increasing levels of nonresponse in the 1991-1993 SIPP Panels and new information about the existence of bias in time series estimates of poverty front the SIPP surfaced prior to fielding the newly redesigned SIPP 1996 sample. A tremendous amount of effort and expense has been dedicated by the U.S. Census Bureau to reducing nonresponse and adjusting for its bias. This paper will summarize these efforts and provide a preliminary assessment of the success of the efforts for the first year of the 1996 panel. The authors will discuss the use of monetary incentives, fielding nonresponse surveys, and changes in field staffing and procedures." (author's abstract

    NF01-450 Daylily Rust: A New Disease in the United States

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    This particular rust is very aggressive and destroys daylily foliage. So far all infections have been on the foliage; it is not known whether tuber infections occur

    Dynamic manipulation of droplets using mechanically tunable microtextured chemical gradients

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    Materials and strategies applicable to the dynamic transport of microdroplets are relevant to surface fluidics, self-cleaning materials, thermal management systems, and analytical devices. Techniques based on electrowetting, topographic micropatterns, and thermal/chemical gradients have advanced considerably, but dynamic microdroplet transport remains a challenge. This manuscript reports the fabrication of mechano-tunable, microtextured chemical gradients on elastomer films and their use in controlled microdroplet transport. Specifically, discreet mechanical deformations of these films enabled dynamic tuning of the microtextures and thus transport along surface-chemical gradients. The interplay between the driving force of the chemical gradient and the microtopography was characterized, facilitating accurate prediction of the conditions (droplet radius and roughness) which supported transport. In this work, the use of microtextured surface chemical gradients in mechano-adaptive materials with microdroplet manipulation functionality was highlighted. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23383-7 OPEN

    Finding Your Literature Match -- A Recommender System

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    The universe of potentially interesting, searchable literature is expanding continuously. Besides the normal expansion, there is an additional influx of literature because of interdisciplinary boundaries becoming more and more diffuse. Hence, the need for accurate, efficient and intelligent search tools is bigger than ever. Even with a sophisticated search engine, looking for information can still result in overwhelming results. An overload of information has the intrinsic danger of scaring visitors away, and any organization, for-profit or not-for-profit, in the business of providing scholarly information wants to capture and keep the attention of its target audience. Publishers and search engine engineers alike will benefit from a service that is able to provide visitors with recommendations that closely meet their interests. Providing visitors with special deals, new options and highlights may be interesting to a certain degree, but what makes more sense (especially from a commercial point of view) than to let visitors do most of the work by the mere action of making choices? Hiring psychics is not an option, so a technological solution is needed to recommend items that a visitor is likely to be looking for. In this presentation we will introduce such a solution and argue that it is practically feasible to incorporate this approach into a useful addition to any information retrieval system with enough usage.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the colloquium Future Professional Communication in Astronomy II, 13-14 April 2010, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 11 pages, 4 figures

    Diffusion of Computer Applications Among Physicians: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    An experimental program involving the use of a hospital information system was implemented and evaluated on four services at Methodist Hospital of Indiana, a 1120-bed, private teaching hospital. Ten other hospital services were assigned to a control group. The program utilized educationally influential physicians to disseminate information concerning the advantages of using predesigned computer-stored personal order sets for the entry of medical orders into a hospital information system. Data from the hospital information system\u27s tapes were collected at three times in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. A multivariate analysis of variance indicated that the program resulted in a significant increase in personal order set use by physicians, physician assistants, and unit secretaries on the experimental services. The results of the study suggest that the identification and use of educationally influential physicians is an effective means of introducing medical innovations into clinical settings