373 research outputs found

    Healthcare Models in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease is currently a health care problem and in the future, when we have effective treatments, it will become a public health priority. Health systems should adapt to this situation. New technologies are tools that can improve healthcare and lower costs. The mobile phone with call o video call conference is going to suppose a radical change in the control of these patients. The telephone assistance to patient or relatives is very satisfactory for both due to the rapidity in the response to their problem and the comfort with which they are attended to. Also the health system reduces the costs of face-to-face consultation. In addition, this telemedicine could be applied for cognitive stimulation, with specific programs for each patient and for the follow-up of patients in their homes, delaying their entry into residences. The objective is to turn the patients and their caregiver into cotherapists together with the nurse and the physician, in the follow-up of Alzheimer’s disease

    Oficios de Antaño vigentes en la Parroquia Yanunca

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    El presente proyecto tiene por finalidad identificar los oficios de antaño en la parroquia Yanuncay, para esto se realizará un trabajo de campo en el que se empleará las técnicas de “Observación Dirigida” y “Entrevistas a personas claves”. De los resultados obtenidos en el trabajo de campo se realizará en primer lugar un informe escrito (Diseño Descriptivo); posteriormente y mediante un trabajo interdisciplinario, se elaborará un mapa digital con la ubicación de los oficios existentes en la parroquia. Durante la primera etapa de la investigación, diferenciamos primero los conceptos de oficio, profesión, habilidad, educación, tecnología e industrialización. Llegamos a la conclusión de que un oficio a diferencia de una profesión, el primero no requiere una preparación formal, es decir no debe estudiar para desempeñar su trabajo, sino que se requiere de una habilidad manual o esfuerzo físico. Seguido de esta diferenciación, realizamos nuestra segunda actividad, la observación dirigida, recorrimos las dos vías principales de la parroquia: Av. Don Bosco y Av. Loja; aquí, pudimos identificar tres oficios: El primero es la elaboración de comida tradicional; el segundo la elaboración y venta de pirotecnia; tercero lavandería; cabe destacar que este último oficio ha tenido cambios grandes gracias a la tecnología de hoy en día. La tercera actividad realizada fue la aplicación de entrevistas no estructuradas a personas claves, con esta actividad pudimos identificar las estrategias que se han empleado para poder mantenerse en esta sociedad tecnologizada e industrializada. De los resultados obtenidos, llegamos a la conclusión de que en la parroquia Yanuncay existen y persisten algunos oficios que podrían considerarse de antaño, ya que son tareas que el ser humano las viene realizando desde el siglo pasado

    Screen Printable Electrochemical Capacitors on Flexible Substrates

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    This work presents a novel approach for the fabrication of Electrochemical Capacitors (ECs) based on the screen-printing of a commercial carbon-based conductive ink on flexible substrates. This technique enables the fast and cost-effective production of ECs with high flexibility and outstanding performance over bending states and voltage cycling, as demonstrated by means of cyclic voltammetry and galvanometric charge-discharge measurements. Despite the fact that the specific areal capacitances achieved are lower than the ones obtained using other carbon-based materials (~22 μF/cm2), the results show that, as soon as new screen-printable carbon-based pastes become available, this fabrication method will enable the mass production of ECs that can be attached to any surface as a conformal patch, as it is being required by a large number of the emerging technological applications.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) and the European Union through the pre-doctoral grant FPU16/01451, and its mobility program, the project TEC2017-89955-P and fellowship H2020-MSCA-IF-2017794885-SELFSENS

    Multipurpose Sensing Platform Based on Laser-Reduced Graphene Oxide for Flexible and Ubiquitous Electronics

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    We present a versatile sensing platform, intended for ubiquitous and flexible electronics sensing applications based on the controlled reduction of Graphene Oxide by a laser diode. This technique allows the fast and ecological production of reduced Graphene Oxide without the need of expensive lithography masks. We will show results of the conductivity calibration by the photothermal reduction power, as well as the electrical characterization of the bare samples. Finally, a simple demonstrator of the platform based on an ultra-low power System on Chip (SoC) is introduced.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Educaton, Culture and Sport (MECD) through the pre-doctoral grant FPU16/01451, the University of Granada through the scholarship “Initiation to Research“, the National Excellence Research Project TEC2017-89955-P and the European Union by the fellowship H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 794885-SELFSENS

    Low-Cost Energy-Autonomous Sensor Nodes Through RF Energy Harvesting and Printed Technology

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    The irruption of Internet of Things and 5G in our society comes along with several technological challenges to overcome. From an overall perspective, the low-cost and environmental friendliness of these technologies need to be ensured for their universal deployment in different areas, starting with the sensors and finishing with the power sources. To address these challenges, the production and maintenance of a great number of sensor nodes incur costs, which include manufacturing and integration in mass of elements and sub-blocks, changing or recharging of batteries, as well as management of natural resources and waste. In this article, we demonstrate how Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting (RFEH) and printed flexible technology (a growing technology for sensors) can solve these concerns through costeffective mass-production and utilization of energy harvesting for the development of energy-autonomous nodes, as part of a wireless sensor network. We present as illustration a sprayed flexible relative humidity sensor powered with RFEH under the store-and-use principle.This work was partially supported by the ECSEL Joint Undertaking through the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 737434. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and Slovakia, Netherlands, Spain, Italy. In addition, the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) and the European Union supported it through the pre-doctoral grant FPU16/01451 and the fellowship H2020-MSCA-IF-2017794885-SELFSENS

    Flexible Laser-Reduced Graphene Oxide Thermistor for Ubiquitous Electronics

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    This work presents a versatile sensing platform, intended for ubiquitous and flexible electronics based on a laser reduced-Graphene-Oxide thermistor. This technique enables the fast and ecological production of reduced Graphene Oxide without the need of masks or expensive lithography processes. The final transducer is fabricated on a flexible plastic substrate in order to use it as a superficial patch. Finally, a full demonstrator, which integrates this flexible thermistor with a low power System on Chip with wireless transmission, is presented.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) through the pre-doctoral grant FPU16/01451 , the National Excellence Research Project TEC2017-89955-P and the University of Granada through the scholarship ”Initiation to Research

    Análisis estadístico de las olas de calor y frío en España

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXIX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el VII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Pamplona, del 24 al 26 de abril de 2006.Los extremos térmicos y su persistencia (olas) tienen implicaciones importantes sobre diferentes aspectos socioeconómicos: salud, agricultura, desarrollo regional, ocio, etc. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de los extremos climáticos de calor y frío en España a través del análisis estadístico de 14 estaciones meteorológicas representativas de la España Peninsular y de las Islas Baleares. Los datos base son las temperaturas máximas y mínimas diarias de dichas estaciones, cedidas por el Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (INM) y recogidas a lo largo de su historia, que puede ser distinta de una estación a otra. El trabajo está estructurado en tres partes: análisis de tendencia de las series de temperatura media de las máximas y de las mínimas, estudio de las olas de calor y de las olas de frío

    Fabrication of low cost and low impact RH and temperature sensors for the Internet of Environmental-Friendly Things

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    Given the increasing number of connected devices as a consequence of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution, the issue of the removal and recycling of electronics is becoming more and more urgent. In this context, biodegradable electronics is expected to be one of the biggest technological revolutions to tackle this problem. Following this direction, in this work we present the fabrication and characterization of temperature and humidity sensors based on biodegradable materials with the goal of making their removal easier as well as reducing their environmental impact. In particular, these multi-sensing devices were fabricated following a screen-printing process using a carbon-based paste and a conjugated polymer, both on paper and on a water soluble substrate. The results are more than promising and show how with our biodegradable sensors it is possible to obtain a sensitivity of 1 dec/20%RH to moisture content and around 0.04%/°C sensitivity to temperature. It is demonstrated that the simplicity and flexibility of the fabrication approach followed in this work paves the way to a set of new “green” IoT nodes that could be extended to wide range of sensing applications

    Códigos de modernidad: Industria cultural digital y la economía global de desarrollo. Tik Tok

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    In the context of communication and the global economy, cultural reconfiguration and technological advances allow new codes of modernity to emerge in contemporary societies that are widely manifested in the digital cultural industry, as well as in the global development economy; a clear example is the social network Tik Tok. The research aims to analyze the digital cultural industry and the global development economy; therefore, a deductive analysis methodology was used through an observation to recognize the incidence of the network in the case of Ecuador. Among the results, a marked impact was evidenced in the processes of social, cultural, economic and leisure life from a primarily local approach, but with large-scale effects, due to the same globalizing nature of digital platforms. It was concluded that the modernizing phenomenon of cultural industries manifested through social networks The economic sector of consumption of the cultural industry has increased ostensibly in social networks that increasingly give room for monetization, leaving aside the relationship Exclusively social to open space for income generation has implications in the economic and that merit changes from educational, legal and normative approaches in the Ecuadorian context.En el contexto de la comunicación y la economía global, la reconfiguración cultural y los avances tecnológicos, permiten que en las sociedades contemporáneas emerjan nuevos códigos de modernidad que se manifiestan ampliamente en la industria cultural digital, así como en la economía global de desarrollo; un claro ejemplo la red social Tik Tok.  La investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la industria cultural digital y la economía global de desarrollo, por tanto, se usó una metodología de análisis deductivo a través de una observación para reconocer la incidencia de la red en el caso de Ecuador. Entre los resultados se evidenció un marcado impacto en los procesos de vida social, cultural, económica y de esparcimiento desde un enfoque prioritariamente local, pero con efectos a gran escala, por el mismo carácter globalizador de las plataformas digitales. Se concluyó que el fenómeno modernizador de las industrias culturales manifestado a través de las redes sociales El sector económico de consumo de la industria cultural se ha acrecentado de manera ostensible en las redes sociales que cada vez dan mayor cabida a la monetización dejando de lado la relación exclusivamente social para abrir espacio a la generación ingresos tiene implicancias en las económicas y que ameritan cambios desde enfoques educativos, legales y normativos en el contexto ecuatoriano

    Emotional and non-emotional pathways to impulsive behavior and addiction

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    The research presented here has been funded by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN (Spain), for Ana Torres/José C. Perales (ref. # PSI2009-13133), and Andrés Catena/Antonio Maldonado (ref. # PSI2009-12217); by a Junta de Andalucía (Spain) grant (ref. # PB09-SEJ4752) for Antonio Cándido: and by a RETICS (Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud) subprogramme grant (Ref. # RD12/0028/0017) from the Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad (Spain), for José C. Perales/Antonio Verdejo-García.Impulsivity is tightly linked to addiction. However, there are several pathways by means of which impulsive individuals are more prone to become addicts, or to suffer an addiction more intensely and for a longer period. One of those pathways involves an inadequate appraisal or regulation of positive and negative emotions, leading to lack of control over hazardous behaviors, and inappropriate decisions. In the present work, we assessed cocaine-dependent individuals (CDI; n = 20), pathological gamblers (PG; n = 21), and healthy controls (HC; n = 23) in trait impulsivity measures (UPPS-P model's dimensions), and decision-making tasks (Go/No-go; delay-discounting task). During the Go/No-go task, electroencephalographic (EEG) activity was recorded, and Go/No-go stimuli-evoked potentials (ERP) were extracted. Theory-driven ERP analyses focused on the No-go > Go difference in the N2 ERP. Our results show that negative urgency is one of the several psychological features that distinguish addicts from HC. Nevertheless, among the dimensions of trait impulsivity, negative urgency is unique at independently covarying with gambling over-pathologization in the PG sample. Cocaine-dependent individuals performed more poorly than gamblers in the Go/No-go task, and showed abnormal Go/No-go stimuli-evoked potentials. The difference between the No-go stimulus-evoked N2, and the Go one was attenuated by severity and intensity of chronic cocaine use. Emotional dimensions of impulsivity, however, did not influence Go/No-go performance.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN (Spain), for Ana Torres/José C. Perales (ref. # PSI2009-13133), and Andrés Catena/Antonio Maldonado (ref. # PSI2009-12217)Junta de Andalucía (Spain) grant (ref. # PB09-SEJ4752) for Antonio CándidoRETICS (Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud) subprogramme grant (Ref. # RD12/0028/0017) from the Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad (Spain), for José C. Perales/Antonio Verdejo-García