4,031 research outputs found

    Individual variance in the attributes of Clusia salvinii Donn. Smith associated with the attraction of frugivores in the dispersal of fruits and seeds

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    Seed dispersal is one of the processes of plant-frugivore interactions that involves characteristics specific to the plant effecting the attraction of frugivores. In this paper, the individual variance in the attributes of Clusia salvinii in relation to the attraction of frugivores and its effect on the dispersal of fruits and seeds in the Reserva de Nanchititla, State of Mexico was studied. The morphometric characteristics of 25 trees of the C. salvinii species were evaluated (height, coverage, number of fruit, number of seeds per fruit, and fruit below the canopy). The removal of fruits and seeds (dispersal) was also estimated, as well as some of its attributes as estimators of the quantity of biomass assigned to the reproduction or as compensation for the dispersers (average weight per tree, average weight of the arils per tree). According to the results, tree height and harvest size or fruit production have an effect on the removal of seeds. On the other hand, the mass of the fruit, aril and seed had no relation to the removal of the fruit. Tree height and the quantity of fruit play an important role in the attraction of dispersers

    Twisted Nano-optics: Manipulating Light at the Nanoscale with Twisted Phonon Polaritonic Slabs

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    Recent discoveries have shown that when two layers of van der Waals (vdW) materials are superimposed with a relative twist angle between their respective in-plane principal axes, the electronic properties of the coupled system can be dramatically altered. Here, we demonstrate that a similar concept can be extended to the optics realm, particularly to propagating polaritons, hybrid light-matter interactions. To do this, we fabricate stacks composed of two twisted slabs of a polar vdW crystal (MoO3) supporting low-loss anisotropic phonon polaritons (PhPs), and image the propagation of the latter when launched by localized sources (metal antennas). Our images reveal that under a critical angle the PhPs isofrequency curve (determining the PhPs momentum at a fixed frequency) undergoes a topological transition. Remarkably, at this angle, the propagation of PhPs is strongly guided along predetermined directions (canalization regime) with no geometrical spreading (diffraction-less). These results demonstrate a new degree of freedom (twist angle) for controlling the propagation of polaritons at the nanoscale with potential for nano-imaging, (bio)-sensing, quantum applications and heat management

    Microglial response differences between amyloidogenic transgenic models and Alzheimer’s disease patients

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    Aims: The continuing failure to develop an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) reveals the complexity for AD pathology. Increasing evidence indicates that neuroinflammation involving particularly microglial cells contributes to disease pathogenesis. Here we analyze the differences in the microglial response between APP/PS1 model and human brains. Methods: RT-PCR, western blots, and immunostaining were performed in the hippocampus of human post mortem samples (from Braak II to Braak V-VI) and APP751SL/PS1M146L mice. In vitro studies to check the effect of S1 fractions on microglial cells were assayed. Results: In APP based models the high Abeta accumulation triggers a prominent microglial response. On the contrary, the microglial response detected in human samples is, at least, partial or really mild. This patent difference could simple reflect the lower and probably slower Abeta production observed in human hippocampal samples, in comparison with models or could reflect the consequence of a chronic long-standing microglial activation. However, beside this differential response, we also observed a prominent microglial degenerative process in Braak V-VI samples that, indeed, could compromise their normal role of surveying the brain environment and respond to the damage. This microglial degeneration, particularly relevant at the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation, might be mediated by the accumulation of toxic soluble phospho-tau species. Conclusions: These differences need to be considered when delineating animal models that better integrate the complexity of AD pathology and, therefore, guarantee clinical translation. Correcting dysregulated brain inflammatory responses might be a promising avenue to restore cognitive function. Supported by grants FIS PI15/00796 and FIS PI15/00957 co-financed by FEDER funds from European Union, and by Junta de Andalucia Proyecto de Excelencia CTS385 2035.Financiado por FIS PI15/00796 y FIS PI15/0095, cofinanciado por los fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea, y por Junta de Andalucia Proyecto de Excelencia CTS385 2035. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Microglial responses in the human Alzheimer’s disease frontal cortex

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    The continuing failure to develop an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) reveals the complexity for this pathology. Increasing evidence indicates that neuroinflammation involving particularly microglial cells contributes to AD pathogenesis. The actual view, based on the findings in APP based models, gives a cytotoxic/proinflammatory role to activated microglia. However, we have previously reported a limited activation and microglial degeneration in the hippocampus of AD patients in contrast with that observed in amyloidogenic models. Here, we evaluated the microglial response in a different region of AD brains, the frontal cortex. Post mortem tissue from controls (Braak 0-II) and AD patients (Braak V-VI) including familial cases, were obtained from Spain Neurological Tissue Banks. Cellular (immunohistochemistry and image analysis) and molecular (qPCR and western blots) approaches were performed. Frontal cortex of AD patients (Braak V-VI) showed strong microglial activation similar to that observed in amyloidogenic mice. These strongly activated microglial cells, predominantly located surrounding amyloid plaques, could drive the AD pathology and, in consequence, could be implicated in the pathology progression. Furthermore, different microglial responses were observed between sporadic and familial AD cases. These findings in the frontal cortex were highly in contrast to the attenuated activation and degenerative morphology displayed by microglial cells in the hippocampus of AD patients. Regional differences in the microglial response suggest different functional states of microglial cells in a region-specific manner. All together, these data provide a better understanding of the immunological mechanisms underlying AD progression and uncover new potential therapeutic targets to fight this devastating neurodegenerative disease.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Supported by PI18/01557 (AG) and PI18/01556 (JV) grants from ISCiii of Spain co-financed by FEDER funds from European Unio

    Decoding damage-associated microglia in post mortem hippocampus of Alzheimer’s disease patients

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    The relationship between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and neuroinflammation has become stronger since the identification of several genetic risk factors related to microglial function. Though the role of microglial cells in the development/progression of AD is still unknown, a dysfunctional response has recently gained support. In this sense, we have reported an attenuated microglial activation associated to amyloid plaques in the hippocampus of AD patients, including a prominent degenerative process of the microglial population in the dentate gyrus, which was in contrast to the exacerbated microglial response in amyloidogenic models. This microglial degeneration could compromise their normal role of surveying the brain environment and respond to the damage. Here, we have further analyzed the phenotypic profile displayed by the damage-associated microglial cells by immunostaining and qPCR in the hippocampus of postmortem samples of AD patients (Braak V-VI) and control cases (Braak 0-II). Damage-associated microglial cells of Braak V-VI individuals were clustered around amyloid plaques and expressed Iba1, CD68, Trem2, TMEM119 and CD45high. A subset of these cells also expressed ferritin. On the contrary, these microglia down-regulated homeostatic markers, such as Cx3cr1 and P2ry12. The homeostatic and ramified microglial cells of non-demented Braak II cases were characterized by Iba1, CX3CR1, P2ry12, TMEM119 and CD45low expression. The dynamic of the microglial molecular phenotypes associated to AD pathology needs to be considered for better understand the disease complexity and, therefore, guarantee clinical success. Correcting dysregulated brain inflammatory responses might be a promising avenue to prevent/slow cognitive decline.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de excelencia Internacional-Andalucía Tech. Supported by PI18/01557 (AG) and PI18/01556 (JV) grants from ISCiii of Spain co-financed by FEDER funds from European Union

    Dissecting the microglial response in transgenic models of amyloidogenesis and tauopathy

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    Amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptide deposits and hyperphosphorylated tau protein (phospho-tau) accumulate in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brains. These abnormal protein aggregates leads to glial activation, synaptic dysfunction, neuronal loss and cognitive decline. While microglial response has mostly been analyzed in relation to Abeta accumulation, little is still known about inflammatory processes associated with tau pathology. Microglial reactivity and defective glial responses have been involved in these proteinopathies. Our aim is to clarify the effects of Abeta and tau separately, in order to improve the comprehension of their differential contribution to neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. We compared the progression of these processes in an amyloidogenic AD model (APPSL/PS1M146L) and two different models of tauopathy (ThyTau22 and hP301S) from 2 to 18 months of age. Accumulation of aggregated proteins was assessed using specific anti- Abeta and phospho-tau antibodies. Inflammatory response was studied using a battery of microglial markers (Iba1, CD45, CD68, Trem2 and Gal-3). In the hippocampus of these models, Tau and Abeta pathologies initiated as early as 2 months of age and increased progressively with aging. Neuritic plaques induced a strong microglial activation associated to plaques in APP/PS1 mice. Interestingly, inflammatory markers and microglial reactivity were barely increased in the hippocampus of ThyTau mice in contrast to not only APP/PS1, but also to P301S mice, which displayed a prominent microglial response. Deciphering the specific effects of Abeta, tau and their different toxic species, would indeed enable the development of novel therapeutic strategies and drugs targeting neuroinflammatory pathways related to these proteinopathies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de excelencia Andalucía-Tech. Supported by PI18/01557 (AG) and PI18/01556 (JV) grants from ISCiii of Spain co-financed by FEDER funds from European Union, and by grant PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/26 (RS-V)

    Epothilone-d rescues cognition and attenuates alzheimer’s disease-like pathology in APP/PS1 mice

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    AIMS: Cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients has been linked to synaptic damage and neuronal loss. Hyperphosphorylation of tau protein destabilizes microtubules leading to the accumulation of autophagy/vesicular material and the generation of dystrophic neurites, thus contributing to axonal/synaptic dysfunction. In this study, we analyzed the effect of a microtubule-stabilizing compound in the progression of the disease in the hippocampus of APP751SL/PS1M146L transgenic model. METHODS: APP/PS1 mice (3 month-old) were treated with a weekly intraperitoneal injection of 2 mg/kg epothilone-D (Epo-D) for 3 months. Vehicle-injected animals were used as controls. Mice were tested on the Morris water maze, Y-maze and object-recognition tasks for memory performance. Abeta, AT8, ubiquitin and synaptic markers levels were analyzed by Western-blots. Hippocampal plaque, synaptic and dystrophic loadings were quantified by image analysis after immunohistochemical stainings. RESULTS: Epo-D treated mice exhibited a significant improvement in the memory tests compared to controls. The rescue of cognitive deficits was associated to a significant reduction in the AD-like hippocampal pathology. Levels of Abeta, APP and ubiquitin were significantly reduced in treated animals. This was paralleled by a decrease in the amyloid burden, and more importantly, in the plaque-associated axonal dystrophy pathology. Finally, synaptic levels were significantly restored in treated animals compared to controls. CONCLUSION: Epo-D treatment promotes synaptic and spatial memory recovery, reduces the accumulation of extracellular Abeta and the associated neuritic pathology in the hippocampus of APP/PS1 model. Therefore, microtubule stabilizing drugs could be considered therapeutical candidates to slow down AD progression. Supported by FIS-PI12/01431 and PI15/00796 (AG),FIS-PI12/01439 and PI15/00957(JV)Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    Aims Cognitive and memory decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients is highly related to synaptic dysfunction and neuronal loss. Tau hyperphosphorylation destabilizes microtubules leading to axonal transport failure, accumulation of autophagy/vesicular material and the generation of dystrophic neurites, thus contributing to axonal/synaptic dysfunction. In this study, we analyzed the effect of a microtubule-stabilizing drug in the progression of the disease in an APP751SL/PS1M146L transgenic model. Method APP/PS1 mice (3 month-old) were weekly treated with 2 mg/kg intraperitoneal injections of Epothilone-D (Epo-D) for 3 months. Vehicle-injected animals were used as controls. For memory performance, animals were tested on the object-recognition tasks, Y-maze and Morris water maze. Levels of Abeta, ubiquitin, AT8 and synaptic markers were analyzed by Western-blot. Hippocampal plaque burden, dystrophic and synaptic loadings were quantified after immunostaining by image analysis. Results Epo-D treated mice showed a significant improvement in the performance of hippocampus-associated cognitive tests compared to controls. This memory recovery correlated with a significant reduction in the AD-like hippocampal pathology. Abeta, APP and ubiquitin levels were significantly reduced in treated animals, and a decrease in both the plaque loading and the axonal pathology was also found. Finally, synaptic levels were significantly preserved in treated animals in comparison with controls. Conclusion Epo-D treatment promotes synaptic and cognitive improvement, reduces the accumulation of extracellular Abeta and the associated neuritic pathology in the hippocampus of APP/PS1 model. Therefore, microtubule stabilizing drugs could be considered therapeutical candidates to slow down AD progression.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Supported by FIS-PI15/00796 (AG), FIS-PI15/00957(JV) and co-financed by FEDER funds from European Union

    Obesity-hypertension and its relation to other diseases in dogs

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    Obesity is a chronic disease in which adipose tissue accumulates in such a way that it affects the health of the patient and is associated with a myriad of alterations such as systemic hypertension (HTN). The mechanisms by which obesity causes HTN are complex and involve several organic mechanisms. The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between obesity to HTN in dogs in accordance with recent international protocols (systolic blood pressure >160 mmHg) relating to age, genre, gonadal status, breed and other diseases commonly associated with HTN. A total of 244 dogs were studied, 105 non-obese controls and 139 in the obese group. For both groups, healthy and a variety of diseased dogs were observed; the correlations between pathologies and obesity were studied, paying special atten- tion to diseases whose pathophysiologies could lead to HTN. We conclude that obesity is not a risk factor for dogs to develop HTN, and that HTN present in these patients was related to comorbidities such as chronic kidney disease, cardiopathies and endocrinopathies.Párez-Sánchez AP fué becaria del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) por la beca proporcionada durante el periodo de Estudios de Maestría en Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales de la UAEMex