41 research outputs found

    In-line sample trap columns with diatomite for large-volume injection in CZE–IM–MS

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    The analysis of low-abundant compounds with capillary zone electrophoresis–drift-tube ion mobility spectrometry–mass spectrometry (CZE–DTIMS–MS) is compromised due to the low injectable sample volumes in CZE and low duty cycle in DTIMS. Fritless packed in-line trap columns, using solid-phase extraction sorbent particles, have been used to increase injection volumes in CZE, but these columns are difficult to prepare and exhibit rapidly increasing back pressures. To provide smooth and complete filling of trap columns as well as to ensure higher and sustained flow rates though the columns, blends of cation and anion exchange particles with diatomite were used. The application of diatomite blends ensured the use of trap columns for at least 100 injections, with maximum injection volumes over 10 µl, which corresponds to an enrichment factor of more than 1000 over conventional injections in CZE–MS, enabling the detection of low nM concentrations of N-glycans with CZE–IMS–MS

    Развитие инвестиционного кредитования в Украине

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    Free radical polymerization is often used to prepare protein and peptide-loaded hydrogels for the design of controlled release systems and molecular imprinting materials. Peroxodisulfates (ammonium peroxodisulfates (APS) or potassium peroxodisulfates (KPS)) with N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) are frequently used as initiator and catalyst. However, exposure to these free radical polymerization reagents may lead to modification of the protein and peptide. In this work, we show the modification of lysine residues by ammonium peroxodisulfate (APS)/TEMED of the immunostimulant thymopentin (TP5). Parallel studies on a decapeptide and a library of 15 dipeptides were performed to reveal the mechanism of modification. LC-MS of APS/TEMED-exposed TP5 revealed a major reaction product with an increased mass (+12 Da) with respect to TP5. LC-MS2 and LC-MS3 were performed to obtain structural information on the modified peptide and localize the actual modification site. Interpretation of the obtained data demonstrates the formation of a methylene bridge between the lysine and arginine residue in the presence of TEMED, while replacing TEMED with a sodium bisulfite catalyst did not show this modification. Studies with the other peptides showed that the TEMED radical can induce methyleneation on peptides when lysine is next to arginine, proline, cysteine, aspargine, glutamine, histidine, tyrosine, tryptophan, and aspartic acid residues. Stability of peptides and protein needs to be considered when using APS/TEMED in in situ polymerization systems. The use of an alternative catalyst such as sodium bisulfite may preserve the chemical integrity of peptides during in situ polymerization

    Oxidative Release of O-Glycans under Neutral Conditions for Analysis of Glycoconjugates Having Base-Sensitive Substituents

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    Protein O-glycosylation is one of the most diverse post-translational modifications. A critical step in the analysis of O-glycomes is the release of glycans from glycoconjugates. Current release methods rely mainly on β-elimination, which can result in peeling reactions and loss of base-sensitive functionalities leading to misidentification of glycans. To address this challenge, well-defined synthetic glycopeptides were used to establish a robust workflow for the oxidative release of O-glycans suitable for glycomics. Treatment of O-glycopeptides with neutralized hypochlorite resulted in the selective formation of lactic/glycolic acid glycosides, thereby retaining unique information of the parent amino acid (serine/threonine) that is lost by β-elimination. It locks the glycan in a closed ring configuration, thereby preventing peeling, and furthermore, the carboxylate of the anomeric tag promotes ionization in negative ion mode mass spectrometry, thereby increasing signal intensities. Labile modifications such as sialic acids, sulfates, and acetyl esters are maintained during the release procedure. The promise of the approach was demonstrated by the analysis of O-glycans from bovine submaxillary mucin, which identified mono- and di- O-acetylated sialoglycans as well as previously undetected tri- O-acetylated and sulfated glycans. The use of well-defined glycopeptide standards made it also possible to identify reaction intermediates, which in turn allowed us to postulate a reaction mechanism for oxidative O-glycan release under neutral conditions

    Sialic acid O-acetylation patterns and glycosidic linkage type determination by ion mobility-mass spectrometry

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    O-acetylation is a common modification of sialic acids that has been implicated in a multitude of biological and disease processes. A lack of analytical methods that can determine exact structures of sialic acid variants is a hurdle to determine roles of distinct O-acetylated sialosides. Here, we describe a drift tube ion mobility-mass spectrometry approach that can elucidate exact O-acetylation patterns as well as glycosidic linkage types of sialosides isolated from complex biological samples. It is based on the use of a library of synthetic O-acetylated sialosides to establish intrinsic collision cross section (CCS) values of diagnostic fragment ions. The CCS values were used to characterize O-acetylated sialosides from mucins and N-linked glycans from biologicals as well as equine tracheal and nasal tissues. It uncovered contrasting sialic acid linkage types of acetylated and non-acetylated sialic acids and provided a rationale for sialic acid binding preferences of equine H7 influenza A viruses

    Inhibitors of nicotinamide:N -methyltransferase designed to mimic the methylation reaction transition state

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    Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT) is an enzyme that catalyses the methylation of nicotinamide to form N'-methylnicotinamide. Both NNMT and its methylated product have recently been linked to a variety of diseases, suggesting a role for the enzyme as a therapeutic target beyond its previously ascribed metabolic function in detoxification. We here describe the systematic development of NNMT inhibitors derived from the structures of the substrates involved in the methylation reaction. By covalently linking fragments of the NNMT substrates a diverse library of bisubstrate-like compounds was prepared. The ability of these compounds to inhibit NNMT was evaluated providing valuable insights into the structural tolerances of the enzyme active site. These studies led to the identification of new NNMT inhibitors that mimic the transition state of the methylation reaction and inhibit the enzyme with activity on par with established methyltransferase inhibitors

    Simultaneous determination of the tobacco smoke uptake parameters nicotine, cotinine and thiocyanate in urine, saliva and hair, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for characterisation of smoking status of recently exposed subjects

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    A method using gas chromatography (GC)-mass spectrometry ( MS) for the simultaneous determination of the smoke uptake parameters thiocyanate, nicotine and cotinine in human tissues is reported. Nicotine, cotinine and thiocyanate, in combination with a phase-transfer catalyst, were extracted from urine, saliva and hair into dichloromethane (DCM). Thiocyanate was alkylated in the DCM-layer to form a pentafluorobenzyl derivative. The biochemical markers in DCM were directly injected into the GC system and separated on a DB-1MS column using a 9.4 min temperature program. The method was validated in urine and saliva between the limits of quantitation (1.0-15 mug ml(-1) thiocyanate, 0.010 - 3.0 mug ml(-1) nicotine and cotinine in urine, 0.010 - 1.0 mug ml(-1) nicotine and cotinine in saliva). The calibration curves were found to be linear (r > 0.996), the within- and between-day accuracy's were 83 - 120%, the repeatability coefficients of variation were 3 - 20% and the limits of detection were 0.060 ng ml(-1) thiocyanate and 0.60 ng ml(-1) nicotine and cotinine. The results of the analysis of the biomarkers in the urine of 44 volunteers were used to develop a predictive model for smoking status, using discriminant analysis. The classification model correctly classified 93.2% of cross-validated grouped cases. Saliva samples were used to confirm the results of the classification metho

    A Rapid and Efficient Assay for the Characterization of Substrates and Inhibitors of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase

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    Nicotinamide <i>N</i>-methyltransferase (NNMT) is one of the most abundant small molecule methyltransferases in the human body and is primarily responsible for the N-methylation of the nicotinamide (vitamin B3). Employing the cofactor <i>S</i>-adenosyl-l-methionine, NNMT transfers a methyl group to the pyridine nitrogen of nicotinamide to generate <i>N</i>-methylnicotinamide. Interestingly, NNMT is also able to N-methylate a variety of other pyridine-containing small molecules, suggesting a secondary role for the enzyme in the detoxification of xenobiotics. A number of recent studies have also revealed links between NNMT overexpression and a variety of diseases, including multiple cancers, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and obesity. To facilitate further study of both the substrate scope and potential for inhibitor development, we here describe the development of a new NNMT activity assay. The assay makes use of ultra-high-performance hydrophilic interaction chromatography, allowing for rapid separation of the reaction products, coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection, providing for enhanced sensitivity and enabling high-throughput sample analysis. We successfully demonstrated the general applicability of the method by performing kinetic analyses of NNMT-mediated methylation for a range of pyridine-based substrates. These findings also provide new insight into the diversity of substrate recognition by NNMT in a quantitative manner. In addition, we further established the suitability of the assay for the identification and characterization of small molecule inhibitors of NNMT. To do so, we investigated the inhibition of NNMT by the nonspecific methyltransferase inhibitors sinefungin and <i>S</i>-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, revealing IC<sub>50</sub> values in the low micromolar range. The results of these inhibition studies are particularly noteworthy as they will permit future efforts toward the development of new NNMT-specific inhibitors

    Optimization of in-line fritless solid-phase extraction for capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry

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    In this study, in-line frit-free solid-phase extraction (SPE) has been studied for the preconcentration of analytes prior to analysis by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS). The mixed-mode sorbent Oasis HLB was selected for the trapping of compounds of different polarity. Using 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpirrolidine (EDDP), dihydrocodeine and codeine as test compounds, SPE parameters such as the pH of the sample and composition of the washing and elution solvent were optimized. Trapping of the analytes was optimal at pH 8.0 or higher. For efficient elution of the SPE micro column, 85% of methanol in water with 2% (v/v) acetic acid was used, which also prevented current break down in subsequent CE analysis. CE resolution of the test compounds was highest for background electrolytes (BGEs) with a pH above 8. For optimal analysis, samples were 1:1 diluted with carbonate buffer (1. M, pH 8.0) prior to analysis, BGE was 60. mM ammonium acetate buffer (pH 10.0), and the injected sample volume was 60 μl (i.e., 30 capillary volumes). Good recoveries were found: 101% for EDDP, 88% for codeine and 90% for dihydrocodeine. Intraday RSDs for migration time and peak areas were below 0.56% and 15%, respectively. Peak widths at half height obtained with SPE-CE-MS were 12. s for EDDP, 3.7. s for dihydrocodeine and 7.4. s for codeine, and were comparable to those for CE-MS. LODs were 0.22. pg/ml for EDDP, 2.1. pg/ml for dihydrocodeine and 24. pg/ml for codeine. It is concluded that the applied fritless in-line preconcentration construct proved to be highly useful for improving the sensitivity of CE while maintaining separation