98,924 research outputs found

    Intermediate inequality and welfare.

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    We introduce a new centrist or intermediate inequality concept, between the usual relative and absolute notions, which is shown to be a variant of the α-ray invariant inequality measures in Pfingsten and Seidl (1997). We say that distributions x and y have the same (x, π)-inequality if the total income difference between them is allocated among the individuals as follows: 100π% preserving income shares in x, and 100(1−π)% in equal absolute amounts. This notion can be made as operational as current standard methods in Shorrocks (1983).

    An inequality decomposition method which minimizes equivalence scales contamination problems.

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    Decomposable measures are a useful tool to analyze the impact of households characteristics on income or expenditure inequality. However, the results are sensitive to the choice of equivalence scales in a heterogenous population. In this paper, we assume that equivalence scales depend only on the number of persons in the household. In this context, we suggest a method to free the decomposition analysis from the possible 'contamination' that will arise if we use an inappropiate equivalence scale. The method is applied to the evolution of the standard of living in Spain during the 80' s. We study the structure of Spanish inequality in 1980-81 and 1990-91, as well as the trend in overall inequality over time in terms of three factors: i) the change in within-group inequality, ii) the change in between-group inequality, and iii) the demographic change across partition subgroups.Inequatily decomposition; Inequality structure; Inequality trend; Equivalence scales;

    Demographic trends and living standards the case of Spain during the 1980´s.

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    In this paper we study the evolution of the standard of living un Spain during the 1980' s for a population partitioned by the following individual characteristics: the age group, the 'relation to economic activity, and the result of the decision on whether to live in a household headed by someone else, or to live on one ' s own with or without dependents. Our results help to understand the decline ot inequality in Spain, wich has been formerly investigated only in terms of the household head' s characteristics. On the other hand, within the limits of our cross-section data, we provide sorne evidence on the economic rationale behind the individual decisions about early retirement, household formation, and the female participation in the labor market.Living arrangements; Individual characteristics; Inequality; Welfare;

    Demographic trends and living standards : the case of Spain during the 1980s.

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    The main contribution of this paper is the study of the evolution of the standard of living in Spain during the 1980s for a population partitioned by the following individual characteristics: the age group, the relation to economic activity, and the result of the decision on whether to live in a household headed by someone else, or to live on one’s own with or without dependents. From the point of view of demographic studies, this paper is interesting because of the link established between demographic trends and an operational notion of an individual’s standard of living. This makes it possible to follow up the consequences of individual decisions by key subgroups, such as the early retired or women in general, as well as the consequences of household formation decisions by both the old and the young.En este trabajo se analiza la evolución del nivel de vida en España durante la década de los 80, a partir de diferentes particiones de la población construidas según las siguientes características individuales: edad, relación con la actividad económica, y el resultado de la decisión sobre los acuerdos de convivencia, ya sea como sustentador principal de un hogar, con o sin otros individuos dependientes, o como individuo dependiente en un hogar donde el sustentador principal es una persona distinta del propio individuo. Desde el punto de vista de los estudios de demografía económica, este trabajo es interesante debido al nexo que establece entre las tendencias demográficas, las decisiones sobre los acuerdos de convivencia entre los individuos y los niveles de vida alcanzados por los mismos. Esto permite extraer conclusiones sobre las consecuencias de las decisiones individuales adoptadas por subgrupos de especial interés como los retirados anticipadamente o las mujeres en general, así como las consecuencias de las decisiones de formación de hogares tanto en jóvenes como en mayores.Welfare; Inequality; Living arrangements; Demographic trends;

    Accounting for the decline in Spanish household expenditures inequality during the 1980s.

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    In this paper we apply decomposition methods to analyze some of the factors accounting for the decrease in household expenditures inequality in Spain during the 1980s. We adopt a simple one-parameter model in which equivalence scales depend only on household size. Then we propose an inequality decomposition method which minimizes equivalence scales' potential contamination problems. We find that most of the change in overall inequality is due to a reduction in the within-group term in the partition by household size. The bulk of this reduction is accounted for by changes at the lower tail of the distribution in the partitions by the socioeconomic category and educational level of the household head. These two findings are independent of the equivalence scales parameter.Inequality decomposition; Inequality trend; Equivalence scales;

    Los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y los catalanes

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    Al llarg de milers d’anys les diferents societats i cultures del món s’han anat implantant en el territori, construint formes de relació entre els diferents individus que les conformen i les comunitats veïnes i amb l’entorn natural. Creant alhora cosmovisions, llenguatges, i sistemes educatius propis. Exterioritzant-se, aquests, a través de les diferents expressions artístiques i tecnològiques.A lo largo de miles de años las diferentes sociedades y culturas del mundo se han ido implantando en el territorio, construyendo formas de relación entre los diferentes individuos que las conforman y las comunidades vecinas y con el entorno natural. Creando a la vez cosmovisiones, lenguajes, y sistemas educativos propios. Exteriorizándose, estos, a través de las diferentes expresiones artísticas y tecnológicas.Peer Reviewe

    Sports as a purpose of international terrorism

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    Violence exercised for political purposes transcends national interests very clearly. The opportunism and the desire to obtain a great media repercussion make the sportive objectives are key to launch warnings, threats, sow panic and make the message that is intended to reach the whole world. Sport has been a victim on numerous occasions of these violent acts. This work aims to make a historical journey from the attacks of Munich’72 to the attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, trying to determine how terrorists who attempt against sports interests usually act alone (or in small groups) and how the ideological reasons behind each attack are radically different. From the incidents of September 11, 2001 will demonstrate how attacks against sporting goals have multiplied, as to attack against densely populated sports spaces makes the attacks much more profitable: there is a greater number of victims and a great coverage is obtained by part of the media that cover the event. Finally, it will be analyzed how the threat of a terrorist attack against a sport-related objective has led to greater governmental cooperation and the creation of multinational security network

    ROMERO DEL CASTILLO, JAVIER [Material gráfico]

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 201

    Sesgos en la medición de la inflación en contextos inflacionarios: El caso peruano

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    La posible sobrevaluación del Indice de Precios al Consumidor de Lima Metropolitana ha sido un problema que ha venido preocupando tanto a académicos como a tomadores de decisiones y a la opinión pública en general desde hace ya algún tiempo. Muchos desconocen que la sobreestimación del Producto Bruto Interno per cápita y del retraso cambiario, o la subestimación de la presión tributaria, tiene su origen en el mismo problema de medición del IPC. Sin embargo, la existencia de dichos sesgos es reconocida cada vez más como asuntos que necesitan ser urgentemente abordados y solucionados. Entender la naturaleza exacta de estos problemas es indispensable si se pretende corregirlos adecuadamente. Este documento parte de la teoría de los índices del costo de vida para determinar la manera más adecuada de agregar los precios para obtener un indicador de inflación. Dicha metodología es comparada con el IPC elaborado por el INEI. El documento muestra que el índice de precios del INEI sobrevalúa el costo de vida sistemáticamente en periodos de alta inflación. La corrección de este sesgo es crucial pues una rectificación del IPC permitiría reevaluar la evolución, en términos reales, de los principales agregados macroeconómicos.Indices de precios, Inflacion, Price indexes, Inflation, Peru