108 research outputs found

    Identidad, género y representación digital en el videojuego

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    Este proyecto trata de una investigación y análisis del medio para identificar vías y métodos con los que construir un elenco de personajes representativos tanto de un amplio abanico étnico como sexual. Para hacerlo se ha recopilado información de la situación actual de estos colectivos en los medios de entretenimiento y teoría básica de diseño de personajes con el objetivo de crear unas guías para el correcto diseño inclusivo

    Iberian red deer: Paraphyletic nature at mtDNA but nuclear markers support its genetic identity

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    British Ecological Society Special Feature: Demography Beyond the Population.Red deer populations in the Iberian glacial refugium were the main source for postglacial recolonization and subspecific radiation in north-western Europe. However, the phylogenetic history of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) and its relationships with northern European populations remain uncertain. Here, we study DNA sequences at the mitochondrial control region along with STR markers for over 680 specimens from all the main red deer populations in Spain and other west European areas. Our results from mitochondrial and genomic DNA show contrasting patterns, likely related to the nature of these types of DNA markers and their specific processes of change over time. The results, taken together, bring support to two distinct, cryptic maternal lineages for Iberian red deer that predated the last glacial maximum and that have maintained geographically well differentiated until present. Haplotype relationships show that only one of them contributed to the northern postglacial recolonization. However, allele frequencies of nuclear markers evidenced one main differentiation between Iberian and northern European subspecies although also supported the structure of both matrilines within Iberia. Thus, our findings reveal a paraphyletic nature for Iberian red deer but also its genetic identity and differentiation with respect to northern subspecies. Finally, we suggest that maintaining the singularity of Iberian red deer requires preventing not only restocking practices with red deer specimens belonging to other European populations but also translocations between both Iberian lineages.This work was partly supported by project CGL2010-17163/BOS from the Spanish MInistry of Science and by Extremadura and Andalusian Regional Goverments.Peer Reviewe

    DISCERNER: Dynamic selection of resource manager in hyper-scale cloud-computing data centres

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    Data centres constitute the engine of the Internet, and run a major portion of large web and mobile applications, content delivery and sharing platforms, and Cloud-computing business models. The high performance of such infrastructures is therefore critical for their correct functioning. This work focuses on the improvement of data-centre performance by dynamically switching the main data-centre governance software system: the resource manager. Instead of focusing on the development of new resource-managing models as soon as new workloads and patterns appear, we propose DISCERNER, a decision-theory model that can learn from numerous data-centre execution logs to determine which existing resource-managing model may optimise the overall performance for a given time period. Such a decision-theory system employs a classic machine-learning classifier to make real-time decisions based on past execution logs and on the current data-centre operational situation. A set of extensive and industry-guided experiments has been simulated by a validated data-centre simulation tool. The results obtained show that the values of key performance indicators may be improved by at least 20% in realistic scenarios.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-098062-A-I0

    Bullfighting extreme scenarios in efficient hyper-scale cluster computing

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    Data centres are quickly evolving to support new demands for Cloud-Computing services. Extreme workload peaks represent a challenge for the maintenance of the performance and service level agreements, even more when operation costs need to be minimised. In this paper, we first present an extensive analysis of the impact of extreme workloads in large-scale realistic Cloud-Computing data centres, including a comparison between the most relevant centralised resource managing models. Moreover, we extend our previous works by proposing a new energy-efficiency policy called Bullfighter which is able to keep performance key performance indicators while reducing energy consumption in extreme scenarios. This policy employs queue-theory distributions to foresee workload demands and adapt automatically to workload fluc tuations even in extreme environments, while avoiding the fine-tuning required for other energy policies. Finally, it is shown through extensive simulation that Bullfighter can save more than 40% of energy in the aforementioned scenarios without exerting any noticeable impact on data-centre performance.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-098062-A-I0

    Soil erosion susceptibility assessment in Mediterranean areas through the analysis of soil quality. A test in the Guadalmedina watershed (Málaga, Spain).

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    Soil erosion is one of the most relevant environmental problems facing society today. Thus, climate change has a direct impact on these processes through a feedback loop, especially in the Mediterranean region, where the situation is conceived as one of maximum fragility and sensitivity. The increase in extreme precipitation and temperature events, together with differential human land use, lead to an intense impoverishment of Mediterranean soils. In this sense, it is essential to determine the levels of susceptibility of the territory to erosive processes in order to create strategies aimed at improving the management of the territory and reducing the possible existing risks. Specifically, this work has focused on the Guadalmedina river basin in the province of Malaga (Spain), which is representative of the current dynamics of the Mediterranean landscape. To achieve this, a soil quality index based on a multi-criteria analysis of different soil indicators (water, physical and organic) has been applied in this work, using a total of 132 soil samples. In addition, the results of this analysis have been compared with soil erosion values derived from the application of the RUSLE model. On a general level, lower soil erosion rates clearly correspond to those areas where soil quality indicators show optimal values. Likewise, the results obtained show how soil organic indicators play a decisive role in water erosion processes in the Mediterranean area.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Sphere: Simulator of edge infrastructures for the optimization of performance and resources energy consumption

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    Edge computing constitutes a key paradigm to address the new requirements of areas such as smart cars, industry 4.0, and health care, where massive amounts of heterogeneous data from continuous geographically-distributed sources have to be processed and computed near real-time. To this end, new distributed infrastructures consisting on small computing clusters close to data sources, also known as Cloudlets have emerged. In order to evaluate the performance of these solutions we present Sphere, a simulation tool that enables researchers to establish various scenarios, including: (a) topology and orchestration model of the infrastructure; (b) incoming workload patterns; (c) resource-managing models; and (d) scheduling policies. Moreover, Sphere allows researchers to apply efficiency and performance policies both at infrastructure and cluster levels. The simulator presents the following benefits: (a) Evaluation of various orchestration models; (b) Analysis of resource-efficiency and performance strategies at Edge-infrastructure and cluster (Cloudlet/Cloud) level; (c) Execution of diverse workload generation patterns; (d) Evaluation of strategies for the infrastructure communication, as well as the impact on tasks completion time (makespan); and (e) Simulation of each cluster (Cloudlet/Cloud) independently, including resource-managing, scheduling and resource-efficiency models. Finally, we performed a deep evaluation based on realistic Edge-Computing use cases. The results of the experiments confirm that it is a performant and reliable tool for the analysis of orchestration, graph-resolving, energy-efficiency, resource-managing and scheduling strategies in Edge-computing environments.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-098062-A-I0

    Técnicas experimentales para el control de la optimización del riego y recursos hídricos en el contexto del sur de España.

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    La escasez de recursos hídricos es uno de los principales problemas a los que se enfrenta la sociedad actual. Este hecho adquiere una mayor relevancia en áreas mediterráneas y en un contexto de cambio climático, donde confluyen actividades muy demandantes como el turismo y, cada vez en mayor medida, la agricultura de regadío. Por ello, existe una necesidad de poner en marcha una serie de mecanismos de adaptación que ayuden a reducir y optimizar dicho gasto, como pueden ser la regeneración de aguas, la desalación una digitalización del agro, un control edáfico del riego, los umbrales hidrológicos del suelo o la monitorización mediante sondas de humedad. En este sentido, el objetivo de este estudio consiste en diseñar un sistema de monitoreo para evaluar las repercusiones agrícolas de la aplicación de diferentes tipos de riego en cultivos subtropicales, implementado en una parcela experimental del Instituto de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterránea “La Mayora” (Málaga). Detalladamente, analiza la dinámica pluviométrica en un ambiente mediterráneo de condiciones climáticas secas-semiáridas y su incidencia en la dinámica hidrológica del suelo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Limitantes para la industrialización de piña en el litoral ecuatoriano

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    El presente trabajo es una investigación descriptiva, planteada frente al problema de comercialización como fruta fresca que tiene la piña en el litoral ecuatoriano, se efectuó en 5 recintos del cantón Naranjito provincia del Guayas, con el propósito de analizar las limitantes existentes frente a la posibilidad de su industrialización, como medida que permita mejorar la situación financiera de los productores Para el efecto se aplicó el diagnóstico Rural Participativo, con su herramienta el transecto, metodología recomendado por la FAO, el mismo permitió obtener información de 81 productores de piña de los recintos del Cantón Naranjito que en gran parte abastecen de piña a los mercados de la costa ecuatoriana. En el estudio se determinó que en el sector existe pocas industrias de procesamiento de productos agrícolas, los agricultores tienen deficiente conocimiento en el mercado de productos agrícolas y de productos industrializados, desconocimiento sobre procesos de industrialización de la piña, buena capacitación de los agricultores sobre el cultivo de piña que puede ser una fortaleza a la hora de plantear la estrategia de desarrollo para el sector

    Transport of North African industrial pollutants mixed with desert dust in the Saharan Air Layer

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    Comunicación presentada en: V Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles – RECTA 2011 celebrada del 27 al 29 de junio de 2011 en CIEMAT, Madrid

    Robust flight planning impact assessment considering convective phenomena

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    Thunderstorms are one of the leading causes of Air Traffic Management delays. In this paper, we assess how incorporating convective information into flight planning algorithms can lead to reductions in reroutings due to storm encounters during the execution of the flight. We use robust open-loop optimal control methodology at the flight planning level and incorporate meteorological uncertainties based on Ensemble Prediction System forecasts. Convective risk areas can be derived from the latter to be included in the objective function. At the execution level, the planned trajectories are included in an air traffic simulator (NAVSIM) under observed weather (wind and storms). In this simulation process, track modifications might be triggered in case of encountering an observed thunderstorm. A tool termed DIVMET based on pathfinding algorithms has been integrated into NAVSIM is considered to that end. Results show that planning robust trajectories (avoiding thus convective areas) reduces the number of storms encounters and increases predictability. This increase in predictability is at a cost in terms of fuel and time, also quantified. © 2021 Elsevier Lt